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Göran Andersson
2020 – today
- 2020
- [j15]Michael Chertkov
, Göran Andersson
Multienergy Systems. Proc. IEEE 108(9): 1387-1391 (2020) - [j14]Line A. Roald
, Kaarthik Sundar
, Anatoly Zlotnik
, Sidhant Misra
, Göran Andersson
An Uncertainty Management Framework for Integrated Gas-Electric Energy Systems. Proc. IEEE 108(9): 1518-1540 (2020) - [i17]Line A. Roald, Kaarthik Sundar, Anatoly Zlotnik, Sidhant Misra, Göran Andersson:
An Uncertainty Management Framework for Integrated Gas-Electric Energy Systems. CoRR abs/2006.14561 (2020)
2010 – 2019
- 2018
- [j13]Bolun Xu
, Alexandre Oudalov, Andreas Ulbig
, Göran Andersson, Daniel S. Kirschen
Modeling of Lithium-Ion Battery Degradation for Cell Life Assessment. IEEE Trans. Smart Grid 9(2): 1131-1140 (2018) - [j12]Evangelos Vrettos
, Emre Can Kara, Jason S. MacDonald
, Göran Andersson, Duncan S. Callaway:
Experimental Demonstration of Frequency Regulation by Commercial Buildings - Part I: Modeling and Hierarchical Control Design. IEEE Trans. Smart Grid 9(4): 3213-3223 (2018) - [j11]Evangelos Vrettos
, Emre Can Kara, Jason S. MacDonald
, Göran Andersson, Duncan S. Callaway:
Experimental Demonstration of Frequency Regulation by Commercial Buildings - Part II: Results and Performance Evaluation. IEEE Trans. Smart Grid 9(4): 3224-3234 (2018) - [j10]Olivier Megel
, Tao Liu
, David J. Hill
, Göran Andersson:
Distributed Secondary Frequency Control Algorithm Considering Storage Efficiency. IEEE Trans. Smart Grid 9(6): 6214-6228 (2018) - 2017
- [c64]Line Roald, Sidhant Misra, Andrew Morrison, Göran Andersson:
Optimized risk limits for stochastic optimal power flow. CDC 2017: 4476-4483 - [i16]Philipp Fortenbacher, Göran Andersson:
Battery Degradation Maps for Power System Optimization and as a Benchmark Reference. CoRR abs/1703.03690 (2017) - 2016
- [j9]Theodor Borsche, Uros Markovic, Göran Andersson:
A new algorithm for primary frequency control with cooling appliances. Comput. Sci. Res. Dev. 31(1-2): 89-95 (2016) - [c63]Anatoly Zlotnik
, Line Roald, Scott Backhaus
, Michael Chertkov
, Göran Andersson:
Control policies for operational coordination of electric power and natural gas transmission systems. ACC 2016: 7478-7483 - [c62]Göran Andersson, Anders Västberg, Alisa Devlic, Cicek Cavdar:
Energy efficient heterogeneous network deployment with cell DTX. ICC 2016: 1-6 - [c61]Georgios Chatzis, Line Roald, Göran Andersson, Iason Avramiotis-Falireas, Farzaneh Abbaspourtorbati, Marek Zima:
Joint scheduling of frequency control reserves and energy dispatch for islanded power systems. PSCC 2016: 1-7 - [c60]Philipp Fortenbacher, Martin Zellner, Göran Andersson:
Optimal sizing and placement of distributed storage in low voltage networks. PSCC 2016: 1-7 - [c59]Pierluigi Mancarella
, Göran Andersson, João Abel Peças Lopes
, Keith R. W. Bell:
Modelling of integrated multi-energy systems: Drivers, requirements, and opportunities. PSCC 2016: 1-22 - [c58]Olivier Megel, Göran Andersson, Johanna L. Mathieu
Reducing the computational effort of stochastic multi-period DC optimal power flow with storage. PSCC 2016: 1-7 - [c57]Line Roald, Göran Andersson, Sidhant Misra, Michael Chertkov
, Scott Backhaus
Optimal power flow with wind power control and limited expected risk of overloads. PSCC 2016: 1-7 - [c56]Michael Tschampion, Matthias A. Bucher, Andreas Ulbig
, Göran Andersson:
N-1 security assessment incorporating the flexibility offered by dynamic line rating. PSCC 2016: 1-7 - [i15]Line Roald, Sidhant Misra, Michael Chertkov, Scott Backhaus, Göran Andersson:
