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Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, Volume 71
Volume 71, Number 1, January 2020
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- Iina Hellsten, Loet Leydesdorff:
Automated analysis of actor-topic networks on twitter: New approaches to the analysis of socio-semantic networks. 3-15 - Ping Wang, Xiaodan Li:
Assessing the quality of information on wikipedia: A deep-learning approach. 16-28 - Hong Wang, Yongqiang Song, Lutong Wang, Xiao-Hong Hu:
Memory model for web ad effect based on multimodal features. 29-42 - Viktor Pekar, Jane M. Binner, Hossein Najafi, Christopher Hale, Vincent A. Schmidt:
Early detection of heterogeneous disaster events using social media. 43-54 - Christoph Becker, Emily Maemura, Nathan Moles:
The Design and Use of Assessment Frameworks in Digital Curation. 55-68 - K. M. Pooja, Samrat Mondal, Joydeep Chandra:
A Graph Combination With Edge Pruning-Based Approach for Author Name Disambiguation. 69-83 - Alex H. Poole, Deborah A. Garwood:
Digging into data management in public-funded, international research in digital humanities. 84-97 - Javier Parapar, David E. Losada, Manuel A. Presedo Quindimil, Alvaro Barreiro:
Using score distributions to compare statistical significance tests for information retrieval evaluation. 98-113
- Christopher Lueg:
To be or not to be (embodied): That is not the question. 114-117
- Heidi Julien:
The Consciousness' Drive: Information Need and the Search for Meaning. Cole, Charles. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, 2018. 247pp. (ISBN 9783319924557). 118-120 - William H. Dutton:
Internet Daemons: Digital Communications Possessed. Fenwick, McKelvey. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press, 2018. 336 pp. (ISBN 9781517901547). 121-123
- Jesse David Dinneen, Charles-Antoine Julien:
The ubiquitous digital file: A review of file management research. E1-E32
Volume 71, Number 2, February 2020
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- Stephann Makri, Lily Buckley:
Down the rabbit hole: Investigating disruption of the information encountering process. 127-142 - Xin Kang, Yunong Wu, Fuji Ren:
Toward action comprehension for searching: Mining actionable intents in query entities. 143-157 - Pengyi Zhang, Dagobert Soergel:
Cognitive mechanisms in sensemaking: A qualitative user study. 158-171 - Kai Li, Jane Greenberg, Jillian Dunic:
Data objects and documenting scientific processes: An analysis of data events in biodiversity data papers. 172-182 - Zongda Wu, Renchao Li, Zhifeng Zhou, Junfang Guo, Jionghui Jiang, Xinning Su:
A user sensitive subject protection approach for book search service. 183-195 - Laura Sbaffi, Chen Zhao:
Modeling the online health information seeking process: Information channel selection among university students. 196-207 - Richard Gruss, Alan S. Abrahams, Yuhyun Song, Daniel Berry, Sultan M. Al-Daihani:
Community building as an effective user engagement strategy: A case study in academic libraries. 208-220 - Agnieszka Geras, Grzegorz Siudem, Marek Gagolewski:
Should we introduce a dislike button for academic articles? 221-229 - Sanna Kumpulainen, Heikki Keskustalo, Boyang Zhang, Kostas Stefanidis:
Historical reasoning in authentic research tasks: Mapping cognitive and document spaces. 230-241
- Charles Cole:
A rebuttal of the book review of the book titled "The Consciousness' Drive: Information Need and the Search for Meaning". 242
- Jacques Christiaan du Plessis:
Smart World Cities in the 21st Century. Agnes, Mainka. Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2018, 266 pp. (ISBN 978-3-11-057525-5). 243-244 - Paul Conway:
The Politics of Mass Digitization. Nanna Bonde Thylstrup. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2018, 216 pp. (ISBN 9780262036870). 245-247
Volume 71, Number 3, March 2020
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- Ning Sa, Xiaojun (Jenny) Yuan:
Examining users' partial query modification patterns in voice search. 251-263 - Min Pan, Jimmy Xiangji Huang, Tingting He, Zhiming Mao, Zhiwei Ying, Xinhui Tu:
