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Communications of the ACM (CACM), Volume 46, 2003
Volume 46, Number 1, January 2003
- Diane Crawford:
Editorial pointers. 5-8 - Robert Fox:
News tracks. 9-10 - Diane Crawford:
Forum. 11-12
- Meg McGinity:
Hibernating during telecom winter. 13-15
- Rebecca Mercuri:
On auditing trails. 17-20
- Alan H. Karp:
Making money selling content that others are giving away. 21-22
- Gary Marchionini, Hanan Samet, Larry Brandt:
Introduction. 24-27 - Hsinchun Chen, Daniel Dajun Zeng, Homa Atabakhsh, Wojciech Wyzga, Jennifer Schroeder:
COPLINK: manging law enforcement data and knowledge. 28-34 - Steve Goddard, Sherri K. Harms, Stephen E. Reichenbach, Tsegaye Tadesse, William J. Waltman:
Geospatial decision support for drought risk management. 35-37 - Lois M. L. Delcambre, Timothy Tolle:
Harvesting information to sustain forests. 38-39 - Sharon S. Dawes, Lise Préfontaine:
Understanding new models of collaboration for delivering governments services. 40-42 - Jane E. Fountain:
Prospects for improving the regulatory process using e-rulemaking. 43-44 - Sarah Nusser, Leslie L. Miller, Keith C. Clarke, Michael F. Goodchild:
Geospatial IT for mobile field data collection. 45-46 - Eduard H. Hovy:
Using an ontology to simplify data access. 47-49 - Leana Golubchik, William C. Cheng, Cheng-Fu Chou, Samir Khuller, Hanan Samet, C. Justin Wan:
Bistro: a scalable and secure data transfer service for digital government applications. 50-51 - Carol A. Hert, Elizabeth D. Liddy, Ben Shneiderman, Gary Marchionini:
Supporting statistical electronic table usage by citizens. 52-54 - Cathryn S. Dippo:
FedStats: the gateway to federal statistics. 55 - Alan F. Karr, Adrian Dobra, Ashish P. Sanil:
Table servers protect confidentiality in tabular data releases. 57-58 - Alan M. MacEachren, Frank Hardisty, Xiping Dai, Linda Pickle:
Supporting visual analysis of federal geospatial statistics. 59-60 - Hanan Samet, Houman Alborzi, Frantisek Brabec, Claudio Esperança, Gísli R. Hjaltason, Frank Morgan, Egemen Tanin:
Use of the SAND spatial browser for digital government applications. 61-64 - Peggy Agouris, Anthony Stefanidis:
Efficient summarization of spatiotemporal events. 65-66 - William L. Scherlis, Jon Eisenberg:
IT research, innovation, and e-government. 67-68 - Melvyn Ciment:
A personal history of the NSF digital government program. 69-70
- Diomidis Spinellis:
The decay and failures of web references. 71-77 - David E. Avison, Guy Fitzgerald:
Where now for development methodologies?. 78-82 - Ken Peffers, Charles E. Gengler:
How to identify new high-payoff information systems for the organization. 83-88 - Mario Cannataro, Domenico Talia:
The knowledge grid. 89-93 - Pak Chung Wong, Kwong-kwok Wong, Harlan Foote:
Organic data memory using the DNA approach. 95-98
- Kevin C. Desouza:
Barriers to effective use of knowledge management systems in software engineering. 99-101
- Michael Lesk:
The mindset of dependability. 136
Volume 46, Number 2, February 2003
- Diane Crawford:
Editorial pointers. 5 - Robert Fox:
News track. 9-10 - Diane Crawford:
Forum. 11-13
- Brock N. Meeks:
Conspicuous in their silence. 15-16
- Phillip G. Armour:
The reorg cycle. 19-22
- Jessica Brazelton, G. Anthony Gorry:
Creating a knowledge-sharing community: if you build it, will they come? 23-25
- Diane Crawford:
ACM fellows. 26
- Detlef Schoder, Kai Fischbach:
Peer-to-peer prospects. 27-29
- Richard A. Lethin:
Introduction. 30-32 - John Kubiatowicz:
Extracting guarantees from chaos. 33-38 - Philip E. Agre:
P2P and the promise of internet equality. 39-42 - Hari Balakrishnan, M. Frans Kaashoek, David R. Karger, Robert Morris, Ion Stoica:
Looking up data in P2P systems. 43-48 - Jintae Lee:
An end-user perspective on file-sharing systems. 49-53
- Jinyoul Lee, Keng Siau, Soongoo Hong:
Enterprise integration with ERP and EAI. 54-60 - Bay Arinze, Murugan Anandarajan:
A framework for using OO mapping methods to rapidly configure ERP systems. 61-65 - Amitava Dutta, Rahul Roy:
Anticipating internet diffusion. 66-71 - James J. Jiang, Gary Klein, Debbie B. Tesch, Houn-Gee Chen:
Closing the user and provider service quality gap. 72-76 - Ravindra Krovi, Akhilesh Chandra, Balaji Rajagopalan:
Information flow parameters for managing organizational processes. 77-82 - Xinping Shi, Philip C. Wright:
E-commercializing business operations. 83-87
- Nayeem Islam, Mohamed E. Fayad:
Toward ubiquitous acceptance of ubiquitous computing. 89-92
- Peter G. Neumann:
Gambling on system accountability. 120
Volume 46, Number 3, March 2003
- Diane Crawford:
Editorial printers. 5-8 - Robert Fox:
News track. 9-10 - Diane Crawford:
Forum. 11-13
- Michael A. Cusumano:
Finding your balance in the products and services debate. 15-17
- Peter J. Denning, Robert Dunham:
The missing customer. 19-23
- Mohammad Rob:
The rise and fall of an e-commerce program. 25-26
- Bob Besaha:
Bounty hunting in the patent base. 27-29
- Roel Vertegaal:
Introduction. 30-33 - Shumin Zhai:
What's in the eyes for attentive input. 34-39 - Jeffrey S. Shell, Ted Selker, Roel Vertegaal:
Interacting with groups of computers. 40-46 - Paul P. Maglio, Christopher S. Campbell:
Attentive agents. 47-51 - Eric Horvitz, Carl Myers Kadie, Tim Paek, David Hovel:
Models of attention in computing and communication: from principles to applications. 52-59 - Patrick Baudisch, Douglas DeCarlo, Andrew T. Duchowski, Wilson S. Geisler:
Focusing on the essential: considering attention in display design. 60-66 - D. Scott McCrickard, Christa M. Chewar:
Attuning notification design to user goals and attention costs. 67-72
- José del R. Millán:
Adaptive brain interfaces. 74-80 - Lawrence A. Gordon, Martin P. Loeb, Tashfeen Sohail:
A framework for using insurance for cyber-risk management. 81-85 - Gustavo da Rocha Barreto Pinto, Sergio P. J. Medeiros, Jano Moreira de Souza, Julia Celia M. Strauch, Carlete Rosana Ferreira Marques:
Spatial data integration in a collaborative design framework. 86-90 - Mark C. Anderson, Rajiv D. Banker, Sury Ravindran:
The new productivity paradox. 91-94 - Roger Evernden, Elaine Evernden:
Third-generation information architecture. 95-98 - David W. Chadwick:
Deficiencies in LDAP when used to support PKI. 99-104
- Gary F. Templeton:
Object-oriented programming of integrated circuits. 105-108
- Barbara Simons, Eugene H. Spafford:
Risks of total surveillance. 120
Volume 46, Number 4, April 2003
- Diane Crawford:
Editorial pointers. 5 - Robert Fox:
News track. 9-10 - Diane Crawford:
Forum. 11-14
- Hal Berghel, Kim Womack:
Anonymizing the net. 15-20