Chance Constrained Optimal Power Flow with Curtailment and Reserves from Wind Power Plants. CoRR abs/1601.04321 (2016) - [i14]Philipp Fortenbacher, Johanna L. Mathieu, Göran Andersson:
Modeling and Optimal Operation of Distributed Battery Storage in Low Voltage Grids. CoRR abs/1603.06468 (2016) - [i13]Philipp Fortenbacher, Andreas Ulbig, Göran Andersson:
Optimal Placement and Sizing of Distributed Battery Storage in Low Voltage Grids for Receding Horizon Control Strategies. CoRR abs/1609.07128 (2016) - [i12]Evangelos Vrettos, Charalampos Ziras, Göran Andersson:
Fast and Reliable Primary Frequency Reserves From Refrigerators with Decentralized Stochastic Control. CoRR abs/1610.00953 (2016) - [i11]Bolun Xu, Andreas Ulbig, Göran Andersson:
Impact of Dynamic Line Rating on Dispatch Decisions and Integration of Variable RES Energy. CoRR abs/1612.00867 (2016) - 2015
- [c55]Frauke Oldewurtel, Line Roald, Göran Andersson, Claire J. Tomlin:
Adaptively constrained stochastic model predictive control applied to security constrained optimal power flow. ACC 2015: 931-936 - [c54]Martin Andreasson, Roger Wiget, Dimos V. Dimarogonas, Karl Henrik Johansson, Göran Andersson:
Distributed primary frequency control through multi-terminal HVDC transmission systems. ACC 2015: 5029-5034 - [c53]Christoph Trabert, Andreas Ulbig
, Göran Andersson:
Model Predictive Frequency Control employing stability constraints. ACC 2015: 5678-5685 - [c52]Martin Andreasson, Roger Wiget, Dimos V. Dimarogonas, Karl Henrik Johansson, Göran Andersson:
Distributed secondary frequency control through MTDC transmission systems. CDC 2015: 2627-2634 - [c51]Marina González Vayá, Sergio Grammatico
, Göran Andersson, John Lygeros:
On the price of being selfish in large populations of plug-in electric vehicles. CDC 2015: 6542-6547 - [c50]Line Roald, Sidhant Misra, Michael Chertkov
, Göran Andersson:
Optimal Power Flow with Weighted chance constraints and general policies for generation control. CDC 2015: 6927-6933 - [c49]X. Zhang, Evangelos Vrettos, Maryam Kamgarpour, Göran Andersson, John Lygeros:
Stochastic frequency reserve provision by chance-constrained control of commercial buildings. ECC 2015: 1134-1140 - [c48]Gregory S. Ledva, Evangelos Vrettos, Silvia Mastellone
, Göran Andersson, Johanna L. Mathieu
Applying Networked Estimation and Control Algorithms to Address Communication Bandwidth Limitations and Latencies in Demand Response. HICSS 2015: 2645-2654 - [i10]Reza Arghandeh, Martin Gahr, Alexandra von Meier, Guido Cavraro, Monika Ruh, Göran Andersson:
Topology Detection in Microgrids with Micro-Synchrophasors. CoRR abs/1502.06938 (2015) - [i9]Line Roald, Sidhant Misra, Michael Chertkov, Göran Andersson:
Optimal Power Flow with Weighted Chance Constraints and General Policies for Generation Control. CoRR abs/1504.00057 (2015) - [i8]Evangelos Vrettos, Frauke Oldewurtel, Göran Andersson:
Robust Energy-Constrained Frequency Reserves from Aggregations of Commercial Buildings. CoRR abs/1506.05399 (2015) - [i7]Spyros Chatzivasileiadis, Göran Andersson:
A Fully Controllable Power System - Concept for FACTS and HVDC Placement. CoRR abs/1506.08250 (2015) - [i6]Philipp Fortenbacher, Martin Zellner, Göran Andersson:
Optimal Sizing and Placement of Distributed Storage in Low Voltage Networks. CoRR abs/1512.01218 (2015) - 2014
- [c47]Evangelos Vrettos, Johanna L. Mathieu
, Göran Andersson:
Demand response with moving horizon estimation of individual thermostatic load states from aggregate power measurements. ACC 2014: 4846-4853 - [c46]Tobias W. Haring, Göran Andersson:
Cost Allocation in Ancillary Service Markets. HICSS 2014: 2285-2294 - [c45]Maria Vrakopoulou
, Johanna L. Mathieu
, Göran Andersson:
Stochastic Optimal Power Flow with Uncertain Reserves from Demand Response. HICSS 2014: 2353-2362 - [c44]Hubert Abgottspon, Göran Andersson:
Medium-term optimization of pumped hydro storage with stochastic intrastage subproblems. PSCC 2014: 1-7 - [c43]Theodor Borsche, Andreas Ulbig
, Göran Andersson:
A new frequency control reserve framework based on energy-constrained units. PSCC 2014: 1-7 - [c42]Spyros Chatzivasileiadis
, Göran Andersson:
Security constrained OPF incorporating corrective control of HVDC. PSCC 2014: 1-8 - [c41]Philipp Fortenbacher, Johanna L. Mathieu
, Göran Andersson:
Modeling, identification, and optimal control of batteries for power system applications. PSCC 2014: 1-7 - [c40]Tobias W. Haring, Daniel S. Kirschen, Göran Andersson:
Efficient allocation of balancing and ramping costs. PSCC 2014: 1-9 - [c39]Kari Hreinsson, Maria Vrakopoulou
, Göran Andersson:
Spinning and non-spinning reserve allocation for stochastic security constrained unit Commitment. PSCC 2014: 1-7 - [c38]Markus Imhof, Göran Andersson:
Power system stability control using Voltage Source Converter based HVDC in power systems with a high penetration of Renewables. PSCC 2014: 1-7 - [c37]Stavros Karagiannopoulos, Evangelos Vrettos, Pablo Centeno Lopez, Maria Vrakopoulou
, Frauke Oldewurtel, Göran Andersson, Marek Zima:
On geographical allocation of primary frequency control reserves in large interconnected power systems. PSCC 2014: 1-7 - [c36]Olli Makela, Joseph Warrington, Manfred Morari, Göran Andersson:
Optimal transmission line switching for large-scale power systems using the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers. PSCC 2014: 1-6 - [c35]Olivier Megel, Johanna L. Mathieu
, Göran Andersson:
Scheduling distributed energy storage units to provide multiple services. PSCC 2014: 1-7 - [c34]Line Roald, Maria Vrakopoulou
, Frauke Oldewurtel, Göran Andersson:
Risk-constrained optimal power flow with probabilistic guarantees. PSCC 2014: 1-7 - [c33]Andreas Ulbig
, Göran Andersson:
Analyzing operational flexibility of electric power systems. PSCC 2014: 1-8 - [c32]Marina González Vayá, Luis Briones Rosello, Göran Andersson:
Optimal bidding of plug-in electric vehicles in a market-based control setup. PSCC 2014: 1-8 - [c31]Evangelos Vrettos, Johanna L. Mathieu
, Göran Andersson:
Control of thermostatic loads using moving horizon estimation of individual load states. PSCC 2014: 1-7 - [c30]Roger Wiget, Emil Iggland, Göran Andersson:
Security constrained optimal power flow for HVAC and HVDC grids. PSCC 2014: 1-7 - [c29]Roger Wiget, Maria Vrakopoulou
, Göran Andersson:
Probabilistic security constrained optimal power flow for a mixed HVAC and HVDC grid with stochastic infeed. PSCC 2014: 1-7 - [i5]Christoph Trabert, Andreas Ulbig, Göran Andersson:
Model Predictive Frequency Control Employing Stability Constraints. CoRR abs/1405.6744 (2014) - [i4]Xiangkun Li, Theodor Borsche, Göran Andersson:
PV Integration in Low-Voltage Feeders with Demand Response. CoRR abs/1408.1602 (2014) - [i3]Matthias Bucher, Spyros Chatzivasileiadis, Göran Andersson:
Managing Flexibility in Multi-Area Power Systems. CoRR abs/1409.2234 (2014) - 2013
- [c28]Frauke Oldewurtel, David Sturzenegger, Peyman Mohajerin Esfahani
, Göran Andersson, Manfred Morari, John Lygeros:
Adaptively constrained Stochastic Model Predictive Control for closed-loop constraint satisfaction. ACC 2013: 4674-4681 - [c27]Andreas Ulbig
