27th SEKE 2015: Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Refine list

showing all ?? records

Requirements Engineering I

Self-Adaptive Software

Software Project Management I

Slow Intelligence System

Testing I

Recommendation Systems

Cloud Computing: Security and Deployment

Empirical Software Engineering I

Knowledge Management

Data Mining for Knowledge Engineering

Intelligent Transportation Systems

Database and Information Systems

Software Product and Process Line

Social Networks

Programming Languages and Software Prototyping

Software and Knowledge Visualization

Software Quality and Reliability

Software Project Management II

Requirements Engineering II

Testing II

Software Safety and Security I

Data Mining for Software Engineering

Empirical Software Engineering II

Software Assurance

Software Defect Prediction

Semantic Web

Topic Mining and Specification Mining

User Experience and Organizational Learning

Software Measurement and Metrics

Software Safety and Security II

Model Transformation and Comparison

Testing III

Petri Nets and Formal Methods

Program Verification

Domain-Specific Languages

Web Applications and Ontological Engineering

Requirements Analysis and Software Architecture

Empirical Software Engineering III

Agile Software Development and User Interface
