33rd UIST 2020: Virtual Event, USA

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Opening Keynote

Visions Track

Session 1A: Cross-X Interaction

Session 2A: Shape-Change

Session 3A: Tracking User's Bodies and Faces Using Cameras

Session 1B: Bridging Programming and Visualization

Session 2B: Augmenting Video with Sketch and Gesture Input

Session 3B: Haptics for Room-Scale VR

Session 4A: Generating, Exploring, and Understanding Design Space of Visual Media

Session 5A: Fabrication: Joints and Mechanisms/Functional Assembly

Session 6A: AR/VR Authoring Environments

Session 4B: Online Communities, Data Collection, and the Web

Session 5B: Sensing Touch, Pressure, and Objects

Session 6B: VR: Head-Mounted Projectors for VR

Session 7A: Responsive/Adaptive Input: State Changes and Correction

Session 8A: Designing and Fabricating Electronics on Surfaces

Session 9A: Haptics for Hands and Feet

Session 7B: Live Programming and Synthesis

Session 8B: Sensing and Actuation on Textiles

Session 9B: Interpreting and Adapting Hand Input

Session 10A: Bridging Visual and Audio Content

Session 11A: Authoring Animation

Session 12A: Space and Depth for Interaction in VR

Session 10B: Interaction Models

Session 11B: Fabrication: Reconfigurables

Session 12B: Haptics for Buttons and Hand-Held Devices

Session 13A: Supporting novice / experts? NLP; practice

Session 14A: Supporting Users with Visualizations and Tutorials

Session 15A: ForceFeedback and Haptics in VR

Session 13B: Brain and Taste

Session 14B: Transcribing Words and Directing Voice

Session 15B: Sensing Hands

Session 13C: Programming Tools and Authoring Environments: Speech, Video Games, and Robots

Session 14C: Fabrication: Filaments and Textiles

Session 15C: Devices and Approaches For Interacting with 3D virtual content

Closing Keynote