15th DCOSS 2019: Santorini, Greece

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Main Event Papers

Session I: Ranging and Localization

Session II: Best Paper Award Nominees

Session III: Internet of Things: Gateways, Policies, and Novel Platforms

Session IV: Applications

Session V: System Services

Session VI: Communication

Invited Poster Papers

Regular Posters/Demos

Workshop Papers

SecRIoT 2019: First International Workshop on Security and Reliability of IoT Systems

IoTI4: International Workshop on IoT Applications and Industry 4.0

SmaCE 2019: First International Workshop on Smart Circular Economy

WPSN 2019: First International Workshop on Wirelessly Powered Systems and Networks

UrbCom 2019: First International Workshop on Urban Computing

Wi-DroIT 2019: Wireless Drones over Internet of Things

ISIoT 2019: First International Workshop on Intelligent Systems for IoT

Special Session on Smart Transport (by the SAFE STRIP EU Project)