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ICC 2019: Shanghai, China
- 2019 IEEE International Conference on Communications, ICC 2019, Shanghai, China, May 20-24, 2019. IEEE 2019, ISBN 978-1-5386-8088-9
- Minseok Choi, Dongjae Kim, Dong-Jun Han, Joongheon Kim, Jaekyun Moon:
Probabilistic Caching Policy for Categorized Contents and Consecutive User Demands. 1-6 - Georgios Vougioukas, Aggelos Bletsas:
Ambient Backscatter in Reality: Does Illuminator Signal Structure Matter? 1-6 - Satoshi Takabe, Masayuki Imanishi, Tadashi Wadayama, Kazunori Hayashi:
Deep Learning-Aided Projected Gradient Detector for Massive Overloaded MIMO Channels. 1-6 - Junyoung Nam, Giuseppe Caire, Mérouane Debbah, H. Vincent Poor:
Impact of Strong Spatial Correlation on the Capacity Scaling of Massive MIMO. 1-6 - Tobias Eichinger, Felix Beierle, Sumsam Ullah Khan, Robin Middelanis:
Affinity: A System for Latent User Similarity Comparison on Texting Data. 1-7 - Xiaochen Lai, Xin Liu, Liyong Zhang, Chi Lin, Mohammad S. Obaidat, Kuei-Fang Hsiao:
Missing Value Imputations by Rule-Based Incomplete Data Fuzzy Modeling. 1-6 - Christos K. Kourtellaris, Constantinos Psomas, Ioannis Krikidis:
Stability of a TDMA Network Subject to Finite Blocklength Constraints. 1-6 - Tze-Yang Tung, Urbashi Mitra:
Robust Molecular Communications: DFE-SPRTs and Synchronisation. 1-6 - Juho Markkula, Konstantin Mikhaylov, Jussi Haapola:
Simulating LoRaWAN: On Importance of Inter Spreading Factor Interference and Collision Effect. 1-7 - Zhi Lin, Chun-Yan Yin, Jian Ouyang, Xiaohuan Wu, Athanasios D. Panagopoulos:
Robust Secrecy Energy Efficient Beamforming in Satellite Communication Systems. 1-5 - Shuang Li, Peter J. Smith, Pawel A. Dmochowski, Harsh Tataria, Michail Matthaiou, Jingwei Yin:
Massive MIMO for Ray-Based Channels. 1-7 - Yueliang Liu, Kangyong You, Wenbin Guo, Tao Peng, Wenbo Wang:
Graph Learning for Spatiotemporal Dynamic Signal. 1-6 - Wanming Hao, Zheng Chu, Fuhui Zhou, Pei Xiao, Victor C. M. Leung, Rahim Tafazolli:
Hybrid Precoding Design for SWIPT Joint Multicast-Unicast mmWave System with Subarray Structure. 1-6 - Roberto Valentini, Roberto Alesii, Marco Levorato, Fortunato Santucci:
Cross-Layer Analysis of RFID Systems with Correlated Shadowing and Random Radiation Efficiency. 1-7 - Mingfeng Xu, Zhongyuan Zhao, Mugen Peng, Zhiguo Ding, Tony Q. S. Quek, Wenle Bai:
Performance Analysis of Computation Offloading in Fog-Radio Access Networks. 1-6 - Bryan Pearson, Lan Luo, Yue Zhang, Rajib Dey, Zhen Ling, Mostafa A. Bassiouni, Xinwen Fu:
On Misconception of Hardware and Cost in IoT Security and Privacy. 1-7 - Chelsea Lee Miller, Pawel A. Dmochowski, Peter J. Smith, Harsh Tataria, Michail Matthaiou:
Multi-User Processing for Ray-Based Channels. 1-7 - Rajorshi Biswas, Jie Wu:
Co-Existence of LTE-U and Wi-Fi with Direct Communication. 1-6 - Jinsong Xu, Shaohua Wu, Jian Jiao, Qinyu Zhang:
Optimized Puncturing for the Spinal Codes. 1-5 - Yuri Murillo, Alessandro Chiumento, Brecht Reynders, Sofie Pollin:
SDN on BLE: Controlling Resource Constrained Mesh Networks. 1-7 - Boriana Boiadjieva, Anja Klein:
Distributed Two-Stage Beamforming with Power Allocation in Multicell Massive MIMO. 1-7 - Siavash Khodadadeh, Sharare Zehtabian, Jonathan Guilbe, Ross Pearlman, Bradley J. Willenberg, Brian Kim, Edward A. Ross, Ladislau Bölöni, Damla Turgut:
Detecting Unsafe Use of a Four-Legged Walker using IoT and Deep Learning. 1-6 - Ruihong Jiang, Ke Xiong, Pingyi Fan, Duohua Wang, Zhangdui Zhong:
Information-Energy Region of Mobile SWIPT Networks with Nonlinear EH Model. 1-6 - Youyang Qu, Shui Yu, Jingwen Zhang, Huynh Thi Thanh Binh, Longxiang Gao, Wanlei Zhou:
GAN-DP: Generative Adversarial Net Driven Differentially Privacy-Preserving Big Data Publishing. 1-6 - Xuan Xue, Yongchao Wang, Long Yang, Jia Shi, Zan Li:
Spectral-Energy Efficient Hybrid Precoding for mmWave Systems with an Adaptive-Connected Structure. 1-6 - Manijeh Bashar, Kanapathippillai Cumanan, Alister G. Burr, Hien Quoc Ngo, Lajos Hanzo, Pei Xiao:
NOMA/OMA Mode Selection-Based Cell-Free Massive MIMO. 1-6 - Shouguo Yang, Zhiqiang Shi, Guodong Zhang, Mingxuan Li, Yuan Ma, Limin Sun:
Understand Code Style: Efficient CNN-Based Compiler Optimization Recognition System. 1-6 - Xi Huang, Ziyu Shao, Yang Yang:
MIPS: Instance Placement for Stream Processing Systems Based on Monte Carlo Tree Search. 1-6 - Jintao Wang, Longzhuang He, Jian Song:
Stochastic Optimization Based Dynamic User Scheduling and Hybrid Precoding for Broadband MmWave MIMO. 1-6 - Giovanni Chisci, Hesham ElSawy, Andrea Conti, Mohamed-Slim Alouini, Moe Z. Win:
Latency in Downlink Cellular Networks with Random Scheduling. 1-6 - Dingyu Yan, Feng Liu, Kun Jia:
Modeling an Information-Based Advanced Persistent Threat Attack on the Internal Network. 1-7 - Yikai Li, Gayan Amarasuriya:
NOMA-Aided Massive MIMO Downlink with Distributed Antenna Arrays. 1-7 - Ye Zhang, Shiwen He, Yongming Huang, Ju Ren, Deyu Zhang, Luxi Yang:
Optimal Design of Multiple Panel Arrays in LoS MIMO System. 1-6 - Hussein Kassab, Jérôme Louveaux:
Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer using Rectangular Pulse and CP-OFDM. 1-6 - Behnam Ojaghi, Ferran Adelantado, Elli Kartsakli, Angelos Antonopoulos, Christos V. Verikoukis:
Sliced-RAN: Joint Slicing and Functional Split in Future 5G Radio Access Networks. 1-6 - Hazem Ibrahim, Hina Tabassum, Uyen Trang Nguyen:
Meta Distribution of SIR in Dual-Hop Internet-of-Things (IoT) Networks. 1-7 - Ahmed Omara, Burak Kantarci, Michele Nogueira, Melike Erol-Kantarci, Lei Wu, Jie Li:
Delay Sensitivity-Aware Aggregation of Smart Microgrid Data Over Heterogeneous Networks. 1-7 - Francesc Molina, Josep Sala-Alvarez, Francesc Rey, Javier Villares:
Channel-Aware Energy Allocation for Throughput Maximization in Massive Low-Rate Multiple Access. 1-6 - Alan Yong, Ioanis Nikolaidis, Janelle J. Harms:
Localization Sensitivity Under RSSI Quantization. 1-6 - Wuyunzhaola Borjigin, Kaoru Ota, Mianxiong Dong:
Dealer: An Efficient Pricing Strategy for Deep-Learning-as-a-Service. 1-6 - Peize Zhang, Jing Li, Haiming Wang, Xiaohu You:
Millimeter-Wave Space-Time Propagation Characteristics in Urban Macrocell Scenarios. 1-6 - Haipeng Yao, Huiwen Liu, Peiying Zhang, Sheng Wu, Chunxiao Jiang, Song Guo:
An Intelligent Approach to Energy Efficient Transportation and QoS Routing. 1-6 - Rajorshi Biswas, Jie Wu, Xiaojiang Du:
Mitigation of the Spectrum Sensing Data Falsifying Attack in Cognitive Radio Networks. 1-6 - Chen Dai, Kun Zhu, Ran Wang, Yuanyuan Xu:
Decoupled Multiple Association in Full-Duplex Ultra-Dense Networks: An Evolutionary Game Approach. 1-6 - Chenlu Xiang, Zhichao Zhang, Shunqing Zhang, Shugong Xu, Shan Cao, Vincent K. N. Lau:
Robust Sub-Meter Level Indoor Localization - A Logistic Regression Approach. 1-6 - Randa M. Abdelmoneem, Abderrahim Benslimane, Eman Shaaban, Sherin Abdel Hamid, Salma A. Ghoneim:
A Cloud-Fog Based Architecture for IoT Applications Dedicated to Healthcare. 1-6 - Agrim Gupta, Kumar Appaiah, Rahul Vaze:
Predictive Quantization and Joint Time-Frequency Interpolation Technique for MIMO-OFDM Precoding. 1-6 - Haiqin Wu, Liangmin Wang, Guoliang Xue, Jian Tang, Dejun Yang:
Privacy-Preserving and Trustworthy Mobile Sensing with Fair Incentives. 1-7 - Boqiang Fan, S. Amir Hosseini, Poornima Krishnakumar, Chris T. K. Ng, Behnaam Aazhang:
A 5G Framework for User Distribution Aided Beamforming and Iterative Traffic Sensing. 1-6 - Rasoul Nikbakht, Angel Lozano:
Uplink Fractional Power Control for Cell-Free Wireless Networks. 1-5 - Mohammad Ranjbar, M. Vu, Nghi H. Tran, Khanh Pham, Duy H. N. Nguyen:
On the Sum-Capacity-Achieving Distributions and Sum-Capacity of 1-Bit ADC MACs in Rayleigh Fading. 1-6 - Jupeng Ding, Chih-Lin I, Hui Zhang, Xifeng Chen, Baoshan Yu, Huicheng Lai:
Cells Planning of VLC Networks using Non-Circular Symmetric Optical Beam. 1-6 - Yilei Lin, Ting He, Shiqiang Wang, Kevin S. Chan, Stephen Pasteris:
Multicast-Based Weight Inference in General Network Topologies. 1-6 - Weiyang Xu, Huiqiang Xie, Hien Quoc Ngo:
Non-Coherent Massive MIMO Systems: A Constellation Design Approach. 1-6 - Shuo Feng, Simon Haykin:
Anti-Jamming V2V Communication in an Integrated UAV-CAV Network with Hybrid Attackers. 1-6 - Wei Lu, Jiawei Kong, Lipei Liang, Siqi Liu, Zuqing Zhu:
How Much Can Flexible Ethernet and Elastic Optical Networking Benefit Mutually? 1-6 - Yunqing Wang, Xiaoning Zhang, Lang Fan, Shui Yu, Rongping Lin:
Segment Routing Optimization for VNF Chaining. 1-7 - Wen-Hui Yang, Kuang-Hao Liu:
Blockage Effect and Beam Cooperation in Indoor Hotspot Based on 3GPP NR Blockage Model. 1-6 - Qi Shi, Yangyu Liu, Shunqing Zhang, Shugong Xu, Shan Cao, Vincent K. N. Lau:
Channel Estimation for WiFi Prototype Systems with Super-Resolution Image Recovery. 1-6 - Lan Zhang, Li Yan, Yawei Pang, Yuguang Fang:
FRESH: FReshness-Aware Energy-Efficient ScHeduler for Cellular IoT Systems. 1-6 - Dalei Wu, Maxwell M. Omwenga, Yu Liang, Li Yang, Dryver Huston, Tian Xia:
A Fog Computing Framework for Cognitive Portable Ground Penetrating Radars. 1-6 - Sandra Hofmann, Adrian Exposito Garcia, Dominic Schupke, Héctor Esteban González, Frank H. P. Fitzek:
Connectivity in the Air: Throughput Analysis of Air-to-Ground Systems. 1-6 - Xiaoyang Zheng, Fan Yi, Dongxin Liu, Fan Wu, Guihai Chen:
MISEN: A Mobile Indoor White Space Exploration Method. 1-6 - Ke Xiao, Jianyu Zhao, Yunhua He, Shui Yu:
Trajectory Prediction of UAV in Smart City using Recurrent Neural Networks. 1-6 - Ilai Bistritz, Andrew Ward, Zhengyuan Zhou, Nicholas Bambos:
Smart Greedy Distributed Allocation in Microgrids. 1-6 - Huan Ren, Lixin Li, Wenjun Xu, Wei Chen, Zhu Han:
Machine Learning-Based Hybrid Precoding with Robust Error for UAV mmWave Massive MIMO. 1-6 - Youyu Tan, Kunlun Wang, Yang Yang, Ming-Tuo Zhou:
Delay-Optimal Task Offloading for Dynamic Fog Networks. 1-6 - Kyeong Jin Kim, Hongwu Liu, Marco Di Renzo, Theodoros A. Tsiftsis, Philip V. Orlik, H. Vincent Poor:
Outage Analysis of Distributed CDD Systems with Mixture Interference. 1-6 - Jingwei Zheng, Dagang Li:
GCN-TC: Combining Trace Graph with Statistical Features for Network Traffic Classification. 1-6 - Jingsong Zhou, Peilin Hong, Jianing Pei:
Multi-Task Deep Learning Based Dynamic Service Function Chains Routing in SDN/NFV-Enabled Networks. 1-6 - Peize Zhao, Xiao Liu, Yuanwei Liu, Yue Chen, Kok Keong Chai:
Machine Learning for Position Prediction and Determination in Aerial Base Station System. 1-6 - Han Jun Bae, Lynn Choi:
Large-Scale Indoor Positioning using Geomagnetic Field with Deep Neural Networks. 1-6 - Yuyue Luo, J. Andrew Zhang, Shaode Huang, Jin Pan, Xiaojing Huang:
Quantization with Combined Codebook for Hybrid Array using Two-Phase-Shifter Structure. 1-6 - Shan Wen, Guanghui Liu, Qiang Chen, Huiyang Qu, Yanyan Wang, Pan Zhou:
Optimization of Precoded FTN Signaling with MMSE-Based Turbo Equalization. 1-6 - Wei Jiang, Gang Feng, Shuang Qin, Ying-Chang Liang:
Learning-Based Cooperative Content Caching Policy for Mobile Edge Computing. 1-6 - Haipei Zhang, Jiang Xue, Deyu Meng, Qian Zhao, Zongben Xu:
Robust CSI Estimation Under Complex Communication Environment. 1-6 - Flavio Maschietti, Paul de Kerret, David Gesbert:
Exploring the Trade-Off Between Privacy and Coordination in Millimeter Wave Spectrum Sharing. 1-6 - Murat Karakus, Arjan Durresi:
Economic Analysis of Software Defined Networking (SDN) Under Various Network Failure Scenarios. 1-6 - Amin Farajzadeh, Özgür Erçetin, Halim Yanikomeroglu:
UAV Data Collection Over NOMA Backscatter Networks: UAV Altitude and Trajectory Optimization. 1-7 - Xiao Wei, Lin Xiang, Laura Cottatellucci, Tao Jiang, Robert Schober:
Cache-Aided Massive MIMO: Linear Precoding Design and Performance Analysis. 1-7 - Jinlin Wang, Hongli Zhang, Binxing Fang, Xing Wang, Gongzhu Yin, Ximiao Yu:
EDCleaner: Data Cleaning for Entity Information in Social Network. 1-7 - Xiaochen Zhang, Jun Liu, Fanglin Gu, Dongtang Ma, Jibo Wei:
An Extended 3-D Ellipsoid Model for Characterization of UAV Air-to-Air Channel. 1-6 - Adam Cavatassi, Thibaud Tonnellier, Warren J. Gross:
Asymmetric Construction of Low-Latency and Length-Flexible Polar Codes. 1-6 - Zhengwei Ni, Wenbo Wang, Dong In Kim, Ping Wang, Dusit Niyato:
Evolutionary Game for Consensus Provision in Permissionless Blockchain Networks with Shards. 1-6 - Ximei Liu, Deli Qiao:
Design and Coverage Analysis of Elliptical Cell Based Beamforming for HSR Communication Systems. 1-6 - K. V. S. Sai Sushanth, A. Chockalingam:
Multiple-LED Complex Modulation Schemes for Indoor MIMO VLC Systems. 1-6 - Lu Wang, Tomoaki Ohtsuki:
Underdetermined Blind Separation using Multi-Subspace Representation in Time-Frequency Domain. 1-6 - Manijeh Bashar, Kanapathippillai Cumanan, Alister G. Burr, Hien Quoc Ngo, Erik G. Larsson, Pei Xiao:
On the Energy Efficiency of Limited-Backhaul Cell-Free Massive MIMO. 1-7 - Zhongjiang Yao, Lei Zhang, Jingguo Ge, Yulei Wu, Xiaodan Zhang:
An Invisible Flow Watermarking for Traffic Tracking: A Hidden Markov Model Approach. 1-6 - Shan Jin, Jiafan Wang, Ye Wang, Zhengguang Zheng:
A New Method for Sparse Signals Reconstruction in Fusion Center with Incomplete Measurements. 1-6 - Mingkui Wei, Jie Wang, Zhuo Lu, Wenye Wang:
On Studying Information Dissemination in Social-Physical Interdependent Networks. 1-6 - Turki G. Alghamdi, Dhaou Said, Hussein T. Mouftah:
Decentralized Energy Storage System for EVs Charging and Discharging in Smart Cities Context. 1-5 - Min Lin, Chun-Yan Yin, Zhi Lin, Jun-Bo Wang, Tomaso de Cola, Jian Ouyang:
Combined Beamforming with NOMA for Cognitive Satellite Terrestrial Networks. 1-6 - Kwang-Cheng Chen, Hsuan-Man Hung:
Wireless Robotic Communication for Collaborative Multi-Agent Systems. 1-7 - Howard H. Yang, Tony Q. S. Quek:
The Meta Distribution of SINR for Small Cell Networks with Temporal Traffic. 1-6 - René Brandborg Sørensen, Nasrin Razmi, Jimmy Jessen Nielsen, Petar Popovski:
Analysis of LoRaWAN Uplink with Multiple Demodulating Paths and Capture Effect. 1-6 - Feng Wang, Hong Xing, Jie Xu:
Optimal Resource Allocation for Wireless Powered Mobile Edge Computing with Dynamic Task Arrivals. 1-7 - Roy Laurens, Hossein Rezaeighaleh, Cliff C. Zou, Jusak Jusak:
Using Disposable Domain Names to Detect Online Card Transaction Fraud. 1-7 - Ali Rahmati, Huaiyu Dai:
Reinforcement Learning for Interference Avoidance Game in RF-Powered Backscatter Communications. 1-6 - Shunrong Jiang, Jianqing Liu, Liangmin Wang, Seong-Moo Yoo:
Verifiable Search Meets Blockchain: A Privacy-Preserving Framework for Outsourced Encrypted Data. 1-6 - Wei Tong, Xuewen Dong, Yulong Shen, Xiaohong Jiang:
A Hierarchical Sharding Protocol for Multi-Domain IoT Blockchains. 1-6 - Maximilian Schafer, Wayan Wicke, Rudolf Rabenstein, Robert Schober:
Analytical Models for Particle Diffusion and Flow in a Horizontal Cylinder with a Vertical Force. 1-7 - Andrew Ward, Zhengyuan Zhou, Nicholas Bambos, Ellen Wang, David Scheinker:
Anesthesiologist Surgery Assignments using Policy Learning. 1-6 - Malte Hinrichs, Jonas Hilt, Volker Jungnickel, Sang-Kyu Lim, Il-Soon Jang, Jin-Doo Jeong, Mohammad Noshad:
Pulsed Modulation PHY for Power Efficient Optical Wireless Communication. 1-7 - Mate Tomoskozi, Daniel E. Lucani, Frank H. P. Fitzek, Péter Ekler:
Unidirectional Robust Header Compression for Reliable Low Latency Mesh Networks. 1-6 - Sadaf Moaveninejad, Atul Kumar, Mahmoud Elgenedy, Maurizio Magarini, Naofal Al-Dhahir, Andrea M. Tonello:
Gaussian-Middleton Classification of Cyclostationary Correlated Noise in Hybrid MIMO-OFDM WiNPLC. 1-7 - Sajjad Hussain, Shi-Wei Qu:
A Compact Wideband, Wide-Scan Millimeter-Wave Antenna Array for 5G Wireless Applications. 1-5 - Apostolos Avranas, Marios Kountouris, Philippe Ciblat:
Throughput Maximization and IR-HARQ Optimization for URLLC Traffic in 5G Systems. 1-6 - Sadjad Sedighi, Ender Ayanoglu:
Bit-Interleaved Coded Multiple Beamforming in Millimeter-Wave Massive MIMO Systems. 1-6 - Guanyu Gao, Linsen Dong, Huaizheng Zhang, Yonggang Wen, Wenjun Zeng:
Content-Aware Personalised Rate Adaptation for Adaptive Streaming via Deep Video Analysis. 1-8 - Valentina Di Vincenzo, Martin Heusse, Bernard Tourancheau:
Improving Downlink Scalability in LoRaWAN. 1-7 - Binbin Su, Qiang Ni, Wenjuan Yu, Haris Pervaiz:
Outage Constrained Robust Beamforming Design for SWIPT-Enabled Cooperative NOMA System. 1-6 - Simeng Bian, Xi Huang, Ziyu Shao, Xin Gao, Yang Yang:
Service Chain Composition with Failures in NFV Systems: A Game-Theoretic Perspective. 1-6 - Linfeng Li, Zhufang Kuang, Anfeng Liu:
Energy Efficient and Low Delay Partial Offloading Scheduling and Power Allocation for MEC. 1-6 - Fan Jiang, Cheng Li, Zijun Gong, Yan Zhang, Shudong Liu, Kun Hao:
Efficient and Fast Processing of Large Array Signal Detection in Underwater Acoustic Communications. 1-6 - Abdulmonem M. Rashwan, Abd-Elhamid M. Taha, Hossam S. Hassanein:
Using Aiders for Securing Communications of Resource-Challenged Mobile Devices. 1-6 - Arled Papa, Markus Klugel, Leonardo Goratti, Tinku Rasheed, Wolfgang Kellerer:
Optimizing Dynamic RAN Slicing in Programmable 5G Networks. 1-7 - Wei Gong, Baoxian Zhang, Cheng Li:
Privacy-Aware Online Task Assignment Framework for Mobile Crowdsensing. 1-6 - Sunghwan Cho, Gaojie Chen, Justin P. Coon:
Securing Visible Light Communications with Spatial Jamming. 1-6 - Xiaofan He, Richeng Jin, Huaiyu Dai:
Physical-Layer Assisted Privacy-Preserving Offloading in Mobile-Edge Computing. 1-6 - Meng Shen, Yiting Liu, Siqi Chen, Liehuang Zhu, Yuchao Zhang:
Webpage Fingerprinting using Only Packet Length Information. 1-6 - Ziqing Wang, Robert A. Malaney, Jonathan Green:
Inter-Satellite Quantum Key Distribution at Terahertz Frequencies. 1-7 - Yinghui He, Jinke Ren, Guanding Yu, Yunlong Cai:
Joint Computation Offloading and Resource Allocation in D2D Enabled MEC Networks. 1-6 - Rongqing Zhang, Fanhui Zeng, Xiang Cheng, Liuqing Yang:
UAV-Aided Data Dissemination Protocol with Dynamic Trajectory Scheduling in VANETs. 1-6 - Amr Osman, Pascal Bruckner, Hani Salah, Frank H. P. Fitzek, Thorsten Strufe, Mathias Fischer:
Sandnet: Towards High Quality of Deception in Container-Based Microservice Architectures. 1-7 - Fuhui Zhou, Yongpeng Wu, Rose Qingyang Hu, Yi Qian:
Computation Efficiency in a Wireless-Powered Mobile Edge Computing Network with NOMA. 1-7 - Zhikun Wu, Zesong Fei, Zhu Han, Li-Chun Wang:
Distributed User-Centric Clustering and Base Station Mode Choose in Ultra Dense Networks. 1-7 - Mohammad Movahednasab, Naeimeh Omidvar, Mohammad Reza Pakravan, Tommy Svensson:
Joint Data Routing and Power Scheduling for Wireless Powered Communication Networks. 1-7 - André Mendes Cavalcante, Igor Almeida, Eduardo Medeiros, Miguel Berg:
A Novel Model of Beamspace Beamforming Coefficients for Fronthaul Load Reduction. 1-6 - Bo Jiang, Ming Li, Ravi Tandon:
Local Information Privacy with Bounded Prior. 1-7 - Samiru Gayan, Hazer Inaltekin, Rajitha Senanayake, Jamie S. Evans:
Phase Modulated Communication with Low-Resolution ADCs. 1-7 - Fen Cheng, Guan Gui, Nan Zhao, Yunfei Chen, Jie Tang, Hikmet Sari:
Secure Transmission via UAV Relaying with Caching. 1-6 - Vaclav Raida, Philipp Svoboda, Martin Kruschke, Markus Rupp:
Constant Rate Ultra Short Probing (CRUSP): Measurements in Live LTE Networks. 1-6 - Xiaoling Hu, Caijun Zhong, Yu Han, Xiaoming Chen, Junhui Zhao, Zhaoyang Zhang:
Angle-Domain MmWave MIMO NOMA Systems: Analysis and Design. 1-6 - Weilin Qu, Xiang Cheng, Liuqing Yang:
Hybrid Spatial-Modulation Based Virtual MIMO Relaying Protocol with SWIPT. 1-6 - Atoosa Dalili Shoaei, Mahsa Derakhshani, Tho Le-Ngoc:
A Reconfigurable NOMA Scheme for Machine-to-Machine Networks. 1-5 - Ziyao Zhang, Liang Ma, Konstantinos Poularakis, Kin K. Leung, Lingfei Wu:
DQ Scheduler: Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Controller Synchronization in Distributed SDN. 1-7 - Huan Cao, Yongtao Su, Yiqing Zhou, Jinlong Hu:
QoS Guaranteed Load Balancing in Broadband Multi-Beam Satellite Networks. 1-6 - Wenjie Li, Sharief M. A. Oteafy, Hossam S. Hassanein:
Performance Comparison of Transcoding and Bitrate-Aware Caching in Adaptive Video Streaming. 1-7 - Maotong Xu, Jelena Diakonikolas, Eytan H. Modiano, Suresh Subramaniam:
A Hierarchical WDM-Based Scalable Data Center Network Architecture. 1-7 - Maximilian Bachl, Tanja Zseby, Joachim Fabini:
Rax: Deep Reinforcement Learning for Congestion Control. 1-6 - Jialu Hao, Cheng Huang, Guangyu Chen, Ming Xian, Xuemin Sherman Shen:
Privacy-Preserving Interest-Ability Based Task Allocation in Crowdsourcing. 1-6 - Han Hu, Zhimin Xu, Xinggong Zhang, Zongming Guo:
Optimal Viewport-Adaptive 360-Degree Video Streaming Against Random Head Movement. 1-6 - Penglin Dai, Kai Liu, Xiao Wu, Huanlai Xing, Zhaofei Yu, Victor C. S. Lee:
A Learning Algorithm for Real-Time Service in Vehicular Networks with Mobile-Edge Computing. 1-6 - Marcelo Michael, Jaime Llorca, Antonia M. Tulino:
Approximation Algorithms for the Optimal Distribution of Real-Time Stream-Processing Services. 1-7 - Chuanji Zhang, Douglas M. Blough:
High Satisfaction and Fair Allocation of Resources in Software-Defined Data Center Networks. 1-6 - Weiyang Xu, Shengbo Xu, Bing Li:
Detection of Pilot Spoofing Attack in Massive MIMO Systems. 1-6 - Min Li, Chunshan Liu, Stephen V. Hanly, Iain B. Collings, Philip Whiting:
Beam Alignment with Two-Stage Search for Millimeter-Wave Communications. 1-6 - Yan-Fang Mao, Yang Zhang, Jun-Liang Chen, Kong-yang Zhao:
Exploiting Java Stack Forensics for Runtime Monitoring of IoT Services. 1-6 - Lucas Castanheira, Ricardo Parizotto, Alberto E. Schaeffer Filho:
FlowStalker: Comprehensive Traffic Flow Monitoring on the Data Plane using P4. 1-6 - Alphan Sahin, Rui Yang:
A Reliable Uplink Control Channel Design with Complementary Sequences. 1-7 - Siguang Chen, Yimin Zheng, Kun Wang, Weifeng Lu:
Delay Guaranteed Energy-Efficient Computation Offloading for Industrial IoT in Fog Computing. 1-6 - Zhihong Zeng, Mohammad Dehghani Soltani, Majid Safari, Harald Haas:
Angle Diversity Receiver in LiFi Cellular Networks. 1-6 - Rui Zhang, Peng Cheng, Zhuo Chen, Yonghui Li, Branka Vucetic:
Learning Multiple Primary Transmit Power Levels for Smart Spectrum Sharing. 1-6 - Seyyedali Hosseinalipour, Ali Rahmati, Huaiyu Dai:
Interference Avoidance Position Planning in UAV-Assisted Wireless Communication. 1-6 - Airas Akhtar, Sayed Saad Afzal, Saad Qureshi, Muhammad Tahir, Momin Uppal:
WiLoad: Exploiting Wi-Fi Signals for Non-Intrusive Detection and Recognition of Load Appliances. 1-6 - Mai Ali, Asma Asim Ali, Abd-Elhamid M. Taha, Imed Ben Dhaou, Tuan Nguyen Gia:
Intelligent Autonomous Elderly Patient Home Monitoring System. 1-6 - Shihao Ju, Syed Hashim Ali Shah, Muhammad Affan Javed, Jun Li, Girish Palteru, Jyotish Robin, Yunchou Xing, Ojas Kanhere, Theodore S. Rappaport:
Scattering Mechanisms and Modeling for Terahertz Wireless Communications. 1-7 - Mengting Liu, Yinglei Teng, F. Richard Yu, Victor C. M. Leung, Mei Song:
Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Performance Optimization in Blockchain-Enabled Internet of Vehicle. 1-6 - Rouzbeh Behnia, Muslum Ozgur Ozmen, Attila A. Yavuz:
ARIS: Authentication for Real-Time IoT Systems. 1-6 - Sriramya Bhamidipati, Kyeong Jin Kim, Hongbo Sun, Philip V. Orlik:
GPS Spoofing Detection and Mitigation in PMUs using Distributed Multiple Directional Antennas. 1-7 - Waseem Raza, Nadeem Javaid, Hina Nasir, Muhammad Imran, Nidal Naseer:
Buffer Occupancy Based DF and AF Relaying in Nakagami-m Fading Channels. 1-6 - Danyang Zheng, Chengzong Peng, Evrim Guler, Guangchun Luo, Ling Tian, Xiaojun Cao:
Hybrid Service Chain Deployment in Networks with Unique Function. 1-6 - Rawan Alkurd, Ibrahim Y. Abualhaol, Halim Yanikomeroglu:
Dataset Modeling for Data-Driven AI-Based Personalized Wireless Networks. 1-6 - Bo Yang, Xuelin Cao, Joshua Bassey, Xiangfang Li, Timothy S. Kroecker, Lijun Qian:
Computation Offloading in Multi-Access Edge Computing Networks: A Multi-Task Learning Approach. 1-6 - Yujie Liu, Xu Zhu, Eng Gee Lim, Yufei Jiang, Yi Huang:
Robust Semi-Blind Estimation of Channel and CFO for GFDM Systems. 1-7 - Christian Arendt, Janis Nötzel, Holger Boche:
Reliable Communication Over Arbitrarily Varying Channels Under Block-Restricted Jamming. 1-7 - Christos K. Kourtellaris, Constantinos Psomas, Ioannis Krikidis:
Finite Blocklength Analysis of the Multiple Access Relay Channel with Batch-and-Forward Strategy. 1-6 - Amal Alahmadi, Xiaodong Lin:
Towards Secure and Fair IIoT-Enabled Supply Chain Management via Blockchain-Based Smart Contracts. 1-7 - Gengshen Lin, Mianxiong Dong, Kaoru Ota, Jianhua Li, Wu Yang, Jun Wu:
Security Function Virtualization Based Moving Target Defense of SDN-Enabled Smart Grid. 1-6 - Shohei Araki, Kneji Takahashi, Bo Hu, Kazunori Kamiya, Masaki Tanikawa:
Subspace Clustering for Interpretable Botnet Traffic Analysis. 1-6 - Seun Sangodoyin, Usman Tahir Virk, Daoud Burghal, Katsuyuki Haneda, Andreas F. Molisch:
System Performance Assessment in Dual-Band Device-to-Device MIMO Channels. 1-6 - Haonan Hu, Jiliang Zhang, Xiaoli Chu, Jie Zhang:
Downlink Coverage Analysis of K-Tier Heterogeneous Networks with Multiple Antennas. 1-6 - Wenwen Fu, Tao Li, Jialun Yang, Junnan Li, Zhigang Sun:
STRIDE: Single-Trip-Time Based Reliable Data Transport Protocol for the Reconfigurable Cloud. 1-7 - Robert Schmidt, Chia-Yu Chang, Navid Nikaein:
FlexVRAN: A Flexible Controller for Virtualized RAN Over Heterogeneous Deployments. 1-7 - Yan Zhu, Min Sheng, Jiandong Li, Runzi Liu, Ziye Jia, Jianping Liu, Zhu Han:
Antenna Scheduling for Multiple User Satellites in Space Data Relay Networks. 1-7 - Mingyan Li, Cailian Chen, Cunqing Hua, Xinping Guan:
CFlow: A Learning-Based Compressive Flow Statistics Collection Scheme for SDNs. 1-6 - Linning Peng, Aiqun Hu:
A Design of Deep Learning Based Optical Fiber Ethernet Device Fingerprint Identification System. 1-6 - Tadilo Endeshaw Bogale, Xianbin Wang, Long Bao Le:
Dominant CIR Tap Identification for OFDM Channels: Adaptive Bootstrapping Approach. 1-7 - Wei Cao, Alex Dytso, Yanina Shkel, Gang Feng, H. Vincent Poor:
Sum-Capacity of the MIMO Gaussian Many-Access Channel. 1-6 - Rajshekhar Vishweshwar Bhat, Mehul Motani, Chandra R. Murthy, Rahul Vaze:
Energy Harvesting Communications with Batteries Having Full-Cycle Constraints. 1-6 - Juan Carlos Bucheli Garcia, Mohamed Kamoun, Alain Sibille:
Low-Complexity MRC for ESPAR Based on the Polynomial Expansion of the Admittance Matrix. 1-6 - Guanghui Wang, Yifan Xu, Fei Tong, Jianping Pan, Subin Shen:
Modeling and Analyzing Single Anchor Localization for Internet of Things. 1-6 - Hang Wu, Yulong Zou, Jia Zhu, Xiaochan Xue, Theodoros A. Tsiftsis:
Secrecy Performance of Hybrid Satellite-Terrestrial Relay Systems with Hardware Impairments. 1-6 - Qiuyun Wang, Qingyuan Xie, Nuo Yu, Hejiao Huang, Xiaohua Jia:
Dynamic Server Switching for Energy Efficient Mobile Edge Networks. 1-6 - Manlio Bacco, Pietro Cassarà, Alberto Gotta, Tomaso de Cola:
Diversity Framed Slotted Aloha with Interference Cancellation for Maritime Satellite Communications. 1-6 - Trinh Van Chien, Emil Björnson, Erik G. Larsson:
Sum Spectral Efficiency Maximization in Massive MIMO Systems: Benefits from Deep Learning. 1-6 - Licia Amichi, Megumi Kaneko, Nancy El Rachkidy, Alexandre Guitton:
Spreading Factor Allocation Strategy for LoRa Networks Under Imperfect Orthogonality. 1-7 - Chih-Hsiu Zeng, Kwang-Cheng Chen:
Pseudo Whitening of Intercarrier Interference in the Asynchronous URLLC Downlink. 1-6 - Hamdan Awan, Raviraj S. Adve, Nigel Wallbridge, Carrol Plummer, Andrew W. Eckford:
Impact of Multiple Action Potentials on Communication Properties of Plants. 1-6 - Xiang Zhang, Nicholas Woolsey, Mingyue Ji:
Cache-Aided Interference Management using Hypercube Combinatorial Cache Designs. 1-6 - Mithun Mukherjee, Suman Kumar, Mohammad Shojafar, Qi Zhang, Constandinos X. Mavromoustakis:
Joint Task Offloading and Resource Allocation for Delay-Sensitive Fog Networks. 1-7 - Qianlan Bai, Xinyan Zhou, Xing Wang, Yuedong Xu, Xin Wang, Qingsheng Kong:
A Deep Dive Into Blockchain Selfish Mining. 1-6 - Quyuan Wang, Songtao Guo, Ying Wang, Yuanyuan Yang:
Incentive Mechanism for Edge Cloud Profit Maximization in Mobile Edge Computing. 1-6 - Fidan Mehmeti, Thomas F. La Porta:
Admission Control for Consistent Users in Next Generation Cellular Networks. 1-7 - Zhen Mei, Kui Cai, Xingwei Zhong:
Neural Network-Based Dynamic Threshold Detection for Non-Volatile Memories. 1-6 - Qi Li, Hui Zhu, Ziling Zhang, Rongxing Lu, Fengwei Wang, Hui Li:
Spoofing Attacks on Speaker Verification Systems Based Generated Voice using Genetic Algorithm. 1-6 - Mounib Khanafer, Marwa Kandil, Reem AlBaghdadi, Amani Al-Ajmi, Hussein T. Mouftah:
Enhancements to IEEE 802.15.4 MAC Protocol to Support Vehicle-to-Roadside Communications in VANETs. 1-5 - Ozgur Umut Akgul, Ilaria Malanchini, Antonio Capone:
Anticipatory Resource Allocation and Trading in a Sliced Network. 1-7 - Haoran Qi, Jiadong Yu, Andrea Cavallaro, Yue Gao:
Robust Compressive Sensing of Multiband Spectrum with Partial and Incorrect Priors. 1-6 - Rodolfo Ipolito Meneguette, Diego O. Rodrigues, Joahannes B. D. da Costa, Denis do Rosário, Leandro A. Villas:
A Virtual Machine Migration Policy Based on Multiple Attribute Decision in Vehicular Cloud Scenario. 1-6 - Lemei Huang, Yu Guan, Xinggong Zhang, Zongming Guo:
UtilCache: Effectively and Practicably Reducing Link Cost in Information-Centric Network. 1-6 - Gang Liu, Xianhao Chen, Zheng Ma, Xi Zhang, Ming Xiao, Pingzhi Fan:
Full-Duplex and C-RAN Based Multi-Cell Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access Over 5G Wireless Networks. 1-7 - Ximeng Liu, Tengfei Yang, Zhuoran Ma, Jianfeng Ma, Yinbin Miao:
Privacy-Preserving Data Sharing Framework for High-Accurate Outsourced Computation. 1-6 - Husheng Li:
Landscape Detection by Leveraging Millimeter Wave Communication Signals. 1-6 - Yohei Hasegawa, Kazuya Suzuki:
A Multi-User ACK-Aggregation Method for Large-Scale Reliable LoRaWAN Service. 1-7 - Néstor J. Hernández Marcano, Rune Hylsberg Jacobsen:
On the Delay Advantages of a Network Coded Transport Layer in IoT Nanosatellite Constellations. 1-6 - Forough Shirin Abkenar, Yong Zeng, Abbas Jamalipour:
Energy Consumption Tradeoff for Association-Free Fog-IoT. 1-6 - Leilei Wu, Anfu Zhou, Xiaojiang Chen, Liang Liu, Huadong Ma:
GCC-beta: Improving Interactive Live Video Streaming via an Adaptive Low-Latency Congestion Control. 1-6 - Qingquan Huang, Wei-Ping Zhu, Symeon Chatzinotas, Mohamed-Slim Alouini:
Outage Performance of Integrated Satellite-Terrestrial Relay Networks with Opportunistic Scheduling. 1-6 - Rui Liu, Jun Song, Zhiming Huang, Jianping Pan:
EQRC: An Enhanced QR Code-Based Secure E-coupon Transaction Framework. 1-6 - Shuowen Zhang, Rui Zhang:
Trajectory Design for Cellular-Connected UAV Under Outage Duration Constraint. 1-6 - Marco A. Gamarra, Sachin Shetty, Oscar R. González, Laurent Njilla, Marcus Pendleton, Charles A. Kamhoua:
Dual Redundant Cyber-Attack Tolerant Control Systems Strategy for Cyber-Physical Systems. 1-7 - Lindong Zhao, Lei Wang, Mingkai Chen, Bin Kang, Baoyu Zheng:
Intelligent Content Sharing Based on Cooperative Crowdsensing. 1-6 - Dimitris Giatsios, Kostas Choumas, Paris Flegkas, Thanasis Korakis, Joan Josep Aleixendri Cruelles, Daniel Camps-Mur:
Design and Evaluation of a Hierarchical SDN Control Plane for 5G Transport Networks. 1-6 - Yue Xu, Feng Yin, Wenjun Xu, Jiaru Lin, Shuguang Cui:
Distributed Gaussian Process: New Paradigm and Application to Wireless Traffic Prediction. 1-6 - Amir Varasteh, Sandra Hofmann, Nemanja Deric, Mu He, Dominic Schupke, Wolfgang Kellerer, Carmen Mas Machuca:
Mobility-Aware Joint Service Placement and Routing in Space-Air-Ground Integrated Networks. 1-7 - Xuehan Chen, Yong Liu, Zhigang Chen, Lin X. Cai, Yu Cheng, Deyu Zhang, Fen Hou:
Resource Allocation for Sustainable Wireless IoT Networks with Energy Harvesting. 1-6 - Meng Hao, Hongwei Li, Guowen Xu, Sen Liu, Haomiao Yang:
Towards Efficient and Privacy-Preserving Federated Deep Learning. 1-6 - Xiaoyan Wang, Masahiro Umehira, Biao Han, Peng Li, Yu Gu, Celimuge Wu:
Online Incentive Mechanism for Crowdsourced Radio Environment Map Construction. 1-6 - Rodolfo W. L. Coutinho, Azzedine Boukerche, Sergio Guercin:
Performance Evaluation of Candidate Set Selection Procedures for Underwater Sensor Networks. 1-6 - H. Murat Gursu, Wolfgang Kellerer, Cedomir Stefanovic:
On Throughput Maximization of Grant-Free Access with Reliability-Latency Constraints. 1-7 - Shihao Yan, Stephen V. Hanly, Iain B. Collings, Dennis L. Goeckel:
Hiding Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Wireless Transmissions by Covert Communications. 1-6 - Yu Bi, Carlos Colman Meixner, Rui Wang, Fanchao Meng, Reza Nejabati, Dimitra Simeonidou:
Resource Allocation for Ultra-Low Latency Virtual Network Services in Hierarchical 5G Network. 1-7 - Yue Ling Che, Sheng Luo, Kaishun Wu:
Spectrum Sharing Based Cognitive UAV Networks via Optimal Beamwidth Allocation. 1-6 - Jianbo Du, Guangyue Lu, Xiaoli Chu, Xiaofei Wang, F. Richard Yu:
Economical Profit Maximization in MEC Enabled Vehicular Networks. 1-6 - Seyedhamed Ebadifar, Jaber Kakar, Aydin Sezgin:
The Need for Alignment in Rate-Efficient Distributed Two-Sided Secure Matrix Computation. 1-6 - José Suárez-Varela, Albert Mestres, Junlin Yu, Li Kuang, Haoyu Feng, Pere Barlet-Ros, Albert Cabellos-Aparicio:
Feature Engineering for Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Routing. 1-6 - Thinh Duy Tran, Long Bao Le, Tung Thanh Vu, Duy Trong Ngo:
Stackelberg Game-Based Network Slicing for Joint Wireless Access and Backhaul Resource Allocation. 1-7 - Wenqian Wu, Chengshan Xiao, Xiqi Gao:
Multicell Massive MIMO Multicasting with Finite-Alphabet Inputs and Statistical CSI. 1-6 - Quan Geng, Mindi Yuan, Hieu T. Do, Yun Li, Rui Wu, Wei Ding:
On the Capacity Region of Broadcast Packet Erasure Relay Networks with Feedback. 1-6 - Yujie Tang, Peng Yang, Wen Wu, Jon W. Mark, Xuemin Sherman Shen:
Cooperation-Based Interference Mitigation in Heterogeneous Cloud Radio Access Networks. 1-6 - Arash Mirhosseini, Suresh Singh:
Modeling Line-of-Sight Terahertz Channels using Convex Lenses. 1-6 - Reginald A. Banez, Lixin Li, Chungang Yang, Lingyang Song, Zhu Han:
A Mean-Field-Type Game Approach to Computation Offloading in Mobile Edge Computing Networks. 1-6 - Yong Wang, Xiuqian Jia, Mu Zhou, Xiaolong Yang, Zengshan Tian:
Rammar: RAM Assisted Mask R-CNN for FMCW Sensor Based HGD System. 1-6 - Hien Q. Ta, Zhengdao Wang, Sang Wu Kim, Jimmy J. Nielsen, Petar Popovski:
Preamble Detection in NB-IoT Random Access with Limited-Capacity Backhaul. 1-6 - Anique Akhtar, Junchao Ma, Rubayet Shafin Bradley Shafin, Jianan Bai, Lianjun Li, Zhu Li, Lingjia Liu:
Low Latency Scalable Point Cloud Communication in VANETs using V2I Communication. 1-7 - Yihan Jiang, Hyeji Kim, Himanshu Asnani, Sreeram Kannan, Sewoong Oh, Pramod Viswanath:
LEARN Codes: Inventing Low-Latency Codes via Recurrent Neural Networks. 1-7 - Xudong Fang, Ming Zhao, Sihai Zhang, Wuyang Zhou, Jinkang Zhu:
Grouping-Based Grant-Free Random Access Based on Statistical Distribution of User Rates. 1-6 - Haolin Yang, Zhiwei Xu, Limin Liu, Mengjie Guo, Yujun Zhang:
Dynamic Slide Window-Based Feature Scoring and Extraction for On-Line Rumor Detection with CNN. 1-6 - Liqun Cui, Mianxiong Dong, Kaoru Ota, Jun Wu, Jianhua Li, Yang Wu:
NSTN: Name-Based Smart Tracking for Network Status in Information-Centric Internet of Things. 1-6 - Leila Askari, Francesco Musumeci, Massimo Tornatore:
Latency-Aware Traffic Grooming for Dynamic Service Chaining in Metro Networks. 1-6 - Fujun He, Takehiro Sato, Eiji Oki:
Master and Slave Controller Assignment Model Against Multiple Failures in Software Defined Network. 1-6 - Lichuan Liu, Wei Li, Chao Jiang:
Breath Sounds Recognition and Classification for Respiration System Diseases. 1-6 - Hua Fu, Sébastien Roy:
Asymptotic BER Analysis of MMSE Receivers in Multicell MU-MIMO Systems. 1-7 - Pai Chet Ng, James She, Rong Ran:
Towards Sub-Room Level Occupancy Detection with Denoising-Contractive Autoencoder. 1-6 - Bhawna Ahuja, Deepak Mishra, Ranjan Bose:
Novel QoS-Aware Physical Layer Security Analysis Considering Random Inter-Node Distances. 1-6 - Dongbin Jiao, Peng Yang, Liqun Fu, Liangjun Ke, Ke Tang:
Optimal Energy-Delay Scheduling for Energy Harvesting WSNs via Negatively Correlated Search. 1-7 - Illyyne Saffar, Marie-Line Alberi-Morel, Kamal Deep Singh, César Viho:
Semi-Supervised Deep Learning-Based Methods for Indoor Outdoor Detection. 1-7 - Ardimas Andi Purwita, Cheng Chen, Majid Safari, Harald Haas:
Cyclic-Prefixed System with PAM using DFE and THP for Uplink Transmission in LiFi. 1-6 - Wenchi Cheng, Haiyue Jing, Wei Zhang, Zan Li, Hailin Zhang:
Achieving Practical OAM Based Wireless Communications with Misaligned Transceiver. 1-6 - Sohan Gyawali, Yi Qian:
Misbehavior Detection using Machine Learning in Vehicular Communication Networks. 1-6 - Yanjiao Chen, Yuxuan Xiong, Bulou Liu, Xiaoyan Yin:
TranGAN: Generative Adversarial Network Based Transfer Learning for Social Tie Prediction. 1-6 - Zheng Li, Sheng Yang, Thierry Clessienne:
A General Rate Splitting Scheme for Hybrid Precoding in mmWave Systems. 1-6 - Guangxia Li, Peilin Zhao, Xiao Lu, Jia Liu, Yulong Shen:
Data Analytics for Fog Computing by Distributed Online Learning with Asynchronous Update. 1-6 - Roberto Torre Arranz, Sreekrishna Pandi, Giang T. Nguyen, Frank H. P. Fitzek:
Optimization of a Random Linear Network Coding System with Newton Method for Wireless Systems. 1-6 - Hongbo Zhang, Hongwei Du, Qiang Ye, Chuang Liu:
Utilizing CSI and RSSI to Achieve High-Precision Outdoor Positioning: A Deep Learning Approach. 1-6 - Yan-Ting Chen, Wanjiun Liao:
Mobility-Aware Service Function Chaining in 5G Wireless Networks with Mobile Edge Computing. 1-6 - Marcela T. de Oliveira, Lúcio Henrik A. Reis, Ricardo Campanha Carrano, Flávio Luiz Seixas, Débora C. Muchaluat-Saade, Célio Vinicius N. de Albuquerque, Natalia Castro Fernandes, Sílvia D. Olabarriaga, Dianne S. V. Medeiros, Diogo M. F. Mattos:
Towards a Blockchain-Based Secure Electronic Medical Record for Healthcare Applications. 1-6 - Wei Jiang, Hans Dieter Schotten:
A Comparison of Wireless Channel Predictors: Artificial Intelligence Versus Kalman Filter. 1-6 - Zheyi Chen, Jia Hu, Geyong Min:
Learning-Based Resource Allocation in Cloud Data Center using Advantage Actor-Critic. 1-6 - Arman Rezaee, Vincent W. S. Chan:
Diversity Routing to Improve Delay-Jitter Tradeoff in Uncertain Network Environments. 1-7 - Bo Zhou, Walid Saad:
Minimizing Age of Information in the Internet of Things with Non-Uniform Status Packet Sizes. 1-6 - Yong Liao, Yuanxiao Hua, Xuewu Dai, Haimei Yao, Xinyi Yang:
ChanEstNet: A Deep Learning Based Channel Estimation for High-Speed Scenarios. 1-6 - Yong Zhuang, Osman Yagan:
A Vector Threshold Model for the Simultaneous Spread of Correlated Influence. 1-7 - Ngoc-Tan Nguyen, Nguyen Van Huynh, Dinh Thai Hoang, Diep N. Nguyen, Nam-Hoang Nguyen, Quoc-Tuan Nguyen, Eryk Dutkiewicz:
Energy Management and Time Scheduling for Heterogeneous IoT Wireless-Powered Backscatter Networks. 1-6 - Takayuki Nishio, Ryo Yonetani:
Client Selection for Federated Learning with Heterogeneous Resources in Mobile Edge. 1-7 - Jennifer Chakravarty, Oliver Johnson, Robert J. Piechocki:
A Convex Scheme for the Secrecy Capacity of a MIMO Wiretap Channel with a Single Antenna Eavesdropper. 1-5 - Yunqin Hao, Tiejun Lv, Jie Zeng, Pingmu Huang:
PNC-Aided Robust Secure Beamforming Design for Two-Way Relay Networks with Artificial Noise. 1-6 - Prodromos-Vasileios Mekikis, Angelos Antonopoulos:
Breaking the Boundaries of Aerial Networks with Charging Stations. 1-6 - Hengxi Mao, Hancheng Lu, Yujiao Lu, Daren Zhu:
RoemNet: Robust Meta Learning Based Channel Estimation in OFDM Systems. 1-6 - Xiangyu Chen, Ka-Cheong Leung:
Fictitious Self-Play for Vehicle-to-Grid Game with Imperfect Information. 1-6 - Feng Lyu, Peng Yang, Weisen Shi, Huaqing Wu, Wen Wu, Nan Cheng, Xuemin Sherman Shen:
Online UAV Scheduling Towards Throughput QoS Guarantee for Dynamic IoVs. 1-6 - Yuwen Cao, Tomoaki Ohtsuki:
Precoding Aided Generalized Spatial Modulation with K Transmit Antenna Groups. 1-6 - Anshul Thakur, Swades De, Gabriel-Miro Muntean:
Interference-Aware Co-Channel Transmission Over DTV Bands via Partial Frequency and Time Overlaps. 1-6 - Xinyuan Fang, Tiankui Zhang, Yuanwei Liu, Geoffrey Ye Li, Zhimin Zeng:
Multi-Winner Auction Based Mobile User Caching in D2D-Enabled Cellular Networks. 1-6 - Soyoung Jang, Seok-Ho Chang, Minyeong Kim, Sunghyun Cho:
Image Broadcasting for Heterogeneous User Devices in MIMO Networks. 1-6 - Xinyu Huang, Nan Yang:
On the Block Error Performance of Short-Packet Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access Systems. 1-7 - Yifei Shen, Yuanming Shi, Jun Zhang, Khaled Ben Letaief:
Transfer Learning for Mixed-Integer Resource Allocation Problems in Wireless Networks. 1-6 - Seungnyun Kim, Jun Won Choi, Byonghyo Shim:
Feedback Reduction for Beyond 5G Cellular Systems. 1-6 - Haotong Cao, Yongan Guo, Shengchen Wu, Zhicheng Qu, Hongbo Zhu, Longxiang Yang:
Location Aware and Node Ranking Value Driven Embedding Algorithm for Multiple Substrate Networks. 1-6 - Mohammad G. Khoshkholgh, Keivan Navaie, Halim Yanikomeroglu, Victor C. M. Leung, Kang G. Shin:
How Do Non-Ideal UAV Antennas Affect Air-to-Ground Communications? 1-7 - Runzhou Li, Peilin Hong, Defang Li, Jianing Pei:
Energy Harvesting-Based D2D Relaying Achieving Energy Cooperation Underlaying Cellular Networks. 1-7 - Robert T. Schwarz, Andreas Knopp:
MIMO Capacity of Co-Located Satellites in Longitude Separation. 1-7 - Yang Qin, Wuji Han, Yuanyuan Yang, Weihong Yang, Bing Liu:
Joint Energy Optimization on the Server and Network Sides for Geo-Distributed Datacenters. 1-6 - Hong Ren, Cunhua Pan, Yansha Deng, Maged Elkashlan, Arumugam Nallanathan:
Resource Allocation for URLLC in 5G Mission-Critical IoT Networks. 1-6 - Taha Bouchoucha, Zhi Ding:
Robust Online Social Network Inference. 1-6 - Yu Zhao, Rainer Grünheid, Gerhard Bauch:
Framed Repetition Code for High Speed Chip-to-Chip Communication in Multi-Drop Interfaces. 1-6 - Di Wu, Binxing Fang, Junnan Wang, Qixu Liu, Xiang Cui:
Evading Machine Learning Botnet Detection Models via Deep Reinforcement Learning. 1-6 - Takehiro Sato, Eiji Oki:
Dynamic Program File Placement Strategies for Machine-to-Machine Service Network Platform. 1-6 - Tianchong Gao, Feng Li:
Efficient Content Delivery via Interest Queueing. 1-6 - Meng Li, Bin Wu, Yaning Wang:
Comment Spam Detection via Effective Features Combination. 1-6 - Nafiseh Seyed Mazloum, Ove Edfors:
Interference-Free OFDM Embedding of Wake-Up Signals for Low-Power Wake-Up Receivers. 1-6 - Hanning Gu, Hazer Inaltekin, Brian Scott Krongold:
Coverage Modelling and Handover Analysis in Ultra-Dense Heterogeneous Networks. 1-6 - Yue Xu, Wenjun Xu, Zhi Wang, Jiaru Lin, Shuguang Cui:
Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Mobility Load Balancing Under Multiple Behavior Policies. 1-6 - Hong Zhao, Yuexin Zhang, Xinyi Huang, Yang Xiang:
An Adaptive Secret Key Establishment Scheme in Smart Home Environments. 1-6 - Xinwei Yue, Yuanwei Liu, Yuanyuan Yao, Xuehua Li, Rongke Liu, Arumugam Nallanathan:
Secrecy Outage Performance of a Unified Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access Framework. 1-7 - Pengtao Zhao, Hui Tian, Kwang-Cheng Chen, Shaoshuai Fan, Gaofeng Nie:
Model-Free Online TDD Configuration for Mobile Edge Computing. 1-6 - Ming-Min Zhao, Yunlong Cai, Min-Jian Zhao, Benoît Champagne:
Joint Content Placement, RRH Clustering and Beamforming for Cache-Enabled Cloud-RAN. 1-6 - Mu Zhou, Hui Yuan, Yong Wang, Weiqiang Tan, Zengshan Tian:
Indoor UAV Localization using Manifold Alignment with Mobile AP Detection. 1-6 - Zhong Yang, Yuanwei Liu, Yue Chen, Gareth Tyson:
Deep Reinforcement Learning in Cache-Aided MEC Networks. 1-6 - Athmane Seghier, Jianxin Li:
AES Based on Key Dependently Nonlinear Redundant S-Box. 1-6 - Yunkai Wei, Yue Tao, Ning Yang, Supeng Leng:
On Modeling Malware Propagation in Interest-Based Overlapping Communities. 1-6 - Yi Chen, Xiuzhang Cai, Chong Han:
Wave Propagation Modeling for mmWave and Terahertz Wireless Networks-on-Chip Communications. 1-6 - Chafiq Titouna, Farid Naït-Abdesselam, Ashfaq Khokhar:
A Multivariate Outlier Detection Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-6 - Seungho Han, Yeonji Oh, Changick Song:
A Deep Learning Based Channel Estimation Scheme for IEEE 802.11p Systems. 1-6 - Jean-Franois Laplante, Bhaskar Das, Jalal Almhana:
Power Conservation in Cloud-Assisted Real-Time Context Learning System. 1-6 - Yuanyuan Hao, Qiang Ni, Hai Li, Shujuan Hou:
Energy-Efficient Multi-User Mobile-Edge Computation Offloading in Massive MIMO Enabled HetNets. 1-6 - Aryan Kaushik, Evangelos Vlachos, John S. Thompson:
Energy Efficiency Maximization of Millimeter Wave Hybrid MIMO Systems with Low Resolution DACs. 1-6 - Qin Tao, Caijun Zhong, Xiaoming Chen, Zhaoyang Zhang:
Maximum-Eigenvalue Detector for Multi-Antenna Ambient Backscatter Communication Systems. 1-5 - Chitradeep Majumdar, Miguel López-Benítez, S. N. Merchant:
Accurate Modelling of IoT Data Traffic Based on Weighted Sum of Distributions. 1-6 - Chang Liu, Xuemeng Liu, Ying-Chang Liang:
Deep CNN for Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio. 1-6 - Clayson Celes, Azzedine Boukerche, Antonio A. F. Loureiro:
Mobility Data Assessment for Vehicular Networks. 1-6 - Wenqian Shen, Linglong Dai, Shuangfeng Han, Chih-Lin I, Robert W. Heath Jr.:
Channel Estimation for Orthogonal Time Frequency Space (OTFS) Massive MIMO. 1-6 - Mohammad Ranjbar, Hung Nguyen-Le, Tutku Karacolak, Nghi H. Tran:
Energy Efficiency of NOMA-Based Wireless Networks Under Gaussian-Mixture Interference. 1-6 - Changkun Jiang, Lin Gao, Jingjing Luo, Shimin Gong:
Crowdsourcing for Mobile Edge Caching: A Game-Theoretic Analysis. 1-6 - Liang Zhao, Weiliang Zhao, Ahmed Yassin Al-Dubai, Geyong Min:
A Novel Adaptive Routing and Switching Scheme for Software-Defined Vehicular Networks. 1-6 - Nithin Raveendran, Mohsen Bahrami, Bane Vasic:
Syndrome-Generalized Belief Propagation Decoding for Quantum Memories. 1-6 - Yunlong Wang, Ying Wu, Yuan Shen:
Performance Limits of Cooperative Localization using Signals of Opporunity in Aray Networks. 1-6 - Placido Mursia, Italo Atzeni, David Gesbert, Mari Kobayashi:
D2D-Aided Multi-Antenna Multicasting. 1-6 - Alan A. Diaz-Montiel, Sandra Aladin, Christine Tremblay, Marco Ruffini:
Active Wavelength Load as a Feature for QoT Estimation Based on Support Vector Machine. 1-6 - Yuhang Wang, Zhihong Tian, Shen Su, Yanbin Sun, Chunsheng Zhu:
Preserving Location Privacy in Mobile Edge Computing. 1-6 - Sherif Adeshina Busari, Kazi Mohammed Saidul Huq, Shahid Mumtaz, Jonathan Rodriguez:
Terahertz Massive MIMO for Beyond-5G Wireless Communication. 1-6 - Shubhani Aggarwal, Mohammad Shojafar, Neeraj Kumar, Mauro Conti:
A New Secure Data Dissemination Model in Internet of Drones. 1-6 - Deepak Mishra, Poonam Lohan, L. Nirmala Devi:
Coverage-Constrained Utility Maximization of UAV. 1-6 - Jing Jiang, Xiaojing Wang, Guftaar Ahmad Sardar Sidhu, Li Zhen, Runchen Gao:
Clustering-Based Codebook Design for MIMO Communication System. 1-6 - Yan Pan, Bharat K. Bhargava, Zebu Ning, Nikola Slavov, ShiNing Li, Jianhang Liu, Shoaling Xu, Cong Li, Ting Zhu:
Safe and Efficient UAV Navigation Near an Airport. 1-6 - Behnam Khodapanah, Ahmad Awada, Ingo Viering, André Noll Barreto, Meryem Simsek, Gerhard P. Fettweis:
Slice Management in Radio Access Network via Iterative Adaptation. 1-7 - Ruiyang Duan, Jingjing Wang, Jun Du, Chunxiao Jiang, Tong Bai, Yong Ren:
Power-Delay Trade-off for Heterogenous Cloud Enabled Multi-UAV Systems. 1-6 - Ju-Hyung Lee, Ki-Hong Park, Mohamed-Slim Alouini, Young-Chai Ko:
On the Throughput of Mixed FSO/RF UAV-Enabled Mobile Relaying Systems with a Buffer Constraint. 1-6 - Helder M. N. S. Oliveira, Nelson L. S. da Fonseca:
Protection, Routing, Spectrum and Core Allocation in EONs-SDM for Efficient Spectrum Utilization. 1-6 - Sunny Sanyal, Dapeng Wu, Boubakr Nour:
A Federated Filtering Framework for Internet of Medical Things. 1-6 - Tamara K. Al-Shayea, Constandinos X. Mavromoustakis, Jordi Mongay Batalla, George Mastorakis, Mithun Mukherjee, Periklis Chatzimisios:
Efficiency-Aware Watermarking using Different Wavelet Families for the Internet of Things. 1-6 - Dawei Qiu, Zichen Liu, Yiqing Zhou, Jinglin Shi:
Modified Bi-Directional LSTM Neural Networks for Rolling Bearing Fault Diagnosis. 1-6 - Yixin Wang, Wenjun Xu, Jianqing Liu, Miao Pan, Ping Zhang, Jiaru Lin:
An Energy-Efficient Design for Mobile UAV Fire Surveillance Networks. 1-6 - Xiaolan Liu, Zhijin Qin, Yue Gao:
Resource Allocation for Edge Computing in IoT Networks via Reinforcement Learning. 1-6 - Baturalp Buyukates, Alkan Soysal, Sennur Ulukus:
Age of Information Scaling in Large Networks. 1-6 - Ruowen Bai, Steve Hranilovic:
Absolute Value Layered ACO-OFDM for Intensity-Modulated Optical Wireless Channels. 1-6 - Yuwei Zeng, Tianning Zang, Yongzheng Zhang, Xunxun Chen, Yipeng Wang:
A Comprehensive Measurement Study of Domain-Squatting Abuse. 1-6 - Saman Atapattu, Hazer Inaltekin, Jamie S. Evans:
Location-Based Optimum Relay Selection in Random Spatial Networks. 1-6 - Xiong Wang, Hanyu Liu, Jun Zhang, Jing Ren, Sheng Wang, Shizhong Xu:
FlowMap: A Fine-Grained Flow Measurement Approach for Data-Center Networks. 1-7 - Ilai Bistritz, Nicholas Bambos:
The Power of Consensus: Optimal Distributed Multichannel Wireless Transmitter Power Control. 1-6 - Khurram Shahzad, Xiangyun Zhou:
Covert Communication in Backscatter Radio. 1-6 - Han Xiao, Bo Ai, Wei Chen:
A Grant-Free Access and Data Recovery Method for Massive Machine-Type Communications. 1-6 - Sheng Luo, Yue Ling Che, Kaishun Wu, Kah Chan Teh:
Spatial Modulation for Dense mmWave Network with Multi-Connectivity. 1-6 - Ye Feng, Elaine Wong:
A Predictive Semi-Persistent Scheduling Scheme for Low-Latency Applications in LTE and NR Networks. 1-6 - Guosheng Yang, Wei Huang, Jun Wang, Guoyong Zhang, Shaoqian Li:
CPFSK Signals Detection in Bursty Impulsive Noise. 1-6 - Erdal Akin, Turgay Korkmaz:
Rate-Based Dynamic Shortest Path Algorithm for Efficiently Routing Multiple Flows in SDN. 1-7 - Nghia Doan, Seyyed Ali Hashemi, Elie Ngomseu Mambou, Thibaud Tonnellier, Warren J. Gross:
Neural Belief Propagation Decoding of CRC-Polar Concatenated Codes. 1-6 - Aygun Baltaci, Samuele Zoppi, Wolfgang Kellerer, Dominic Schupke:
Evaluation of Cellular Technologies for High Data Rate WAIC Applications. 1-6 - L. Rajya Lakshmi, Biplab Sikdar:
Achieving Fairness in IEEE 802.11ah Networks for IoT Applications with Different Requirements. 1-6 - Hao Hao, Changqiao Xu, Mu Wang, Lujie Zhong, Dapeng Oliver Wu:
Stochastic Cooperative Multicast Scheduling for Cache-Enabled and Green 5G Networks. 1-6 - Ye Yu, Xiangyuan Bu, Kai Yang, Hongyuan Yang, Zhu Han:
UAV-Aided Low Latency Mobile Edge Computing with mmWave Backhaul. 1-7 - Zhiwen Hu, Zixuan Bai, Kaigui Bian, Tao Wang, Lingyang Song:
Implementation and Optimization of Real-Time Fine-Grained Air Quality Sensing Networks in Smart City. 1-6 - Bing Luo, Phee Lep Yeoh, Robert Schober, Brian S. Krongold:
Optimal Energy Beamforming for Distributed Wireless Power Transfer Over Frequency-Selective Channels. 1-6 - Han Seung Jang, Hu Jin, Bang Chul Jung, Tony Q. S. Quek:
Recursive Access Class Barring for Machine Type Communications with PUSCH Resource Constraints. 1-6 - Wonjun Kim, Guyoung Lim, Yongjun Ahn, Byonghyo Shim:
Active User Detection of Machine-Type Communications via Dimension Spreading Neural Network. 1-6 - Weifeng Zhong, Kan Xie, Yi Liu, Chao Yang, Shengli Xie, Yan Zhang:
Online Control and Near-Optimal Algorithm for Energy Storage Sharing in Smart Grid. 1-6 - Abdelrahman M. Ibrahim, Ahmed A. Zewail, Aylin Yener:
Coded Placement for Systems with Shared Caches. 1-6 - Qianru Zhou, Dimitrios P. Pezaros:
BIDS: Bio-Inspired, Collaborative Intrusion Detection for Software Defined Networks. 1-6 - Shahab Ehsanfar, Marwa Chafii, Gerhard P. Fettweis:
Time-Variant Pilot- and CP-Aided Channel Estimation for GFDM. 1-6 - Jingbang Wu, Huimei Lu, Yong Xiang:
A Hard Real-Time Testbed for Distributed TDMA-Based MAC Protocols in VANETs. 1-7 - Ray-Hsiang Cheng, Y.-W. Peter Hong, Jang-Ping Sheu:
Power Efficient Temporal Routing and Trajectory Adjustment for Multi-UAV Networks. 1-6 - Xiang Su, Yang Hu, Yan Chen, Bing Zeng:
Estimating and Compensating Residual Carrier Frequency Offset for Commodity WiFi. 1-6 - Weihang Wang, Minghui Min, Liang Xiao, Ye Chen, Huaiyu Dai:
Protecting Semantic Trajectory Privacy for VANET with Reinforcement Learning. 1-5 - Gagangeet Singh Aujla, Anish Jindal, Rajat Chaudhary, Neeraj Kumar, Sahil Vashist, Neeraj Sharma, Mohammad S. Obaidat:
DLRS: Deep Learning-Based Recommender System for Smart Healthcare Ecosystem. 1-6 - Liyan Shen, Xiaojun Chen, Jinqiao Shi, Binxing Fang:
A More Efficient Private Set Intersection Protocol Based on Random OT and Balance Hash. 1-7 - Benjamin Jensen, Bradford Clark, Dakota Flanary, Kalin Norman, Michael Rice, Willie K. Harrison:
Physical-Layer Security: Does it Work in a Real Environment? 1-7 - Okechukwu E. Ochia, Abraham O. Fapojuwo:
Hybrid Joint Transmission and Coordinated Beamforming in Millimeter-Wave Cellular Networks. 1-6 - Jelena V. Misic, Vojislav B. Misic, Xiaolin Chang, Saeideh Gholamrezazadeh Motlagh, M. Zulfiker Ali:
Block Delivery Time in Bitcoin Distribution Network. 1-7 - Ruliu Nie, Wenjun Xu, Zhi Zhang, Ping Zhang, Miao Pan, Jiaru Lin:
Max-Min Distance Clustering Based Distributed Cooperative Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive UAV Networks. 1-6 - Wenbo Jiang, Hongwei Li, Sen Liu, Yanzhi Ren, Miao He:
A Flexible Poisoning Attack Against Machine Learning. 1-6 - Shriya Kaneriya, Madhavi Chudasama, Sudeep Tanwar, Sudhanshu Tyagi, Neeraj Kumar, Joel J. P. C. Rodrigues:
Markov Decision-Based Recommender System for Sleep Apnea Patients. 1-6 - Li Li, George Oikonomou, Mark A. Beach, Reza Nejabati, Dimitra Simeonidou:
An SDN Agent-Enabled Rate Adaptation Framework for WLAN. 1-6 - Tal Geller, Yair Bar David, Evgeni Khmelnitsky, Irad Ben-Gal, Andrew Ward, Daniel Miller, Nicholas Bambos:
Learning Health State Transition Probabilities via Wireless Body Area Networks. 1-6 - Jitong Ma, Shih-Chun Lin, Hongjie Gao, Tianshuang Qiu:
Automatic Modulation Classification Under Non-Gaussian Noise: A Deep Residual Learning Approach. 1-6 - Mingjin Wang, Feifei Gao, Yuantao Gu, Mark F. Flanagan:
A Block Sparsity Based Channel Estimation Technique for mmWave Massive MIMO with Beam Squint Effect. 1-6 - Xiongwei Wu, Qiang Li, Xiuhua Li, Victor C. M. Leung, P. C. Ching:
Joint Long-Term Cache Allocation and Short-Term Content Delivery in Green Cloud Small Cell Networks. 1-6 - Kai Yang, Tao Jiang, Yuanming Shi, Zhi Ding:
Federated Learning Based on Over-the-Air Computation. 1-6 - Thilina N. Weerasinghe, Indika A. M. Balapuwaduge, Frank Y. Li:
Preamble Reservation Based Access for Grouped mMTC Devices with URLLC Requirements. 1-6 - Fan Meng, Peng Chen, Lenan Wu:
Power Allocation in Multi-User Cellular Networks with Deep Q Learning Approach. 1-6 - Yizhou Yang, David B. Smith, Suranga Seneviratne:
Deep Learning Channel Prediction for Transmit Power Control in Wireless Body Area Networks. 1-6 - Dongyang Zhan, Huhua Li, Lin Ye, Hongli Zhang, Binxing Fang, Xiaojiang Du:
A Low-Overhead Kernel Object Monitoring Approach for Virtual Machine Introspection. 1-6 - Raphael Durner, Amir Varasteh, Max Stephan, Carmen Mas Machuca, Wolfgang Kellerer:
HNLB: Utilizing Hardware Matching Capabilities of NICs for Offloading Stateful Load Balancers. 1-7 - Cong Wu, Kun He, Jing Chen, Ruiying Du:
ICAuth: Implicit and Continuous Authentication When the Screen Is Awake. 1-6 - Wenhao Sun, Jianping Zheng:
A Low-Complexity Retention Noise Parameter Estimation for MLC NAND Flash Memory. 1-6 - Hao Qiu, Shaoshuai Gao, Guofang Tu, Shouxin Zong:
Position Filtering-Based Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access in Mobile Scenarios. 1-6 - Xu Wang, Zhi Quan:
Fast Data-Driven Sensitivity Measurement for Wireless Receivers. 1-6 - Yurui Cao, Qian Luo, Jiajia Liu:
Road Navigation System Attacks: A Case on GPS Navigation Map. 1-5 - Felipe Gómez-Cuba, Andrea J. Goldsmith:
Sparse mmWave OFDM Channel Estimation using Compressed Sensing. 1-7 - Xinge Li, Xiaoya Hu, Wei Li, Hui Hu:
A Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Routing Protocol for Underwater Optical Sensor Networks. 1-7 - Renfei Bu, Jos H. Weber:
Decoding Criteria and Zero WER Analysis for Channels with Bounded Noise and Offset. 1-6 - Junyi He, Di Zhang, Yuezhi Zhou, Yaoxue Zhang, Zhiyin Kong:
Data Rate Trading in Mobile Networks: A Truthful Online Auction Approach. 1-6 - Minming Ni, Mehdi Jafarizadeh, Rong Zheng:
On the Effect of Multi-Packet Reception on Redundant Gateways in LoRAWANs. 1-6 - Zhenguo Shi, J. Andrew Zhang, Richard Yi Da Xu, Qingqing Cheng:
Deep Learning Networks for Human Activity Recognition with CSI Correlation Feature Extraction. 1-6 - Kun Chen Hu, Ana García Armada:
Non-Coherent Multiuser Massive MIMO-OFDM with Differential Modulation. 1-6 - Ashar Ahmad, Muhammad Saad, Laurent Njilla, Charles A. Kamhoua, Mostafa A. Bassiouni, Aziz Mohaisen:
BlockTrail: A Scalable Multichain Solution for Blockchain-Based Audit Trails. 1-6 - Ahmed Aboutaleb, Wael Fatnassi, Morteza Soltani, Zouheir Rezki:
Symbol Detection and Channel Estimation using Neural Networks in Optical Communication Systems. 1-6 - Qi Chen, Wei Wang, Zhaoyang Zhang:
Clustered Popularity Prediction for Content Caching. 1-6 - Kaige Qu, Weihua Zhuang, Qiang Ye, Xuemin Sherman Shen, Xu Li, Jaya Rao:
Delay-Aware Flow Migration for Embedded Services in 5G Core Networks. 1-6 - Hessam Pirzadeh, Chenwei Wang, Haralabos C. Papadopoulos:
Machine-Learning Assisted Outdoor Localization via Sector-Based Fog Massive MIMO. 1-6 - Long Zhang, Bin Cao:
Stochastic Programming Method for Offloading in Mobile Edge Computing Based Internet of Vehicle. 1-6 - Chongjun Ouyang, Zeliang Ou, Lu Zhang, Pei Yang, Hongwen Yang:
Asymptotic Upper Capacity Bound for Receive Antenna Selection in Massive MIMO Systems. 1-6 - Bruce Gu, Xiaodong Wang, Youyang Qu, Jiong Jin, Yong Xiang, Longxiang Gao:
Context-Aware Privacy Preservation in a Hierarchical Fog Computing System. 1-6 - Ayat Zaki Hindi, Salah-Eddine Elayoubi, Tijani Chahed:
Performance Evaluation of Ultra-Reliable Low-Latency Communication Over Unlicensed Spectrum. 1-7 - Zhihong Wang, Yi Guo, Zhen Li, Minwei Tang, Tianmei Qi, Jixiang Wang:
Research on Microblog Rumor Events Detection via Dynamic Time Series Based GRU Model. 1-6 - Anil Kurt, Gokhan M. Guvensen:
An Efficient Hybrid Beamforming and Channel Acquisition for Wideband mm-Wave Massive MIMO Channels. 1-7 - Shengjie Xu, Yi Qian, Rose Qingyang Hu:
A Semi-Supervised Learning Approach for Network Anomaly Detection in Fog Computing. 1-6 - Yinzhou Tan, Xiping Wu, Harald Haas:
Performance Comparison Between Coherent and DCO-OFDM LiFi Systems. 1-6 - Ziling Wei, Baokang Zhao, Jinshu Su:
Cooperative Sensing in Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Networks. 1-6 - Zhan Xu, Jun Du, Jingjing Wang, Chunxiao Jiang, Yong Ren:
Satellite Image Prediction Relying on GAN and LSTM Neural Networks. 1-6 - Zheng Chu, Wanming Hao, Pei Xiao, Fuhui Zhou, Rose Qingyang Hu:
Low-Latency Driven Energy Efficiency for D2D Communications. 1-6 - Madhurima Buragohain, Prashant Gudipudi, Md. Zaki Anwer, Sukumar Nandi:
EQPR: Enhancing QoS in Named Data Networking using Priority and RTT Driven PIT Replacement Policy. 1-7 - Zheng Chen, Emil Björnson, Erik G. Larsson:
Dynamic Scheduling and Power Control in Uplink Massive MIMO with Random Data Arrivals. 1-6 - Kelvin J. Layton, Azam Mehboob, William G. Cowley, Gottfried Lechner:
Validating Predistortion Methods using a Flexible Hardware Testbed. 1-5 - Yifan Xu, Guochun Ren, Jin Chen, Xiaobo Zhang, Luliang Jia, Zhibin Feng, Yuhua Xu:
Joint Power and Trajectory Optimization in UAV Anti-Jamming Communication Networks. 1-5 - Carlos A. Astudillo, H. S. Fernando Pereira, Nelson L. S. da Fonseca:
Probabilistic Retransmissions for the Random Access Procedure in Cellular IoT Networks. 1-7 - Abderrahime Filali, Soumaya Cherkaoui, Abdellatif Kobbane:
Prediction-Based Switch Migration Scheduling for SDN Load Balancing. 1-6 - Shaocheng Huang, Ming Xiao:
Achievable Rate Analysis of Millimeter Wave Channels with Random Coding Error Exponent. 1-6 - Wei Wang, Zhisheng Yin, Jianbing Ni, Xiaodong Lin, Xuemin Sherman Shen:
Against Pilot Spoofing Attack with Double Channel Training in Massive MIMO NOMA Systems. 1-6 - Mingzhe Chen, Walid Saad, Changchuan Yin:
Deep Learning for 360° Content Transmission in UAV-Enabled Virtual Reality. 1-6 - Radoslaw Kotaba, Carles Navarro Manchón, Nuno Manuel Kiilerich Pratas, Tommaso Balercia, Petar Popovski:
Improving Spectral Efficiency in URLLC via NOMA-Based Retransmissions. 1-7 - Chang He, Aijun Cao, Lixia Xiao, Lei Zhang, Pei Xiao, Konstantinos Nikitopoulos:
Index Modulation Assisted DCT-OFDM with Enhanced Transceiver Design. 1-7 - Dongqing Liu, Lyes Khoukhi, Abdelhakim Hafid:
Aggregate Offloading Decision Analysis for Mobile Edge Computing in Software Defined Network. 1-5 - Tianheng Xu, Mengying Zhang, Haijun Zhang, Honglin Hu:
Automatic Repeat Spectrum Sensing for 5G IoT Communications with Unstable Channel Conditions. 1-6 - Fanyi Wu, Hongliang Zhang, Boya Di, Jianjun Wu, Lingyang Song:
Network Controlled D2D Communications: Licensed or Unlicensed Spectrum? 1-6 - Fatma Benkhelifa, Zhijin Qin, Julie Ann McCann:
Minimum Throughput Maximization in LoRa Networks Powered by Ambient Energy Harvesting. 1-7 - Ioannis Dimitriou, Nikolaos Pappas:
A Queue-Based Random Access Scheme in Network-Level Cooperative Wireless Networks. 1-6 - Veeru Talreja, Sobhan Soleymani, Matthew C. Valenti, Nasser M. Nasrabadi:
Learning to Authenticate with Deep Multibiometric Hashing and Neural Network Decoding. 1-7 - Min Qiu, Yu-Chih Huang, Jinhong Yuan:
Downlink NOMA Without SIC for Fast Fading Channels: Lattice Partitions with Algebraic Rotations. 1-6 - Haoye Chai, Supeng Leng, Ming Zeng, Haoyang Liang:
A Hierarchical Blockchain Aided Proactive Caching Scheme for Internet of Vehicles. 1-6 - Manishika Agaskar, Vincent W. S. Chan:
A Priority-Aware MAC Protocol for the Smart City. 1-7 - Fei Luo, Stefan Poslad, Eliane L. Bodanese:
Kitchen Activity Detection for Healthcare using a Low-Power Radar-Enabled Sensor Network. 1-7 - Chunlei Li, Qian Wu, Hewu Li, Jiang Zhou:
SDN-Ti: A General Solution Based on SDN to Attacker Traceback and Identification in IPv6 Networks. 1-7 - Yuchen Liu, Douglas M. Blough:
Analysis of Blockage Effects on Roadside Relay-Assisted mmWave Backhaul Networks. 1-7 - Mengfan Xu, Xinghua Li, Jianfeng Ma, Cheng Zhong, Weidong Yang:
Detection of Multi-Stage Attacks Based on Multi-Layer Long and Short-Term Memory Network. 1-6 - Zhiyuan Jiang, Sheng Zhou, Zhisheng Niu:
Distributed Policy Learning Based Random Access for Diversified QoS Requirements. 1-6 - M. A. Vazquez-Castro, Masahito Hayashi:
One-Way and Two-Way Physical Layer Security Protocols for the Gaussian Satellite Channel. 1-7 - Haoru Xing, Wei Song:
Collaborative Content Distribution in 5G Mobile Networks with Edge Caching. 1-6 - Hao Chen, Yuan Yang, Mingwei Xu:
Unified Fast Rerouting Scheme with Service Function Chain Awareness. 1-6 - Xiaolin Zhou, Chenjia Wei, Dailing Shen, Chongbin Xu, Lingda Wang, Xiaojun Yu:
A Shot Noise Limited Quantum Iterative Massive MIMO System Over Poisson Atmospheric Channels. 1-6 - Mingzhe Chen, Walid Saad, Changchuan Yin:
Liquid State Based Transfer Learning for 360° Image Transmission in Wireless VR Networks. 1-6 - Jiangbo Si, Hao Rong, Zihao Cheng, Zan Li, Julian Cheng, Caijun Zhong:
Impact of Channel Correlation on Secrecy Performance Over Rayleigh Fading Channels. 1-6 - Dilli P. Sharma, Jin-Hee Cho, Terrence J. Moore, Frederica F. Nelson, Hyuk Lim, Dong Seong Kim:
Random Host and Service Multiplexing for Moving Target Defense in Software-Defined Networks. 1-6 - Jingjing Yao, Nirwan Ansari:
QoS-Aware Rechargeable UAV Trajectory Optimization for Sensing Service. 1-6 - Xianchen Guo, Tianyu Wang, Shaowei Wang:
Joint Optimization of Caching and Routing Strategies in Content Delivery Networks: A Big Data Case. 1-6 - Jie Xiao, Kwan L. Yeung, Sugih Jamin:
ILP Formulation for Designing Rings in Routerless Network-on-Chip. 1-6 - Francisco Leonardo Jales Martins, Joaquim Celestino Jr., Rafael L. Gomes, Ahmed Patel, Nazim Agoulmine:
BE-SYS: Big Data E-Health System for Analysis and Detection of Risk of Septic Shock in Adult Patients. 1-6 - Baofeng Zhou, Mehmet C. Vuran:
CorTiS: Correlation-Based Time Synchronization in Internet of Things. 1-7 - Trinh Van Chien, Christopher Mollen, Emil Björnson:
Two-Layer Decoding in Cellular Massive MIMO Systems with Spatial Channel Correlation. 1-6 - Ruizhe Long, Huayan Guo, Ying-Chang Liang:
Symbiotic Radio with Full-Duplex Backscatter Devices. 1-6 - Muhammad Usman, Muhammad Rizwan Asghar, Imran Shafique Ansari, Marwa K. Qaraqe:
Trust-Based DoS Mitigation Technique for Medical Implants in Wireless Body Area Networks. 1-6 - Wang Miao, Chunbo Luo, Geyong Min, Liang Wu, Tianxiao Zhao, Yang Mi:
Position-Based Beamforming Design for UAV Communications in LTE Networks. 1-6 - Wei-Ping Zhu, Wessam Ajib, Gayan Amarasuriya, Sachitha Kusaladharma:
Achievable Rate Analysis of NOMA in Cell-Free Massive MIMO: A Stochastic Geometry Approach. 1-6 - Tianqing Zhou, Dong Qin, Xuan Li, Chunguo Li, Luxi Yang:
Energy-Efficient User Association with Open Loop Power Control for Uplink HCNs. 1-6 - Duo Lu, Dijiang Huang, Anshul Rai:
FMHash: Deep Hashing of In-Air-Handwriting for User Identification. 1-7 - Jingjing Yao, Nirwan Ansari:
Energy-Aware Task Allocation for Mobile IoT by Online Reinforcement Learning. 1-6 - Dongyu Guo, Yiwen Han, Wei Cai, Xiaofei Wang, Victor C. M. Leung:
QoE-Oriented Resource Optimization for Mobile Cloud Gaming: A Potential Game Approach. 1-6 - Feng Lyu, Ju Ren, Nan Cheng, Peng Yang, Minglu Li, Yaoxue Zhang, Xuemin Sherman Shen:
Big Data Analytics for User Association Characterization in Large-Scale WiFi System. 1-6 - Keyi Zhang, Wenchi Cheng, Runyu Lyu, Wei Zhang, Hailin Zhang, Fan Qin:
Sequence Scrambling for Non-Hollow-OAM Based Wireless Communications. 1-6 - Chan Xu, Qimei Chen, Deshi Li:
Joint Trajectory Design and Resource Allocation for Energy-Efficient UAV Enabled eLAA Network. 1-6 - Jiongyue Xing, Li Chen, Martin Bossert:
Low-Complexity Koetter-Vardy Decoding of Reed-Solomon Codes using Module Minimization. 1-6 - Lu Wang, Ling Liu, Yiqing Zhou, Jinhong Yuan, Zongshuai Zhang, Jinglin Shi:
Statistical Multiplexing Analysis with Quantized Computing Resource for Practical C-RAN. 1-6 - Baiyang Li, Yujia Zhu, Qingyun Liu, Zhou Zhou, Li Guo:
Hunting for Invisible SmartCam: Characterizing and Detecting Smart Camera Based on Netflow Analysis. 1-7 - Yi-Hao Lin, Jyh-Cheng Chen, Chih-Yu Lin, Bo-Yue Su, Pei-Yu Lee:
Transportation Type Identification by using Machine Learning Algorithms with Cellular Information. 1-7 - Talha Akyildiz, Umut Demirhan, Tolga M. Duman:
Asymptotic Analysis of Contention Resolution ALOHA with Replica Concatenation. 1-6 - Xiaoshen Song, Thomas Kühne, Giuseppe Caire:
Fully-Connected vs. Sub-Connected Hybrid Precoding Architectures for mmWave MU-MIMO. 1-7 - Yawei Lu, Wei Chen, H. Vincent Poor:
Source Coding at the Edge: User Preference Oriented Lossless Data Compression. 1-6 - Arta Cika, Mihai-Alin Badiu, Justin P. Coon:
Quantifying Link Stability in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks Subject to Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Mobility. 1-6 - Md Atiqul Islam, Besma Smida:
A Comprehensive Self-Interference Model for Single-Antenna Full-Duplex Communication Systems. 1-7 - Li Ping Qian, Anqi Feng, Xu Feng, Yuan Wu:
Deep RL-Based Time Scheduling and Power Allocation in EH Relay Communication Networks. 1-7 - Fan Yuan, Jaogao Wu, Hongyu Zhou, Linfeng Liu:
A Double Q-Learning Routing in Delay Tolerant Networks. 1-6 - Vaibhav Kumar, Barry Cardiff, Mark F. Flanagan:
Performance Analysis of NOMA-Based Cooperative Relaying in alpha-µ Fading Channels. 1-7 - Christos Laoudias, Sunwoo Kim, Demetrios Zeinalipour-Yazti, Christos G. Panayiotou:
A Qualitative and Quantitative Evaluation of Differential Signal Strength Fingerprinting Methods. 1-6 - Zhongdong Liu, Bo Ji:
Towards the Tradeoff Between Service Performance and Information Freshness. 1-6 - Yunyu Sun, Jian Jiao, Shaohua Wu, Ye Wang, Qinyu Zhang:
Joint Power Allocation and Rate Control for NOMA-Based Space Information Networks. 1-6 - Hyowon Lee, Yo-Seb Jeon, Heedong Do, Namyoon Lee:
Concatenated MMSE Estimation for Quantized OFDM Systems. 1-6 - Shengchao Liu, Jilong Wang, Hui Wang, Haibo Wang, Ya Liu:
WRT: Constructing Users' Web Request Trees from HTTP Header Logs. 1-7 - Yan Pan, Shining Li, Juan Luque Chang, Yan Yan, Shaoqing Xu, Yinghai An, Ting Zhu:
An Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Navigation Mechanism with Preserving Privacy. 1-6 - Ning Cai, Yanni Han, Yongming Ben, Zhen Xu:
Towards Scalable and Flexible Path Control Schema in Software Defined Networking. 1-7 - Chao Yang, Xin Chen, Yi Liu, Weifeng Zhong, Shengli Xie:
Efficient Task Offloading and Resource Allocation for Edge Computing-Based Smart Grid Networks. 1-6 - Paolo Santini, Massimo Battaglioni, Marco Baldi, Franco Chiaraluce:
Hard-Decision Iterative Decoding of LDPC Codes with Bounded Error Rate. 1-6 - Mohammad Kazem Izadinasab, Mohamed Oussama Damen:
Near-Optimal MIMO Detectors Based on MMSE-GDFE and Conditional Detection. 1-6 - Xi Hang Cao, Xiaojiang Du, E. Paul Ratazzi:
A Light-Weight Authentication Scheme for Air Force Internet of Things. 1-6 - Shu Fu, Lian Zhao, Xinhua Ling, Haijun Zhang:
Maximizing the System Energy Efficiency in the Blockchain Based Internet of Things. 1-6 - Yawei Lu, Wei Chen, H. Vincent Poor:
Coded Caching Under Heterogeneous User Preferences: An Effective Throughput Perspective. 1-6 - Dusit Niyato, Dong In Kim, Jiawen Kang, Zehui Xiong:
Incentivizing Secure Block Verification by Contract Theory in Blockchain-Enabled Vehicular Networks. 1-7 - Ke-Xin Li, Li You, Jiaheng Wang, Xiqi Gao:
Transmit Design for Massive MIMO Multicasting with Statistical CSIT. 1-6 - Fan Wei, Yongpeng Wu, Wen Chen, Wei Yang, Giuseppe Caire:
On the Fundamental Limits of MIMO Massive Multiple Access Channels. 1-6 - Qian Xu, Pinyi Ren, Dongyang Xu:
Combating Unknown Eavesdroppers by using Multipath Wireless Receptions. 1-6 - Weidong Gao, Terrence S. T. Mak, Lie-Liang Yang:
Type-Spread Molecular Communications: Principles and Inter-Symbol Interference Mitigation. 1-6 - Sahand Khodaparas, Saleh Yousefi, Abderrahim Benslimane:
A Multi Criteria Cooperative Caching Scheme for Internet of Things. 1-6 - Zahed Hossain, Josep Miquel Jornet:
Hierarchical Bandwidth Modulation for Ultra-Broadband Terahertz Communications. 1-7 - Lisi Jiang, Xiaoyi Leo Liu, Hamid Jafarkhani:
Hybrid Precoding/Combining Design in mmWave Amplify-and-Forward MIMO Relay Networks. 1-6 - Jingchao Bao, Husheng Li:
Multi-Connectivity using Erasure Code for Reliable Transmission in Millimeter Wave Communications. 1-6 - Haoxin Wang, BaekGyu Kim, Jiang Xie, Zhu Han:
E-Auto: A Communication Scheme for Connected Vehicles with Edge-Assisted Autonomous Driving. 1-6 - Felipe Amezquita-Suarez, Felipe Estrada Solano, Nelson L. S. da Fonseca, Oscar Maurício Caicedo Rendón:
An Efficient Mice Flow Routing Algorithm for Data Centers Based on Software-Defined Networking. 1-6 - Rajan Shrestha, Gayan Amarasuriya:
SWIPT in Hybrid Relay-Assisted Massive MIMO Downlink. 1-7 - Weilin Zhou, Yuan Yang, Mingwei Xu, Hao Chen:
Accommodating Dynamic Traffic Immediately: A VNF Placement Approach. 1-6 - Leiyu Wang, Haixia Zhang, Jingping Qiao, Xiaotian Zhou, Dongfeng Yuan:
Energy-Delay Aware User Association in mmWave Backhaul Networks using Matching Theory. 1-6 - Igor Bisio, Chiara Garibotto, Fabio Lavagetto, Andrea Sciarrone:
Outdoor Places of Interest Recognition with WiFi Fingerprint Over Mobile Devices. 1-7 - Georgios Bouloukakis, Ioannis D. Moscholios, Nikolaos Georgantas:
Probabilistic Event Dropping for Intermittently Connected Subscribers Over Pub/Sub Systems. 1-6 - Emily W. Lam, Thomas D. C. Little:
Angle Diversity to Increase Coverage and Position Accuracy in 3D Visible Light Positioning. 1-7 - Ahmet Aksoy, Mehmet Hadi Gunes:
Automated IoT Device Identification using Network Traffic. 1-7 - Han Hu, Cheng Zhan, Jianping An, Yonggang Wen:
Optimization for HTTP Adaptive Video Streaming in UAV-Enabled Relaying System. 1-6 - Jiawei Zhang, Dianhan Xie, Xudong Wang, Jianmin Lu:
Exploiting Propagation Delay Difference in Collided Preambles for Efficient Random Access in NB-IoT. 1-6 - Minghai Qin, Robert Mateescu, Qingbo Wang, Cyril Guyot, Dejan Vucinic, Zvonimir Bandic:
Garbage Collection Algorithms for Meta Data Updates in NAND Flash. 1-5 - Tianchong Gao, Feng Li:
De-Anonymization of Dynamic Online Social Networks via Persistent Structures. 1-6 - Chaoqun You, Lemin Li:
Efficient Load Balancing for the VNF Deployment with Placement Constraints. 1-6 - Xi Zhang, Xiang Cheng:
Second Order Statistics of Simulation Models for UAV-MIMO Ricean Fading Channels. 1-6 - Junjie Tan, Lin Zhang, Ying-Chang Liang, Dusit Niyato:
Deep Reinforcement Learning for the Coexistence of LAA-LTE and WiFi Systems. 1-6 - Takumi Takahashi, Antti Tölli, Shinsuke Ibi, Seiichi Sampei:
Layered Belief Propagation for Low-Complexity Large MIMO Detection Based on Statistical Beams. 1-6 - Krzysztof Walkowiak, Adam Wlodarczyk, Miroslaw Klinkowski:
Effective Worst-Case Crosstalk Estimation for Dynamic Translucent SDM Elastic Optical Networks. 1-7 - Yun Wen, Makoto Yoshida, Junqing Zhang, Zheng Chu, Pei Xiao, Rahim Tafazolli:
Machine Learning Based Attack Against Artificial Noise-Aided Secure Communication. 1-6 - Mingliang Xiong, Qingwen Liu, Mingqing Liu, Pengfei Xia:
Resonant Beam Communications. 1-6 - Tatsuya Suda, Tadashi Nakano:
Modeling the Stochastic Behavior of Kinesin-Coated Beads. 1-7 - Sha Wu, Jiajia Liu:
Overprivileged Permission Detection for Android Applications. 1-6 - Wenyan Ma, Chenhao Qi:
ESPRIT-Based Channel Estimation for Frequency-Selective Millimeter Wave Massive MIMO System. 1-6 - Ritesh Bhatt, Chinmaya Garg, Harpreet Singh, Neeraj Kumar, Joel J. P. C. Rodrigues:
CARaM: Coordinated Adaptive Replica Management for Charging Station. 1-6 - Safa Otoum, Burak Kantarci, Hussein T. Mouftah:
Empowering Reinforcement Learning on Big Sensed Data for Intrusion Detection. 1-7 - Shashindra Silva, Gayan Amarasuriya, Masoud Ardakani, Chintha Tellambura:
NOMA-Aided Multi-Way Massive MIMO Relay Networks. 1-6 - Lin Yao, Yuxiang Jia, Haijun Zhang, Keping Long, Miao Pan, Shui Yu:
A Decentralized Private Data Transaction Pricing and Quality Control Method. 1-5 - Wei Li, Jun Wang, Li Li, Guoyong Zhang, Ze Dang, Shaoqian Li:
Intelligent Anti-Jamming Communication with Continuous Action Decision for Ultra-Dense Network. 1-7 - Baoji Wang, Rongqing Zhang, Chen Chen, Xiang Cheng, Liuqing Yang:
Interference Hypergraph-Based 3D Matching Resource Allocation Protocol for NOMA-V2X Networks. 1-6 - Yixin Chen, Jianing Pei, Defang Li:
DETPro: A High-Efficiency and Low-Latency System Against DDoS Attacks in SDN Based on Decision Tree. 1-6 - Cam Ly Nguyen, Usman Raza:
Localization of WSNs using a Location-Unaware UAV. 1-7 - Wen-Jing Wang, Hong-Chuan Yang, Mohamed-Slim Alouini:
Energy Consumption for Adaptive Transmission Over Fading Channels: A Statistical Characterization. 1-6 - Wanqing Huang, Hongtao Zhang:
Coverage and Throughput Analysis for Dual Connectivity in Ultra-Dense Heterogeneous Networks. 1-6 - Diomidis S. Michalopoulos, Volker Pauli:
Data Duplication for High Reliability: A Protocol-Level Simulation Assessment. 1-7 - Mona Jaber, Oluwakayode Onireti, Muhammad Ali Imran:
Backhaul-Aware and Context-Aware User-Cell Association Approach. 1-7 - Zachary Dryer, Adam Nickerl, Marco A. C. Gomes, João P. Vilela, Willie K. Harrison:
Full-Duplex Jamming for Enhanced Hidden-Key Secrecy. 1-7 - Zhanyuan Xie, Wei Chen:
A Joint Channel and Queue Aware Scheduling Method for Multi-User Massive MIMO Systems. 1-6 - Amal Hyadi, Fabrice Labeau:
Towards a Win-Win Spectrum Sharing Channel: A Secrecy Perspective. 1-6 - Anding Wang, Rui Yin, Guanding Yu, Caijun Zhong:
Adaptive PCA Based Channel Estimation and Tracking for URA Massive MIMO Systems. 1-6 - Jianbin Chuan, Li Wang, Jiajia Wu:
Belief Propagation Based Distributed Content Delivery Scheme in Caching-Enabled D2D Networks. 1-5 - Fatima Haouari, Emna Baccour, Aiman Erbad, Amr Mohamed, Mohsen Guizani:
QoE-Aware Resource Allocation for Crowdsourced Live Streaming: A Machine Learning Approach. 1-6 - Dianxiong Liu, Jinlong Wang, Yuhua Xu, Yuli Zhang, Qihui Wu, Alagan Anpalagan:
Opportunistic Data Ferrying in UAV-Assisted D2D Networks: A Dynamic Hierarchical Game. 1-6 - Wenjing Yan, Xiaojun Yuan:
Semi-Blind Signal Detection for Uplink Massive MIMO with Channel Sparsity. 1-6 - Sudeep Bhattarai, Gaurang Naik, Jung-Min "Jerry" Park:
Uplink Resource Allocation in IEEE 802.11ax. 1-6 - Miguel Carreira, Thyago Monteiro, Marco Gomes, João P. Vilela, Willie K. Harrison:
Adaptive Physical-Layer Security Through Punctured Coding for Secrecy. 1-6 - Davide Andreoletti, Cristina Rottondi, Silvia Giordano, Giacomo Verticale, Massimo Tornatore:
An Open Privacy-Preserving and Scalable Protocol for a Network-Neutrality Compliant Caching. 1-6 - Lu Pan, Jianping Zheng:
Spatial Modulation Aided Cooperative NOMA: Implementation and Achievable Rate Analysis. 1-6 - Hao Li, Zhenxiang Chen, Riccardo Spolaor, Qiben Yan, Chuan Zhao, Bo Yang:
DART: Detecting Unseen Malware Variants using Adaptation Regularization Transfer Learning. 1-6 - Jiangnan Li, Xiangyu Niu, Jinyuan Stella Sun:
A Practical Searchable Symmetric Encryption Scheme for Smart Grid Data. 1-6 - Xiaodan Shao, Xiaoming Chen, Caijun Zhong, Junhui Zhao, Zhaoyang Zhang:
Protocol Design and Analysis for Cellular Internet of Things with Massive Access. 1-6 - Olumide Kayode, Ali Saman Tosun:
Analysis of IoT Traffic using HTTP Proxy. 1-7 - Yu Gu, Chenyu Zhang, Yantong Wang, Zhi Liu, Yusheng Ji, Jie Li:
A Contactless and Fine-Grained Sleep Monitoring System Leveraging WiFi Channel Response. 1-5 - Vahid Jamali, Antonia M. Tulino, Georg Fischer, Ralf R. Müller, Robert Schober:
Scalable and Energy-Efficient Millimeter Massive MIMO Architectures: Reflect-Array and Transmit-Array Antennas. 1-7 - Xiaozhou Zhang, Yi Chen, Jiawei Zhang, Yan Lei, Chao Shen, Gang Zhu:
Characterization of SINR Region for Multi-Cell Downlink NOMA Systems. 1-6 - Yuan Feng, Menghan Wang, Dongming Wang, Xiaohu You:
Low Complexity Iterative Detection for a Large-Scale Distributed MIMO Prototyping System. 1-6 - Minh Tri Nguyen, Long Bao Le:
NOMA User Pairing and UAV Placement in UAV-Based Wireless Networks. 1-6 - Ji Wang, Xiaodong Wang, Zhao Chen, Yingzhuang Liu:
Sum Rate Maximization for Frame-Based Multigateway Satellite Systems with Feeder Link Interference. 1-7 - Han-Ting Ye, Xin Kang, Jingon Joung, Ying-Chang Liang:
Optimal Time Allocation for Full-Duplex Wireless-Powered IoT Networks with Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. 1-6 - Jie Sun, Feng Liu, Manzoor Ahmed, Yong Li:
Efficient Virtual Network Function Placement for Poisson Arrived Traffic. 1-7 - Jinwen Liang, Zheng Qin, Jianbing Ni, Xiaodong Lin, Xuemin Sherman Shen:
Efficient and Privacy-Preserving Outsourced SVM Classification in Public Cloud. 1-6 - Tian Pan, Tao Huang, Xingchen Li, Yujie Chen, Wenhao Xue, Yunjie Liu:
OPSPF: Orbit Prediction Shortest Path First Routing for Resilient LEO Satellite Networks. 1-6 - Yifan Chen, Muhammad Ali, Shaolong Shi, U. Kei Cheang:
Direct Targeting Strategy for Smart Cancer Detection as Natural Computing. 1-6 - Dong Liu, Baptiste Cavarec, Lars K. Rasmussen, Jing Yue:
On Dominant Interference in Random Networks and Communication Reliability. 1-7 - Wonjun Kim, Hyoungju Ji, Byonghyo Shim:
Channel Aware Sparse Signaling for Ultra-Low Latency TDD Access. 1-6 - Shuai Wang, Minghua Xia, Yik-Chung Wu:
Joint Communication and Motion Energy Minimization in UGV Backscatter Communication. 1-6 - Yang Cai, Yuewu Wang, Lingguang Lei, Quan Zhou, Jun Li:
SuiT: Secure User Interface Based on TrustZone. 1-7 - Tobias Kadur, Wolfgang Rave, Gerhard P. Fettweis:
Application of Multiple Hypothesis Testing for Beam Selection. 1-7 - Qichao Xu, Zhou Su, Kuan Zhang:
HMM Based Cache Pollution Attack Detection for Edge Computing Enabled Mobile Social Networks. 1-5 - Andrea P. Guevara, Cheng-Ming Chen, Sofie Pollin:
Partial Multi-Cell MMSE Vector Combining to Reduce Computational Cost for Massive MIMO Systems. 1-6 - Fuyuan Song, Zheng Qin, Qin Liu, Jinwen Liang, Lu Ou:
Efficient and Secure k-Nearest Neighbor Search Over Encrypted Data in Public Cloud. 1-6 - Feiyu Jin, Kai Liu, Hao Zhang, Weiwei Wu, Jingjing Cao, Xiangping Zhai:
A Zero Site-Survey Overhead Indoor Tracking System using Particle Filter. 1-7 - Takuya Fujihashi, Iori Otomo, Keiichi Endo, Yusuke Hirota, Shinya Kobayashi, Takashi Watanabe:
Wi-Fi Offloading for Multi-Homed Hybrid Digital-Analog Video Streaming. 1-7 - Wei Ke, Mengling Chen, Haoran Zuo, Yanli Wang, Tingting Wang:
Device-Free Localization Based on Spatial Sparsity with Basis Error Self-Calibration. 1-5 - Miguel M. Lopez, Dennis Sundman, Leif R. Wilhelmsson:
Transmitter Techniques for Multi-Carrier On-Off Keying. 1-6 - Xiangyu Wang, Jian Zhang, Zhitao Yu, Eric Mao, Senthilkumar Chinnappa Gounder Periaswamy, Justin Patton:
RFThermometer: A Temperature Estimation System with Commercial UHF RFID Tags. 1-6 - Almuthanna T. Nassar, Yasin Yilmaz:
Resource Allocation in Fog RAN for Heterogeneous IoT Environments Based on Reinforcement Learning. 1-6 - Michail Ouroutzoglou, Aggelos Bletsas:
Linear Complexity Noncoherent Miller Sequence Detection for Batteryless RFID/IoT. 1-6 - Danyang Yu, Yi Liu, Xiang-Gen Xia, Hailin Zhang:
Power Allocation of Distributed Space-Time Codes Based on Self-Coding in FD Two-Way Relay Networks. 1-6 - Congli Wang, Jingqiang Lin, Bingyu Li, Qi Li, Qiongxiao Wang, Xiaokun Zhang:
Analyzing the Browser Security Warnings on HTTPS Errors. 1-6 - Stefan Roth, Ali Kariminezhad, Aydin Sezgin:
Base-Stations Up in the Air: Multi-UAV Trajectory Control for Min-Rate Maximization in Uplink C-RAN. 1-6 - Rui Dong, Wibowo Hardjawana, Ang Li, Yonghui Li, Branka Vucetic:
Cooperative Beamforming for Multi-Cell Full Dimensional Massive MIMO Networks. 1-6 - Renmin Zhang, Hua Zhang, Wei Xu, Xiaohu You:
A Closed-Form PS-DFT Codebook Design for mmWave Beam Alignment. 1-6 - Xinjie Feng, Zhaoming Lu, Luhan Wang, Wanqing Guan:
A Delay-Aware Deployment Policy for End-to-End 5G Network Slicing. 1-6 - Zahra Naghsh, Mohammad Javad-Kalbasi, Shahrokh Valaee:
Digitally Annealed Solution for the Maximum Clique Problem with Critical Application in Cellular V2X. 1-7 - Fei Long, Kai Niu, Chao Dong, Jiaru Lin:
Low Complexity Iterative LMMSE-PIC Equalizer for OTFS. 1-6 - Alexandra Zayets, Mohamed Bourguiba, Eckehard G. Steinbach:
3D Reconstruction of Indoor Geometry using Electromagnetic Multipath Fingerprints. 1-7 - Jianglong Li, Xianfu Lei, Panagiotis D. Diamantoulakis, Panagiotis G. Sarigiannidis, George K. Karagiannidis:
Buffer-Aided Relaying for Downlink NOMA Systems with Direct Links. 1-6 - Bomin Mao, Fengxiao Tang, Zubair Md. Fadlullah, Nei Kato:
An Intelligent Packet Forwarding Approach for Disaster Recovery Networks. 1-6 - Werner Haselmayr, Christian Hofbauer, Mario Huemer, Andreas Springer:
Approaching the Matched Filter Bound with Unique Word OFDM. 1-4 - Sourjya Dutta, Frank Hsieh, Frederick W. Vook:
HAPS Based Communication using mmWave Bands. 1-6 - Kai Xiong, Supeng Leng, Jianhua He, Fan Wu, Qing Wang:
Recouping Efficient Safety Distance in IoV-Enhanced Transportation Systems. 1-6 - Wen He, Yizhe Zhang, Yihang Huang, Dazhi He, Yin Xu, Yunfeng Guan, Wenjun Zhang:
Latency Minimization for Full-Duplex Mobile-Edge Computing System. 1-6 - Yandong Zheng, Rongxing Lu, Xue Yang, Jun Shao:
Achieving Efficient and Privacy-Preserving Top-k Query Over Vertically Distributed Data Sources. 1-6 - Jihwan Moon, Sang Hyun Lee, Hoon Lee, Seunghwan Baek, Inkyu Lee:
Deep Learning-Based Proactive Eavesdropping for Wireless Surveillance. 1-6 - Srujan Teja Thomdapu, Ketan Rajawat:
Decentralized Multi-Antenna Coded Caching with Cyclic Exchanges. 1-7 - Yue Liu, Yiqing Zhou, Ling Liu, Lin Tian, Jinglin Shi:
Flow Scheduling with Low Fronthaul Delay for NGFI in C-RAN. 1-6 - Xing Cheng, Dejun Liu, Song Yan, Wenzhe Shi, Yang Zhao:
Channel Estimation and Equalization Based on Deep BLSTM for FBMC-OQAM Systems. 1-6 - Jianhua Tang, Byonghyo Shim, Tsung-Hui Chang, Tony Q. S. Quek:
Incorporating URLLC and Multicast eMBB in Sliced Cloud Radio Access Network. 1-7 - Linjie Zhang, Wenbin Zheng, Lei Shi, Xiaoyan Zhu:
RecEvent: Multiple Features Hybrid Event Recommendation in Social Networks. 1-6 - Guangxia Xu, Mengxiao Hu, Chuang Ma, Mahmoud Daneshmand:
GSCPM: CPM-Based Group Spamming Detection in Online Product Reviews. 1-6 - Gabriel Antonio F. Rebello, Igor Drummond Alvarenga, Igor Jochem Sanz, Otto Carlos M. B. Duarte:
BSec-NFVO: A Blockchain-Based Security for Network Function Virtualization Orchestration. 1-6 - Ruipeng Zhang, Mengjun Xie, Li Yang:
Isoflat: Flat Provider Network Multiplexing and Firewalling in OpenStack Cloud. 1-7 - Boyu Deng, Chunxiao Jiang, Linling Kuang, Ning Ge, Song Guo, Shanghong Zhao:
Resource Allocation of Multibeam Communication Satellite Systems in Sparse Networks. 1-6 - Nicolò Mazzali, Stefano Andrenacci, Symeon Chatzinotas:
Non-Intrusive Flexible Measurement for the Amplitude Response of Wideband Transponders. 1-6 - Madson R. Araujo, Bruno Ramos e Silva, Juliana de Santi, Gustavo B. Figueiredo, Nelson L. S. da Fonseca:
A Novel Prediction-Based DWBA Algorithm for NG-EPON Based C-RAN Fronthaul. 1-6 - Jing Yue, Ming Xiao, Zhibo Pang:
Distributed BATS-Based Schemes for Uplink of Industrial Internet of Things. 1-6 - Washim Uddin Mondal, Asif Ahmed Sardar, Nilanjan Biswas, Goutam Das:
Nash Bargaining Based Economic Analysis of Cognitive Cellular Networks. 1-6 - Venkatraman Balasubramanian, Faisal Zaman, Moayad Aloqaily, Ismaeel Al Ridhawi, Yaser Jararweh, Haythem Bany Salameh:
A Mobility Management Architecture for Seamless Delivery of 5G-IoT Services. 1-7 - Chen Gong, Kaihe Deng, Sihai Zhang, Jinkang Zhu, Zhengyuan Xu:
Grouped Content Compression Coding for Wireless Communications Networks. 1-6 - Lingnan Gao, George N. Rouskas:
On Congestion Minimization for Service Chain Routing Problems. 1-6 - Ankur Chowdhary, Dijiang Huang, Adel Alshamrani, Myong H. Kang, Anya Kim, Alexander Velazquez:
TRUFL: Distributed Trust Management Framework in SDN. 1-6 - Yi Liu, Mianxiong Dong, Kaoru Ota, Jun Wu, Jianhua Li, Hao Chen:
SCTD: Smart Reasoning Based Content Threat Defense in Semantics Knowledge Enhanced ICN. 1-6 - Lin Zhang, Junjie Tan, Ying-Chang Liang, Gang Feng, Dusit Niyato:
Deep Reinforcement Learning for Modulation and Coding Scheme Selection in Cognitive HetNets. 1-6 - Guanhua Qiao, Supeng Leng, Haoye Chai, Arash Asadi, Yan Zhang:
Blockchain Empowered Resource Trading in Mobile Edge Computing and Networks. 1-6 - Ming Liu, Jianxin Liao, Jingyu Wang, Qi Qi:
AGRM: Attention-Based Graph Representation Model for Telecom Fraud Detection. 1-6 - Henrik Forssell, Ragnar Thobaben, James Gross:
Performance Analysis of Distributed SIMO Physical Layer Authentication. 1-6 - Danni Guo, Wei Wang, Qi Chen, Nan Zhao, Zhaoyang Zhang:
Queue-Stable Dynamic Compression and Transmission with Mobile Edge Computing. 1-6 - Songtao Feng, Jing Yang:
Age-Optimal Transmission of Rateless Codes in an Erasure Channel. 1-6 - Hong Wang, Yaru Fu, Zheng Shi, Rongfang Song:
Fractional Power Control for Small Cell Uplinks with Opportunistic NOMA Transmissions. 1-7 - Liang Liu, Shuowen Zhang, Rui Zhang:
Exploiting NOMA for Multi-Beam UAV Communication in Cellular Uplink. 1-6 - Caihong Kai, Tianyu Huang, Xinyue Hu, Lusheng Wang:
Energy Saving and Interference Cancellation in the WLAN with a Full-Duplex Access Point. 1-6 - Zhilin Chen, Foad Sohrabi, Ya-Feng Liu, Wei Yu:
Covariance Based Joint Activity and Data Detection for Massive Random Access with Massive MIMO. 1-6 - Gandhimathi Velusamy, Ricardo Lent:
An Adaptive Approach for Demand-Response and Latency Control in Distributed Web Services. 1-6 - Richeng Jin, Xiaofan He, Huaiyu Dai:
Distributed Byzantine Tolerant Stochastic Gradient Descent in the Era of Big Data. 1-6 - Abdalla E. Abdelrahman, Hossam S. Hassanein, Najah Abu Ali:
A Cloud-Based Environment-Aware Driver Profiling Framework using Ensemble Supervised Learning. 1-6 - Hua Sun, Syed Ali Jafar:
The Capacity of Linear Computation Broadcast. 1-6 - Maryam Miriestahbanati, M. Reza Soleymani:
Spectral Efficiency Maximization of Multiuser Massive MIMO with a Finite Dimensional Channel. 1-7 - Rebal Jurdi, Jeffrey G. Andrews, Robert W. Heath Jr.:
On the Violation of Hard Deadlines in Networked Control Systems. 1-6 - Joao F. Santos, Maicon Kist, Jonathan van de Belt, Juergen Rochol, Luiz A. DaSilva:
Towards Enabling RAN as a Service - The Extensible Virtualisation Layer. 1-6 - Liang Zhao, Zhuhui Li, Jiajia Li, Ahmed Yassin Al-Dubai, Geyong Min, Albert Y. Zomaya:
A Temporal-Information-Based Adaptive Routing Algorithm for Software Defined Vehicular Networks. 1-6 - Rick Fritschek, Rafael F. Schaefer, Gerhard Wunder:
Deep Learning for the Gaussian Wiretap Channel. 1-6 - Haotian Zhou, Liang Liu, Huadong Ma:
Coverage and Capacity Analysis of LEO Satellite Network Supporting Internet of Things. 1-6 - Zhidu Li, Xue Li, Dapeng Wu, Honggang Wang, Ruyan Wang:
QoE-Aware Video Collaborative Distribution Mechanism in Cloud Radio Access Networks. 1-6 - Xinyun Wang, Ying Cui, Zhi Liu, Junfeng Guo, Mingyu Yang:
Optimal Resource Allocation for Multi-User MEC with Arbitrary Task Arrival Times and Deadlines. 1-6 - Xian Liu:
Secrecy Analysis with Stochastic Geometry: Closed-Form Solution and Machine Learning. 1-6 - Zongmin Cui, Peng Yue, Xiang Yi, Jing Li:
Research on Non-Uniform Dynamic Vehicle-Mounted VLC with Receiver Spatial and Angular Diversity. 1-7 - H. Murat Gursu, Fuqi Guan, Wolfgang Kellerer:
Hard Latency-Constraints for High-Throughput Random Access: SICQTA. 1-7 - Yujing Zhou, Yang Pei, Yuanye He, Jingjie Mo, Jiong Wang, Neng Gao:
Dynamic Graph Link Prediction by Semantic Evolution. 1-6 - Sheng Guo, Man-On Pun:
Construction of Semantic-Rich Indoor Pathway Models from Crowdsourced Trajectories. 1-6 - Samrat Nath, Jingxian Wu, Hai Lin:
Optimum Multicast Scheduling in Delay-Constrained Content-Centric Wireless Networks. 1-6 - Hang Liu, Xiaojun Yuan, Ying-Jun Angela Zhang:
Message-Passing Based Blind Signal Detection for Massive MIMO with General Antenna Arrays. 1-7 - Ke Cheng, Yulong Slien, Yuzhen Zhang, Xinghui Zhu, Liangmin Wang, Hong Zhong:
Towards Efficient Privacy-Preserving Auction Mechanism for Two-Sided Cloud Markets. 1-6 - Nian Wang, Tingting Li, Zhe Zhang, Li Cui:
TLTL: An Active Transfer Learning Method for Internet of Things Applications. 1-6 - Paul Wagenseller III, Adrian Avram, Eric Jiang, Feng Wang, Yunpeng Zhao:
Location Prediction with Communities in User Ego-Net in Social Media. 1-6 - Zhaofeng Liu, Lin Zhang, Zhiqiang Wu:
Non Contiguous Frequency Hopping Aided OFDM-DCSK Design Without Requiring CSI. 1-6 - Parisa Ramezani, Abbas Jamalipour:
Throughput Maximization in Backscatter Assisted Wireless Powered Communication Networks. 1-6 - Wenfeng Liu, Yu Zhang, Yongyue Li, Binxing Fang:
Modeling, Measuring, and Analyzing the Resolution Process of Popular Domains. 1-7 - Hoon Lee, Sang Hyun Lee, Tony Q. S. Quek:
Constrained Deep Learning for Wireless Resource Management. 1-6 - Xian Li, Xiangyun Zhou, Derrick Wing Kwan Ng, Changyin Sun:
Optimal Online Transmission Policy for Energy-Constrained Wireless-Powered Communication Networks. 1-7 - Erdal Akin, Turgay Korkmaz:
Link-Prioritized Network State Information Collection in SDN. 1-7 - Yong Liu, Xuehan Chen, Lin X. Cai, Qingchun Chen, Ruoting Gong, Dong Tang:
On the Fairness Performance of NOMA-Based Wireless Powered Communication Networks. 1-6 - Lei Yuan, Kyeong Jin Kim, Jiliang Zhang:
Cross-Layer Design for Fountain Coded Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access Transmission. 1-5 - Zhanyuan Xie, Wei Chen:
Storage Efficient Edge Caching with Time Domain Buffer Sharing at Base Stations. 1-6 - Manyou Ma, Vincent W. S. Wong:
An Optimal Peak Hour Content Server Cache Update Scheduling Algorithm for 5G HetNets. 1-6 - Lei Chu, Fei Wen, Robert Caiming Qiu:
Robust Precoding Design for Coarsely Quantized MU-MIMO Under Channel Uncertainties-V0. 1-5 - Yunjia Wang, Guanding Yu, Rui Yin, Shuwei Cen, Xinyu Jin:
A Distributed Network Selection Method Based on Minority Game for LTE in Unlicensed Bands. 1-6 - Nam-Phong Nguyen, Octavia A. Dobre, Long Dinh Nguyen, Chuyen T. Nguyen, H. Vincent Poor:
Secure Downlink Massive MIMO NOMA Network in the Presence of a Multiple-Antenna Eavesdropper. 1-6 - Md. Jahangir Hossain, Julian Cheng, Victor C. M. Leung, Yanjie Dong:
Cross-Layer Scheduling and Beamforming in Smart Grid Powered Small-Cell Networks. 1-6 - Kang Huang, Wanchun Liu, Yonghui Li, Branka Vucetic:
To Retransmit or Not: Real-Time Remote Estimation in Wireless Networked Control. 1-7 - Tung Thanh Vu, Duy T. Ngo, Hien Quoc Ngo, Tho Le-Ngoc:
Full-Duplex Cell-Free Massive MIMO. 1-6 - Maximilian Stark, Gerhard Bauch, Jan Lewandowsky, Souradip Saha:
Decoding of Non-Binary LDPC Codes using the Information Bottleneck Method. 1-6 - Xi Zhang, Jingqing Wang, H. Vincent Poor:
Statistical Delay-Bounded QoS Provisioning Over 5G Multimedia Mobile Wireless Networks in the Finite Blocklength Regime. 1-6 - Mushu Li, Jie Gao, Lian Zhao, Xuemin Sherman Shen:
Task Time Allocation and Reward Scheme for PEV Charging Station Advertising. 1-6 - Minghui Zhao, Wei Wang, Zhaoyang Zhang:
Communication-Efficient Computation Load Scheduling for Delay-Constrained Services. 1-6 - Teng Li, Jianfeng Ma, Qingqi Pei, Chengyan Ma, Dawei Wei, Cong Sun:
Privacy-Preserving Verification and Root-Cause Tracing Towards UAV Social Networks. 1-6 - Zhonghui Wang, Feng Wang, Tisha Brown, Jianxia Xue, Jian Zhang:
Traffic Aware Wireless Visual Sensor Network Deployment for 3D Indoor Monitoring. 1-6 - Pablo Jiménez Mateo, Claudio Fiandrino, Joerg Widmer:
Analysis of TCP Performance in 5G mm-Wave Mobile Networks. 1-7 - Weisen Shi, Junling Li, Nan Cheng, Feng Lyu, Yanpeng Dai, Haibo Zhou, Xuemin Sherman Shen:
3D Multi-Drone-Cell Trajectory Design for Efficient IoT Data Collection. 1-6 - Szilveszter Nádas, Zoltán Richard Turányi, Gergo Gombos, Sándor Laki:
Stateless Resource Sharing in Networks with Multi-Layer Virtualization. 1-7 - Ali Taleb Zadeh Kasgari, Walid Saad:
Model-Free Ultra Reliable Low Latency Communication (URLLC): A Deep Reinforcement Learning Framework. 1-6 - Deval Bhamare, Andreas Kassler, Jonathan Vestin, Mohammad Ali Khoshkholghi, Javid Taheri:
IntOpt: In-Band Network Telemetry Optimization for NFV Service Chain Monitoring. 1-7 - Bolin Chen, Nikolaos Pappas, Zheng Chen, Di Yuan, Jie Zhang:
LTE-WLAN Aggregation with Bursty Data Traffic and Randomized Flow Splitting. 1-6 - Roohollah Rezaei, Sumei Sun, Xin Kang, Yong Liang Guan, Mohammad Reza Pakravan:
Secrecy Throughput Maximization for Full-Duplex Wireless Powered Communication Networks. 1-7 - Agapi Mesodiakaki, Pavlos Maniotis, Christos Vagionas, John S. Vardakas, Elli Kartsakli, Angelos Antonopoulos, Christos V. Verikoukis, Nikos Pleros, George Kalfas:
Delay Analysis of a Gated Service MAC Protocol for Fiber-Wireless 5G MmWave C-RANs. 1-6 - Qian Xia, Wei Wang, Rong Ran, Yi Gong, Zhaoyang Zhang:
Distributed Successive Measurement Selection Based on Online Sparsity Inference. 1-6 - Binwei Wu, Jie Zeng, Lu Ge, Youxi Tang, Xin Su:
A Game-Theoretical Approach for Energy-Efficient Resource Allocation in MEC Network. 1-6 - Zhongxiang Wei, Christos Masouros, Fan Liu:
Interference Exploitation Based Secure Transmission for Distributed Antenna Systems. 1-6 - Ulas C. Kozat, Anthony C. K. Soong:
On the Impact of Slicing Granularity on the Availability and Scalability of 5G Networks. 1-7 - Bala Venkata Ramulu Gorantla, Neelesh B. Mehta:
Allocating Multiple D2D Users to Subchannels with Partial CSI in Multi-Cell Scenarios. 1-6 - Debopam Bhattacherjee, Andrei V. Gurtov, Tuomas Aura:
Watch Your Step! Detecting Stepping Stones in Programmable Networks. 1-7 - Kailing Yao, Jinlong Wang, Yuming Zhang, Yuhua Xu, Yitao Xu, Han Jiang, Junnan Yao:
A Self-Organized Approach for Neighboring Message Interaction in UAV Swarms. 1-6 - Dongwei Zhao, Hao Wang, Jianwei Huang, Xiaojun Lin:
Controllable vs. Random: Renewable Generation Competition in a Local Energy Market. 1-6 - Pan Zhou, Guanghui Liu, Shimin Gong, Wei Wang, Dapeng Wu, Chonghao Zhang:
Online Learning for Context-Aware Multi-User Package Delivery System with Unmanned Vehicles. 1-7 - Moinul Hossain, Jiang Xie:
Detection of Hidden Terminal Emulation Attacks in Cognitive Radio-Enabled IoT Networks. 1-6 - Yao Sun, Gang Feng, Lei Zhang, Paulo Valente Klaine, Muhammad Ali Imran, Ying-Chang Liang:
Distributed Learning Based Handoff Mechanism for Radio Access Network Slicing with Data Sharing. 1-6 - Dehao Lan, Xiaobin Tan, Jinyang Lv, Yang Jin, Jian Yang:
A Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Congestion Control Mechanism for NDN. 1-7 - Malte Hamann, Mathias Fischer:
Path-Based Optimization of NFV-Resource Allocation in SDN Networks. 1-6 - Ziyan Yin, Jun Li, Ming Ding, Feng Shu, Fei Song, Yuwen Qian, David López-Pérez:
Uplink Performance Analysis of UAV User Equipments in Dense Cellular Networks. 1-7 - Lei Zhang, Wensheng Zhang, Yunzeng Li, Jian Sun, Cheng-Xiang Wang:
Standard Condition Number of Hessian Matrix for Neural Networks. 1-6 - Tong-Xing Zheng, Hao-Wen Liu, Bing-Qing Zhao, Qian Yang, Hui-Ming Wang:
Multi-Antenna Covert Communications in Random Wireless Networks. 1-6 - Jiyun Tao, Qi Wang, Siyu Luo, Jienan Chen:
Constrained Deep Neural Network Based Hybrid Beamforming for Millimeter Wave Massive MIMO Systems. 1-6 - Chen Ye, Kentaroh Toyoda, Tomoaki Ohtsuki:
Non-Negative Matrix Factorization-Based Blind Source Separation for Non-Contact Heartbeat Detection. 1-6 - Tangwei Xu, Xiaozhen Lu, Liang Xiao, Yuliang Tang, Huaiyu Dai:
Voltage Based Authentication for Controller Area Networks with Reinforcement Learning. 1-5 - Kai Fan, Yuhan Bai, Huiyue Xu, Qiang Pan, Hui Li, Yintang Yang:
A Secure Cross-Domain Access Control Scheme in Social Networks. 1-6 - Maiass Zaher, Sándor Molnár:
Enhancing of Micro Flow Transfer in SDN-Based Data Center Networks. 1-6 - Jorge Crichigno, Elie F. Kfoury, Elias Bou-Harb, Nasir Ghani, Yasmany Prieto, Christian Vega Caicedo, Jorge E. Pezoa, C. Huang, David Torres:
A Flow-Based Entropy Characterization of a NATed Network and Its Application on Intrusion Detection. 1-7 - Giuseppe Cocco, Laura Toni:
Streaming from a Moving Platform with Real-Time and Playback Distortion Constraints. 1-7 - Noura Aljeri, Azzedine Boukerche:
A Probabilistic Neural Network-Based Road Side Unit Prediction Scheme for Autonomous Driving. 1-6 - Shihao Yan, Yirui Cong, Stephen V. Hanly, Xiangyun Zhou:
Is Gaussian Signalling Optimal for Covert Communications? 1-6 - Yingying Guan, Yue Zong, Yejun Liu, Lei Guo, Zhaolong Ning, Joel J. P. C. Rodrigues:
Virtual Network Embedding Supporting User Mobility in 5G Metro/Access Networks. 1-7 - Djabir Abdeldjalil Chekired, Lyes Khoukhi, Hussein T. Mouftah:
Fog-Based Distributed Intrusion Detection System Against False Metering Attacks in Smart Grid. 1-6 - Hongzhi Guo, Zhi Sun:
Inter-Media Backscatter Communications with Magnetic Induction. 1-6 - Yaru Fu, Kenneth W. Shum, Chi Wan Sung, Ye Liu:
Optimal User Pairing in Cache-Based NOMA Systems with Index Coding. 1-6 - Ruichun Gu, Junxing Zhang:
GANSlicing: A GAN-Based Software Defined Mobile Network Slicing Scheme for IoT Applications. 1-7 - Xuyao Sun, Chenhao Qi:
Multiuser Beam Allocation for Millimeter Wave Massive MIMO Systems. 1-7 - Lou Zhao, Jiajia Guo, Zhiqiang Wei, Derrick Wing Kwan Ng, Jinhong Yuan:
A Distributed Multi-RF Chain Hybrid mmWave Scheme for Small-Cell Systems. 1-7 - Jian Zhang, Hongliang Bi, Yanjiao Chen, Jiale Chen, Zhihang Wei:
SmartWriting: Pen-Holding Gesture Recognition with Smartwatch. 1-6 - Zhongling Zhao, Jia Shi, Zan Li, Long Yang, Yue Zhao, Wei Liang:
Matching Theory Assisted Resource Allocation in Millimeter Wave Ultra Dense Small Cell Networks. 1-6 - Huichen Xu, Xiangyang Wang, Wenxiu Liu, Wenbin Shao:
An Uplink Based Mobility Management Scheme for 5G Wireless Network. 1-6 - Zhiqiang Wei, Derrick Wing Kwan Ng, Jinhong Yuan:
Beamwidth Control for NOMA in Hybrid mmWave Communication Systems. 1-6 - Cheng Huang, Jianbing Ni, Rongxing Lu, Xuemin Sherman Shen:
Online Advertising with Verifiable Fairness. 1-6 - Zhimeng Jiang, Chen Gong, Zhengyuan Xu:
A Statistical Non-Linear Model and Analysis for Photon-Level Photomultiplier Receiver. 1-6 - Shriya Kaneriya, Danial Lakhani, Heli U. Brahmbhatt, Sudeep Tanwar, Sudhanshu Tyagi, Neeraj Kumar, Joel J. P. C. Rodrigues:
Can Tactile Internet be a Solution for Low Latency Heart Disorientation Measure: An Analysis. 1-6 - Qimei Chen, Zhi Ding:
On Non-Intrusive Coexistence of eLAA and Legacy WiFi Networks. 1-6 - Shota Watanabe, Takuya Fujihashi, Shunsuke Saruwatari, Takashi Watanabe:
Traffic Reduction in Video Call and Chat using DNN-Based Image Reconstruction. 1-7 - Xuan Huang, Fang Yang, Jian Song, Ling Cheng:
Subcarrier and Power Allocations for Enhanced ADO-OFDM with Dimming Control. 1-6 - Ali Rahmati, Seyyedali Hosseinalipour, Huaiyu Dai:
Optimal Time Allocation in VANETs Advertising: A Price-Based Approach using Stacklberg Game. 1-6 - Dongxiao Liu, Jianbing Ni, Xiaodong Lin, Xuemin Sherman Shen:
Towards Private and Efficient Ad Impression Aggregation in Mobile Advertising. 1-6 - Jingyun Sun, Rongke Liu, Enrico Paolini:
Unrecovered Users Distribution in Coded Random Access Systems with Erasures. 1-6 - Zhongyu Miao, Ying Wang, Zhu Han:
Nucleolus-Based Profit Sharing for Wireless Small Cells in Content Centric Networks. 1-6 - Yijin Chen, Dongpo Chen, Yunkai Wei, Supeng Leng, Yuming Mao, Jing Lin:
Data Manipulation Avoidance Schemes for Distributed Machine Learning. 1-6 - Ming Cheng, Jun-Bo Wang, Jin-Yuan Wang, Min Lin, Yongpeng Wu, Huiling Zhu:
A Fast Beam Searching Scheme in mmWave Communications for High-Speed Trains. 1-6 - Danyang Zheng, Evrim Guler, Chengzong Peng, Guangchun Luo, Ling Tian, Xiaojun Cao:
Dependence-Aware Service Function Chain Embedding in Optical Networks. 1-6 - Yongning Ke, Hui Gao, Wenjun Xu, Lixin Li, Li Guo, Zhiyong Feng:
Position Prediction Based Fast Beam Tracking Scheme for Multi-User UAV-mmWave Communications. 1-7 - Bing Zhou, Zongxing Xie, Fan Ye:
Multi-Modal Face Authentication using Deep Visual and Acoustic Features. 1-6 - Diluka Loku Galappaththige, Gayan Amarasuriya:
Cell-Free Massive MIMO with Underlay Spectrum-Sharing. 1-7 - Galal Hassan, Abdulmonem M. Rashwan, Hossam S. Hassanein:
WhiteBus: A Platform Independent Plug-and-Play Interface for IoT Infrastructures. 1-6 - Fengqian Guo, Hancheng Lu, Daren Zhu, Zhuojia Gu:
Joint User Association, Grouping and Power Allocation in Uplink NOMA Systems with QoS Constraints. 1-6 - Jinseok Choi, Gilwon Lee, Brian L. Evans:
A Hybrid Beamforming Receiver with Two-Stage Analog Combining and Low-Resolution ADCs. 1-6 - Rundong Jia, Xiaoming Chen, Derrick Wing Kwan Ng, Hai Lin, Zhaoyang Zhang:
Design of Beamspace Massive Access for Cellular Internet-of-Things. 1-7 - Jiayin Chen, Si Yan, Qiang Ye, Wei Quan, Phu Thinh Do, Weihua Zhuang, Xuemin Sherman Shen, Xu Li, Jaya Rao:
An SDN-Based Transmission Protocol with In-Path Packet Caching and Retransmission. 1-6 - Ce Zheng, Malcolm Egan, Laurent Clavier, Gareth W. Peters, Jean-Marie Gorce:
Copula-Based Interference Models for IoT Wireless Networks. 1-6 - Shuji Tasaka:
Bayesian Categorical Modeling of Multidimensional QoE in Haptic-Audiovisual Communications. 1-7 - Leandro Batista de Almeida, Damien Magoni, Philip Perry, Eduardo Cunha de Almeida, John Murphy, Anthony Ventresque:
Multi-Layer-Mesh: A Novel Topology and SDN-Based Path Switching for Big Data Cluster Networks. 1-7 - Huijuan Jiang, Tianyu Wang, Shaowei Wang:
Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Dynamic Spectrum Access. 1-6 - Beatriz Soret, Daniel Smith:
Autonomous Routing for LEO Satellite Constellations with Minimum Use of Inter-Plane Links. 1-6 - Eman Mohammed Radi, Noureddine Lasla, Spiridon Bakiras, Mohamed Mahmoud:
Privacy-Preserving Electric Vehicle Charging for Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading Ecosystems. 1-6 - Yijie Xun, Yuanyuan Sun, Jiajia Liu:
An Experimental Study Towards Driver Identification for Intelligent and Connected Vehicles. 1-6 - Kai Zhang, Jun Du, Jingjing Wang, Chunxiao Jiang, Yong Ren, Abderrahim Benslimane:
Distributed Hierarchical Information Acquisition Systems Based on AUV Enabled Sensor Networks. 1-6 - Yanlin Yue, Wen Sun, Jiajia Liu:
Multi-Task Cross-Server Double Auction for Resource Allocation in Mobile Edge Computing. 1-6 - Byeong Yong Kong, In-Cheol Park:
Parallel IDMA Architecture Based on Interleaving with Replicated Subpatterns. 1-6 - Deokhwan Han, Namyoon Lee:
Group-Sparse Beamforming for Sum-Spectral Efficiency Maximization in Cloud-RAN. 1-6 - Yang Cao, Lin Zhang, Ying-Chang Liang:
Deep Reinforcement Learning for Multi-User Access Control in UAV Networks. 1-6 - Yeqiu Xiao, Yulong Shen, Yong Zeng, Yuzhen Zhang:
Cooperative Jamming Strategy Based on Community Detection for Two-Hop Communication Networks. 1-6 - Yunkai Hu, Peng Wang, Zihuai Lin, Ming Ding, Ying-Chang Liang:
Machine Learning Based Signal Detection for Ambient Backscatter Communications. 1-6 - Rui Xu, Zhengyuan Xu:
LED-Based Vehicular Visible Light Ranging. 1-6 - Aniq Ur Rahman, Aniruddha Chandra, Ales Prokes, Jiri Blumenstein, Tomas Mikulasek, Josef Vychodil:
Doppler Characteristics of 60 GHz mmWave I2I Channels. 1-6 - Changzhen Li, Junyi Yu, Wei Chen, Kun Yang, Fang Li:
Shadowing Correlation and a Novel Statistical Model for Inland River Radio Channel. 1-6 - Hong Jiang, Chao Peng, Jing Sun:
Deep Belief Network for Fingerprinting-Based RFID Indoor Localization. 1-5 - Xuefeng Jiang, Chao Zhang:
Secure Transmission Aided by Orbital Angular Momentum Jamming with Imperfect CSI. 1-6 - Chao Tian, Hua Sun, Jun Chen:
Capacity-Achieving Private Information Retrieval Codes with Optimal Message Size and Upload Cost. 1-6 - Junyuan Wang, Yuan Kai, Huiling Zhu:
On the Performance of Beam Allocation Based Multi-User Massive MIMO Systems. 1-6 - Yuhui Zhang, Dejun Yang, Guoliang Xue:
CheaPay: An Optimal Algorithm for Fee Minimization in Blockchain-Based Payment Channel Networks. 1-6 - Renjie Xie, Mingwei Xu, Jiahao Cao, Qi Li:
SoftGuard: Defend Against the Low-Rate TCP Attack in SDN. 1-6 - Yufei Guo, Zhenyu Zhou, Yanhua He:
Access Control and Resource Allocation for M2M Communications in Smart Grid. 1-6 - Ziwen Xie, Junyu Liu, Min Sheng, Yaqian Zhang, Jiandong Li:
Effect of Interference Correlation on the Performance of Ultra-Dense Networks. 1-7 - Tianchi Zhao, Ming Li, Matthias Poloczek:
Fast Reconfigurable Antenna State Selection with Hierarchical Thompson Sampling. 1-6 - Liping Xie, Weichao Wang, Yu Wang:
Equipment Contention Attack in Cloud Manufacturing Environments and Its Defense. 1-6 - Dian Fan, Feifei Gao, Gongpu Wang, Zhangdui Zhong, Guftaar Ahmad Sardar Sidhu, Arumugam Nallanathan:
Index Detection Based Channel Estimation for Hybrid Massive MIMO MmWave Systems. 1-6 - Mahmoud Abbaszadeh, H. Birkan Yilmaz, Peter J. Thomas, Weisi Guo:
Linearity of Sequential Molecular Signals in Turbulent Diffusion Channels. 1-6 - Pin-Hsun Lin, Eduard A. Jorswieck, Rafael F. Schaefer, Carsten R. Janda, Martin Mittelbach:
Copulas and Multi-User Channel Orders. 1-6 - Yuezhen Qi, Dongbin Wang, Wenbin Yao, Haifeng Li, Yuhua Cao:
Towards Multi-Controller Placement for SDN Based on Density Peaks Clustering. 1-6 - Talha Faizur Rahman, Virginia Pilloni, Luigi Atzori:
Task Allocation in Clusters of Cognitive Nodes: A Remuneration-Aided Approach. 1-6 - Yuan Kai, Junyuan Wang, Huiling Zhu:
Energy Minimization for D2D-Assisted Mobile Edge Computing Networks. 1-6 - Pooya Nabavi, Murat Yuksel:
Conformal VLC Receivers with Photodetector Arrays: Design, Analysis and Prototype. 1-7 - Shuai Zhang, Wenlong Shen, Max Zhangt, Xianghui Cao, Yu Cheng:
Experience-Driven Wireless D2D Network Link Scheduling: A Deep Learning Approach. 1-6 - Takuya Fujihashi, Toshiaki Koike-Akino, Takashi Watanabe, Philip V. Orlik:
HoloCast: Graph Signal Processing for Graceful Point Cloud Delivery. 1-7 - Na Deng, Martin Haenggi:
Energy Correlation in Wirelessly Powered Networks. 1-6 - Caidan Zhao, Mingxian Shi, Minmin Huang, Xiaojiang Du:
Authentication Scheme Based on Hashchain for Space-Air-Ground Integrated Network. 1-6 - Qixuan Zhang, Tiejun Lv, Zhipeng Lin:
Variational Bayesian Channel Estimation for Wideband Multiuser mmWave Systems. 1-6 - Wei Wu, Fuhui Zhou, Pei Li, Ping Deng, Baoyun Wang, Victor C. M. Leung:
Energy-Efficient Secure NOMA-Enabled Mobile Edge Computing Networks. 1-6 - Karthikeyan Arunachalam, Youngki Chung, Wonbo Lee, Jamsheed Manja Ppallan:
Low Power TCP for Enhanced Battery Life in Mobile Devices. 1-7 - Feibai Zhu, An Liu, Vincent K. N. Lau:
Channel Estimation and Localization for mmWave Systems: A Sparse Bayesian Learning Approach. 1-6 - Kui Xu, Xiaochen Xia, Yurong Wang, Xiaoqin Yang:
Channel Acquisition for Hybrid Analog-Digital mMIMO System by Exploiting the Clustered Sparsity. 1-6 - Mithun Mukherjee, H. Birkan Yilmaz, Bishanka Brata Bhowmik, Jaime Lloret, Yunrong Lv:
Synchronization for Diffusion-Based Molecular Communication Systems via Faster Molecules. 1-5 - Giovanni Interdonato, Pål K. Frenger, Erik G. Larsson:
Scalability Aspects of Cell-Free Massive MIMO. 1-6 - Xizixiang Wei, Yi Jiang, Xin Wang:
Calibration of Phase Shifter Network for Hybrid Beamforming in mmWave Massive MIMO Systems. 1-6 - Amel Arfaoui, Soumaya Cherkaoui, Ali Kribeche, Sidi Mohammed Senouci, Mohamed Hamdi:
Context-Aware Adaptive Authentication and Authorization in Internet of Things. 1-6 - Virgilios Passas, Vasileios Miliotis, Nikos Makris, Thanasis Korakis:
Dynamic RAT Selection and Pricing for Efficient Traffic Allocation in 5G HetNets. 1-6 - Ming-Chun Lee, Hao Feng, Andreas F. Molisch:
Design of Caching Content Replacement in Base Station Assisted Wireless D2D Caching Networks. 1-7 - Prakash Chaki, Norifumi Kamiya:
A Novel Design of CRC-Concatenated Polar Codes. 1-6 - Martin Schlüter, Meik Dorpinghaus, Gerhard P. Fettweis:
Bounds on Phase and Frequency Estimation from 1-Bit Quantized Signals with Phase Dithering. 1-6 - Hang Shen, Jiajia Xu, Tianjing Wang, Guangwei Bai:
Detecting Link Correlation Spoofing Attack: A Beacon-Trap Approach. 1-6 - Sharath Chandra Reddy Gaddam, Dhanushka Kudathanthirige, Gayan Amarasuriya:
Achievable Rate Analysis for NOMA-Aided Massive MIMO Uplink. 1-7 - Russell Meredith, Rudra Dutta:
Increasing Network Resilience to Persistent OSPF Attacks. 1-7 - Yan Liu, Yansha Deng, Maged Elkashlan, Arumugam Nallanathan, Jinhong Yuan:
Markov Model Based Energy Harvesting for RACH Analysis in NB-IoT Network. 1-7 - Fan Wu, Wang Yang, Ju Ren, Feng Lyu, Peng Yang, Yaoxue Zhang, Xuemin Sherman Shen:
Cutting Down Idle Listening Time: A NDN-Enabled Power Saving Mode Design for WLAN. 1-6 - Yao Sun, Gang Feng, Lei Zhang, Mu Yan, Shuang Qin, Muhammad Ali Imran:
User Access Control and Bandwidth Allocation for Slice-Based 5G-and-Beyond Radio Access Networks. 1-6 - Xuewei Zhang, Yuan Ren, Tiejun Lv:
Economically Caching and Transmitting Scalable Videos in Cache-Enabled HetNets. 1-6 - Yanli Qi, Lin Tian, Yiqing Zhou, Jinhong Yuan, Jinglin Shi, Xiaohu Ge:
MEC-Assisted Admission Control Based on Convergence of Communication and Computation. 1-6 - Anis Elgabli, Ali A. Elghariani, Vaneet Aggarwal, Mehdi Bennis, Mark R. Bell:
A Proximal Jacobian ADMM Approach for Fast Massive MIMO Signal Detection in Low-Latency Communications. 1-6 - Belal Essam ElDiwany, Alaa Awad Abdellatif, Amr Mohamed, Abdulla K. Al-Ali, Mohsen Guizani, Xiaojiang Du:
On Physical Layer Security in Energy-Efficient Wireless Health Monitoring Applications. 1-7 - Yue Bi, Yue Wu, Cunqing Hua:
Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Multi-User Anti-Jamming Strategy. 1-6 - Jen-Hao Hsiao, Kwang-Cheng Chen:
Communication Methodology to Control a Distributed Multi-Agent System. 1-6 - Hatem Khedher, Sahar Hoteit, Patrick Brown, Ruby Krishnaswamy, William Diego, Véronique Vèque:
Processing Time Evaluation and Prediction in Cloud-RAN. 1-6 - Siyao Li, Daniela Tuninetti, Natasha Devroye:
On the Capacity Region of the Layered Packet Erasure Broadcast Channel with Feedback. 1-6 - Sixing Yin, Yifei Zhao, Lihua Li, F. Richard Yu:
Resource Allocation and Basestation Placement in Cellular Networks with Wireless Powered UAVs. 1-6 - Rajendra Prasad Sirigina, A. S. Madhukumar, Mark D. J. Bowyer:
Precoder Design for Dual Satellite System with Joint Decoding. 1-6 - Anny Xijia Zheng, Vincent W. S. Chan:
Cognitive Management and Control for Wavelength Assignment and Reconfiguration in Optical Networks. 1-7 - Huajian Chen, Chenhao Qi:
User Grouping for Sum-Rate Maximization in Multiuser Multibeam Satellite Communications. 1-6 - Ting Yang, Chuan Heng Foh, Fabien Héliot, Chee Yen Leow, Periklis Chatzimisios:
Self-Organization Drone-Based Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) Networks. 1-6 - Qihang Sun, Shaolei Ren, Chuan Wu:
A Provably-Efficient Online Algorithm for Re-Utilizing Unused VM Resources for Edge Providers. 1-6 - Pengfei Wang, Boya Di, Hongliang Zhang, Kaigui Bian, Lingyang Song:
Joint Platoon Formation and Resource Allocation for Connected Vehicles by Cellular V2X Communication. 1-6 - Ali Reza Heidarpour, Masoud Ardakani, Chintha Tellambura, Marco Di Renzo:
Generalized User-Relay Selection in Network-Coded Cooperation Systems. 1-6 - Dejan Vukobratovic, Dragana Bajovic, Kelvin O. O. Anoh, Bamidele Adebisi:
Distributed Energy Trading via Cellular Internet of Things and Mobile Edge Computing. 1-7 - Yantong Wang, Gao Zheng, Vasilis Friderikos:
Proactive Caching in Mobile Networks with Delay Guarantees. 1-6 - Sandra Hofmann, Vasileios Megas, Mustafa Özger, Dominic Schupke, Frank H. P. Fitzek, Cicek Cavdar:
Combined Optimal Topology Formation and Rate Allocation for Aircraft to Aircraft Communications. 1-6 - Caslav Stefanovic, Marco Pratesi, Fortunato Santucci:
Second Order Statistics of Mixed RF-FSO Relay Systems and Its Application to Vehicular Networks. 1-6 - Roua Touihri, Safwan Alwan, Abdulhalim Dandoush, Nadjib Aitsaadi, Cyril Veillon:
CRP: Optimized SDN Routing Protocol in Server-Only CamCube Data-Center Networks. 1-6 - Vincenzo Sciancalepore, Marco Di Renzo, Xavier Costa-Pérez:
STORNS: Stochastic Radio Access Network Slicing. 1-7 - Johnson Opadere, Qiang Liu, Ning Zhang, Tao Han:
Joint Computation and Communication Resource Allocation for Energy-Efficient Mobile Edge Networks. 1-6 - Anuraag Bodi, Jiayi Zhang, Jian Wang, Camillo Gentile:
Physical-Layer Analysis of IEEE 802.11ay Based on a Fading Channel Model from Mobile Measurements. 1-7 - Carlos Feres, Zhi Ding:
Low Complexity Header Compression with Lower-Layer Awareness for Wireless Networks. 1-7 - Aishah Aseeri, Rui Zhang:
Secure Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks: Enumeration Attack and Countermeasure. 1-7 - Kaichuan Zhao, Shan Zhang, Yuezhi Zhou, Yaoxue Zhang, Xuemin Sherman Shen:
Energy-Aware Caching Policy Design Under Heterogeneous Interests and Sharing Willingness. 1-6 - Tao Liu, Kecheng Liu, Yu Cheng, Lin X. Cai:
Security Analysis of Camera File Transfer Over Wi-Fi. 1-6 - Yao Ji, Chao Dong, Xiaojun Zhu, Qihui Wu:
Fair-Energy Trajectory Planning for Cooperative UAVs to Locate Multiple Targets. 1-7 - Huan Yang, Liang Cheng:
Bounding Network-Induced Delays of Wireless PRP Infrastructure for Industrial Control Systems. 1-7 - Amirhossein Mohammadian, Chintha Tellambura:
Full-Duplex GFDM Radio Transceivers in the Presence of Phase Noise, CFO and IQ Imbalance. 1-6 - Chaofan He, Yang Hu, Yan Chen, Xiaopeng Fan, Houqiang Li, Bing Zeng:
Exploiting Channel Assignment and Power Allocation for Linear Uncoded Multiuser Video Streaming. 1-6 - Deyou Zhang, Ang Li, Mahyar Shirvanimoghaddam, Peng Cheng, Yonghui Li, Branka Vucetic:
Fast Beam Tracking for Millimeter-Wave Systems Under High Mobility. 1-6 - Jian He, Jiangzhou Wang, Huiling Zhu, Wenchi Cheng, Peng Yue, Xiang Yi:
Resource Allocation in Drone Aided Emergency Communications. 1-6 - Hongkun Liu, Yufei Jiang, Xu Zhu, Tong Wang:
Low-Complexity and Robust PAPR Reduction and LED Nonlinearity Mitigation for UACO-OFDM LiFi Systems. 1-6 - Xueting Liao, Yubao Wu, Xiaojun Cao:
Second-Order CoSimRank for Similarity Measures in Social Networks. 1-6 - Quan Zheng, Yuanzhi Kan, Jiebo Chen, Song Wang:
A Cache Replication Strategy Based on Betweenness and Edge Popularity in Named Data Networking. 1-7 - Kai Gu, Yunlong Wang, Jian Wang, Yuan Shen:
On the Performance Analysis of Cooperative Detection in Mobile Multi-Agent Networks. 1-6 - Haiyong Zeng, Xu Zhu, Yufei Jiang, Zhongxiang Wei:
Joint Resource Allocation for Adaptive Fuzzy Logic Based Coordinated Multi-Cell NOMA Systems. 1-6 - Jinlu Shen, Xueliang Sun, Krishnamoorthy Sivakumar, Benjamin J. Belzer, Kheong Sann Chan, Ashish James:
TDMR Detection System with Local Area Influence Probabilistic a Priori Detector. 1-7 - Mohammed E. Eltayeb:
Relay-Aided Channel Estimation for mmWave Systems with Imperfect Antenna Arrays. 1-5 - Chenming Huang, Xia Wu:
Cooperative Vehicle Tracking using Particle Filter Integrated with Interacting Multiple Models. 1-6 - Ghizlane Mountaser, Maliheh Mahlouji, Toktam Mahmoodi:
Latency Bounds of Packet-Based Fronthaul for Cloud-RAN with Functionality Split. 1-6 - Nguyen Van Huynh, Dinh Thai Hoang, Diep N. Nguyen, Eryk Dutkiewicz:
Real-Time Network Slicing with Uncertain Demand: A Deep Learning Approach. 1-6 - Na Deng, Martin Haenggi:
Delay Characterization of Rateless Codes in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. 1-6 - Zafer Vatansever, Maïté Brandt-Pearce, Nicola Bezzo:
Localization in Optical Wireless Sensor Networks for IoT Applications. 1-6 - Jukka Talvitie, Mike Koivisto, Toni Levanen, Mikko Valkama, Giuseppe Destino, Henk Wymeersch:
High-Accuracy Joint Position and Orientation Estimation in Sparse 5G mmWave Channel. 1-7 - Shiyang Leng, Aylin Yener:
Impact of Imperfect Spectrum Sensing on Age of Information in Energy Harvesting Cognitive Radios. 1-6 - Binwei Wu, Jie Zeng, Lu Ge, Shihai Shao, Youxi Tang, Xin Su:
Resource Allocation Optimization in the NFV-Enabled MEC Network Based on Game Theory. 1-7 - Indika A. M. Balapuwaduge, Frank Y. Li:
Hidden Markov Model Based Machine Learning for mMTC Device Cell Association in 5G Networks. 1-6 - Xi Tao, Wei Song:
A Truthful Location-Protected Mobile Crowdsensing Framework with User Mobility. 1-6 - Shijian Gao, Xiang Cheng, Liuqing Yang:
Making Wideband Channel Estimation Feasible for mmWave Massive MIMO: A Doubly Sparse Approach. 1-6 - Dong-jun Na, Kwonhue Choi:
PAPR Reduction Scheme for FBMC-OQAM Without Side Information. 1-6 - Ming Zhou, Shichao Lv, Libo Yin, Xin Chen, Hong Li, Limin Sun:
SCTM: A Multi-View Detecting Approach Against Industrial Control Systems Attacks. 1-6 - Jiang Guo, Miao Wang, Bo Chen, Shucheng Yu, Hanwen Zhang, Yujun Zhang:
Enabling Blockchain Applications Over Named Data Networking. 1-6 - Kohei Yamamoto, Kentaroh Toyoda, Tomoaki Ohtsuki:
Spectrogram-Based Simultaneous Heartbeat and Blink Detection using Doppler Sensor. 1-6 - Ljiljana Marijanovic, Stefan Schwarz, Markus Rupp:
A Novel Optimization Method for Resource Allocation Based on Mixed Numerology. 1-6 - Ali Rizwan, João Pedro Battistella Nadas, Muhammad Ali Imran, Mona Jaber:
Performance Based Cells Classification in Cellular Network using CDR Data. 1-7 - Zhou Shen, Gang Liu, Zhiguo Ding, Ming Xiao, Zheng Ma, F. Richard Yu:
Optimal Power Allocations for 5G Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access with Half/Full Duplex Relaying. 1-7 - Zhuqing Tang, Athanassios Manikas:
DOA and DOD Channel Estimation in MIMO Access Networks. 1-6 - Ming-Hsun Yang, Y.-W. Peter Hong, Tsang-Yi Wang, Jwo-Yuh Wu:
Malicious Crowdsourcing Worker Detection using Privacy-Aware Group Queries. 1-6 - Trang Ngoc Cao, Arman Ahmadzadeh, Vahid Jamali, Wayan Wicke, Phee Lep Yeoh, Jamie S. Evans, Robert Schober:
Diffusive Mobile MC for Controlled-Release Drug Delivery with Absorbing Receiver. 1-7 - Zan Zhou, Changqiao Xu, Xiaohui Kuang, Tao Zhang, Limin Sun:
An Efficient and Agile Spatio-Temporal Route Mutation Moving Target Defense Mechanism. 1-6 - Lu Lv, Hai Jiang, Zhiguo Ding, Long Yang, Jian Chen:
Exploiting Adaptive Jamming in Secure Cooperative NOMA with an Untrusted Relay. 1-6 - Taichi Ohtsuji, Toshiki Takeuchi, Tatsuya Soma, Masaki Kitsunezuka:
Noise-Tolerant, Deep-Learning-Based Radio Identification with Logarithmic Power Spectrum. 1-6 - Tezcan Çogalan, Harald Haas, Erdal Panayirci:
A Novel Transmit Array Structure for Optical Spatial Modulation. 1-6 - Xufei Wang, Weixian Liao, Yifan Guo, Lixing Yu, Qianlong Wang, Miao Pan, Pan Li:
PerRNN: Personalized Recurrent Neural Networks for Acceleration-Based Human Activity Recognition. 1-6 - Xiangwang Hou, Zhiyuan Ren, Wenchi Cheng, Chen Chen, Hailin Zhang:
Fog Based Computation Offloading for Swarm of Drones. 1-7 - Jordi Borras, Gregori Vázquez:
Decentralized Shaping for Pilot Generation and Detection in Opportunistic Communications. 1-6 - Jerome Dinal Herath, Anand Seetharam, Arti Ramesh:
A Deep Learning Model for Wireless Channel Quality Prediction. 1-6 - Hien Q. Ta, Sang Wu Kim:
Covert Communication Under Channel Uncertainty and Noise Uncertainty. 1-6 - Chuntian Zhang, Zhenyu Zhou, Pengju Liu, Bo Gu:
Resource Allocation for Energy Harvesting Based Cognitive Machine-to-Machine Communications. 1-6 - Ang Li, Yi Ma, Songyan Xue, Na Yi, Rahim Tafazolli, Terence E. Dodgson:
Unsupervised Deep Learning for Blind Multiuser Frequency Synchronization in OFDMA Uplink. 1-6 - Victoria Huang, Gang Chen, Qiang Fu:
Effective Scheduling Function Design in SDN Through Deep Reinforcement Learning. 1-7 - Zhaohui Yang, Jiancao Hou, Mohammad Shikh-Bahaei:
Resource Allocation in Full-Duplex Mobile-Edge Computation Systems with NOMA and Energy Harvesting. 1-6 - Shan Jaffry, Syeda Kanwal Zaidi, Syed Tariq Shah, Syed Faraz Hasan, Xiang Gui:
D2D Neighborhood Discovery by a Mobile Device. 1-6 - Salma Matoussi, Ilhem Fajjari, Nadjib Aitsaadi, Rami Langar, Salvatore Costanzo:
Joint Functional Split and Resource Allocation in 5G Cloud-RAN. 1-7 - Pengfei Zhu, Jiawei Zhang, Yuefeng Ji:
Resource Allocation in Energy Efficient Hybrid FSO/mmW Fronthaul: A Differential Evolution Approach. 1-6 - Gregor Dumphart, Marc Kuhn, Armin Wittneben, Florian Troesch:
Inter-Node Distance Estimation from Multipath Delay Differences of Channels to Observer Nodes. 1-7 - Byungju Lim, Sung Sik Nam, Mohamed-Slim Alouini, Young-Chai Ko:
The Performance of a CDF-Based Multiuser Scheduling Scheme for Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA). 1-6 - Muhammad Naveed Aman, Mohamed Haroon Basheer, Biplab Sikdar:
Data Provenance for IoT using Wireless Channel Characteristics and Physically Unclonable Functions. 1-6 - Jithin George, Phee Lep Yeoh, Brian S. Krongold:
Relay-Energy Access Points for Internet-of-Things Wireless Energy Harvesting and Communications. 1-6 - Yingying Pei, Fen Hou, Lin X. Cai:
A Stable and Fair Coalition Formation Scheme in Mobile Crowd Sensing. 1-6 - Xianfu Chen, Celimuge Wu, Honggang Zhang, Yan Zhang, Mehdi Bennis, Heli Vuojala:
Decentralized Deep Reinforcement Learning for Delay-Power Tradeoff in Vehicular Communications. 1-6 - Jiayi Ning, Lei Feng, Fanqin Zhou, Mengjun Yin, Peng Yu, Wenjing Li, Xuesong Qiu:
Interference Control Based on Stackelberg Game for D2D Underlaying 5G mmWave Small Cell Networks. 1-6 - Jingwei Liu, Ailian Ren, Lihuan Zhang, Rong Sun, Xiaojiang Du, Mohsen Guizani:
A Novel Secure Authentication Scheme for Heterogeneous Internet of Things. 1-6 - Yuan He, Ming Jiang, Xintong Ling, Chunming Zhao:
A Neural Network Aided Approach for LDPC Coded DCO-OFDM with Clipping Distortion. 1-6 - Helin Yang, Chen Chen, Wen-De Zhong, Arokiaswami Alphones, Sheng Zhang, Pengfei Du:
Resource Allocation for Multi-User Integrated Visible Light Communication and Positioning Systems. 1-6 - Hao Ren, Hongwei Li, Dongxiao Liu, Xuemin Sherman Shen:
Toward Efficient and Secure Deep Packet Inspection for Outsourced Middlebox. 1-6 - Yuanyuan Wang, Kai Wan, Chi Zhang, Xia Zhang, Miao Pan:
Optimized Real-Time Flight Data Streaming via Air-to-Air Links for Civil Aviation. 1-6 - Ermin Sakic, Wolfgang Kellerer:
BFT Protocols for Heterogeneous Resource Allocations in Distributed SDN Control Plane. 1-7 - Kun Xie, Xuhui Zhou, Thabo Semong, Shiming He:
Multi-Source Multicast Routing with QoS Constraints in Network Function Virtualization. 1-6 - Guangtao Zheng, Chen Gong, Zhengyuan Xu:
Multi-Layer Coding and Map-Assisted Partial Group Decoding for Multi-Color Multi-User Visible Light Communication. 1-6 - Ricardo Lent:
Routing in a Delay Tolerant Network with Spiking Neurons. 1-6 - Muhammad Sohaib Amjad, Claas Tebruegge, Agon Memedi, Stephan Kruse, Christian Kress, Christoph Scheytt, Falko Dressler:
An IEEE 802.11 Compliant SDR-Based System for Vehicular Visible Light Communications. 1-6 - Andrea Sgambelluri, Xavier Casas Moreno, Salvatore Spadaro, Paolo Monti:
Evaluating Link Latency in Distributed SDN-Based Control Plane Architectures. 1-6 - Chongwen Huang, George C. Alexandropoulos, Alessio Zappone, Chau Yuen, Mérouane Debbah:
Deep Learning for UL/DL Channel Calibration in Generic Massive MIMO Systems. 1-6 - Toshiki Matsumine, Toshiaki Koike-Akino, Ye Wang:
Deep Learning-Based Constellation Optimization for Physical Network Coding in Two-Way Relay Networks. 1-6 - Wei Teng, Min Sheng, Kun Guo, Zhiliang Qiu:
Distributed Content Replacement in Small Cell Networks using Continuous-Time Markov Chain. 1-6 - Guido Montorsi:
Low Complexity Two-Stage Decoders for BAWGN. 1-6 - Tengchan Zeng, Omid Semiari, Walid Saad, Mehdi Bennis:
Joint Communication and Control System Design for Connected and Autonomous Vehicle Navigation. 1-6 - Javier Rodríguez-Fernández, Nuria González-Prelcic, Takayuki Shimizu:
Position-Aided Compressive Channel Tracking for Wideband Millimeter Wave Multi-User Communication. 1-6 - Mohannad A. Alharthi, Abd-Elhamid M. Taha, Hossam S. Hassanein:
An Architecture for Software Defined Drone Networks. 1-5 - Haijun Liao, Zhenyu Zhou, Shahid Mumtaz, Jonathan Rodriguez:
Robust Task Offloading for IoT Fog Computing Under Information Asymmetry and Information Uncertainty. 1-6 - Siqi Mu, Zhangdui Zhong, Dongmei Zhao, Minming Ni:
Latency Constrained Partial Offloading and Subcarrier Allocations in Small Cell Networks. 1-7 - Young-bin Kim, Myung Gil Kang, Wan Choi:
Diversity-Multiplexing Tradeoff of the Two-User X-Channel with Two Antennas. 1-6 - Flavio Maschietti, David Gesbert, Paul de Kerret:
Coordinated Beam Selection in Millimeter Wave Multi-User MIMO using Out-of-Band Information. 1-6 - Kai Gao, Changqiao Xu, Jiuren Qin, Lujie Zhong, Gabriel-Miro Muntean:
A Stochastic Optimal Scheduler for Multipath TCP in Software Defined Wireless Network. 1-6 - Shaobin Liu, Jianfeng Ma, Xiaoqin Feng:
Transparent Access and Integration of Heterogeneous Encrypted Database in Hybrid Cloud Environment. 1-6 - Haiyang Zhang, Lingjie Duan, Rui Zhang:
Proactive Eavesdropping of Two Suspicious Communication Links via Jamming. 1-6 - Ying Chen, Hongtao Zhang:
Outage Probability and Average Rate Analysis of User-Centric Ultra-Dense Networks. 1-6 - Renfei Bu, Jos H. Weber:
Maximum Likelihood Decoding for Multi-Level Cell Memories with Scaling and Offset Mismatch. 1-6 - Kaiqiang Yu, Jinglian He, Yuanming Shi:
Stochastic Submodular Maximization for Scalable Network Adaptation in Dense Cloud-RAN. 1-6 - Samira Rahimian, Yindi Jing, Masoud Ardakani:
Performance Analysis of Massive MIMO Multi-Way Relays with Low-Resolution ADCs. 1-6 - Jinglin Zhang, Wenjun Xu, Hui Gao, Miao Pan, Zhiyong Feng, Zhu Han:
Position-Attitude Prediction Based Beam Tracking for UAV mmWave Communications. 1-7 - Yong Huang, Mengnian Xu, Wei Wang, Hao Wang, Tao Jiang, Qian Zhang:
Towards Motion Invariant Authentication for On-Body IoT Devices. 1-7 - Patrik János Braun, Derya Malak, Muriel Médard, Péter Ekler:
Multi-Source Coded Downloads. 1-7 - Simon Yusuf Enoch, Jin B. Hong, Mengmeng Ge, Khaled M. Khan, Dong Seong Kim:
Multi-Objective Security Hardening Optimisation for Dynamic Networks. 1-7 - Mário W. L. Moreira, Joel J. P. C. Rodrigues, Vasco Furtado, Constandinos X. Mavromoustakis, Neeraj Kumar, Isaac Woungang:
Fetal Birth Weight Estimation in High-Risk Pregnancies Through Machine Learning Techniques. 1-6 - Alain Richard Ndjiongue, Telex Magloire Nkouatchah Ngatched, Hendrik C. Ferreira:
AF Cooperative VLC Communication Systems: Cascaded Channel Analysis. 1-6 - Tushara Swapna Malladi, B. Sundar Rajan:
A Computation vs Communication Tradeoff in Distributed Matrix Multiplication Over Finite Fields. 1-7 - Bidi Ying, Nada Radwan Mohsen, Amiya Nayak:
Privacy Protection for E-Health Systems using Three-Factor User Authentication. 1-6 - Cheng Peng, Zhengyuan Xu:
Vectorized Color Modulation for Covert Camera-Screen Communication. 1-6 - Qianqian Zhang, Lin Zhang, Ying-Chang Liang, Pooi Yuen Kam:
Backscatter-NOMA: An Integrated System of Cellular and Internet-of-Things Networks. 1-6 - Binghong Liu, Mugen Peng:
Joint Resource Block-Power Allocation for NOMA-Enabled Fog Radio Access Networks. 1-6 - Yuki Hokazono, Koichi Hasegawa, Yoshiaki Narusue, Hiroyuki Morikawa:
Long-Range Flicker-Free LED-to-Camera Communication using Differential Color Shift Keying. 1-7 - Shuan He, Wei Wang, Kazem Sohraby:
QoE-Centric Multimedia Relay in Energy Efficient NOMA Wireless Communications. 1-6 - Mu Zhou, Yanmeng Wang, Yong Wang, Xiaolong Geng, Zengshan Tian:
EPOCH: Error Bound Analysis Towards Indoor WLAN Positioning Under Colored Gaussian Noisy Channel. 1-6 - Jordi Paillisse, Jordi Subira, Albert Lopez-Bresco, Alberto Rodríguez-Natal, Vina Ermagan, Fabio Maino, Albert Cabellos:
Distributed Access Control with Blockchain. 1-6 - Sun Mao, Supeng Leng, Yan Zhang:
Joint Communication and Computation Resource Optimization for NOMA-Assisted Mobile Edge Computing. 1-6 - Rui Lu, Rongqing Zhang, Xiang Cheng, Liuqing Yang:
Relay in the Sky: A UAV-Aided Cooperative Data Dissemination Scheduling Strategy in VANETs. 1-6 - Songyan Xue, Yi Ma, Ang Li, Na Yi, Rahim Tafazolli:
On Unsupervised Deep Learning Solutions for Coherent MU-SIMO Detection in Fading Channels. 1-6 - Hongzhi Guo, Zhi Sun, Pu Wang:
On Reliability of Underwater Magnetic Induction Communications with Tri-Axis Coils. 1-6 - Michael Haus, Aaron Yi Ding, Qing Wang, Juhani Toivonen, Leonardo Tonetto, Sasu Tarkoma, Jörg Ott:
Enhancing Indoor IoT Communication with Visible Light and Ultrasound. 1-6 - Peng Yang, Ning Zhang, Shan Zhang, Feng Lyu, Li Yu, Xuemin Sherman Shen:
Asymptotic Optimal Edge Resource Allocation for Video Streaming via User Preference Prediction. 1-6 - Mingjian He, Robert A. Malaney, Jonathan Green:
Photonic Engineering for CV-QKD Over Earth-Satellite Channels. 1-7 - Xueyan Liu, Zhitao Guan, Xiaojiang Du, Longfei Wu, Zain Ul Abedin, Mohsen Guizani:
Achieving Secure and Efficient Cloud Search Services: Cross-Lingual Multi-Keyword Rank Search Over Encrypted Cloud Data. 1-6 - Silvana Trindade, Nelson L. S. da Fonseca:
Proactive Fragmentation-Aware Routing, Modulation Format, Core, and Spectrum Allocation in EON-SDM. 1-6 - Panos N. Alevizos, Aggelos Bletsas:
Inference-Based Resource Allocation for Multi-Cell Backscatter Sensor Networks. 1-6 - M. Ishtiaque Aziz Zahed, Iftekhar Ahmad, Daryoush Habibi, Quoc Viet Phung, Lin Zhang, Anju Mathew:
Security Aware Content Caching for Next Generation Communication Networks. 1-6 - Sachitha Kusaladharma, Chintha Tellambura, Zhang Zhang:
RF Energy Harvesting by D2D Nodes Within a Stochastic Field of Base Stations via Mobility Diversity. 1-6 - Jingchao Bao, Husheng Li:
Motion Aware Beam Tracking in Mobile Millimeter Wave Communications: A Data-Driven Approach. 1-6 - Yufei Zhao, Pengfei Xu, Chao Zhang:
Orbital Angular Momentum Waves Multiplexing Transmission Experiment Based on Pseudo-Coplanar Scheme. 1-6 - Qian Liu, Xiao Lin, Shengnan Yue, Weiqiang Sun, Weisheng Hu:
A Routing Scheme for Bulk Data Transfers in Multi-Domain OCS Networks with Assistive Storage. 1-6 - Ly Vu, Van Loi Cao, Quang Uy Nguyen, Diep N. Nguyen, Dinh Thai Hoang, Eryk Dutkiewicz:
Learning Latent Distribution for Distinguishing Network Traffic in Intrusion Detection System. 1-6 - Ning Gao, Zhijin Qin, Xiaojun Jing, Qiang Ni:
Anti-Intelligent UAV Jamming Strategy via Deep Q-Networks. 1-6 - Xian Yu, Guangxing Zhang, Zhenyu Li, Wei Liangs, Gaogang Xie:
Toward Generalized Neural Model for VMs Power Consumption Estimation in Data Centers. 1-7 - Suhyeon Jeon, Jihwan P. Choi:
CFB-AES-TURBO: Joint Encryption and Channel Coding for Secure Satellite Data Transmission. 1-7 - Xi Zhang, Qixuan Zhu, H. Vincent Poor:
Non-Asymptotic Performance for Finite Blocklength Coding Over Nakagami-m Channels. 1-6 - Shuaishuai Guo, Haixia Zhang, Peng Zhang, Pengjie Zhao, Leiyu Wang, Mohamed-Slim Alouini:
Generalized Beamspace Modulation using Multiplexing for mmWave MIMO. 1-7 - Meng Wang, Wei Chen, Anthony Ephremides:
Reconstruction of Counting Process in Real-Time: The Freshness of Information Through Queues. 1-6 - Hongliang Zhang, Shuai Li, Jianjun Wu, Lingyang Song, Yonghui Li:
Peer to Peer Packet Dispatching in DC Power Packetized Microgrids. 1-6 - Shuming Seng, Xi Li, Changqing Luo, Hong Ji, Heli Zhang:
A D2D-Assisted MEC Computation Offloading in the Blockchain-Based Framework for UDNs. 1-6 - Islam Samy, Loukas Lazos:
Optimum Priority Class Selection Under Wi-Fi/LTE Coexistence. 1-7 - Beiyuan Liu, Chen Gong, Julian Cheng, Zhengyuan Xu:
Correlation-Based LTI Channel Estimation for Multi-Wavelength Optical Scattering Communication. 1-6 - Alexander Craig, Biswajit Nandy, Ioannis Lambadaris:
Forwarding State Reduction for Multi-Tree Multicast in Software Defined Networks using Bloom Filters. 1-7 - Hengky Susanto, Ahmed Mohamed Abdelmoniem, Hao Jin, Brahim Bensaou:
Creek: Inter Many-to-Many Coflows Scheduling for Datacenter Networks. 1-6 - Wenjing Xie, Li Wang, Bo Bai, Bile Peng, Zhiyong Feng:
An Improved Algorithm Based on Particle Filter for 3D UAV Target Tracking. 1-6 - Bin Xiang, Jocelyne Elias, Fabio Martignon, Elisabetta Di Nitto:
Joint Network Slicing and Mobile Edge Computing in 5G Networks. 1-7 - Guoliang Ji, Baoxian Zhang, Zheng Yao, Cheng Li:
A Reverse Auction Based Incentive Mechanism for Mobile Crowdsensing. 1-6 - Xin Gao, Xi Huang, Simeng Bian, Ziyu Shao, Yang Yang:
PORA: Predictive Offloading and Resource Allocation in Dynamic Fog Computing Systems. 1-6 - Mengmeng Huang, Jun Liu, Yu Gu, Yifan Zhang, Fuji Ren, Xiaoyan Wang, Jie Li:
Your WiFi Knows You Fall: A Channel Data-Driven Device-Free Fall Sensing System. 1-6 - W. U. Bin, L. I. U. Hanwen:
A Behavior-Based Covert Channel Based on GPS Deception for Smart Mobile Devices. 1-6 - M. Zulfiker Ali, Jelena V. Misic, Vojislav B. Misic:
Extending the Operational Range of UAV Communication Network using IEEE 802.11ah. 1-6 - Xinmiao Zhang:
Systematic Encoder of Generalized Three-Layer Integrated Interleaved Codes. 1-6 - Stephan P. Winter, Andreas Knopp:
Statistics of Terrestrial Fixed Service Interference in the Aeronautical SATCOM Channel. 1-7 - Byungju Lee, Junghyun Kim, Hyojin Lee, Byonghyo Shim, Younsun Kim, Juho Lee:
Towards Faster-Than-Nyquist Transmission for Beyond 5G Wireless Communications. 1-6 - Saikrishna Gumudavally, Ye Zhu, Huirong Fu, Yong Guan:
HECTor: Homomorphic Encryption Enabled Onion Routing. 1-6 - Mengdi Wang, Di Xiao, Zihang Ao:
A Novel Privacy-Preserving Data Gathering Scheme in WSN Based on Compressive Sensing and Embedding. 1-6 - Jianwei Niu, Mingsheng Sun, Joel J. P. C. Rodrigues, Xuefeng Liu:
A Novel Attention Mechanism Considering Decoder Input for Abstractive Text Summarization. 1-7 - Benedetta Picano, Francesco Chiti, Romano Fantacci, Zhu Han:
Passengers Demand Forecasting Based on Chaos Theory. 1-6 - Zezu Liang, Yuan Liu, Kaibin Huang, Tat-Ming Lok:
I/O Interference Aware Multiuser Computation Offloading for Virtualized Edge Computing. 1-6 - Md Swawibe Ul Alam, Shahrear Iqbal, Mohammad Zulkernine, Clifford Liem:
Securing Vehicle ECU Communications and Stored Data. 1-6 - Mengyao Sun, Lingjun Pu, Jianzhong Zhang, Jingdong Xu:
Matryoshka: Joint Resource Scheduling for Cost-Efficient MEC in NGFI-Based C-RAN. 1-7 - Zhanwei Hou, Changyang She, Yonghui Li, Branka Vucetic:
Ultra-Reliable and Low-Latency Communications: Prediction and Communication Co-Design. 1-7 - Yuanqi Jia, Yajun Fan, Ning Wang, Jun Zhu, Xiaomin Mu, Liuqing Yang:
Precoding Normalized Differential Spatial Modulation with Non-Constant Modulus Constellations. 1-5 - Mohamed A. ElMossallamy, Zhu Han, Miao Pan, Riku Jäntti, Karim G. Seddik, Geoffrey Ye Li:
Noncoherent Frequency Shift Keying for Ambient Backscatter Over OFDM Signals. 1-6 - Shuai Wang, Liqiang Zhao, Kai Liang, Gan Zheng:
Secrecy Profits Analysis of Wireless-Powered Networks Against Randomly Distributed Eavesdroppers. 1-6 - Zhen Feng, Caili Guo, Yang Yang:
A Novel Hybrid Dimming Scheme for MU-MIMO-OFDM VLC System. 1-6 - Wen Fan, Jiayi Zhang, Emil Björnson, Shuaifei Chen, Zhangdui Zhong:
Performance Analysis of Cell-Free Massive MIMO Over Spatially Correlated Fading Channels. 1-6 - Bruno Donassolo, Ilhem Fajjari, Arnaud Legrand, Panayotis Mertikopoulos:
Load Aware Provisioning of IoT Services on Fog Computing Platform. 1-7 - Isam Mashhour Al Jawarneh, Paolo Bellavista, Filippo Bosi, Luca Foschini, Giuseppe Martuscelli, Rebecca Montanari, Amedeo Palopoli:
Container Orchestration Engines: A Thorough Functional and Performance Comparison. 1-6 - Ahmad Asghar, Hasan Farooq, Ali Imran:
Outage Detection for Millimeter Wave Ultra-Dense HetNets in High Fading Environments. 1-6 - Weihong Yang, Yang Qin, Zhangchengzhe Yi, Yuanyuan Yang:
Content-Based Hyperbolic Routing and Push Mechanism in Named Data Networking. 1-6 - Tengjiao Wang, Fang Yang, Changyong Pan, Ling Cheng, Jian Song:
Index Modulation Based Hybrid Dimming Scheme for Visible Light Communication. 1-6 - Shuchen Xing, Xiangming Wen, Zhaoming Lu, Qi Pan, Wenpeng Jing:
A Novel Distributed Queuing-Based Random Access Protocol for Narrowband-IoT. 1-7 - Wanming Hao, Fuhui Zhou, Zheng Chu, Pei Xiao, Rahim Tafazolli, Naofal Al-Dhahir:
Beam Alignment for MIMO-NOMA Millimeter Wave Communication Systems. 1-6 - Yun Liu, Jianing Pei, Peilin Hong, Defang Li:
Cost-Efficient Virtual Network Function Placement and Traffic Steering. 1-6 - Pedro H. A. Rezende, Somayeh Kianpisheh, Roch H. Glitho, Edmundo R. M. Madeira:
An SDN-Based Framework for Routing Multi-Streams Transport Traffic Over Multipath Networks. 1-6 - Hina Nasir, Nadeem Javaid, Waseem Raza, Muhammad Imran, Nidal Naseer:
Outage Probability of Hybrid Decode-Amplify-Forward Relaying Protocol for Buffer-Aided Relays. 1-6 - Sharath Chandra Reddy Gaddam, Dhanushka Kudathanthirige, Gayan Amarasuriya:
Achievable Rates of Massive MIMO NOMA Downlink with Limited RF Chains. 1-7 - Han-Bae Kong, Muhammad Ismail, Erchin Serpedin, Khalid A. Qaraqe:
Energy Efficient Optimization of Base Station Density for VLC Networks. 1-6 - Yu Nakayama, Ryoma Yasunaga, Daisuke Hisano, Kazuki Maruta:
Adaptive Network Architecture with Moving Nodes Towards Beyond 5G Era. 1-7 - Yangcan Zhou, Jun Lin, Zhongfeng Wang:
A New Fast-SSC-Flip Decoding of Polar Codes. 1-6 - Zhe Zhang, Chung-Horng Lung, Marc St-Hilaire, Ioannis Lambadaris:
Smart Caching: Empower the Video Delivery for 5G-ICN Networks. 1-7 - Zhixiong Chen, Zhengchuan Chen, Yunjian Jia, Liang Liang:
Residual Energy-Aware Caching in Mobile D2D Cellular Network. 1-6 - Talal Halabi, Mohammad Zulkernine:
Trust-Based Cooperative Game Model for Secure Collaboration in the Internet of Vehicles. 1-6 - Yuan Zhang, Chunxiang Xu, Hongwei Li, Haomiao Yang, Xuemin Sherman Shen:
Chronos: Secure and Accurate Time-Stamping Scheme for Digital Files via Blockchain. 1-6 - Wen Cui, Chen Liu, Lin Cai, Jianping Pan:
PhyCode: A Practical Wireless Communication System Exploiting Superimposed Signals. 1-6 - Pulakesh Upadhyaya, Anxiao Andrew Jiang:
Representation-Oblivious Error Correction by Natural Redundancy. 1-7 - Meilin Gao, Bo Ai, Yong Niu, Wen Wu, Peng Yang, Feng Lyu, Xuemin Sherman Shen:
On Hybrid Beamforming of mmWave MU-MIMO System for High-Speed Railways. 1-6 - Xiaoqian Li, Kwan L. Yeung:
Traffic Engineering in Segment Routing using MILP. 1-6 - Kevin Theuermann, Arne Tauber, Thomas Lenz:
Mobile-Only Solution for Server-Based Qualified Electronic Signatures. 1-7 - Mira Morcos, Jocelyne Elias, Fabio Martignon, Lin Chen, Tijani Chahed:
A Combinatorial Auction for Joint Radio and Processing Resource Allocation in C-RAN. 1-7 - Fred Wiffen, Mohammud Z. Bocus, Angela Doufexi, Andrew R. Nix:
Distributed MIMO Uplink Capacity Under Transform Coding Fronthaul Compression. 1-6 - Seif Eddine Hammami, Hossam Afifi, Hassine Moungla, Ahmed Kamel:
Drone-Assisted Cellular Networks: A Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Approach. 1-6 - Peizhi Yan, Salimur Choudhury, Ruizhong Wei:
A Distributed Graph-Based Dense RFID Readers Arrangement Algorithm. 1-6 - Christopher Feltner, Jonathan Guilbe, Sharare Zehtabian, Siavash Khodadadeh, Ladislau Bölöni, Damla Turgut:
Smart Walker for the Visually Impaired. 1-6 - Pengxing Guo, Weigang Hou, Lei Guo, Zhaolong Ning, Mohammad S. Obaidat, Weichen Liu:
WDM-MDM Silicon-Based Optical Switching for Data Center Networks. 1-6 - Syed Waqas Haider Shah, Adnan Noor Mian, Shahid Mumtaz, Miaowen Wen, Tao Hong, Michel Kadoch:
Protocol Stack Perspective for Low Latency and Massive Connectivity in Future Cellular Networks. 1-7 - Chen Zhong, Mustafa Cenk Gursoy, Senem Velipasalar:
Deep Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Based Cooperative Edge Caching in Wireless Networks. 1-6 - Muhammad Sohaib Amjad, Falko Dressler:
Experimental Insights on Software-Based Real-Time SI Cancellation for In-Band Full Duplex DF Relays. 1-6 - Dianhan Xie, Daniel Weidman, Shaoxiong Yao, Aimin Tang, Xudong Wang:
3D Passive Positioning Based on RFID Tag Array. 1-6 - Xi Zhang, Jingqing Wang, H. Vincent Poor:
Statistical QoS Provisioning for Energy Harvesting Based 5G Mobile Wireless Networks using Finite Blocklength Coding. 1-6 - Sara Berri, Jun Zhang, Brahim Bensaou, Houda Labiod:
Joint Data-Prefetching and Broadcast-Scheduling for Hybrid Vehicular Networks. 1-6 - Antonio De Domenico, Ya-Feng Liu, Wei Yu:
Optimal Computational Resource Allocation and Network Slicing Deployment in 5G Hybrid C-RAN. 1-6 - Kai Li, Lingyun Lu, Wei Ni, Eduardo Tovar, Mohsen Guizani:
Cooperative Secret Key Generation for Platoon-Based Vehicular Communications. 1-6 - Han Cha, Seong-Lyun Kim:
A Reinforcement Learning Approach to Dynamic Spectrum Access in Internet-of-Things Networks. 1-6 - Jiangtao Wang, Yongchao Wang:
Unimodular Sequences Design with Good Correlation Properties via Consensus-PDMM Algorithm. 1-6 - He Cai, Jun Deng, Sheng Chen, Xiaofei Wang, Sangheon Pack, Zhu Han:
Improved Flow Awareness by Spatio-Temporal Collaborative Sampling in Software Defined Networks. 1-6 - Dhanushka Kudathanthirige, Gayan Amarasuriya:
Intra-Cell Pilot Contamination Mitigation in Massive MIMO Systems with Underlay Spectrum-Sharing. 1-7 - Neetu Raveendran, Yiyong Zha, Yunfei Zhang, Xin Liu, Zhu Han:
Virtual Core Network Resource Allocation in 5G Systems using Three-Sided Matching. 1-6 - Gang Yang, Rao Dai, Ying-Chang Liang:
Energy-Efficient UAV Backscatter Communication with Joint Trajectory and Resource Optimization. 1-6 - Wenqi Liu, Pengbo Si, Enchang Sun, Meng Li, Chao Fang, Yanhua Zhang:
Green Mobility Management in UAV-Assisted IoT Based on Dueling DQN. 1-6 - Helder M. N. S. Oliveira, Nelson L. S. da Fonseca:
P-cycle Protected Multipath Routing, Spectrum and Core Allocation in SDM Elastic Optical Networks. 1-6 - Dhanushka Kudathanthirige, Gayan Amarasuriya:
Distributed Massive MIMO Downlink. 1-7
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