A simple kernel co-occurrence-based enhancement for pseudo-relevance feedback. 264-281 - Jin Zhang, Ye Chen, Yuehua Zhao, Dietmar Wolfram, Feicheng Ma:
Public health and social media: A study of Zika virus-related posts on Yahoo! Answers. 282-299 - Vladimir Menkov, Paul Ginsparg, Paul B. Kantor:
Recommendations and privacy in the arXiv system: A simulation experiment using historical data. 300-313 - Erjia Yan, Zheng Chen, Kai Li:
Authors' status and the perceived quality of their work: Measuring citation sentiment change in nobel articles. 314-324 - Alexandra Chassanoff, Micah Altman:
Curation as "Interoperability With the Future": Preserving Scholarly Research Software in Academic Libraries. 325-337 - Lars Moksness, Svein Ottar Olsen:
Perceived quality and self-identity in scholarly publishing. 338-348
- Jingjing Liu, Chang Liu, Nicholas J. Belkin:
Personalization in text information retrieval: A survey. 349-369
- M. Ryan Haley:
A Simple Paradigm for Augmenting the Euclidean Index to Reflect Journal Impact and Visibility. 370-373
- Matthew S. Weber:
The Archived Web: Doing History in the Digital Age. Brügger, Niels. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2018. (ISBN 9780262039024). 374-376
Volume 71, Number 4, April 2020
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- Joshua Introne, Ingrid Erickson, Bryan C. Semaan, Sean P. Goggins:
Designing sustainable online support: Examining the effects of design change in 49 online health support communities. 379-394 - Xinlin Yao, Cheng Zhang, Zhe Qu, Bernard C. Y. Tan:
Global village or virtual balkans? evolution and performance of scientific collaboration in the information age. 395-408 - Loo Geok Pee, Shan L. Pan, Mingwei Li, Suling Jia:
Social informatics of information value cocreation: A case study of xiaomi's online user community. 409-422 - Hong Hong, Qiang Ye, Qianzhou Du, G. Alan Wang, Weiguo Fan:
Crowd characteristics and crowd wisdom: Evidence from an online investment community. 423-435 - Lele Kang, Chuan-Hoo Tan, J. Leon Zhao:
Do cognitive and affective expressions matter in purchase conversion? A live chat perspective. 436-449 - David Bodoff, Yaffa Richter-Levin:
Viewpoints in indexing term assignment. 450-461 - Fernanda Peset, Fernanda Garzón-Farinós, Luis Millan González Moreno, Xavier García-Massó, Antonia Ferrer-Sapena, José Luis Toca-Herrera, Enrique Alfonso Sánchez-Pérez:
Survival analysis of author keywords: An application to the library and information sciences area. 462-473 - Rebecca D. Frank:
The Social Construction of Risk in Digital Preservation. 474-484
- Philip Fei Wu, Jessica Vitak, Michael T. Zimmer:
A contextual approach to information privacy research. 485-490
- Min Zhang, Yin Zhang:
Professional Organizations in Twittersphere: An Empirical Study of U.S. Library and Information Science Professional Organizations-Related Tweets. 491-496
- Isto Huvila:
Information at Work: Information Management in the Workplace. Edited by Katriina Byström, Jannica Heinström, and Ian Ruthven. London: Facet Publishing, 2019. (ISBN 9781783302758). J. Assoc. Inf. Sci. Technol. 71(4): 497-499 (2020)
Volume 71, Number 5, May 2020
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- Stephann Makri, Sophie Turner:
"I can't express my thanks enough": The "gratitude cycle" in online communities. 503-515 - Yuxiang (Chris) Zhao, Xixian Peng, Zhouying Liu, Shijie Song, Preben Hansen:
Factors that affect asker's pay intention in trilateral payment-based social Q&A platforms: From a benefit and cost perspective. 516-528 - Zdenek Smutný, Vasja Vehovar:
Social Informatics Research: Schools of Thought, Methodological Basis, and Thematic Conceptualization. 529-539 - Muh-Chyun Tang, Pei-Syuan Jhang:
Music discovery and revisiting behaviors of individuals with different preference characteristics: An experience sampling approach. 540-552 - Yingyi Zhang, Chengzhi Zhang, Jing Li:
Joint Modeling of Characters, Words, and Conversation Contexts for Microblog Keyphrase Extraction. 553-567 - Minh C. Phan, Aixin Sun:
Collective Named Entity Recognition in User Comments via Parameterized Label Propagation. 568-577 - Xiaorui Jiang, Xinghao Zhu, Jingqiang Chen:
Main path analysis on cyclic citation networks. 578-595
- Gerd Berget, Andrew MacFarlane:
What Is Known About the Impact of Impairments on Information Seeking and Searching? 596-611
- Marc Kosciejew:
The Misinformation Age: How False Ideas Spread. Cailin O'Connor and James Owen Weatherall. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2019. 280 pp. $26.00 (hardcover). (ISBN 9780300234015). 612-615
- Marcia J. Bates:
The Nature of Browsing. 616
Volume 71, Number 6, June 2020
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- Natalie Pang, Stan Karanasios, Misita Anwar:
Exploring the Information Worlds of Older Persons During Disasters. 619-631 - Yao Li, Alfred Kobsa:
Context and Privacy Concerns in Friend Request Decisions. 632-643 - Ion Madrazo Azpiazu, Maria Soledad Pera:
Is cross-lingual readability assessment possible? 644-656 - Yang-Yin Lee, Hao Ke, Ting-Yu Yen, Hen-Hsen Huang, Hsin-Hsi Chen:
Combining and learning word embedding with WordNet for semantic relatedness and similarity measurement. 657-670 - Yonit Rusho, Daphne R. Raban:
Hands on: Information Experiences as Sources of Value. 671-684 - Tim Gorichanaz:
Understanding and Information in the Work of Visual Artists. 685-695 - Kushwanth Koya, Gobinda Chowdhury:
Cultural Heritage Information Practices and iSchools Education for Achieving Sustainable Development. 696-710 - Mahmood Khosrowjerdi, Anneli Sundqvist, Katriina Byström:
Cultural Patterns of Information Source Use: A Global Study of 47 Countries. 711-724
- Elizabeth A. Buchanan:
Foundations of Information Ethics. Edited by John T. F. Burgess and Emily J. M. Knox. Chicago: ALA Neal-Schuman, 2019. 168
- Jonathan Furner:
Definitions of "Metadata": A Brief Survey of International Standards. E33-E42
Volume 71, Number 7, July 2020
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- Jannica Heinström, Eero Sormunen, Reijo Savolainen, Stefan Ek:
Developing an empirical measure of everyday information mastering. 729-741 - Tuukka Ruotsalo, Giulio Jacucci, Samuel Kaski:
Interactive faceted query suggestion for exploratory search: Whole-session effectiveness and interaction engagement. 742-756 - Marilena Daquino:
A computational analysis of art historical linked data for assessing authoritativeness of attributions. 757-769 - Lia H. Sun, Pnina Fichman:
The collective trolling lifecycle. 770-783 - Wenyi Tay, Xiuzhen Zhang, Sarvnaz Karimi:
Beyond mean rating: Probabilistic aggregation of star ratings based on helpfulness. 784-799 - Kyle Siler, Vincent Larivière, Cassidy R. Sugimoto:
The diverse niches of megajournals: Specialism within generalism. 800-816 - Daniel Schlagwein, Detlef Schoder, Kai Spindeldreher:
Consolidated, systemic conceptualization, and definition of the "sharing economy". 817-838 - Jinseok Kim, Jenna Kim:
Effect of forename string on author name disambiguation. 839-855 - Samuel A. Moore:
Revisiting "the 1990s debutante": Scholar-led publishing and the prehistory of the open access movement. 856-866
- Cecilia Lizama Salvatore:
The monumental challenge of preservation: The past in a volatile world. Cloonan, Michele Valerie Cambridge, MA: The MIT press, 2018. 280pp. (ISBN: 978-0-262-03773-0). 867-868
Volume 71, Number 8, August 2020
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- Kaitlin L. Costello, Tiffany C. Veinot:
A spectrum of approaches to health information interaction: From avoidance to verification. 871-886 - Dan Wu, Jing Dong, Yuan Tang, Rob Capra:
Understanding task preparation and resumption behaviors in cross-device search. 887-901 - Raffaella Nori, Massimiliano Palmiero, Fiorella Giusberti, Elisa Gambetti, Laura Piccardi:
Web searching and navigation: Age, intelligence, and familiarity. 902-915 - Lala Hajibayova:
(Un)theorizing citizen science: Investigation of theories applied to citizen science studies. 916-926 - Sara Vannini, Ricardo Gómez, Bryce Clayton Newell:
"Mind the five": Guidelines for data privacy and security in humanitarian work with undocumented migrants and other vulnerable populations. 927-938 - Atif Ahmad, Kevin C. Desouza, Sean B. Maynard, Humza Naseer, Richard L. Baskerville:
How integration of cyber security management and incident response enables organizational learning. 939-953 - Danilo Soares-Silva, Gustavo Hermínio Salati Marcondes de Moraes, Alexandre Cappellozza, Cristiano Morini:
Explaining library user loyalty through perceived service quality: What is wrong? 954-967 - Mike Thelwall, Nabeil Maflahi:
Academic collaboration rates and citation associations vary substantially between countries and fields. 968-978 - Mike Thelwall:
Female citation impact superiority 1996-2018 in six out of seven English-speaking nations. 979-990
- Emil Levine:
America's information wars: The untold story of information systems in America's conflicts and politics from World War II to the internet age Burke, Colin B. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2018. 991-994
Volume 71, Number 9, September 2020
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- Michael Zimmer, Jessica Vitak, Philip Fei Wu:
Editorial introduction: "Information privacy in the digital age". 997-1001
- Madelyn R. Sanfilippo, Yan Shvartzshnaider, Irwin Reyes, Helen Nissenbaum, Serge Egelman:
Disaster privacy/privacy disaster. 1002-1014 - Grace Fox:
"To protect my health or to protect my health privacy?" A mixed-methods investigation of the privacy paradox. 1015-1029 - David Bawden, Lyn Robinson:
"The dearest of our possessions": Applying Floridi's information privacy concept in models of information behavior and information literacy. 1030-1043 - Kyle M. L. Jones, Andrew D. Asher, Abigail Goben, Michael R. Perry, Dorothea Salo, Kristin A. Briney, M. Brooke Robertshaw:
"We're being tracked at all times": Student perspectives of their privacy in relation to learning analytics in higher education. 1044-1059 - Angela Usha Ramnarine-Rieks, Jason L. Dedrick, Jeffrey M. Stanton:
Risks, benefits, and control of information: Two studies of smart electric meter privacy. 1060-1073 - Luke Stark, Amanda C. Stanhaus, Denise L. Anthony:
"I Don't Want Someone to Watch Me While I'm Working": Gendered Views of Facial Recognition Technology in Workplace Surveillance. 1074-1088 - Anabel Quan-Haase, Dennis Ho:
Online privacy concerns and privacy protection strategies among older adults in East York, Canada. 1089-1102 - Monique Mann, Peta Mitchell, Marcus Foth, Irina Anastasiu:
#BlockSidewalk to Barcelona: Technological sovereignty and the social license to operate smart cities. 1103-1115 - Sarah Eskens:
The personal information sphere: An integral approach to privacy and related information and communication rights. 1116-1128 - Nik Thompson, Tanya Jane McGill, Anna Bunn, Rukshan Alexander:
Cultural factors and the role of privacy concerns in acceptance of government surveillance. 1129-1142
Volume 71, Number 10, October 2020
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- Jaebong Son, Jintae Lee, Kai R. Larsen, Jiyoung Woo:
Understanding the uncertainty of disaster tweets and its effect on retweeting: The perspectives of uncertainty reduction theory and information entropy. 1145-1161 - Chao Lu, Yingyi Zhang, Yong-Yeol Ahn, Ying Ding, Chenwei Zhang, Dandan Ma:
Co-contributorship network and division of labor in individual scientific collaborations. 1162-1178 - Yanli Zhang, Xinmiao Li, Weiguo Fan:
User adoption of physician's replies in an online health community: An empirical study. 1179-1191 - Chen Qiao, Xiao Hu:
A joint neural network model for combining heterogeneous user data sources: An example of at-risk student prediction. 1192-1204 - Zinaida Manzuch, Elena Maceviciute:
Getting ready to reduce the digital divide: Scenarios of Lithuanian public libraries. 1205-1217 - Lanu Kim, Jason Portenoy, Jevin D. West, Katherine Stovel:
Scientific journals still matter in the era of academic search engines and preprint archives. 1218-1226 - Kyle M. L. Jones, Alan Rubel, Ellen LeClere:
A matter of trust: Higher education institutions as information fiduciaries in an age of educational data mining and learning analytics. 1227-1241 - Jason C. Yip, Kung Jin Lee, Jin Ha Lee:
Design partnerships for participatory librarianship: A conceptual model for understanding librarians co designing With digital youth. 1242-1256 - Paul Kudlow, Devin Bissky Dziadyk, Alan Rutledge, Aviv Shachak, Gunther Eysenbach:
The citation advantage of promoted articles in a cross-publisher distribution platform: A 12-month randomized controlled trial. 1257-1274
- Krystyna K. Matusiak:
Machine translation and global research: Towards improved machine translation literacy in the scholarly community. Bowker, Lynne and Ciro, Jairo B.. Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing, 2019. (ISBN 9781787567221). 1275-1278
Volume 71, Number 11, November 2020
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- Vivek K. Singh, Mary Chayko, Raj Inamdar, Diana Floegel:
Female librarians and male computer programmers? Gender bias in occupational images on digital media platforms. 1281-1294 - Wonchan Choi:
Older adults' credibility assessment of online health information: An exploratory study using an extended typology of web credibility. 1295-1307 - Mauricio Barcellos Almeida, Eduardo Ribeiro Felipe, Renata Barcelos:
Toward a document-centered ontological theory for information architecture in corporations. 1308-1326 - Jie Zou, George R. Thoma, Sameer K. Antani:
Unified deep neural network for segmentation and labeling of multipanel biomedical figures. 1327-1340 - Chaocheng He, Jiang Wu, Qingpeng Zhang:
Research leadership flow determinants and the role of proximity in research collaborations. 1341-1356 - Yan Lin, Wai Fong Boh:
How different Are crowdfunders? Examining archetypes of crowdfunders. 1357-1370 - Emanuel Kulczycki, Raf Guns, Janne Pölönen, Tim C. E. Engels, Ewa A. Rozkosz, Alesia A. Zuccala, Kasper Bruun, Olli Eskola, Andreja Istenic Starcic, Michal Petr, Gunnar Sivertsen:
Multilingual publishing in the social sciences and humanities: A seven-country European study. 1371-1385 - Kyle Siler:
Demarcating spectrums of predatory publishing: Economic and institutional sources of academic legitimacy. 1386-1401
- Stephann Makri:
Information informing design: Information Science research with implications for the design of digital information environments. 1402-1412
- Wolfgang G. Stock:
Minty, Ella. Social media and the Islamic state: Can public relations succeed where conventional diplomacy failed?. London, NY: Routledge, 2020, XV, 98 pp. £29.99 (paperback) (ISBN 9780367188160). 1413-1416
Volume 71, Number 12, December 2020
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- Bo Xie, Daqing He, Tim Mercer, Youfa Wang, Dan Wu, Kenneth R. Fleischmann, Yan Zhang, Linda H. Yoder, Keri K. Stephens, Michael Mackert, Min Kyung Lee:
Global health crises are also information crises: A call to action. 1419-1423
- Ofer Bergman, Tamar Israeli, Steve Whittaker:
The scalability of different file-sharing methods. 1424-1438 - Ayoung Yoon, Andrea J. Copeland:
Toward community-inclusive data ecosystems: Challenges and opportunities of open data for community-based organizations. 1439-1454 - Zhichao Fang, Jonathan Dudek, Rodrigo Costas:
The stability of Twitter metrics: A study on unavailable Twitter mentions of scientific publications. 1455-1469 - Peter T. Darch, Ashley E. Sands, Christine L. Borgman, Milena S. Golshan:
Library cultures of data curation: Adventures in astronomy. 1470-1483 - Yu Chi, Daqing He, Wei Jeng:
Laypeople's source selection in online health information-seeking process. 1484-1499
- Jack E. James:
Pirate open access as electronic civil disobedience: Is it ethical to breach the paywalls of monetized academic publishing? 1500-1504
- Tim Gorichanaz:
Lupton, Deborah. Data selves: More-than-human perspectives. New York, NY: Polity Press, 2019. 1505-1506
- Michael Seadle:
The Great Hack (documentary film). Produced and directed by Karim Amer and Jehane Noujaim. Netflix, 2019. 1507-1511
- Colin B. Burke:
Response to the book review of America's Information Wars. 1512
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