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Rob Koper
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2010 – 2019
- 2016
- [j72]Henry Hermans, José Janssen, Rob Koper:
Flexible authoring and delivery of online courses using IMS Learning Design. Interact. Learn. Environ. 24(6): 1265-1279 (2016) - 2015
- [j71]Henry Hermans, José Janssen, Hubert Vogten, Rob Koper:
Flexible Provisioning Adult Learners. J. Univers. Comput. Sci. 21(2): 206-222 (2015) - [c33]Rob Koper:
How to Teach Humans (with Machines). CSEDU (1) 2015: IS-7 - 2014
- [j70]Marco Kalz, Jan van Bruggen, Bas Giesbers, Wim Waterink, Jannes Eshuis, Rob Koper:
A Study about Placement Support Using Semantic Similarity. J. Educ. Technol. Soc. 17(3): 54-64 (2014) - [j69]Aad Slootmaker, Hub Kurvers, Hans G. K. Hummel, Rob Koper:
Developing Scenario-based Serious Games for Complex Cognitive Skills Acquisition: Design, Development and Evaluation of the EMERGO Platform. J. Univers. Comput. Sci. 20(4): 561-582 (2014) - [j68]Rob Koper:
Conditions for effective smart learning environments. Smart Learn. Environ. 1(1): 5 (2014) - [c32]Hubert Vogten, Rob Koper:
Towards a New Generation of Learning Management Systems. CSEDU (1) 2014: 514-519 - 2013
- [j67]Ellen Rusman, Jan van Bruggen, Peter B. Sloep
, Martin Valcke
, Rob Koper:
The Mind's Eye on Personal Profiles: A Cognitive Perspective on Profile Elements that Inform Initial Trustworthiness Assessments and Social Awareness in Virtual Project Teams. Comput. Support. Cooperative Work. 22(2-3): 159-179 (2013) - 2012
- [j66]Ellen Rusman, Jan van Bruggen, Peter B. Sloep, Martin Valcke
, Rob Koper:
Can I Trust You?: Profile Elements that Inform First Impressions of Trustworthiness in Virtual Project Teams. Int. J. Inf. Technol. Proj. Manag. 3(1): 15-35 (2012) - 2011
- [j65]José Janssen, Adriana J. Berlanga, Rob Koper:
Evaluation of the Learning Path Specification. J. Educ. Technol. Soc. 14(3): 218-230 (2011) - [j64]Danish Nadeem, Slavi Stoyanov, Rob Koper:
Using Concept Mapping for Needs Analysis for a Social Support System in Learning Network. Int. J. Interact. Mob. Technol. 5(1): 41-46 (2011) - [c31]Ellen Rusman, Jan van Bruggen, Peter B. Sloep, Rob Koper, Martin Valcke:
Trustworthy in the Eye of the Beholder? - A Cognitive Perspective on Personal Profile Information in Virtual Project Teams. CSCL 2011 - [p7]Nikos Manouselis, Hendrik Drachsler
, Riina Vuorikari, Hans G. K. Hummel, Rob Koper:
Recommender Systems in Technology Enhanced Learning. Recommender Systems Handbook 2011: 387-415 - 2010
- [j63]Susanne Neumann, Rob Koper:
Instructional Method Classifications Lack User Language and Orientation. J. Educ. Technol. Soc. 13(2): 78-89 (2010) - [j62]Roger Hartley, Kinshuk, Rob Koper, Toshio Okamoto, J. Michael Spector:
The Education and Training of Learning Technologists: A Competences Approach. J. Educ. Technol. Soc. 13(2): 206-216 (2010) - [j61]Tim de Jong, Marcus Specht, Rob Koper:
A Study of Contextualised Mobile Information Delivery for Language Learning. J. Educ. Technol. Soc. 13(3): 110-125 (2010) - [j60]Hendrik Drachsler, Lloyd Rutledge, Peter van Rosmalen, Hans G. K. Hummel, Dries Pecceu, Tanja Arts, Edwin Hutten, Rob Koper:
ReMashed - An Usability Study of a Recommender System for Mash-Ups for Learning. Int. J. Emerg. Technol. Learn. 5(S1): 7-11 (2010) - [j59]Ellen Rusman, Jan van Bruggen, Peter B. Sloep
, Rob Koper:
Fostering trust in virtual project teams: Towards a design framework grounded in a TrustWorthiness ANtecedents (TWAN) schema. Int. J. Hum. Comput. Stud. 68(11): 834-850 (2010) - [j58]José Janssen, Adriana J. Berlanga, Stef Heyenrath, Harry Martens, Hubert Vogten, Anton Finders, Eelco Herder, Henry Hermans, Javier Melero Gallardo, Leon Schaeps, Rob Koper:
Assessing the Learning Path Specification: a Pragmatic Quality Approach. J. Univers. Comput. Sci. 16(21): 3191-3209 (2010) - [c30]Ellen Rusman, Jan van Bruggen, Peter B. Sloep
, Martin Valcke
, Rob Koper:
The Mind's Eye on Personal Profiles: How to Inform Initial Trustworthiness Assessments in Virtual Project Teams. CRIWG 2010: 297-304 - [c29]Marion R. Gruber
, Christian Glahn
, Marcus Specht, Rob Koper:
Orchestrating Learning Using Adaptive Educational Designs in IMS Learning Design. EC-TEL 2010: 123-138
2000 – 2009
- 2009
- [j57]Ellen Rusman, Jan van Bruggen, Ron Cörvers, Peter B. Sloep
, Rob Koper:
From pattern to practice: Evaluation of a design pattern fostering trust in virtual teams. Comput. Hum. Behav. 25(5): 1010-1019 (2009) - [j56]Marco Kalz, Rob Koper, Veronika Hornung-Prähauser:
Technology Support for Self-Organized Learners (Guest Editorial). J. Educ. Technol. Soc. 12(3): 1-3 (2009) - [j55]Christian Glahn, Marcus Specht, Rob Koper:
Visualisation of Interaction Footprints for Engagement in Online Communities. J. Educ. Technol. Soc. 12(3): 44-57 (2009) - [j54]Hendrik Drachsler, Hans G. K. Hummel, Bert van den Berg, Jannes Eshuis, Wim Waterink, Rob Nadolski, Adriana J. Berlanga, Nanda Boers, Rob Koper:
Effects of the ISIS Recommender System for Navigation Support in self-organised Learning Networks. J. Educ. Technol. Soc. 12(3): 115-126 (2009) - [j53]Riina Vuorikari
, Rob Koper:
Evidence of Cross-boundary Use and Reuse of Digital Educational Resources. Int. J. Emerg. Technol. Learn. 4(4): 51-56 (2009) - [j52]Rob Nadolski, Bert van den Berg, Adriana J. Berlanga, Hendrik Drachsler, Hans G. K. Hummel, Rob Koper, Peter B. Sloep:
Simulating Light-Weight Personalised Recommender Systems in Learning Networks: A Case for Pedagogy-Oriented and Rating-Based Hybrid Recommendation Strategies. J. Artif. Soc. Soc. Simul. 12(1) (2009) - [j51]Hendrik Drachsler, Hans G. K. Hummel, Rob Koper:
Identifying the Goal, User model and Conditions of Recommender Systems for Formal and Informal Learning. J. Digit. Inf. 10(2) (2009) - [c28]Christian Glahn, Marcus Specht, Rob Koper:
Reflection Support Using Multi-encoded Tag-clouds. MUPPLE@EC-TEL 2009 - [c27]Marco Kalz
, Niels Beekman, Anton Karsten, Diederik Oudshoorn, Peter van Rosmalen, Jan van Bruggen, Rob Koper:
SWeMoF: A Semantic Framework to Discover Patterns in Learning Networks. EC-TEL 2009: 160-165 - [c26]Susanne Neumann, Petra Oberhuemer, Rob Koper:
Users in the Driver's Seat: A New Approach to Classifying Teaching Methods in a University Repository. EC-TEL 2009: 477-491 - [c25]Hendrik Drachsler, Dries Pecceu, Tanja Arts, Edwin Hutten, Lloyd Rutledge, Peter van Rosmalen, Hans G. K. Hummel, Rob Koper:
ReMashed - Recommendations for Mash-Up Personal Learning Environments. EC-TEL 2009: 788-793 - [c24]Hendrik Drachsler, Dries Pecceu, Tanja Arts, Peter van Rosmalen, Hans G. K. Hummel, Rob Koper, Edwin Hutten, Lloyd Rutledge:
ReMashed - Recommendation Approaches for Mash- Up Personal Learning Environments in Formal and Informal Learning Settings. MUPPLE@EC-TEL 2009 - [c23]Christian Glahn, Marcus Specht, Rob Koper:
Perspectives on Tag Clouds for Supporting Reflection in Self-organised Learning . GI Jahrestagung 2009: 1672-1679 - [c22]Yongwu Miao, Marcel van der Klink, Jo Boon, Peter B. Sloep
, Rob Koper:
Toward an Integrated Competence-Based System Supporting Lifelong Learning and Employability: Concepts, Model, and Challenges. ICWL 2009: 265-276 - [c21]Riina Vuorikari
, Martin Sillaots, Silvia Panzavolta, Rob Koper:
Are Tags from Mars and Descriptors from Venus? A Study on the Ecology of Educational Resource Metadata. ICWL 2009: 400-409 - [p6]Hans G. K. Hummel, Bert van den Berg, Adriana J. Berlanga, Hendrik Drachsler, José Janssen, Rob Nadolski, Rob Koper:
Individualised Navigation Services in Learning Networks. Learning Network Services for Professional Development 2009: 75-93 - [p5]Hendrik Drachsler, Hans G. K. Hummel, Bert van den Berg, Jannes Eshuis, Wim Waterink, Rob Nadolski, Adriana J. Berlanga, Nanda Boers, Rob Koper:
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Personalised Recommender Systems in Learning Networks. Learning Network Services for Professional Development 2009: 95-113 - [p4]Rob Nadolski, Bert van den Berg, Adriana J. Berlanga, Hans G. K. Hummel, Hendrik Drachsler, Rob Koper, Peter B. Sloep
How to Set Up Simulations for Designing Light-Weight Personalised Recommender Systems. Learning Network Services for Professional Development 2009: 115-150 - [p3]José Janssen, Adriana J. Berlanga, Rob Koper:
How to Find and Follow Suitable Learning Paths. Learning Network Services for Professional Development 2009: 151-166 - [p2]Rob Koper:
A Conceptual Model of Learning Networks. Learning Network Services for Professional Development 2009: 313-328 - [p1]Rob Koper, Peter B. Sloep
, Hans G. K. Hummel, Hubert Vogten, Jan van Bruggen, Marcus Specht, Wolfgang Greller:
Conclusion of the Book. Learning Network Services for Professional Development 2009: 399-410 - [e1]Rob Koper:
Learning Network Services for Professional Development. Springer 2009, ISBN 978-3-642-00977-8 [contents] - 2008
- [j50]Tim de Jong, Marcus Specht, Rob Koper:
Contextualised Media for Learning. J. Educ. Technol. Soc. 11(2): 41-53 (2008) - [j49]Frans J. Prins, Rob Nadolski, Adriana J. Berlanga, Hendrik Drachsler, Hans G. K. Hummel, Rob Koper:
Competence Description for Personal Recommendations: The Importance of Identifying the Complexity of Learning and Performance Situations. J. Educ. Technol. Soc. 11(3): 141-152 (2008) - [j48]Marco Kalz, Hendrik Drachsler, Jan van Bruggen, Hans G. K. Hummel, Rob Koper:
Wayfinding Services for Open Educational Practices. Int. J. Emerg. Technol. Learn. 3(2): 24-28 (2008) - [j47]Henk Sligte, Rob Koper:
Empowering Learners for Lifelong Competence Development: Pedagogical, Organizational and Technological Issues. Int. J. Emerg. Technol. Learn. 3(S1): 4-6 (2008) - [j46]Adriana J. Berlanga, Peter B. Sloep, Francis Brouns, Marlies Bitter-Rijpkema, Rob Koper:
Towards a TENCompetence ePortfolio. Int. J. Emerg. Technol. Learn. 3(S1): 24-28 (2008) - [j45]Hendrik Drachsler
, Hans G. K. Hummel, Rob Koper:
Personal recommender systems for learners in lifelong learning networks: the requirements, techniques and model. Int. J. Learn. Technol. 3(4): 404-423 (2008) - [j44]Adriana J. Berlanga, Peter B. Sloep, Liesbeth Kester, Francis Brouns
, Peter van Rosmalen, Rob Koper:
Ad hoc transient communities: towards fostering knowledge sharing in learning networks. Int. J. Learn. Technol. 3(4): 443-458 (2008) - [j43]Howard Spoelstra, Ellen Rusman, Jan van Bruggen, Rob Koper, Maristella Matera:
Bridging the Gap Between Instructional Design and Double-Loop Learning. Int. J. Web Based Learn. Teach. Technol. 3(1): 78-89 (2008) - [j42]Hubert Vogten, Rob Koper, Harrie Martens, Jan van Bruggen:
Using the Personal Competence Manager as a complementary approach to IMS Learning Design authoring. Interact. Learn. Environ. 16(1): 83-100 (2008) - [j41]Peter van Rosmalen, Peter B. Sloep
, Liesbeth Kester, Francis Brouns
, Marcel B. M. de Croock, Kees Pannekeet, Rob Koper:
A learner support model based on peer tutor selection. J. Comput. Assist. Learn. 24(1): 74-86 (2008) - [j40]Peter van Rosmalen, Peter B. Sloep
, Francis Brouns
, Liesbeth Kester, Adriana J. Berlanga, Marlies Bitter-Rijpkema, Rob Koper:
A model for online learner support based on selecting appropriate peer tutors. J. Comput. Assist. Learn. 24(6): 483-493 (2008) - [c20]Christian Glahn
, Marcus Specht, Rob Koper:
Implications of Writing, Reading, and Tagging on the Web for Reflection Support in Informal Learning. EC-TEL 2008: 110-121 - [c19]Yongwu Miao, Tim Sodhi, Francis Brouns
, Peter B. Sloep
, Rob Koper:
Bridging the Gap between Practitioners and E-Learning Standards: A Domain-Specific Modeling Approach. EC-TEL 2008: 284-289 - [c18]Mike Spector, Roger Hartley, Rob Koper, Kinshuk, Adel Elsayed:
A Competency Approach: Implications for E-Learning and E-Assessment. ICALT 2008: 1013-1014 - [c17]Yongwu Miao, Peter B. Sloep
, Rob Koper:
Modeling Units of Assessment for Sharing Assessment Process Information: Towards an Assessment Process Specification. ICWL 2008: 132-144 - [c16]Hendrik Drachsler, Hans G. K. Hummel, Rob Koper:
Navigation support for learners in informal learning environments. RecSys 2008: 303-306 - 2007
- [j39]José Janssen, Colin Tattersall, Wim Waterink
, Bert van den Berg, René van Es, Catherine Bolman
, Rob Koper:
Self-organising navigational support in lifelong learning: How predecessors can lead the way. Comput. Educ. 49(3): 781-793 (2007) - [j38]Daniel Burgos
, Colin Tattersall, Rob Koper:
Re-purposing existing generic games and simulations for e-learning. Comput. Hum. Behav. 23(6): 2656-2667 (2007) - [j37]Desirée Joosten-ten Brinke
, Jan van Bruggen, Henry Hermans, Jan Burgers, Bas Giesbers
, Rob Koper, Ignace Latour:
Modeling assessment for re-use of traditional and new types of assessment. Comput. Hum. Behav. 23(6): 2721-2741 (2007) - [j36]Bas Giesbers, Jan van Bruggen, Henry Hermans, Desirée Joosten-ten Brinke, Jan Burgers, Rob Koper, Ignace Latour:
Towards a Methodology for Educational Modelling: A Case in Educational Assessment. J. Educ. Technol. Soc. 10(1): 237-247 (2007) - [j35]Hans G. K. Hummel, Bert van den Berg, Adriana J. Berlanga, Hendrik Drachsler
, José Janssen, Rob Nadolski, Rob Koper:
Combining social-based and information-based approaches for personalised recommendation on sequencing learning activities. Int. J. Learn. Technol. 3(2): 152-168 (2007) - [j34]Daniel Burgos, Pablo Moreno-Ger, José Luis Sierra, Baltasar Fernández-Manjón, Rob Koper:
Authoring game-based adaptive units of learning with IMS Learning Design and <e-Adventure>. Int. J. Learn. Technol. 3(3): 252-268 (2007) - [j33]Liesbeth Kester, Peter B. Sloep
, Peter van Rosmalen, Francis Brouns
, Malik Koné, Rob Koper:
Facilitating community building in learning networks through peer tutoring in ad hoc transient communities. Int. J. Web Based Communities 3(2): 198-205 (2007) - [j32]Krassen Stefanov
, Rob Koper:
Learning networks for lifelong competence development. Interact. Learn. Environ. 15(2): 101-105 (2007) - [j31]Liesbeth Kester, Peter van Rosmalen, Peter B. Sloep
, Francis Brouns
, Malik Koné, Rob Koper:
Matchmaking in learning networks: Bringing learners together for knowledge sharing. Interact. Learn. Environ. 15(2): 117-126 (2007) - [j30]José Janssen, Bert van den Berg, Colin Tattersall, Hans G. K. Hummel, Rob Koper:
Navigational support in lifelong learning: Enhancing effectiveness through indirect social navigation. Interact. Learn. Environ. 15(2): 127-136 (2007) - [j29]Daniel Burgos
, Colin Tattersall, Rob Koper:
How to represent adaptation in e-learning with IMS learning design. Interact. Learn. Environ. 15(2): 161-170 (2007) - [j28]Hubert Vogten, Harrie Martens, Rob Nadolski, Colin Tattersall, Peter van Rosmalen, Rob Koper:
CopperCore service integration. Interact. Learn. Environ. 15(2): 171-180 (2007) - [j27]Colin Tattersall, José Janssen, Bert van den Berg, Hans G. K. Hummel, Rob Koper:
Using IMS learning design to model curricula. Interact. Learn. Environ. 15(2): 181-189 (2007) - [j26]Marco Kalz
, Jan van Bruggen, Ellen Rusman, Bas Giesbers
, Rob Koper:
Positioning of learners in learning networks with content, metadata and ontologies. Interact. Learn. Environ. 15(2): 191-200 (2007) - [j25]Catherine Bolman
, Colin Tattersall, Wim Waterink
, José Janssen, Bert van den Berg, René van Es, Rob Koper:
Learners' evaluation of a navigation support tool in distance education. J. Comput. Assist. Learn. 23(5): 384-392 (2007) - [j24]Daniel Burgos, Colin Tattersall, Martin Dougiamas, Hubert Vogten, Rob Koper:
A First Step Mapping IMS Learning Design and Moodle. J. Univers. Comput. Sci. 13(7): 924-931 (2007) - [c15]Yongwu Miao, Rob Koper:
An efficient and flexible technical approach to develop and deliver online peer assessment. CSCL 2007: 506-515 - [c14]Bas Giesbers, Antonio Vincenzo Taddeo, Wim van der Vegt, Jan van Bruggen, Rob Koper:
A Question Answering Service for Information Retrieval in Cooper. COOPER 2007 - [c13]Christian Glahn
, Marcus Specht, Rob Koper:
Smart Indicators on Learning Interactions. EC-TEL 2007: 56-70 - [c12]Davinia Hernández Leo, Daniel Burgos, Colin Tattersall, Rob Koper:
Representing Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Macro-scripts using IMS Learning Design. EC-TEL (Posters) 2007 - [c11]Howard Spoelstra, Vlad Posea, Jan van Bruggen, Rob Koper:
Modelling the Virtual Company Educational Scenario Competence Assessment in the Cooper Environment. COOPER 2007 - [c10]Roger Hartley, Kinshuk, Rob Koper:
Preparing Coming Generations of Educational Technologists: Technology, Pedagogy and Curricula--Changes and Challenges. ICALT 2007: 890-892 - [c9]Juan Manuel Dodero
, Colin Tattersall, Daniel Burgos
, Rob Koper:
Transformational Techniques for Model-Driven Authoring of Learning Designs. ICWL 2007: 230-241 - 2006
- [j23]Peter van Rosmalen, Peter B. Sloep
, Francis Brouns, Liesbeth Kester, Malik Koné, Rob Koper:
Knowledge matchmaking in Learning Networks: Alleviating the tutor load by mutually connecting Learning Network users. Br. J. Educ. Technol. 37(6): 881-895 (2006) - [j22]Hans G. K. Hummel, Fred Paas
, E. J. R. Koper:
Timing of cueing in complex problem-solving tasks: Learner versus system control. Comput. Hum. Behav. 22(2): 191-205 (2006) - [j21]Fred de Vries, Colin Tattersall, Rob Koper:
Future developments of IMS Learning Design tooling. J. Educ. Technol. Soc. 9(1): 9-12 (2006) - [j20]Rob Koper:
Editorial: Current Research in Learning Design. J. Educ. Technol. Soc. 9(1): 13-22 (2006) - [j19]Peter van Rosmalen, Hubert Vogten, René van Es, Harrie Passier, Patricia Poelmans, Rob Koper:
Authoring a full life cycle model in standards-based, adaptive e-learning. J. Educ. Technol. Soc. 9(1): 72-83 (2006) - [j18]René van Es, Rob Koper:
Testing the pedagogical expressiveness of IMS. J. Educ. Technol. Soc. 9(1): 229-249 (2006) - [j17]Bert van den Berg, Colin Tattersall, José Janssen, Francis Brouns, Hub Kurvers, Rob Koper:
Swarm -based Sequencing Recommendations in E-learning. Int. J. Comput. Sci. Appl. 3(3): 1-11 (2006) - [j16]Hans G. K. Hummel, Colin Tattersall, Daniel Burgos, Francis Brouns
, Hub Kurvers, Rob Koper:
Critical facilities for active participation in learning networks. Int. J. Web Based Communities 2(1): 81-99 (2006) - [c8]Rob Nadolski, Owen O'Neill, Wim van der Vegt
, Rob Koper:
Conformance Testing, the Elixer within the Chain for Learning Scenarios and Objects. ICALT 2006: 363-365 - [c7]Jan van Bruggen, Ellen Rusman, Bas Giesbers, Rob Koper:
Content-Based Positioning in Learning Networks. ICALT 2006: 366-368 - [c6]Hubert Vogten, Harrie Martens, Rob Nadolski, Colin Tattersall, Peter van Rosmalen, Rob Koper:
CopperCore Service Integration - Integrating IMS Learning Design and IMS Question and Test Interoperability. ICALT 2006: 378-382 - [c5]Hans G. K. Hummel, Colin Tattersall, Daniel Burgos, Francis Brouns, Rob Koper:
Fostering Participation in Learning Networks by Using Reward Systems and Face-to-Face Meetings. ICALT 2006: 534-536 - [c4]Rob Koper:
Building Learning Networks for Lifelong Learners: Challenges, Models, Technologies and Standards. ICALT 2006: 1098-1099 - [c3]Christof van Nimwegen, Herre van Oostendorp, Daniel Burgos, Rob Koper:
Does an Interface with Less Assistance Provoke More Thoughtful Behavior? ICLS 2006 - 2005
- [j15]Colin Tattersall, Jocelyn Manderveld, Bert van den Berg, René van Es, José Janssen, Rob Koper:
Self Organising Wayfinding Support for Lifelong Learners. Educ. Inf. Technol. 10(1-2): 111-123 (2005) - [j14]Colin Tattersall, Hubert Vogten, Francis Brouns, Rob Koper, Peter van Rosmalen, Peter B. Sloep, Jan van Bruggen:
How to create flexible runtime delivery of distance learning courses. J. Educ. Technol. Soc. 8(3): 226-236 (2005) - [j13]Hans G. K. Hummel, Colin Tattersall, Daniel Burgos
, Francis Brouns, Hub Kurvers, Rob Koper:
Facilitating participation: From the EML web site to the Learning Network for Learning Design. Interact. Learn. Environ. 13(1-2): 55-69 (2005) - [j12]Rob Koper, Bas Giesbers
, Peter van Rosmalen, Peter B. Sloep
, Jan van Bruggen, Colin Tattersall, Hubert Vogten, Francis Brouns:
A design model for lifelong learning networks. Interact. Learn. Environ. 13(1-2): 71-92 (2005) - [j11]Rob Koper:
Increasing Learner Retention in a Simulated Learning Network Using Indirect Social Interaction. J. Artif. Soc. Soc. Simul. 8(2) (2005) - [j10]Hans G. K. Hummel, Daniel Burgos
, Colin Tattersall, Francis Brouns, Hub Kurvers, Rob Koper:
Encouraging contributions in learning networks using incentive mechanisms. J. Comput. Assist. Learn. 21(5): 355-365 (2005) - [c2]Bert van den Berg, René van Es, Colin Tattersall, José Janssen, Jocelyn Manderveld, Francis Brouns, Hub Kurvers, Rob Koper:
Swarm-based Sequencing Recommendations in E-learning. ISDA 2005: 488-493 - 2004
- [j9]Rob Koper, Jocelyn Manderveld:
Educational modelling language: modelling reusable, interoperable, rich and personalised units of learning. Br. J. Educ. Technol. 35(5): 537-551 (2004) - [j8]Rob Koper:
Editorial: Technology and Lifelong Learning. Br. J. Educ. Technol. 35(6): 675-678 (2004) - [j7]Rob Koper, Colin Tattersall:
New directions for lifelong learning using network technologies. Br. J. Educ. Technol. 35(6): 689-700 (2004) - [j6]Jan van Bruggen, Peter B. Sloep
, Peter van Rosmalen, Francis Brouns, Hubert Vogten, Rob Koper, Colin Tattersall:
Latent semantic analysis as a tool for learner positioning in learning networks for lifelong learning. Br. J. Educ. Technol. 35(6): 729-738 (2004) - [j5]Rob Koper, Bill Olivier:
Representing the Learning Design of Units of Learning. J. Educ. Technol. Soc. 7(3): 97-111 (2004) - [j4]Hans G. K. Hummel, Jocelyn Manderveld, Colin Tattersall, Rob Koper:
Educational modelling language and learning design: new opportunities for instructional reusability and personalised learning. Int. J. Learn. Technol. 1(1): 111-126 (2004) - [j3]Hans G. K. Hummel, Fred Paas
, E. J. R. Koper:
Cueing for transfer in multimedia programmes: process worksheets vs. worked-out examples. J. Comput. Assist. Learn. 20(5): 387-397 (2004) - [c1]Colin Tattersall, Bert van den Berg, René van Es, José Janssen, Jocelyn Manderveld, Rob Koper:
Swarm-Based Adaptation: Wayfinding Support for Lifelong Learners. AH 2004: 336-339
1990 – 1999
- 1998
- [j2]E. J. R. Koper:
A method and tool for the design of educational multimedia material. J. Comput. Assist. Learn. 14(1): 19-30 (1998) - 1995
- [j1]Rob Koper:
PROFIL: a method for the development of multimedia courseware. Br. J. Educ. Technol. 26(2): 94-108 (1995)
Coauthor Index
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