27th WWW 2018: Lyon, France - Companion Volume

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Cognitive Computing

International Project

Journal Papers

Journalism, Misinformation, Fact Checking Track

The BIG Web

Web Programming

Developers' Track

PhD Symposium



AW4City 2018 Enhancing Citizen Centricity with Web Applications

Third International Workshop on Learning Representations for Big Networks (BigNet 2018)

The Third International Workshop on Cybersafety, Online Harassment, and Misinformation

The Third Edition of Educational Knowledge Management Workshop

First International Workshop on Hybrid Question Answering with Structured and Unstructured Knowledge (HQA18)

Augmenting Intelligence with Humans-in-the-Loop

3rd Workshop on Linked Data & Distributed Ledgers

Eighth International Workshop on Location and the Web

Mining Attributed Networks

9th International Workshop on Modeling Social Media (MSM 2018): Applying Machine Learning and AI for Modeling Social Media

ORSUM: Workshop on Online Recommender Systems and User Modeling

Online Social Networks and Media: Network Properties and Dynamics

PROFILES & Data Search: International Workshop on Profiling and Searching Data on the Web

Re-Coding Black Mirror

Reasoning on Data

Exploitation of Social Media for Emergency Relief and Preparedness

The Sixth International Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Social Media

Social Sensing and Enterprise Intelligence : Towards a Smart Enterprise Transformation

8th Temporal Web Analytics Workshop

Wiki Workshop

Personalized Real-Time Monitoring of Amateur Cyclists on Low-End Devices: Proof-of-Concept & Performance Evaluation

Ninth International Workshop on Web APIs and Service Architecture

Extreme Multilabel Classification for Social Media


Challenge #1: Learning to Recognise Musical Genre from Audio

Challenge #2: Knowledge Extraction for the Web of Things (KE4WoT)

Challenge #3: Question Answering Mediated by Visual Clues and Knowledge Graphs

Challenge #4: Multi-lingual Opinion Mining and Question Answering over Financial Data