11. 3PGCIC 2016: Asan, Korea

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11th International Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing (3PGCIC-2016)

Workshop SMECS-2016: 9th International Workshop on Simulation and Modelling of Engineering & Computational Systems

Workshop SMDMS-2016: The 7th International Workshop on Streaming Media Delivery and Management Systems

Workshop MWVRTA-2016: The 6th International Workshop on Multimedia, Web and Virtual Reality Technologies

Workshop CADSA-2016: 4th International Workshop on Cloud and Distributed System Applications

Workshop DEM-2016: 3rd International Workshop on Distributed Embedded Systems

Workshop BIDS-2016: International Workshop on Business Intelligence and Distributed Systems

Workshop-SiPML 2016: Workshop on Signal Processing and Machine Learning

Workshop-A2LS-2016: International Workshop On Analytics & Awareness Learning Services