29th COMPSAC 2005: Edinburgh, Scotland, UK - Volume 1

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Keynote Address I

Software Testing (I)

Process Management

Software Architecture and Metric

Panel: High-Assurance Software for Mobile Tele-Health Systems

Software Reengineering and Service-Based Systems

Middleware and Agent-Based Systems

Security and Privacy (I)

Panel: Industry and Academia: Can They Agree on Best Practice Within Software Engineering?

Requirement and Design (I)

Formal Methods

Networked, Distributed, and Embedded Systems (I)

Plenary Panel: Security and Privacy in Distributed Collaborative Systems

Internet Web Systems

Verification and Validation

Panel: Model-Based Software Testing and Verification

Mobile and Pervasive/Ubiquitous Computing

Panel: 21st-Century Global Software Development and Education

Requirement and Design (II)

Reliable Systems

Keynote Address II

Software Testing (II)

Dependability and Fault Tolerance

Panel: How Democratic Will E-Democracy Be?

Security and Privacy (II)

Networked, Distributed, and Embedded Systems (II)