25. IEA/AIE 2012: Dalian, China

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Section 1: Machine Learning Methods

Section 2: Cyber-Physical System for Intelligent Transportation Applications

Section 3: AI Applications

Section 4: Evolutionary Algorithms, Combinatorial Optimization

Section 5: Modeling and Support of Cognitive and Affective Human Processes

Section 6: Data Mining and Computational Intelligence for Digital Forensics and Information Assurance

Section 7: Natural Language Processing and Its Applications

Section 8: Social Network and Its Applications

Section 9: Mission-Critical Applications and Case Studies of Intelligent Systems

Section 10: AI Methods

Section 11: Sentiment Analysis for Asian Languages

Section 12: Aspects on Cognitive Computing and Intelligent Interaction

Section 13: Spatio-temporal Data Mining, Structured Learning and Their Applications

Section 14: Decision Making and Knowledge Based Systems

Section 15: Pattern Recognition

Section 16: Agent Based Systems

Section 17: Decision Making Techniques and Innovative Knowledge Management

Section 18: Machine Learning Applications