, Tobias Rinke, Spyros Chatzivasileiadis
, Göran Andersson:
Predictive control for real-time frequency regulation and rotational inertia provision in power systems. CDC 2013: 2946-2953 - [c26]Frauke Oldewurtel, David Sturzenegger, Göran Andersson, Manfred Morari, Roy S. Smith
Towards a standardized building assessment for demand response. CDC 2013: 7083-7088 - [c25]Kostas Margellos, Vahab Rostampour, Maria Vrakopoulou, Maria Prandini
, Göran Andersson, John Lygeros:
Stochastic unit commitment and reserve scheduling: A tractable formulation with probabilistic certificates. ECC 2013: 2513-2518 - [c24]Evangelos Vrettos, KuanLin Lai, Frauke Oldewurtel, Göran Andersson:
Predictive Control of buildings for Demand Response with dynamic day-ahead and real-time prices. ECC 2013: 2527-2534 - [c23]Johanna L. Mathieu
, Marina González Vayá, Göran Andersson:
Uncertainty in the flexibility of aggregations of demand response resources. IECON 2013: 8052-8057 - [c22]Theodor Borsche, Frauke Oldewurtel, Göran Andersson:
Balance group optimization by scenario-based day-ahead scheduling and demand response. ISGT Europe 2013: 1-5 - [c21]Olivier Megel, Johanna L. Mathieu
, Göran Andersson:
Maximizing the potential of energy storage to provide fast frequency control. ISGT Europe 2013: 1-5 - [c20]Vahab Rostampour, Kostas Margellos, Maria Vrakopoulou
, Maria Prandini
, Göran Andersson, John Lygeros:
Reserve requirements in AC power systems with uncertain generation. ISGT Europe 2013: 1-5 - [c19]Maria Vrakopoulou
, Spyros Chatzivasileiadis
, Göran Andersson:
Probabilistic security-constrained optimal power flow including the controllability of HVDC lines. ISGT Europe 2013: 1-5 - [c18]Bolun Xu, Andreas Ulbig
, Göran Andersson:
Impacts of dynamic line rating on power dispatch performance and grid integration of renewable energy sources. ISGT Europe 2013: 1-5 - [c17]Evangelos Vrettos, Göran Andersson:
Combined Load Frequency Control and active distribution network management with Thermostatically Controlled Loads. SmartGridComm 2013: 247-252 - [i2]Theodor Borsche, Andreas Ulbig, Göran Andersson:
A New Frequency Control Reserve Framework based on Energy-Constrained Units. CoRR abs/1312.6119 (2013) - 2012
- [j8]Kai Heussen
, Stephan Koch, Andreas Ulbig
, Göran Andersson:
Unified System-Level Modeling of Intermittent Renewable Energy Sources and Energy Storage for Power System Operation. IEEE Syst. J. 6(1): 140-151 (2012) - [j7]Matthias D. Galus, Rashid A. Waraich, Fabrizio Noembrini, Karel Steurs, Gil Georges, Konstantinos Boulouchos, Kay W. Axhausen, Göran Andersson:
Integrating Power Systems, Transport Systems and Vehicle Technology for Electric Mobility Impact Assessment and Efficient Control. IEEE Trans. Smart Grid 3(2): 934-949 (2012) - [c16]Farzaneh Abbaspourtorbati, Marc Scherer, Andreas Ulbig, Göran Andersson:
Towards an optimal activation pattern of tertiary control reserves in the power system of Switzerland. ACC 2012: 3629-3636 - [c15]Peyman Mohajerin Esfahani
, Maria Vrakopoulou
, Göran Andersson, John Lygeros:
A tractable nonlinear fault detection and isolation technique with application to the cyber-physical security of power systems. CDC 2012: 3433-3438 - [c14]Göran Andersson, Peyman Mohajerin Esfahani
, Maria Vrakopoulou
, Kostas Margellos, John Lygeros, André Teixeira
, György Dán, Henrik Sandberg
, Karl Henrik Johansson
Cyber-security of SCADA systems. ISGT 2012: 1-2 - [c13]Matthias D. Galus, Felix Wietor, Göran Andersson:
Incorporating valley filling and peak shaving in a utility function based management of an electric vehicle aggregator. ISGT Europe 2012: 1-8 - [c12]Marina González Vayá, Matthias D. Galus, Rashid A. Waraich, Göran Andersson:
On the interdependence of intelligent charging approaches for plug-in electric vehicles in transmission and distribution networks. ISGT Europe 2012: 1-8 - [c11]Evangelos Vrettos, Stephan Koch, Göran Andersson:
Load frequency control by aggregations of thermally stratified electric water heaters. ISGT Europe 2012: 1-8 - [i1]Spyros Chatzivasileiadis, Damien Ernst, Göran Andersson:
The Global Grid. CoRR abs/1207.4096 (2012) - 2011
- [j6]Thilo Krause, Göran Andersson, Klaus Fröhlich, Alfredo Vaccaro
Multiple-Energy Carriers: Modeling of Production, Delivery, and Consumption. Proc. IEEE 99(1): 15-27 (2011) - [j5]Matthias D. Galus, Stephan Koch, Göran Andersson:
Provision of Load Frequency Control by PHEVs, Controllable Loads, and a Cogeneration Unit. IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. 58(10): 4568-4582 (2011) - [c10]Frauke Oldewurtel, Andreas Ulbig
, Manfred Morari, Göran Andersson:
Building control and storage management with dynamic tariffs for shaping demand response. ISGT Europe 2011: 1-8 - 2010
- [c9]Peyman Mohajerin Esfahani, Maria Vrakopoulou, Kostas Margellos, John Lygeros, Göran Andersson:
Cyber attack in a two-area power system: Impact identification using reachability. ACC 2010: 962-967 - [c8]Frauke Oldewurtel, Andreas Ulbig
, Alessandra Parisio
, Göran Andersson, Manfred Morari:
Reducing peak electricity demand in building climate control using real-time pricing and model predictive control. CDC 2010: 1927-1932 - [c7]Peyman Mohajerin Esfahani
, Maria Vrakopoulou
, Kostas Margellos, John Lygeros, Göran Andersson:
A robust policy for Automatic Generation Control cyber attack in two area power network. CDC 2010: 5973-5978 - [c6]Kai Heussen
, Stephan Koch, Andreas Ulbig
, Göran Andersson:
Energy storage in power system operation: The power nodes modeling framework. ISGT Europe 2010: 1-8
2000 – 2009
- 2009
- [c5]Michèle Arnold, Rudy R. Negenborn, Göran Andersson, Bart De Schutter:
Multi-area predictive control for combined electricity and natural gas systems. ECC 2009: 1408-1413 - [c4]Alejandro J. del Real, Matthias D. Galus, Carlos Bordons, Göran Andersson:
Optimal power dispatch of energy networks including external power exchanges. ECC 2009: 3616-3621 - 2006
- [j4]Rusejla Sadikovic, Göran Andersson, Petr Korba
Damping Controller Design for Power System Oscillations. Intell. Autom. Soft Comput. 12(1): 51-62 (2006) - [c3]Ch. Roethlisberger, Ani M. Gole, Udaya D. Annakkage, Göran Andersson:
Model Identification for Spinning Reserve Management. CCECE 2006: 2294-2298 - 2005
- [j3]Marek Zima, Mats Larsson, Petr Korba
, Christian Rehtanz
, Göran Andersson:
Design Aspects for Wide-Area Monitoring and Control Systems. Proc. IEEE 93(5): 980-996 (2005) - [c2]Marek Zima, Göran Andersson:
Model Predictive Control Employing Trajectory Sensitivities for Power Systems Applications. CDC/ECC 2005: 4452-4456 - 2003
- [c1]Marek Zima, Petr Korba, Göran Andersson:
Power systems voltage emergency control approach using trajectory sensitivities. CCA 2003: 189-194 - 2001
- [j2]M. Ghandhari, Göran Andersson, M. Pavella, Damien Ernst:
A control strategy for controllable series capacitor in electric power systems. Autom. 37(10): 1575-1583 (2001)
1990 – 1999
- 1997
- [j1]Göran Andersson:
Transient stability of power systems, theory and practice : By M. Pavella and P. G. Murthy. John Wiley and Sons (1994). ISBN 0-71-94213-8. Autom. 33(3): 480-481 (1997)
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