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Markus Reichhartinger
2020 – today
- 2024
- [j20]Helmut Niederwieser, Markus Reichhartinger:
On the characteristic polynomial of the dynamic matrix of linear time-invariant multivariable systems in Luenberger's canonical forms. Autom. 162: 111532 (2024) - [j19]Benedikt Andritsch
, Lars Watermann
, Stefan Koch
, Markus Reichhartinger
, Johann Reger
, Martin Horn
Modified Implicit Discretization of the Super-Twisting Controller. IEEE Trans. Autom. Control. 69(8): 5620-5626 (2024) - [c44]Lars Watermann, Benedikt Andritsch, Stefan Koch, Markus Reichhartinger, Martin Horn, Johann Reger:
Indirect adaptive higher order sliding mode control for third order systems in parametric strict-feedback form. CDC 2024: 8534-8541 - [c43]Benedikt Andritsch, Lars Watermann, Stefan Koch, Markus Reichhartinger, Johann Reger, Martin Horn:
Discretization-Chattering-Free Implementation of Arbitrary-Order Sliding Mode Controllers. CDC 2024: 8554-8559 - [c42]Atabak Azimi, Stefan Koch, Markus Reichhartinger:
Robust Internal Model-based Control for Linear-Time-Invariant Systems in Discrete-time Domain. CDC 2024: 8560-8565 - [c41]Helmut Niederwieser, Stefan Koch, Markus Reichhartinger:
Unknown Input Observer for Temperature Profile Estimation in Systems with Unknown Heat Fluxes. ECC 2024: 2553-2559 - [c40]Paul Mayr
, Stefan Koch, Markus Reichhartinger, Alessandro Pisano:
Boundary Sliding Mode Control of a Diffusion Process under Sampling and Hold: Chattering Analysis. VSS 2024: 7-12 - [c39]Benedikt Andritsch
, Vinzenz Holzner, Stefan Koch, Markus Reichhartinger, Martin Horn:
Experimental Comparison of Sliding Mode Control Dedicated Discretization Approaches. VSS 2024: 40-45 - [c38]Martin Zapf
, Benedikt Andritsch
, Nicola Contartese
, Stefan Koch, Markus Reichhartinger, Martin Horn:
Application of Discretized Super-Twisting Control to Magnetic Resonance Imaging Patient Positioning Systems. VSS 2024: 51-56 - 2023
- [j18]Benedikt Riegler
, Klaus Krischan, Michael Hartmann
, Markus Reichhartinger:
GriDConv - control, design, and experimental verification of a lab-scale high-voltage DC-DC converter. Elektrotech. Informationstechnik 140(1): 45-56 (2023) - [i2]Benedikt Andritsch, Lars Watermann, Stefan Koch, Markus Reichhartinger, Johann Reger, Martin Horn:
Modified Implicit Discretization of the Super-Twisting Controller. CoRR abs/2303.15273 (2023) - 2022
- [j17]Helmut Niederwieser
, Markus Tranninger
, Richard Seeber
, Markus Reichhartinger
Unknown input observer design for linear time-invariant multivariable systems based on a new observer normal form. Int. J. Syst. Sci. 53(10): 2180-2206 (2022) - [j16]Maximilian Rüdiger-Wetzlinger
, Markus Reichhartinger
, Martin Horn
Robust-Exact-Differentiator-Inspired Discrete-Time Differentiation. IEEE Trans. Autom. Control. 67(6): 3059-3066 (2022) - [c37]Markus Reichhartinger, Maximilian Graber, Martin Horn, Stefan Koch:
Virtual Tyre-Force Sensors based on Sliding-Mode Filtering-Differentiator. CCTA 2022: 646-651 - [c36]Florian Weissenberger, Lars Watermann, Stefan Koch, Markus Reichhartinger, Christina Hettiger, Lukas Eisenzopf, Kiran Kumari
, Johann Reger
, Martin Horn:
Discretization of the Super-Twisting Algorithm Using Variational Integrators. CDC 2022: 4307-4312 - [c35]Christina Hettiger, Lars Watermann, Kiran Kumari
, Lukas Eisenzopf, Florian Weissenberger, Martin Horn, Stefan Koch, Johann Reger
, Markus Reichhartinger:
On Discretization Methods for Indirect Adaptive Sliding Mode Control. CDC 2022: 4930-4936 - [c34]Christina Hettiger, Kiran Kumari
, Lars Watermann, Lukas Eisenzopf, Florian Weissenberger, Martin Horn, Stefan Koch, Johann Reger
, Markus Reichhartinger:
Explicit Euler Discretization of an Indirect Adaptive Sliding Mode Control. VSS 2022: 278-283 - 2021
- [j15]Roland Falkensteiner
, Richard Seeber
, Markus Reichhartinger
, Martin Horn
Distance Measures for Strong Observability and Strong Detectability of Systems With Direct Feedthrough. IEEE Control. Syst. Lett. 5(2): 565-570 (2021) - [j14]Maximilian Wetzlinger
, Markus Reichhartinger, Martin Horn:
Higher order sliding mode inspired nonlinear discrete-time observer. Syst. Control. Lett. 155: 104992 (2021) - [j13]Helmut Niederwieser
, Christopher Zemann, Markus Gölles
, Markus Reichhartinger
Model-Based Estimation of the Flue Gas Mass Flow in Biomass Boilers. IEEE Trans. Control. Syst. Technol. 29(4): 1609-1622 (2021) - [c33]Alexander Schaum, Stefan Koch, Markus Reichhartinger, Thomas Meurer, Jaime A. Moreno, Martin Horn:
Nonlinear Observer Design for a 1D Heat Conduction Process. CDC 2021: 1149-1154 - [c32]Richard Seeber, Markus Reichhartinger:
Sliding Surface Selection for Saturated Sliding-Mode Control of Linear Time-Invariant Plants. CDC 2021: 6391-6396 - [c31]Lars Watermann, Lukas Eisenzopf, Stefan Koch, Markus Reichhartinger, Martin Horn, Johann Reger
Discrete-Time Implementation of an Adaptive Gain First-Order Sliding Mode Control Law. CDC 2021: 6397-6402 - [c30]Lukas Eisenzopf, Lars Watermann, Stefan Koch, Markus Reichhartinger, Johann Reger
, Martin Horn:
Adaptive Gain Super-Twisting-Algorithm: Design and Discretization. CDC 2021: 6415-6420 - [c29]Benedikt Andritsch
, Martin Horn, Stefan Koch, Helmut Niederwieser
, Maximilian Wetzlinger, Markus Reichhartinger:
The Robust Exact Differentiator Toolbox revisited: Filtering and Discretization Features. ICM 2021: 1-6 - [i1]Helmut Niederwieser, Markus Tranninger, Richard Seeber, Markus Reichhartinger:
Higher-order sliding mode observer design for linear time-invariant multivariable systems based on a new observer normal form. CoRR abs/2107.12846 (2021) - 2020
- [j12]Richard Seeber, Markus Reichhartinger:
Conditioned Super-Twisting Algorithm for systems with saturated control action. Autom. 116: 108921 (2020) - [j11]Stefan Koch
, Markus Reichhartinger
, Martin Horn
, Leonid M. Fridman
Discrete-Time Implementation of Homogeneous Differentiators. IEEE Trans. Autom. Control. 65(2): 757-762 (2020) - [c28]Martin Kleindienst, Stefan Koch, Markus Reichhartinger:
Model-based Temperature Control of a Continuous Flow Heater for Efficient Processing of Silicon Wafers. CCTA 2020: 1-6 - [c27]Lars Watermann, Markus Reichhartinger, Johann Reger
Backstepping-Induced Indirect Adaptive Sliding Mode Control for Second Order Systems. CDC 2020: 3993-3998
2010 – 2019
- 2019
- [j10]Stefan Koch, Markus Reichhartinger:
Discrete-time equivalents of the super-twisting algorithm. Autom. 107: 190-199 (2019) - [c26]Stefan Koch, Markus Reichhartinger, Martin Horn:
On the Discretization of the Super-Twisting Algorithm. CDC 2019: 5989-5994 - [c25]Maximilian Wetzlinger, Markus Reichhartinger, Martin Horn, Leonid M. Fridman, Jaime A. Moreno:
Semi-implicit Discretization of the Uniform Robust Exact Differentiator. CDC 2019: 5995-6000 - [c24]Helmut Niederwieser
, Stefan Koch, Markus Reichhartinger:
A Generalization of Ackermann's Formula for the Design of Continuous and Discontinuous Observers. CDC 2019: 6930-6935 - [c23]Mohammad Ali Golkani
, Stefan Koch, Richard Seeber, Markus Reichhartinger, Martin Horn:
An Anti-Windup Scheme for the Super-Twisting Algorithm. CDC 2019: 6947-6952 - [c22]Andrey Polyakov, Denis V. Efimov, Bernard Brogliato, Markus Reichhartinger:
Consistent Discretization of Locally Homogeneous Finite-time Stable Control Systems. ECC 2019: 1616-1621 - [c21]Dongya Zhao, Shouli Gao, Sarah K. Spurgeon, Markus Reichhartinger:
Adaptive Sliding Mode Dynamic Positioning Control for a Semi-Submersible Offshore Platform. ECC 2019: 3103-3108 - [c20]Astrid Rupp, Markus Reichhartinger, Martin Horn:
String Stability Analysis for Sliding Mode Controllers in Platoons with Unmodeled Actuator Dynamics: A Frequency Domain Approach. ECC 2019: 4067-4072 - 2018
- [j9]Herwig Renner, Uwe Schichler, Klaus Krischan, Bernd Deutschmann
, Bernhard Auinger, Martin Horn, Markus Reichhartinger, Franz Vollmaier:
Innovativer HVDC-DC-Wandler für Hochspannungs-Gleichstrom-Netze - Grundsätzliche Überlegungen zu Topologie, Regelung und elektromagnetischer Verträglichkeit. Elektrotech. Informationstechnik 135(8): 497-506 (2018) - [j8]Markus Reichhartinger
, Denis V. Efimov
, Leonid M. Fridman
Special issue on differentiators. Int. J. Control 91(9): 1980-1982 (2018) - [j7]Markus Reichhartinger
, Sarah K. Spurgeon
An arbitrary-order differentiator design paradigm with adaptive gains. Int. J. Control 91(9): 2028-2042 (2018) - [j6]Mohammad Ali Golkani
, Stefan Koch, Markus Reichhartinger
, Martin Horn:
A novel saturated super-twisting algorithm. Syst. Control. Lett. 119: 52-56 (2018) - [j5]Richard Seeber
, Markus Reichhartinger
, Martin Horn
A Lyapunov Function for an Extended Super-Twisting Algorithm. IEEE Trans. Autom. Control. 63(10): 3426-3433 (2018) - [c19]Markus Reichhartinger
, Stefan Koch, Helmut Niederwieser
, Sarah K. Spurgeon:
The Robust Exact Differentiator Toolbox: Improved Discrete-Time Realization. VSS 2018: 1-6 - [c18]Mohammad Ali Golkani
, Leonid M. Fridman
, Stefan Koch, Markus Reichhartinger
, Martin Horn:
Saturated Continuous Twisting Algorithm. VSS 2018: 138-143 - [c17]Astrid Rupp, Raffael Wallner, Stefan Koch, Markus Reichhartinger
, Martin Horn:
Sliding Mode Based Platooning with Actuator Dynamics. VSS 2018: 156-161 - [c16]Stefan Koch, Markus Reichhartinger
Discrete-Time Equivalent Homogeneous Differentiators. VSS 2018: 354-359 - 2016
- [j4]Stefan Koch, Markus Reichhartinger
Observer-based sliding mode control of hydraulic cylinders in the presence of unknown load forces. Elektrotech. Informationstechnik 133(6): 253-260 (2016) - [j3]Alexander Barth, Markus Reichhartinger
, Kai Wulff
, Martin Horn
, Johann Reger
