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IEEE Transactions on Communications, Volume 55
Volume 55, Number 1, January 2007
- Amir J. Salomon, Ofer Amrani:
Product Construction of Lattices as Error-Correcting Codes. 3-10 - Masoud Sharif, Babak Hassibi:
A Comparison of Time-Sharing, DPC, and Beamforming for MIMO Broadcast Channels With Many Users. 11-15 - António Gusmão, Paulo Torres, Rui Dinis, Nelson L. Esteves:
A Turbo FDE Technique for Reduced-CP SC-Based Block Transmission Systems. 16-20 - Fadel F. Digham, Mohamed-Slim Alouini, Marvin K. Simon:
On the Energy Detection of Unknown Signals Over Fading Channels. 21-24 - Wei Zhang, Xiang-Gen Xia, Pak-Chung Ching:
High-Rate Full-Diversity Space-Time-Frequency Codes for Broadband MIMO Block-Fading Channels. 25-34 - Alessio Filippi, Elena Costa:
Low-Complexity Interleaved Subcarrier Allocation in Multicarrier Multiple-Access Systems. 35-39 - Chao-Chin Yang, Jen-Fa Huang, I-Min Chiu:
Performance Analyses on Hybrid MQC/M-Sequence Coding Over Frequency/Spatial Optical CDMA System. 40-43 - Jacqueline Walker, Antonio Cantoni:
Modeling the Effect of Nonideal Reference Clocks on the Jitter Generated in Timing Transfer. 44-47 - Marian Codreanu, Markku J. Juntti, Matti Latva-aho:
Low-Complexity Iterative Algorithm for Finding the MIMO-OFDM Broadcast Channel Sum Capacity. 48-53 - Peyman Razaghi, Babak Hossein Khalaj, Mehrdad Shamsi:
Linear Decoupled and Quasi-Decoupled Space-Time Codes. 54-59 - Amir Masoud Rabiei, Norman C. Beaulieu:
An Analytical Expression for the BER of an Individually Optimal Single Cochannel Interferer BPSK Receiver. 60-63 - Bruno Clerckx, Claude Oestges, Luc Vandendorpe, Danielle Vanhoenacker-Janvier, Arogyaswami Paulraj:
Design and Performance of Space-Time Codes for Spatially Correlated MIMO Channels. 64-68 - Sung-Jin Kang, Dae-Ki Hong, Young-Hwan You, Mi-Jeong Kim, Jin-Woong Cho:
Constant-Amplitude Multicode-Biorthogonal Modulation. 69-75 - Dong Wang, Xiang-Gen Xia:
Space-Time Trellis Code Design Based on QAM-MTCM With Trellis Shaping. 76-82 - Hamid Saeedi, Amir H. Banihashemi:
Performance of Belief Propagation for Decoding LDPC Codes in the Presence of Channel Estimation Error. 83-89 - Cong Ling:
Generalized Union Bound for Space-Time Codes. 90-99 - Amitkumar Mahadevan, Joel M. Morris:
SNR-Invariant Importance Sampling for Hard-Decision Decoding Performance of Linear Block Codes. 100-111 - Alexandre Graell i Amat, Alberto Tarable:
On the Design of Space-Time Trellis Codes for Transmit-Correlated Fading Channels. 112-121 - Christopher R. Jones, Tao Tian, John D. Villasenor, Richard D. Wesel:
The Universal Operation of LDPC Codes Over Scalar Fading Channels. 122-132 - Songhua Zhang, Pooi Yuen Kam, Paul Ho:
Performance of Differentially Detected DPSK Over Nonselective Rayleigh Fading Channels With Maximal Ratio Combining and Multiple Cochannel Interferers. 133-141 - Inkyu Lee, Carl-Erik W. Sundberg:
Reduced-Complexity Receiver Structures for Space-Time Bit-Interleaved Coded Modulation Systems. 142-150 - Mari Kobayashi, Giuseppe Caire, David Gesbert:
Transmit Diversity Versus Opportunistic Beamforming in Data Packet Mobile Downlink Transmission. 151-157 - Jian Ni, Danny H. K. Tsang, Sekhar Tatikonda, Brahim Bensaou:
Optimal and Structured Call Admission Control Policies for Resource-Sharing Systems. 158-170 - Alan Barbieri, Giulio Colavolpe, Giuseppe Caire:
Joint Iterative Detection and Decoding in the Presence of Phase Noise and Frequency Offset. 171-179 - Neng Wang, Steven D. Blostein:
Approximate Minimum BER Power Allocation for MIMO Spatial Multiplexing Systems. 180-187 - Chi-Hang Fred Fung, Wei Yu, Teng Joon Lim:
Precoding for the Multiantenna Downlink: Multiuser SNR Gap and Optimal User Ordering. 188-197 - K. Ausavapattanakun, Aria Nosratinia:
Analysis of Selective-Repeat ARQ via Matrix Signal-Flow Graphs. 198-204 - Ben Lu, Xiaodong Wang:
Design of Multilayer Coded Modulation for Nonergodic Block-Fading Channels. 205-215 - Xavier Wautelet, Cédric Herzet, Antoine Dejonghe, Jérôme Louveaux, Luc Vandendorpe:
Comparison of EM-Based Algorithms for MIMO Channel Estimation. 216-226 - Shang-Kang Deng, Mao-Chao Lin:
Recursive Clipping and Filtering With Bounded Distortion for PAPR Reduction. 227-230 - Valery P. Ipatov:
Comments on "Optimal Binary Communications With Nonequal Probabilities". 231-231 - Y. Kuang, Keping Long, C. Wu, Q. Chen:
Comments on "High-Throughput, High-Performance OFDM via Pseudo-Orthogonal Carrier Interferometry Spreading Codes". 232-234
Volume 55, Number 2, February 2007
- Alexander V. Shafarenko, Konstantin S. Turitsyn, Sergei K. Turitsyn:
Information-Theory Analysis of Skewed Coding for Suppression of Pattern-Dependent Errors in Digital Communications. 237-241 - Tilde Fusco, Mario Tanda:
Blind Feedforward Symbol-Timing Estimation With PSK Signals: A Constant-Modulus Approach. 242-246 - Xiaodi Zhang, Norman C. Beaulieu:
Error Rate of Quadrature Subbranch Hybrid Selection/ Maximal-Ratio Combining in Rayleigh Fading. 247-250 - Shoulie Xie, Susanto Rahardja, Zhenghui Gu:
Performance of DS-CDMA Downlink Systems With Orthogonal UCHT Complex Sequences. 251-256 - Gaetano Giunta, Francesco Benedetto:
Spread-Spectrum Code Acquisition in the Presence of Cell Correlation. 257-261 - Yanxin Na, Mohammad Saquib:
Analysis of the Channel Energy Capture in Ultra-Wideband Transmitted Reference Systems. 262-265 - Dian-Wu Yue, Q. T. Zhang, Xiaowei Cui:
Characteristic Functions for Optimum-Combining Output SINR With AWGN and Correlated Interference. 266-270 - Erik G. Larsson:
Model-Averaged Interference Rejection Combining. 271-274 - Amitkumar Mahadevan, Joel M. Morris:
On Minimum-WER Performance of a Class of LDPC Codes for the BSC/E Under Extended Bounded-Distance Decoding. 275-281 - Meixia Tao, Pooi Yuen Kam:
Analysis of Differential Orthogonal Space-Time Block Codes Over Semi-Identical MIMO Fading Channels. 282-291 - Pirouz Zarrinkhat, Amir H. Banihashemi:
Hybrid Hard-Decision Iterative Decoding of Irregular Low-Density Parity-Check Codes. 292-302 - Stefan Laendner, Olgica Milenkovic:
LDPC Codes Based on Latin Squares: Cycle Structure, Stopping Set, and Trapping Set Analysis. 303-312 - João A. Ney da Silva, Marcello L. R. de Campos:
Spectrally Efficient UWB Pulse Shaping With Application in Orthogonal PSM. 313-322 - Joseph C. Dagher, Michael W. Marcellin, Mark A. Neifeld:
A Theory for Maximizing the Lifetime of Sensor Networks. 323-332 - Mahdi Karimi, Masoumeh Nasiri-Kenari:
An Internally Coded TH/OCDMA Scheme for Fiber Optic Communication Systems and Its Performance Analysis-Part I: Using Optical Orthogonal Code. 333-344 - Heunchul Lee, Inkyu Lee:
New Approach for Error Compensation in Coded V-BLAST OFDM Systems. 345-355 - Fatma Abdelkefi, Pierre Duhamel, Florence Alberge:
A Necessary Condition on the Location of Pilot Tones for Maximizing the Correction Capacity in OFDM Systems. 356-366 - Madhavan Vajapeyam, Jifeng Geng, Urbashi Mitra:
Tools for Performance Analysis and Design of Space-Time Block Codes. 367-379
Volume 55, Number 3, March 2007
- Saralees Nadarajah, Samuel Kotz:
On the Infinite Series Representations for Multivariate Rayleigh Distributions. 392-393 - Shaodan Ma, Yonghong Zeng, Tung-Sang Ng:
Rake-Based Multiuser Detection for Quasi-Synchronous SDMA Systems. 394-397 - Mohammad Shikh-Bahaei:
Joint Optimization Of "Transmission Rate" and "Outer-Loop SNR Target" Adaptation Over Fading Channels. 398-403 - Shahab Sanayei, Aria Nosratinia:
Antenna Selection in Keyhole Channels. 404-408 - Cecilio Pimentel, Valdemar Cardoso da Rocha Jr.:
On the Power Spectral Density of Constrained Sequences. 409-416 - Alan Clark, Desmond P. Taylor:
Lattice Codes and Generalized Minimum-Distance Decoding for OFDM Systems. 417-426 - Mike Liddell, Alistair Moffat:
Incremental Calculation of Minimum-Redundancy Length-Restricted Codes. 427-435 - Dan Chen, Yi-Jen Chiang, Nasir D. Memon, Xiaolin Wu:
Alphabet Partitioning Techniques for Semiadaptive Huffman Coding of Large Alphabets. 436-443 - Hervé Jégou, Christine Guillemot:
Entropy Coding With Variable-Length Rewriting Systems. 444-452 - Cheng-Xiang Wang, Wen Xu:
A New Class of Generative Models for Burst-Error Characterization in Digital Wireless Channels. 453-462 - Radhika Gowaikar, Amir F. Dana, Babak Hassibi, Michelle Effros:
A Practical Scheme for Wireless Network Operation. 463-476 - Chao-Kai Wen, Kai-Kit Wong, Jung-Chieh Chen:
Spatially Correlated MIMO Multiple-Access Systems With Macrodiversity: Asymptotic Analysis Via Statistical Physics. 477-488 - Jianxuan Du, Geoffrey Ye Li, Daqing Gu, Andreas F. Molisch, Jinyun Zhang:
Statistical Rate Allocation for Layered Space-Time Structure. 489-496 - Matthew R. McKay, Alex J. Grant, Iain B. Collings:
Performance Analysis of MIMO-MRC in Double-Correlated Rayleigh Environments. 497-507 - Dennis Goeckel, Qu Zhang:
Slightly Frequency-Shifted Reference Ultra-Wideband (UWB) Radio. 508-519 - Hong-Chuan Yang, Nesrine Belhaj, Mohamed-Slim Alouini:
Performance Analysis of Joint Adaptive Modulation and Diversity Combining Over Fading Channels. 520-528 - Krishna Srikanth Gomadam, Syed Ali Jafar:
Modulation and Detection for Simple Receivers in Rapidly Time-Varying Channels. 529-539 - P. K. M. Pun, Paul K. M. Ho:
Fano Multiple-Symbol Differential Detectors for Differential Unitary Space-Time Modulation. 540-550 - Khairi Ashour Hamdi:
Accurate DS-CDMA Packet-Error Rate Analysis in Rayleigh Fading. 551-562 - Nevio Benvenuto, Giambattista Carnevale, Stefano Tomasin:
Joint Power Control and Receiver Optimization of CDMA Transceivers Using Successive Interference Cancellation. 563-573 - Steve Hranilovic:
Minimum-Bandwidth Optical Intensity Nyquist Pulses. 574-583 - George N. Karystinos, Dimitrios A. Pados:
Supervised Phase Correction of Blind Space-Time DS-CDMA Channel Estimates. 584-592 - Khairi Ashour Hamdi, László Pap:
Multiple-Access Capability of Synchronous FHSS Wireless Networks: An Analysis of the Effects of the Spacing Between Hopping Carriers. 593-604 - Ilias Iliadis, Wolfgang E. Denzel:
Resequencing Worst-Case Analysis for Parallel Buffered Packet Switches. 605-617 - Bongyong Song, Rene L. Cruz, Bhaskar D. Rao:
Network Duality for Multiuser MIMO Beamforming Networks and Applications. 618-630
Volume 55, Number 4, April 2007
- David Declercq, Marc P. C. Fossorier:
Decoding Algorithms for Nonbinary LDPC Codes Over GF(q). 633-643 - Alban Goupil, Maxime Colas, Guillaume Gelle, David Declercq:
FFT-Based BP Decoding of General LDPC Codes Over Abelian Groups. 644-649 - Wookbong Lee, Jungho Cho, Chang-Kyung Sung, Hwangjun Song, Inkyu Lee:
Mapping Optimization for Space-Time Bit-Interleaved Coded Modulation With Iterative Decoding. 650-655 - Nasir Ahmed, Behnaam Aazhang:
Throughput Gains Using Rate and Power Control in Cooperative Relay Networks. 656-660 - Minoru Kohata, Motoyuki Suzuki, Akinori Ito, Shozo Makino:
A New Segment Quantization Using Lempel-Ziv Algorithm and Its Application to Quantization of Line Spectral Frequencies. 661-664 - Yugang Ma:
Recursive Code-Timing Estimation for DS-CDMA Signals in a Time-Varying Environment Through a Stochastic Optimization Approach. 665-669 - Gonçalo Nuno Gomes Tavares, Luís Miguel Gomes Tavares:
Sequence Design for Data-Aided Estimation of Synchronization Parameters. 670-677 - Mohammad Janani, Ahmadreza Hedayat, Aria Nosratinia:
Improved Superorthogonal Codes Through Generalized Rotations. 678-682 - Simon Litsyn, Alexander Shpunt:
A Balancing Method for PMEPR Reduction in OFDM Signals. 683-691 - Aliazam Abbasfar, Dariush Divsalar, Kung Yao:
Accumulate-Repeat-Accumulate Codes. 692-702 - Nghi H. Tran, Ha H. Nguyen, Tho Le-Ngoc:
Coded Unitary Space-Time Modulation With Iterative Decoding: Error Performance and Mapping Design. 703-716 - Tiejun Wang, John G. Proakis, James R. Zeidler:
Interference Analysis of Filtered Multitone Modulation Over Time-Varying Frequency- Selective Fading Channels. 717-727 - Wei Lan Huang, Khaled Ben Letaief:
Cross-Layer Scheduling and Power Control Combined With Adaptive Modulation for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. 728-739 - Sophie Gault, Walid Hachem, Philippe Ciblat:
Performance Analysis of an OFDMA Transmission System in a Multicell Environment. 740-751 - Milind Dawande, Rakesh Gupta:
An Integer-Programming Approach to the Bicriteria Multicasting Problem in Optical Networks. 752-765 - Kyoung-Lae Noh, Qasim M. Chaudhari, Erchin Serpedin, Bruce W. Suter:
Novel Clock Phase Offset and Skew Estimation Using Two-Way Timing Message Exchanges for Wireless Sensor Networks. 766-777 - Yabo Li, Neelesh B. Mehta, Andreas F. Molisch, Jin Zhang:
Optimal Signaling and Selection Verification for Single Transmit-Antenna Selection. 778-789 - Yabo Li, Xiang-Gen Xia:
A Family of Distributed Space-Time Trellis Codes With Asynchronous Cooperative Diversity. 790-800 - António Gusmão, Paulo Torres, Rui Dinis, Nelson L. Esteves:
A Reduced-CP Approach to SC/FDE Block Transmission for Broadband Wireless Communications. 801-809 - Liuqing Yang, Georgios B. Giannakis, Ananthram Swami:
Noncoherent Ultra-Wideband (De)Modulation. 810-819 - Thanh Tùng Kim, Mikael Skoglund:
On the Expected Rate of Slowly Fading Channels With Quantized Side Information. 820-829 - Jianming Wu, Heung-No Lee:
Performance Analysis for LDPC-Coded Modulation in MIMO Multiple-Access Systems. 830-830
Volume 55, Number 5, May 2007
- Saied Hemati, Amir H. Banihashemi:
Convergence Speed and Throughput of Analog Decoders. 833-836 - Yifei Zhang, William E. Ryan:
Structured IRA Codes: Performance Analysis and Construction. 837-844 - Celal Esli, Hakan Deliç:
Performance Analysis for OFDMA in the Presence of Tone Interference. 845-849 - Sharon Goldberg, Varghese Baby, Ting Wang, Paul R. Prucnal:
Source-Matched Spreading Codes for Optical CDMA. 850-853 - Claudio Sacchi, Massimo Donelli, Francesco G. B. De Natale:
Genetic-Algorithm-Assisted Maximum-Likelihood Detection of OFDM Symbols in the Presence of Nonlinear Distortions. 854-859 - Raphael Cendrillon, George Ginis, Etienne Van den Bogaert, Marc Moonen:
A Near-Optimal Linear Crosstalk Precoder for Downstream VDSL. 860-863 - Yinghui Li, Hlaing Minn, Naofal Al-Dhahir, A. Robert Calderbank:
Pilot Designs for Consistent Frequency-Offset Estimation in OFDM Systems. 864-877 - Huanshui Zhang, Wing Shing Wong, Weiyan Ge, Peter E. Caines:
A Stochastic Approximation Approach to the Power-Control Problem. 878-886 - Hua Fu, Pooi Yuen Kam:
Performance of Optimum and Suboptimum Combining Diversity Reception for Binary and Quadrature DPSK Over Independent, Nonidentical Rayleigh Fading Channels. 887-894 - Andrea Conti, Moe Z. Win, Marco Chiani:
Slow Adaptive M-QAM With Diversity in Fast Fading and Shadowing. 895-905 - Tao Cui, Chintha Tellambura:
Blind Receiver Design for OFDM Systems Over Doubly Selective Channels. 906-917 - Joachim Hagenauer, Christian Kuhn:
The List-Sequential (LISS) Algorithm and Its Application. 918-928 - Youngok Kim, Baxter F. Womack:
Performance Evaluation of UWB Systems Exploiting Orthonormal Pulses. 929-935 - Cunsheng Ding, Jianxing Yin:
Signal Sets From Functions With Optimum Nonlinearity. 936-940 - Patrick Svedman, Sarah Kate Wilson, Leonard J. Cimini Jr., Björn E. Ottersten:
Opportunistic Beamforming and Scheduling for OFDMA Systems. 941-952 - Yisheng Xue, Thomas Kaiser, Alex B. Gershman:
Channel-Aware ALOHA-Based OFDM Subcarrier Assignment in Single-Cell Wireless Communications. 953-962 - Jeong-woo Cho, Song Chong:
Utility Max-Min Flow Control Using Slope-Restricted Utility Functions. 963-972 - Shuo-Yen Robert Li, Xuesong Jonathan Tan:
Preservation of Conditionally Nonblocking Switches Under Two-Stage Interconnection. 973-980 - Frank K. Hwang, Yang Wang, Jinzhi Tan:
Strictly Nonblocking f-Cast Logd(N, m, p) Networks. 981-986 - Pandelis Kourtessis, Stuart D. Walker:
A Complete 8-GHz QPSK-MODEM Featuring Novel Subcarrier and Data Synchronization for Optical Communications. 987-995 - Hanbyul Seo, Byeong Gi Lee:
Optimal Transmission Power for Single- and Multi-Hop Links in Wireless Packet Networks With ARQ Capability. 996-1006 - Sasan Haghani, Norman C. Beaulieu:
Performance of Two Dual-Branch Postdetection Switch-and-Stay Combining Schemes in Correlated Rayleigh and Rician Fading. 1007-1019 - Taiwen Tang, Robert W. Heath Jr., Sunghyun Cho, Sangboh Yun:
Opportunistic Feedback for Multiuser MIMO Systems With Linear Receivers. 1020-1032 - Jeong Woo Lee, Richard E. Blahut:
Convergence Analysis and BER Performance of Finite-Length Turbo Codes. 1033-1043 - Heunchul Lee, S. Park, I. Lee:
Orthogonalized Spatial Multiplexing for Closed-Loop MIMO Systems. 1044-1052 - Tao Cui, Chintha Tellambura:
Semiblind Channel Estimation and Data Detection for OFDM Systems With Optimal Pilot Design. 1053-1062 - Yu Zhu, Khaled Ben Letaief:
Single-Carrier Frequency-Domain Equalization With Noise Prediction for MIMO Systems. 1063-1076 - Jie Wu, Gary J. Saulnier:
Orthogonal Space-Time Block Code Over Time-Varying Flat-Fading Channels: Channel Estimation, Detection, and Performance Analysis. 1077-1087 - Jun Lei, Lenan Wu:
Comments on "High-Throughput, High-Performance OFDM via Pseudo-Orthogonal Carrier Interferometry Spreading Codes". 1088-1088 - Chih-Wei Liu, Chung-Chin Lu:
A View of Gaussian Elimination Applied to Early Stopped Berklekamp-Massey Algorithm. 1089-1089
Volume 55, Number 6, June 2007
- Firouz Behnamfar, Fady Alajaji, Tamás Linder:
An Efficient Algorithmic Lower Bound for the Error Rate of Linear Block Codes. 1093-1098 - Ravi Palanki, Marc P. C. Fossorier, Jonathan S. Yedidia:
Iterative Decoding of Multiple-Step Majority Logic Decodable Codes. 1099-1102 - Xiaobei Liu, Chao Lu, Tee Hiang Cheng, Soo Ngee Koh:
A Simplified Step-by-Step Decoding Algorithm for Parallel Decoding of Reed-Solomon Codes. 1103-1109 - Saralees Nadarajah, Samuel Kotz:
Comments on "Minimum Duration Outages in Rayleigh Fading Channels". 1110-1110 - Chih-Ming Fu, Wen-Liang Hwang, Chung-Lin Huang:
A Subspace Approach to Timing Acquisition for Wavelet-Based Multirate Transmissions. 1111-1115 - Cédric Herzet, Henk Wymeersch, Marc Moeneclaey, Luc Vandendorpe:
On Maximum-Likelihood Timing Synchronization. 1116-1119 - Khairi Ashour Hamdi:
A Useful Technique for Interference Analysis in Nakagami Fading. 1120-1124 - Miguel Benedito Furtado Jr., Paulo S. R. Diniz, Sergio L. Netto:
Redundant Paraunitary FIR Transceivers for Single-Carrier Transmission Over Frequency Selective Channels With Colored Noise. 1125-1130 - Chih-Wei Liu, Chung-Chin Lu:
A View of Gaussian Elimination Applied to Early-Stopped Berlekamp-Massey Algorithm. 1131-1143 - Cheran M. Vithanage, Christophe Andrieu, Robert J. Piechocki:
Novel Reduced-State BCJR Algorithms. 1144-1152 - Guosen Yue, Xiaodong Wang, Mohammad Madihian:
Design of Rate-Compatible Irregular Repeat Accumulate Codes. 1153-1163 - Ambuj Parihar, Lutz H.-J. Lampe, Robert Schober, Cyril Leung:
Equalization for DS-UWB Systems-Part I: BPSK Modulation. 1164-1173 - Seung Young Park, Daeyoung Park, David James Love:
On Scheduling for Multiple-Antenna Wireless Networks Using Contention-Based Feedback. 1174-1190 - Minh Hoang Phùng, Kee Chaing Chua, Gurusamy Mohan, Mehul Motani, Tung Chong Wong:
An Absolute QoS Framework for Loss Guarantees in Optical Burst-Switched Networks. 1191-1201 - Renato Mariz de Moraes, Hamid R. Sadjadpour, J. J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves:
Taking Full Advantage of Multiuser Diversity in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. 1202-1211 - Alexander Kesselman, Kirill Kogan:
Nonpreemptive Scheduling of Optical Switches. 1212-1219 - Lacra Pavel:
A Nested Noncooperative OSNR Game in Distributed WDM Optical Links. 1220-1230 - Alexander Kocian, Ingmar Land, Bernard H. Fleury:
Joint Channel Estimation, Partial Successive Interference Cancellation, and Data Decoding for DS-CDMA Based on the SAGE Algorithm. 1231-1241 - Yuh-Ren Tsai, Xiu-Sheng Li:
Kasami Code-Shift-Keying Modulation for Ultra-Wideband Communication Systems. 1242-1252 - Shamaiah Manohar, Vibhor Tikiya, Ramesh Annavajjala, Ananthanarayanan Chockalingam:
BER-Optimal Linear Parallel Interference Cancellation for Multicarrier DS-CDMA in Rayleigh Fading. 1253-1265 - Patrick Svedman, Sarah Kate Wilson, Leonard J. Cimini Jr., Björn E. Ottersten:
Corrections to "Opportunistic Beamforming and Scheduling for OFDMA Systems" [May 07 941-952]. 1266-1266 - Varghese Baby, Wing C. Kwong, Cheng-Yuan Chang, Guu-chang Yang, Paul R. Prucnal:
Performance Analysis of Variable-Weight, Multilength Optical Codes for Wavelength-Time O-CDMA Multimedia Systems. 1267-1267 - Claudio R. C. M. da Silva, Laurence B. Milstein:
Coarse Acquisition Performance of Spectral-Encoded UWB Communication Systems in the Presence of Narrow-Band Interference. 1267-1267 - Jia Li, Q. Liu, Q. Lu, Desmond P. Taylor:
Optical Communication Using Subcarrier PSK Intensity Modulation Through Atmospheric Turbulence Channels. 1267-1267 - K. Sivanesan, Norman C. Beaulieu:
Precise Outage Analysis of Selection Diversity and Switched Diversity in Bandlimited Micro-Cellular Systems With Cochannel Interference. 1267-1267 - Mauri Nissila, Subbarayan Pasupathy:
Soft-Input Soft-Output Equalizers for Turbo Receivers: A Statistical Physics Perspective. 1268-1268
Volume 55, Number 7, July 2007
- Haitao Xia, J. R. Cruz:
Reliability-Based Forward Recursive Algorithms for Algebraic Soft-Decision Decoding of Reed--Solomon Codes. 1273-1278 - Anshul Tyagi, Ranjan Bose:
A New Distance Notion for PPAM Space--Time Trellis Codes for UWB MIMO Communications. 1279-1282 - Juan M. Romero-Jerez, Juan P. Peña-Martin, Andrea J. Goldsmith:
Outage Probability of MRC With Arbitrary Power Cochannel Interferers in Nakagami Fading. 1283-1286 - Saralees Nadarajah, Samuel Kotz:
On The Weibull MGF. 1287-1287 - Shaw Wei Kok, Ying Zhang, Changyun Wen, Yeng Chai Soh:
Monotonicity of Likelihood Ratio of MAP Correlation Detection for OCDMA Communication. 1288-1295 - Q. T. Zhang, Shenghui Song:
Exact Expression for the Coherence Bandwidth of Rayleigh Fading Channels. 1296-1299 - Mauri Nissila, Subbarayan Pasupathy:
Soft-Input Soft-Output Equalizers for Turbo Receivers: A Statistical Physics Perspective. 1300-1307 - Nedeljko Varnica, Marc P. C. Fossorier, Aleksandar Kavcic:
Augmented Belief Propagation Decoding of Low-Density Parity Check Codes. 1308-1317 - Shu-Ming Tseng, Mark R. Bell:
Joint Synchronization and Decoding for Photon-Limited Optical Channels: Code Design and Complexity Reduction. 1318-1324 - Varghese Baby, Wing C. Kwong, Cheng-Yuan Chang, Guu-Chang Yang, Paul R. Prucnal:
Performance Analysis of Variable-Weight Multilength Optical Codes for Wavelength-Time O-CDMA Multimedia Systems. 1325-1333 - Sharon Goldberg, Paul R. Prucnal:
On the Teletraffic Capacity of Optical CDMA. 1334-1343 - Fulvio Babich, Massimiliano Comisso, Marco D'Orlando, Lucio Mania:
Performance Evaluation of Distributed Wireless Networks Using Smart Antennas in Low-Rank Channel. 1344-1353 - Erik Perrins, Michael Rice:
Reduced-Complexity Approach to Iterative Detection of Coded SOQPSK. 1354-1362 - Yewen Cao, Tjeng Thiang Tjhung, Chi Chung Ko:
Performance of a New Premulticoded Multicarrier DS-CDMA System in Nakagami Fading. 1363-1373 - Claudio R. C. M. da Silva, Laurence B. Milstein:
Coarse Acquisition Performance of Spectral Encoded UWB Communication Systems in the Presence of Narrow-Band Interference. 1374-1384 - Patrick Amihood, Elias Masry, Laurence B. Milstein, John G. Proakis:
Performance Analysis of a Pre-BLAST-DFE Technique for MISO Channels With Decentralized Receivers. 1385-1396 - Xinmin Deng, Alexander M. Haimovich:
Achievable Rates Over Time-Varying Rayleigh Fading Channels. 1397-1406 - Prathapasinghe Dharmawansa, Nandana Rajatheva, Kazi Ahmed:
On the Distribution of the Sum of Nakagami-m Random Variables. 1407-1416 - J. Wu, H. Lee:
Performance Analysis for LDPC-Coded Modulation in MIMO Multiple-Access Systems. 1417-1426 - Tairan Wang, Alfonso Cano, Georgios B. Giannakis, J. Nicholas Laneman:
High-Performance Cooperative Demodulation With Decode-and-Forward Relays. 1427-1438 - Jing Deng, Yunghsiang S. Han, Po-Ning Chen, Pramod K. Varshney:
Optimal Transmission Range for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks Based on Energy Efficiency. 1439-1439 - Yan Zhang, Paul H. Siegel, Laurence B. Milstein:
Approaching V-BLAST Capacity With Adaptive Modulation and LDPC Encoding. 1439-1439 - P. S. Udupa, James S. Lehnert:
Optimizing ZF Precoders for MIMO Broadcast Systems. 1439-1439 - Myung-Kwang Byun, Byeong Gi Lee:
New Bounds of Pairwise Error Probability for Space-Time Codes in Rayleigh Fading Channels. 1439-1439 - Jagadish Venkatraaman, Oliver Collins:
Design of an All-Digital Transmitter Architecture via Binary Sequence Search and a Look-Up Table Approach to Modulation. 1439-1439
Volume 55, Number 8, August 2007
- Dong Wang, Haiquan Wang, Xiang-Gen Xia:
Space-Time Trellis Code Design Based on Super Quasi-Orthogonal Block Codes With Minimum Decoding Complexity. 1441-1447 - Seongwook Song, Koeng-Mo Sung:
Reduced Complexity Self-Tuning Adaptive Algorithms in Application to Channel Estimation. 1448-1452 - George K. Karagiannidis, Nikos C. Sagias, P. Takis Mathiopoulos:
Nast Nakagami: A Novel Stochastic Model for Cascaded Fading Channels. 1453-1458 - Seongwook Song, Andrew C. Singer:
Pilot-Aided OFDM Channel Estimation in the Presence of the Guard Band. 1459-1465 - Dimitrie C. Popescu, Otilia Popescu, Christopher Rose:
Interference Avoidance and Multiaccess Vector Channels. 1466-1471 - Marios Gatzianas, Leonidas Georgiadis, George K. Karagiannidis:
Gain Adaptation Policies for Dual-Hop Nonregenerative Relayed Systems. 1472-1477 - Tao Feng, Timothy R. Field, Simon Haykin:
Stochastic Differential Equation Theory Applied to Wireless Channels. 1478-1483 - Myung-Kwang Byun, Byeong Gi Lee:
New Bounds of Pairwise Error Probability for Space-Time Codes in Rayleigh Fading Channels. 1484-1493 - Yunwei Jia, En-Hui Yang, Da-ke He, Steven Chan:
A Greedy Renormalization Method for Arithmetic Coding. 1494-1503 - Sinan Gezici, Andreas F. Molisch, H. Vincent Poor, Hisashi Kobayashi:
The Tradeoff Between Processing Gains of an Impulse Radio UWB System in the Presence of Timing Jitter. 1504-1515 - P. S. Udupa, James S. Lehnert:
Optimizing Zero-Forcing Precoders for MIMO Broadcast Systems. 1516-1524 - Ambuj Parihar, Lutz H.-J. Lampe, Robert Schober, Cyril Leung:
Equalization for DS-UWB Systems - Part II: 4BOK Modulation. 1525-1535 - Yunfei Chen, Norman C. Beaulieu:
Optimum Pilot Symbol Assisted Modulation. 1536-1546 - Marilynn P. Wylie-Green:
A New Finite Series Expansion of Continuous Phase Modulated Waveforms. 1547-1556 - Martin Schubert, Holger Boche:
A Generic Approach to QoS-Based Transceiver Optimization. 1557-1566 - Volker Pauli, Lutz H.-J. Lampe:
Tree-Search Multiple-Symbol Differential Decoding for Unitary Space-Time Modulation. 1567-1576 - Diego Bartolomé, Ana I. Pérez-Neira:
Practical Implementation of Bit Loading Schemes for Multiantenna Multiuser Wireless OFDM Systems. 1577-1587 - Jian Ni, Sekhar Tatikonda:
Analyzing Product-Form Stochastic Networks Via Factor Graphs and the Sum-Product Algorithm. 1588-1597 - Jia Li, John Q. Liu, Desmond P. Taylor:
Optical Communication Using Subcarrier PSK Intensity Modulation Through Atmospheric Turbulence Channels. 1598-1606 - Denis Petrovic, Wolfgang Rave, Gerhard P. Fettweis:
Effects of Phase Noise on OFDM Systems With and Without PLL: Characterization and Compensation. 1607-1616 - Bin Lee, John M. Cioffi, Sumanth Jagannathan, Kibeom Seong, Youngjae Kim, Mehdi Mohseni, Mark H. Brady:
Binder MIMO Channels. 1617-1628 - Jingnong Yang, Douglas B. Williams:
Transmission Subspace Tracking for MIMO Systems With Low-Rate Feedback. 1629-1639 - Yan Li, Pooi Yuen Kam:
Space-Time Trellis Codes Over Rapid Rayleigh Fading Channels With Channel Estimation---Part I: Receiver Design and Performance Analysis. 1640-1644 - Jeakwon Kim, Ye Hoon Lee:
Modified Frequency-Domain Equalization for Channel Shortening in Reduced-CP OFDMA Systems. 1645-1645 - Yu Cheng, Weihua Zhuang, Lei Wang:
Calculation of Loss Probability in a Finite Size Partitioned Buffer for Quantitative Assured Service. 1645-1645 - Eunchul Yoon, Jan Hansen, Arogyaswami Paulraj:
Space-Frequency Precoding with Space-Tap Correlation Information at the Transmitter. 1645-1645 - Athanasios S. Lioumpas, George K. Karagiannidis:
Blind Ratio Combining (BRC): An Optimum Diversity Receiver for Coherent Detection With Unknown Fading Amplitudes. 1645-1645 - Chris Snow, Lutz H.-J. Lampe, Robert Schober:
Error Rate Analysis for Coded Multicarrier Systems Over Quasi-Static Fading Channels. 1646-1646
Volume 55, Number 9, September 2007
- Chang-Kyung Sung, Sae-Young Chung, Jun Heo, Inkyu Lee:
Adaptive Bit-Interleaved Coded OFDM With Reduced Feedback Information. 1649-1655 - Rong Zhou, Raphaël Le Bidan, Ramesh Pyndiah, A. Goalic:
Low-Complexity High-Rate Reed--Solomon Block Turbo Codes. 1656-1660 - Stefan Kempf, Sergo Shavgulidze, Martin Bossert:
Woven Coded CPFSK With Hierarchical Code Structure. 1661-1666 - Dimitrie C. Popescu, Prasad Yaddanapudi:
Narrowband Interference Avoidance in OFDM-Based UWB Communication Systems. 1667-1673 - Peter J. Smith:
Exact Performance Analysis of Optimum Combining With Multiple Interferers in Flat Rayleigh Fading. 1674-1677 - Trung Thanh Nguyen, Lutz H.-J. Lampe:
On Trellis Shaping for PAR Reduction in OFDM Systems. 1678-1682 - Hui Shi, Tetsushi Abe, Takahiro Asai, Hitoshi Yoshino:
Relaying Schemes Using Matrix Triangularization for MIMO Wireless Networks. 1683-1688 - Bin Lee, John M. Cioffi, Sumanth Jagannathan, Mehdi Mohseni:
Gigabit DSL. 1689-1692 - Tomas Eriksson, John B. Anderson, Norbert Goertz:
Linear Congruential Trellis Source Codes: Design and Analysis. 1693-1701 - Eunchul Yoon, Jan Hansen, Arogyaswami Paulraj:
Space-Frequency Precoding with Space-Tap Correlation Information at the Transmitter. 1702-1711 - Gideon Kutz, Dan Raphaeli:
Determination of Tap Positions for Sparse Equalizers. 1712-1724 - Athanasios S. Lioumpas, George K. Karagiannidis:
Blind Ratio Combining (BRC): An Optimum Diversity Receiver for Coherent Detection With Unknown Fading Amplitudes. 1725-1735 - Chris Snow, Lutz H.-J. Lampe, Robert Schober:
Error Rate Analysis for Coded Multicarrier Systems Over Quasi-Static Fading Channels. 1736-1746 - Shin-Lin Shieh, Po-Ning Chen, Yunghsiang S. Han:
Flip CRC Modification for Message Length Detection. 1747-1756 - Yu Cheng, Weihua Zhuang, Lei Wang:
Calculation of Loss Probability in a Finite Size Partitioned Buffer for Quantitative Assured Service. 1757-1771 - Jing Deng, Yunghsiang S. Han, Po-Ning Chen, Pramod K. Varshney:
Optimal Transmission Range for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks Based on Energy Efficiency. 1772-1782 - Stefano Tomasin, Filippo Tosato:
Interference-Resilient Block-Spreading CDMA With Minimum-MAI Sequence Design. 1783-1792 - Pingan Li, Khaled Ben Letaief:
A Blind RAKE Receiver With Robust Multiuser Interference Cancelation for DS/CDMA Communications. 1793-1801 - Enis Akay, Ersin Sengul, Ender Ayanoglu:
Bit Interleaved Coded Multiple Beamforming. 1802-1811 - Seong Taek Chung, John M. Cioffi:
The Capacity Region of Frequency-Selective Gaussian Interference Channels Under Strong Interference. 1812-1821 - T. Jia, D. I. Kim:
Analysis of Channel-Averaged SINR for Indoor UWB Rake and Transmitted Reference Systems. 1822-1822 - Zheng Zhang, Tolga M. Duman:
Capacity Approaching Turbo Coding For Half-Duplex Relaying. 1822-1822 - Rong Li, Pooi Yuen Kam:
Generalized Quadratic Receivers for Unitary Space-Time Modulation Over Rayleigh Fading Channels. 1822-1822 - Carlo Fischione, Fabio Graziosi, Fortunato Santucci:
Approximation for a Sum of On-Off Log-Normal Processes With Wireless Applications. 1822-1822 - Peter Jung, Gerhard Wunder:
WSSUS Pulse Design Problem in Multicarrier Transmission. 1822-1822
Volume 55, Number 10, October 2007
- J. Kim, Y. Lee:
Modified Frequency-Domain Equalization for Channel Shortening in Reduced-CP OFDMA Systems. 1825-1836 - Hossein R. Sarrafzadeh:
State Transparent Convolutional Codes and Their Novel Maximum-Likelihood Decoding Algorithm. 1837-1844 - Ofer Amrani:
Nonlinear Codes: The Product Construction. 1845-1851 - Nuno Souto, Francisco Cercas, Rui Dinis, João Carlos Silva:
On the BER Performance of Hierarchical M-QAM Constellations With Diversity and Imperfect Channel Estimation. 1852-1856 - Gonçalo N. Tavares, Luis M. Tavares:
On the Statistics of the Sum of Squared Complex Gaussian Random Variables. 1857-1862 - Shang-Ho Tsai, Yuan-Pei Lin, C.-C. Jay Kuo:
Precoded Multiuser OFDM Transceiver in Timing Asynchronous Environment. 1863-1866 - Sudharman K. Jayaweera:
V-BLAST-Based Virtual MIMO for Distributed Wireless Sensor Networks. 1867-1872 - Zhendong Luo, Hing Gao, Yuanan Liu:
Adaptive Transmission With Linear Computational Complexity in MIMO-OFDM Systems. 1873-1877 - Yvo L. C. de Jong, Tricia J. Willink:
Reduced-Complexity Time-Domain Equalization for Turbo-MIMO Systems. 1878-1883 - A. Saroka, Dan Raphaeli:
Joint Carrier Phase Estimation and Turbo Decoding Using Bit Carrier Phase APP Decoder. 1884-1894 - A. H. W. Zhang, R. Y. M. Duman:
Capacity-Approaching Turbo Coding For Half-Duplex Relaying. 1895-1906 - S. E. C. Crouch, James A. Davis, Jonathan Jedwab:
The Design of the IEEE 802.12 Coding Scheme. 1907-1917 - Peter Jung, Gerhard Wunder:
The WSSUS Pulse Design Problem in Multicarrier Transmission. 1918-1928 - Y. Zhang, Saul B. Gelfand, Michael P. Fitz:
Soft-Output Demodulation on Frequency-Selective Rayleigh Fading Channels Using AR Channel Models. 1929-1939 - Rong Li, Pooi Yuen Kam:
Generalized Quadratic Receivers for Unitary Space-Time Modulation Over Rayleigh Fading Channels. 1940-1950 - Jagadish Venkataraman, Oliver M. Collins:
An All-Digital Transmitter With a 1-Bit DAC. 1951-1962 - Michele Morelli, Luca Sanguinetti:
A Unified Framework for Tomlinson-Harashima Precoding in MC-CDMA and OFDMA Downlink Transmissions. 1963-1972 - Klaus Kopsa, Harold Artés, Gerald Matz, Franz Hlawatsch:
Multiuser Space-Time Algorithms for Synchronization, Channel Estimation, and Data Detection in an Interference Monitoring System for UMTS/TDD Networks. 1973-1983 - Carlo Fischione, Fabio Graziosi, Fortunato Santucci:
Approximation for a Sum of on-off Lognormal Processes With Wireless Applications. 1984-1993 - Zheng Du, Julian Cheng, Norman C. Beaulieu:
BER Analysis of BPSK Signals in Ricean-Faded Cochannel Interference. 1994-2001 - K. Sivanesan, Norman C. Beaulieu:
Precise Outage Analysis of Selection Diversity and Switched Diversity in Bandlimited Microcellular Systems With Cochannel Interference. 2002-2011 - Amit Stark, Dan Raphaeli:
Combining Decision-Feedback Equalization and Carrier Recovery for Two-Dimensional Signal Constellations. 2012-2021 - T. Jia, D. I. Kim:
Analysis of Channel-Averaged SINR for Indoor UWB Rake and Transmitted Reference Systems. 2022-2032 - Chris Groves, J. P. R. David:
Effects of Ionization Velocity and Dead Space on Avalanche Photodiode Bit Error Rate. 2033-2033 - Isaac Rosenhouse, Anthony J. Weiss:
Combined Analog and Digital Error-Correcting Codes For Analog Information Sources. 2033-2033 - Alan Barbieri, Giulio Colavolpe:
Soft-Output Decoding of Rotationally Invariant Codes Over Channels With Phase Noise. 2033-2033 - Zoran Hadzi-Velkov:
Level Crossing Rate and Average Fade Duration of EGC Systems With Cochannel Interference in Rayleigh Fading. 2033-2033 - Wasim Q. Malik, David J. Edwards:
Measured MIMO Capacity and Diversity Gain With Spatial and Polar Arrays in Ultra Wideband Channels. 2033-2033
Volume 55, Number 11, November 2007
- Ali Abedi, Mary E. Thompson, Amir K. Khandani:
Application of Cumulant Method In Performance Evaluation of Turbo-Like Codes. 2037-2041 - Shuangquan Wang:
Envelope Correlation Coefficient for Logarithmic Diversity Receivers Revisited. 2042-2046 - Rachel L. Maw, Desmond P. Taylor:
Space-Time Coded Systems using Continuous Phase Modulation. 2047-2051 - Mao-Fu Lin, Guu-chang Yang, Cheng-Yuan Chang, Yu-Shing Liu, Wing C. Kwong:
Frequency-Hopping CDMA With Reed--Solomon Code Sequences in Wireless Communications. 2052-2055 - Marco Chiani, Maria G. Martini:
Analysis of Optimum Frame Synchronization Based on Periodically Embedded Sync Words. 2056-2060 - Leszek Szczecinski, Hong Xu, Xin Gao, Rolando Bettancourt:
Efficient Evaluation of BER for Arbitrary Modulation and Signaling in Fading Channels. 2061-2064 - Raymond Kwan, Cyril Leung:
On the Applicability of the Pearson Method for Approximating Distributions in Wireless Communications. 2065-2069 - Jerzy Siuzdak, Tomasz Czarnecki:
Employment of Voice Band Modems in Subscriber Loop Qualification. 2070-2072 - Isaac Rosenhouse, Anthony J. Weiss:
Combined Analog and Digital Error-Correcting Codes for Analog Information Sources. 2073-2083 - Frédéric Guilloud, Emmanuel Boutillon, Jacky Tousch, Jean-Luc Danger:
Generic Description and Synthesis of LDPC Decoders. 2084-2091 - Daniel E. Quevedo, Graham C. Goodwin, José A. De Doná:
Multistep Detector for Linear ISI-Channels Incorporating Degrees of Belief in Past Estimates. 2092-2103 - Zoran Hadzi-Velkov:
Level Crossing Rate and Average Fade Duration of EGC Systems With Cochannel Interference in Rayleigh Fading. 2104-2113 - Baris Özgül, Mutlu Koca, Hakan Deliç:
Doubly Iterative Equalization of Continuous-Phase Modulation. 2114-2124 - Alan Barbieri, Giulio Colavolpe:
Soft-Output Decoding of Rotationally Invariant Codes Over Channels With Phase Noise. 2125-2133 - An Chen, Chin-Tau A. Lea, Albert Kai-Sun Wong:
A New Optical TDM Ring Architecture. 2134-2141 - Chen-Lung Chan, Shih-Yu Huang, Jia-Shung Wang:
Performance Analysis of Proxy Caching for VOD Services With Heterogeneous Clients. 2142-2151 - Chris Groves, J. P. R. David:
Effects of Ionization Velocity and Dead Space on Avalanche Photodiode Bit Error Rate. 2152-2158 - Giovanni Emanuele Corazza, Raffaella Pedone:
Generalized and Average Likelihood Ratio Testing for Post Detection Integration. 2159-2171 - Marco Villanti, Paola Salmi, Giovanni Emanuele Corazza:
Differential Post Detection Integration Techniques for Robust Code Acquisition. 2172-2184 - Amir Ehsan Khandani, Jinane Abounadi, Eytan H. Modiano, Lizhong Zheng:
Cooperative Routing in Static Wireless Networks. 2185-2192 - Grzegorz Danilewicz:
Wide-Sense Nonblocking logd(N, 0, p) Multicast Switching Networks. 2193-2200 - Ebrahim Karami:
Tracking Performance of Least Squares MIMO Channel Estimation Algorithm. 2201-2209 - Xiqi Gao, Bin Jiang, Xiaohu You, Zhiwen Pan, Yisheng Xue, Egon Schulz:
Efficient Channel Estimation for MIMO Single-Carrier Block Transmission With Dual Cyclic Timeslot Structure. 2210-2223 - Stefano Bregni, Luca Jmoda:
Accurate Estimation of the Hurst Parameter of Long-Range Dependent Traffic Using Modified Allan and Hadamard Variances. 2224-2224 - Michael Cole, Kamran Kiasaleh:
Signal Intensity Estimators for Free-Space Optical Communication With Array Detectors. 2224-2224 - Dario Fertonani, Alan Barbieri, Giulio Colavolpe:
Reduced-Complexity BCJR Algorithm for Turbo Equalization. 2224-2224 - Yong Sun, Momin Uppal, Angelos D. Liveris, Samuel Cheng, Vladimir Stankovic, Zixiang Xiong:
Nested Turbo Codes for the Costa Problem. 2224-2224 - Yonghong Zeng, A. Rahim Leyman, Tung-Sang Ng:
Joint Semiblind Frequency Offset and Channel Estimation for Multiuser MIMO-OFDM Uplink. 2224-2224
Volume 55, Number 12, December 2007
- Ender Ayanoglu:
State of the Transactions. 2229 - Mandar A. Chitre, John R. Potter, Sim Heng Ong:
Viterbi Decoding of Convolutional Codes in Symmetric alpha -Stable Noise. 2230-2233 - Hua Xiao, Amir H. Banihashemi:
Estimation of Bit and Frame Error Rates of Finite-Length Low-Density Parity-Check Codes on Binary Symmetric Channels. 2234-2239 - Tsung-Ching Lin, Trieu-Kien Truong, Pei-Ding Chen:
A Fast Algorithm for the Syndrome Calculation in Algebraic Decoding of Reed-Solomon Codes. 2240-2244 - Chang-Hsing Lee:
A Fast Encoding Algorithm for Vector Quantization Using Difference Pyramid Structure. 2245-2248 - Xiaodi Zhang, Norman C. Beaulieu:
A Closed-Form BER Expression for BPSK Using MRC in Correlated CCI and Rayleigh Fading. 2249-2252 - Xin Wang, Yingqun Yu, Georgios B. Giannakis:
A Robust High-Throughput Tree Algorithm Using Successive Interference Cancellation. 2253-2256 - Xin Liu, Kah Chan Teh, Erry Gunawan:
Interference Identification and Blind Multiuser Detection for Asynchronous CDMA Systems With Multipath Fading. 2257-2260 - Yan Zhang:
Approaching V-BLAST Capacity With Adaptive Modulation and LDPC Encoding. 2261-2269 - Yonghong Zeng, Abdul Rahim Leyman, Tung-Sang Ng:
Joint Semiblind Frequency Offset and Channel Estimation for Multiuser MIMO-OFDM Uplink. 2270-2278 - Dario Fertonani, Alan Barbieri, Giulio Colavolpe:
Reduced-Complexity BCJR Algorithm for Turbo Equalization. 2279-2287 - Syed Ali Jafar, Sudhir Srinivasa:
On the Optimality of Beamforming with Quantized Feedback. 2288-2302 - Xiaodi Zhang, Norman C. Beaulieu:
Explicit Analytical Expressions for Outage and Error Rate of Diversity Cellular Systems in the Presence of Multiple Interferers and Correlated Rayleigh Fading. 2303-2315 - Jamal Riani, Steven van Beneden, Jan W. M. Bergmans, Andre H. J. Immink:
Near-Minimum Bit-Error Rate Equalizer Adaptation for PRML Systems. 2316-2327 - Erik Perrins, Robert Schober, Michael Rice, Marvin K. Simon:
Multiple-Bit Differential Detection of Shaped-Offset QPSK. 2328-2340 - Michael Cole, Kamran Kiasaleh:
Signal Intensity Estimators for Free-Space Optical Communication With Array Detectors. 2341-2350 - Osvaldo Simeone, Yeheskel Bar-Ness, Umberto Spagnolini:
Stable Throughput of Cognitive Radios With and Without Relaying Capability. 2351-2360 - Wasim Q. Malik, David J. Edwards:
Measured MIMO Capacity and Diversity Gain With Spatial and Polar Arrays in Ultrawideband Channels. 2361-2370 - Wan Choi, Antonio Forenza, Jeffrey G. Andrews, Robert W. Heath Jr.:
Opportunistic Space-Division Multiple Access With Beam Selection. 2371-2380 - Lan Lan, Ying Yu Tai, Shu Lin, Behshad Memari, Bahram Honary:
New Constructions of Quasi-Cyclic LDPC Codes Based on Special Classes of BIBDs for the AWGN and Binary Erasure Channels. 2381 - Ali Abdi, Hong Zhang, Cihan Tepedelenlioglu:
A Unified Approach to the Performance Analysis of Speed-Estimation Techniques in Mobile Communication. 2381 - Chia-Wei Lin, Ja-Ling Wu, Yuh-Jue Chuang:
Two Algorithms for Constructing Efficient Huffman-Code-Based Reversible Variable Length Codes. 2381 - Gianluigi Liva, William E. Ryan, Marco Chiani:
Quasi-Cyclic Generalized LDPC Codes With Low Error Floors. 2381 - Andres Kwasinski, K. J. Ray Liu:
Toward a Unified Framework for Modeling and Analysis of Diversity in Joint Source--Channel Coding. 2381
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