28th ICSE 2006: Shanghai, China

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Keynote talks

Invited talks

Research papers: architecture & design I

Research papers: test & analysis I

Research papers: software components & reuse

Research papers: test & analysis II

Research papers: reverse engineering & refactoring

Research papers: architecture & design II

Research papers: test & analysis III

Research papers: test & analysis IV

Research papers: theory & formal methods

Research papers: empirical methods & measurement

Research papers: software process & workflow

Research papers: development with UML

Experience papers: risk analysis

Experience papers: using metrics

Experience papers: experiences with open source and legacy systems

Experience papers: software development practices

Far east experience papers: development technique

Far east experience papers: evaluation

Far east experience papers: software process

Far east experience papers: posters

Education papers: advanced topics in software engineering education

Education papers: software engineering education fundamentals

Education papers: distributed development

Education papers: posters

Software engineering: achievements & challenges: ubiquitous and distributed systems

Software engineering: achievements & challenges: domain-specific challenges

Software engineering: achievements & challenges: formal methods

Research demonstrations: verification and testing

Research demonstrations: development and transformation

Research demonstrations: data base and business process

Informal tool demonstrations

Emerging results: architecture

Emerging results: formal methods and analysis

Emerging results: metrics

Emerging results: program analysis

Emerging results: requirements engineering

Doctoral symposium: presentations

Doctoral symposium: posters


Tutorials: full day tutorials

Tutorials: half-day tutorials