Certainty equivalence adaptation combined with super-twisting sliding-mode control. Int. J. Control 89(9): 1767-1776 (2016) - [c15]Stefan Koch, Markus Reichhartinger
, Martin Horn, Leonid M. Fridman
Sampled describing function analysis of second order sliding modes. CDC 2016: 7318-7324 - [c14]Markus Reichhartinger
, Sarah K. Spurgeon, Matthias Weyrer:
Design of an unknown input observer to enhance driver experience of electric power steering systems. ECC 2016: 269-274 - [c13]Alexander Barth, Markus Reichhartinger
, Johann Reger
, Martin Horn
, Kai Wulff
Certainty-equivalence based super-twisting control using continuous adaptation laws. VSS 2016: 92-97 - [c12]Stefan Koch, Markus Reichhartinger
, Martin Horn
, Leonid M. Fridman
Discrete implementation of sliding mode controllers satisfying accuracy level specifications. VSS 2016: 154-159 - [c11]Mohammad Ali Golkani
, Leonid M. Fridman
, Stefan Koch, Markus Reichhartinger
, Martin Horn
Observer-based saturated output feedback control using twisting algorithm. VSS 2016: 246-250 - 2015
- [j2]Anton Hofer, Bojan Grcar, Gorazd Stumberger, Martin Horn, Markus Reichhartinger:
Führungsregelung für den nichtholonomen Integrator mit Drift. Autom. 63(9): 700-712 (2015) - [c10]Markus Reichhartinger
, Mohammad Ali Golkani
, Martin Horn
Experimental evaluation of observer-based throttle valve control using super-twisting algorithm. ECC 2015: 2144-2149 - [c9]Christoph Schörghuber, Markus Reichhartinger
, Martin Horn
, Markus Gölles
, Richard Seeber:
Control of a biomass-furnace based on input-output-linearization. ECC 2015: 3508-3513 - 2014
- [c8]Martin Kleindienst, Markus Reichhartinger
, Martin Horn
, Elio Usai
An application of computer aided parameter tuning of a super-twisting sliding mode controller. VSS 2014: 1-6 - [c7]Robert Tafner, Markus Reichhartinger
, Martin Horn
Estimation of tire parameters via second-order sliding mode observers with unknown inputs. VSS 2014: 1-6 - 2013
- [c6]Vamsi Prakash Makkapati, Markus Reichhartinger
, Martin Horn
Output tracking for dual-inertia system with dead time based on stable system center approach. CCA 2013: 923-928 - 2012
- [c5]Vamsi Prakash Makkapati, Markus Reichhartinger
, Martin Horn
Performance improvement of servo drives with mechanical elasticity via Extended Acceleration Feedback. CCA 2012: 1279-1284 - [c4]Markus Reichhartinger
, Martin Horn
Cascaded sliding-mode control of permanent magnet synchronous motors. VSS 2012: 173-177 - 2011
- [c3]Markus Reichhartinger
, Martin Horn
Finite-time stabilization by robust backstepping for a class of mechanical systems. CCA 2011: 1403-1409
2000 – 2009
- 2009
- [j1]Markus Reichhartinger
, Martin Horn
Application of Higher Order Sliding-Mode Concepts to a Throttle Actuator for Gasoline Engines. IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. 56(9): 3322-3329 (2009) - [c2]Jakob Rehrl
, Martin Horn
, Markus Reichhartinger
Elimination of limit cycles in HVAC systems using the describing function method. CDC 2009: 133-139 - 2008
- [c1]Martin Horn
, Anton Hofer, Markus Reichhartinger
Control of an electronic throttle valve based on concepts of sliding-mode control. CCA 2008: 251-255
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