- Jeff Grove:
Legal and technological efforts to lock up content threaten innovation. 21-22 - Ramesh C. Jain:
Folk computing. 27-29
- Meg McGinity:
Getting real. 23-26
- Deirdre K. Mulligan:
Introduction. 30-33 - John S. Erickson:
Fair use, DRM, and trusted computing. 34-39 - Pamela Samuelson:
DRM {and, or, vs.} the law. 41-45 - Julie E. Cohen:
DRM and privacy. 46-49 - Séverine Dusollier:
Fair use by design in the European copyright directive of 2001. 51-55 - Edward W. Felten:
A skeptical view of DRM and fair use. 56-59 - Barbara Fox, Brian A. LaMacchia:
Encouraging recognition of fair uses in DRM systems. 61-63 - Brian Fitzgerald, Nancy L. Russo, Tom O'Kane:
Software development method tailoring at Motorola. 64-70 - François Pachet:
Content management for electronic music distribution. 71-75 - Susan A. Brown, Viswanath Venkatesh:
Bringing non-adopters along: the challenge facing the PC industry. 76-80 - Julia Brande Earp, David L. Baumer:
Innovative web use to learn about consumer behavior and online privacy. 81-83 - Ali F. Farhoomand, Pauline S. P. Ng, William Conley:
Building a successful e-business: the FedEx story. 84-89 - Keng Siau, Zixing Shen:
Building customer trust in mobile commerce. 91-94 - Shan Ling Pan, Jae-Nam Lee:
Using e-CRM for a unified view of the customer. 95-99
- Peter Wegner, Dina Q. Goldin:
Computation beyond turing machines. 100-102
- Andrew K. Wright:
On Sapphire and type-safe languages. 120
Volume 46, Number 5, May 2003
- Diane Crawford:
Editorial pointers. 5 - Robert Fox:
News track. 9-10 - Diane Crawford:
Forum. 11-13
- Phillip G. Armour:
In the zone: the need for flexible roles. 15-19
- Robert L. Glass:
One giant step backward. 21-23
- Dennis Tsichritzis:
Life beyond the bubbles. 25-27
- Aviel D. Rubin:
Introduction. 28-30 - Russell Housley, William A. Arbaugh:
Security problems in 802.11-based networks. 31-34 - Nancy Cam-Winget, Russell Housley, David A. Wagner, Jesse Walker:
Security flaws in 802.11 data link protocols. 35-39 - Simon D. Byers, David P. Kormann:
802.11b access point mapping. 41-46 - Terry Schmidt, Anthony M. Townsend:
Why Wi-Fi wants to be free. 47-52 - Amir Herzberg:
Payments and banking with mobile personal devices. 53-58 - Jae Kyu Lee, Mye M. Sohn:
The eXtensible Rule Markup Language. 59-64 - Julie Smith David, William E. McCarthy, Brian S. Sommer:
Agility: the key to survival of the fittest in the software market. 65-69 - Leah Graham, Panagiotis Takis Metaxas:
"Of course it's true; I saw it on the Internet!": critical thinking in the Internet era. 70-75 - Amrit Tiwana:
Affinity to infinity in peer-to-peer knowledge platforms. 76-80 - Ziqi Liao:
Real-time taxi dispatching using Global Positioning Systems. 81-83 - Jae-Nam Lee, Minh Q. Huynh, Ron Chi-Wai Kwok, Shih-Ming Pi:
IT outsourcing evolution: past, present, and future. 84-89
- George Marsaglia:
Seeds for random number generators. 90-93
- Peter G. Neumann:
E-epistemology and misinformation. 104
Volume 46, Number 6, June 2003
- Diane Crawford:
Editorial pointers. 5 - News track. 9-10
- Diane Crawford:
Forum. 11-13
- Rebecca Mercuri:
Analyzing security costs. 15-18
- Pamela Samuelson:
Trade secrets vs. free speech. 19-23
- Tom DeMarco:
The McCarthy protocols. 24-25
- Thomas F. Stafford:
Introduction. 26-28 - Heather Kreger:
Fulfilling the Web services promise. 29-34 - Christopher Ferris, Joel A. Farrell:
What are Web services? 31 - Roland T. Rust, P. K. Kannan:
E-service: a new paradigm for business in the electronic environment. 36-42 - Ruth N. Bolton:
Marketing challenges of e-services. 43-44 - Hongjun Song:
E-services at FedEx. 45-46 - M. Kathryn Brohman, Richard T. Watson, Gabriele Piccoli, A. Parasuraman:
Data completeness: a key to effective net-based customer service systems. 47-51 - K. Douglas Hoffman:
Marketing + MIS = e-service. 53-55 - Neal G. Shaw, Christopher W. Craighead:
Technology enablers to recover from failures in e-services. 56-57 - Joseph Williams:
The Web services debate: J2EE vs. .NET. 58-63 - Gerry Miller:
The Web services debate: .NET vs. J2EE. 64-67
- Walid Ben-Ameur, Hervé Kerivin:
Networks new economical virtual private. 69-73 - Huaiqing Wang, Chen Wang:
Taxonomy of security considerations and software quality. 75-78 - E. Vance Wilson:
Asynchronous health care communication. 79-84 - Kevin C. Desouza:
Facilitating tacit knowledge exchange. 85-88 - Fay Cobb Payton:
Rethinking the digital divide. 89-91 - Peter E. Hart, Ziming Liu:
Trust in the preservation of digital information. 93-97
- James Backhouse, Carol Hsu, Aidan McDonnell:
Toward public-key infrastructure interoperability. 98-100
- Diomidis Spinellis:
Reflections on trusting trust revisited. 112
Volume 46, Number 7, July 2003
- Diane Crawford:
Editorial pointers. 5 - News track. 9-10
- Diane Crawford:
Forum. 11-13
- Michael A. Cusumano:
Beware the lure of the horizontal. 15-17
- Peter J. Denning:
Accomplishment. 19-23
- Rita R. Colwell:
From terabytes to insights. 25-27
- Andrew Rosenbloom:
Introduction. 28-31 - William R. Swartout, Michael van Lent:
Making a game of system design. 32-39 - Mary C. Whitton:
Making virtual environments compelling. 40-47 - Ramesh C. Jain:
Experiential computing. 48-55 - Michael Tsang, George W. Fitzmaurice, Gordon Kurtenbach, Azam Khan:
Game-like navigation and responsiveness in non-game applications. 56-61 - Joseph A. Paradiso:
Tracking contact and free gesture across large interactive surfaces. 62-69 - Carlo Tomasi, Abbas Rafii, Ilhami Torunoglu:
Full-size projection keyboard for handheld devices. 70-75 - Cynthia Breazeal, Andrew G. Brooks, Jesse Gray, Matthew D. Hancher, John McBean, Walter Dan Stiehl, Joshua Strickon:
Interactive robot theatre. 76-85 - Paul Vickers, James L. Alty:
Siren songs and swan songs debugging with music. 86-93
- Daniel May, Paul Taylor:
Knowledge management with patterns. 94-99 - Jackie Rees, Subhajyoti Bandyopadhyay, Eugene H. Spafford:
PFIRES: a policy framework for information security. 101-106 - Sudip Bhattacharjee, Ram D. Gopal, G. Lawrence Sanders:
Digital music and online sharing: software piracy 2.0? 107-111 - Alan H. Karp:
E-speak e-xplained. 112-118 - Varun Grover, Khawaja Asjad Saeed:
The telecommunication industry revisited: the changing pattern of partnerships. 119-125 - Timon C. Du, Eldon Y. Li, An-Pin Chang:
Mobile agents in distributed network management. 127-132 - D. Scott Brandt, Lorna Uden:
Insight into mental models of novice Internet searchers. 133-136 - Younghwa Lee, Zoonky Lee, Kai R. T. Larsen:
Coping with Internet channel conflict. 137-142
- Zakaria Maamar, Paul Labbé:
Moving vs. inviting software agents. 143-144
- Albert Levi:
How secure is secure Web browsing? 152
Volume 46, Number 8, August 2003
- Diane Crawford:
Editorial prints. 5-8
- News track. 9-10
- Diane Crawford:
Forum. 11-13
- Hal Berghel:
The discipline of Internet forensics. 15-20
- Robert L. Glass:
A mugwump's-eye view of Web work. 21-23
- William W. Agresti:
Discovery informatics. 25-28 - David L. Dill, Bruce Schneier, Barbara Simons:
Voting and technology: who gets to count your vote? 29-31
- Bjorn De Sutter, Koenraad De Bosschere:
Introduction. 32-34 - Frank Tip, Peter F. Sweeney, Chris Laffra:
Extracting library-based Java applications. 35-40 - Bruno De Bus, Daniel Kästner, Dominique Chanet, Ludo Van Put, Bjorn De Sutter:
Post-pass compaction techniques. 41-46 - Arvind Krishnaswamy, Rajiv Gupta:
Mixed-width instruction sets. 47-52 - Saumya K. Debray, William S. Evans:
Cold code decompression at runtime. 54-60 - William S. Evans, Christopher W. Fraser:
Grammar-based compression of interpreted code. 61-66
- Padmal Vitharana:
Risks and challenges of component-based software development. 67-72 - Richard E. Potter:
How CIOs manage their superiors' expectations. 74-79 - Thomas W. Jackson, Ray Dawson, Darren Wilson:
Understanding email interaction increases organizational productivity. 80-84 - Bruce Russell, Sangit Chatterjee:
Relationship quality: the undervalued dimension of software quality. 85-89 - Michael E. Whitman:
Enemy at the gate: threats to information security. 91-95 - Gert-Jan de Vreede, Robert M. Davison, Robert O. Briggs:
How a silver bullet may lose its shine. 96-101 - Kenneth R. Walsh:
Analyzing the application ASP concept: technologies, economies, and strategies. 103-107 - Thiagarajan Ravichandran, Marcus A. Rothenberger:
Software reuse strategies and component markets. 109-114 - Zhiying Zhou:
CMM in uncertain environments. 115-119
- Petros Nicopolitidis, Georgios I. Papadimitriou, Mohammad S. Obaidat, Andreas S. Pomportsis:
Third generation and beyond wireless systems. 120-124
- Lauren Weinstein:
Spam wars. 136
Volume 46, Number 9, September 2003
- Diane Crawford:
Editorial pointers. 7
- News track. 11-12
- Diane Crawford:
Forum. 13-15
- Meg McGinity:
Power to the people. 17-20
- Seymour E. Goodman:
The origins of digital computing in Europe. 21-25
- Phillip G. Armour:
Closing the learning application gap. 27-31
- Yigal Arens, Paul S. Rosenbloom:
Responding to the unexpected. 33-35
- Keith Devlin:
Introduction. 36-39 - Kim B. Bruce, Robert L. Scot Drysdale, Charles Kelemen, Allen B. Tucker:
Why math? 40-44 - Peter B. Henderson:
Mathematical reasoning in software engineering education. 45-50 - Vicki L. Almstrum:
What is the attraction to computing? 51-55
- Alfred W. Loo:
The future of peer-to-peer computing. 56-61 - Michiel Ronsse, Koenraad De Bosschere, Mark Christiaens, Jacques Chassin de Kergommeaux, Dieter Kranzlmüller:
Record/replay for nondeterministic program executions. 62-67 - Atreyi Kankanhalli, Fransiska Tanudidjaja, Juliana Sutanto, Bernard C. Y. Tan:
The role of IT in successful knowledge management initiatives. 69-73 - Roberto Di Pietro, Luigi V. Mancini:
Security and privacy issues of handheld and wearable wireless devices. 74-79 - Ali F. Farhoomand, Pauline S. P. Ng:
Creating sustainable competitive advantage through internetworked communities. 83-88 - G. Premkumar:
Alternate distribution strategies for digital music. 89-95 - Robert G. Fichman, Mary J. Cronin:
Information-rich commerce at a crossroads: business and technology adoption requirements. 96-102 - Ziqi Liao, Michael Tow Cheung:
Concurrent-convergent strategy in IT consulting. 103-104
- Stefan Baldi, Hauke Heier, Anett Mehler-Bicher:
Open courseware and open source software. 105-107
- Peter G. Neumann:
Risks in trusting untrustworthiness. 120
- Ari-Veikko Anttiroiko:
Building strong e-democracy: the role of technology in developing democracy for the information age. 121-128 - Patrick Y. K. Chau, Simpson Poon:
Octopus: an e-cash payment system success story. 129-133 - John Erickson, Keng Siau:
e-ducation. 134-140 - Kiran Jude Fernandes, Vinesh Raja, Julian Eyre:
Cybersphere: the fully immersive spherical projection system. 141-146 - Lee A. Freeman:
A refresher in data flow diagramming: an effective aid for analysts. 147-151 - Chittibabu Govindarajulu:
End users: who are they? 152-159 - Ernest Goss, Uma G. Gupta:
Women and the Internet: is there an economic payoff? 160-166 - Kathleen S. Hartzel:
How self-efficacy and gender issues affect software adoption and use. 167-171 - Richard D. Holowczak, Nabil R. Adam, Francisco J. Artigas, Irfan Bora:
Data warehousing in environmental digital libraries. 172-178 - Ned Kock, Camille Auspitz, Brad King:
Web-supported course partnerships: bringing industry and academia together. 179-183 - Sarv Devaraj, Ming Fang, Rajiv Kohli:
E-loyalty: elusive ideal or competitive edge? 184-191 - James M. Laffey, Dale Musser, Herbert Remidez Jr., Joshua Gottdenker:
Networked systems for schools that learn. 192-200 - William Lewis Jr., Richard T. Watson, Ann Pickren:
An empirical assessment of IT disaster risk. 201-206 - Trevor T. Moores:
The effect of national culture and economic wealth on global software piracy rates. 207-215 - Scott L. Schneberger, Ephraim R. McLean:
The complexity cross: implications for practice. 216-225 - Jeff Hoi Yan Yeung, J. P. Shim, Andy Yin Kit Lai:
Current progress of e-commerce adoption: small and medium enterprises in Hong Kong. 226-232 - Kunihiko Higa, Bongsik Shin:
The telework experience in Japan. 233-242 - Nitin Singh:
Emerging technologies to support supply chain management. 243-247 - Ritu Agarwal, Atish P. Sinha:
Object-oriented modeling with UML: a study of developers' perceptions. 248-256 - Jarke J. van Wijk, Frank van Ham, Huub van de Wetering:
Rendering hierarchical data. 257-263 - Kevin Zhu, Bryan MacQuarrie:
The economics of digital bundling: the impact of digitization and bundling on the music industry. 264-270
Volume 46, Number 10, October 2003
- Diane Crawford:
Editorial pointers. 5
- News track. 9-10
- Diane Crawford:
Forum. 11-13
- Pamela Samuelson:
Unsolicited communications as trespass? 15-20
- Michael A. Cusumano:
Company character and the software business. 21-23
- Mike P. Papazoglou, Dimitrios Georgakopoulos:
Introduction. 24-28 - Francisco Curbera, Rania Khalaf, Nirmal Mukhi, Stefan Tai, Sanjiva Weerawarana:
The next step in Web services. 29-34 - Jian Yang:
Web service componentization. 35-40 - Greg Meredith, Steve Bjorg:
Contracts and types. 41-47 - Mark C. Little:
Transactions and Web services. 49-54 - Fabio Casati, Eric Y. Shan, Umeshwar Dayal, Ming-Chien Shan:
Business-oriented management of Web services. 55-60
- Dov Dori:
Introduction. 62-65 - Nathan R. Soderborg, Edward F. Crawley, Dov Dori:
System function and architecture: OPM-based definitions and operational templates. 67-72 - Brian Henderson-Sellers:
Method engineering for OO systems development. 73-78 - Andrew Gemino, Yair Wand:
Evaluating modeling techniques based on models of learning. 79-84 - Graeme G. Shanks, Elizabeth Tansley, Ron Weber:
Using ontology to validate conceptual models. 85-89
- Hans P. Moravec:
Robots, after all. 90-97 - Sai Ho Kwok:
Watermark-based copyright protection system security. 98-101 - Willem-Jan van den Heuvel, Zakaria Maamar:
Intelligent Web services moving toward a framework to compose. 103-109 - Pairin Katerattanakul, Bernard T. Han, Soongoo Hong:
Objective quality ranking of computing journals. 111-114
- Cong-Cong Xing, Boumediene Belkhouche:
On pseudo object-oriented programming considered harmful. 115-117
- Peter G. Neumann:
Information system security redux. 136
Volume 46, Number 11, November 2003
- Diane Crawford:
Editoral pointers. 5 - News track. 9-10
- Diane Crawford:
Forum. 11-13
- Peter J. Denning:
Great principles of computing. 15-20
- Robert L. Glass:
A sociopolitical look at open source. 21-23
- Geoffrey Sampson:
The myth of diminishing firms. 25-28
- Maxine D. Brown:
Introduction. 30-33 - Thomas A. DeFanti, Cees de Laat, Joe Mambretti, Kees Neggers, Bill St. Arnaud:
TransLight: a global-scale LambdaGrid for e-science. 34-41 - Aaron Falk, Theodore Faber, Joseph A. Bannister, Andrew A. Chien, Robert L. Grossman, Jason Leigh:
Transport protocols for high performance. 42-49 - Ian T. Foster, Robert L. Grossman:
Data integration in a bandwidth-rich world. 50-57 - Larry Smarr, Andrew A. Chien, Thomas A. DeFanti, Jason Leigh, Philip M. Papadopoulos:
The OptIPuter. 58-67 - Harvey B. Newman, Mark H. Ellisman, John A. Orcutt:
Data-intensive e-science frontier research. 68-77
- Stuart J. Barnes, Sid L. Huff:
Rising sun: iMode and the wireless Internet. 78-84 - Daniel P. Lorence:
The perils of data misreporting. 85-88 - Robert F. Easley, John G. Michel, Sarv Devaraj:
The MP3 open standard and the music industry's response to Internet piracy. 90-96 - Padmal Vitharana, Fatemeh Zahedi, Hemant K. Jain:
Design, retrieval, and assembly in component-based software development. 97-102 - A. Graham Peace:
Balancing free speech and censorship: academia's response to the Internet. 104-109 - Narasimhaiah Gorla:
Features to consider in a data warehousing system. 111-115 - Jeffrey P. Landry, John Harold Pardue, Herbert E. Longenecker Jr., David L. Feinstein:
A common theme for IT degree programs. 117-120 - Donald Anselmo, Henry F. Ledgard:
Measuring productivity in the software industry. 121-125 - David Nordfors, Michel Bajuk, Lena Norberg, Jochen Brinkmann, Dan Forbush:
Introducing a country to Internet-enabled expert networks. 127-132
- Rebecca Mercuri, Peter G. Neumann:
Security by obscurity. 160
Volume 46, Number 12, December 2003
- Diane Crawford:
Editorial pointers. 5 - News track. 9-10
- Diane Crawford:
Forum. 11-13
- Nominees for elections and report of the ACM nominating committee. 14
- Hal Berghel:
Malware month. 15-19
- Rebecca Mercuri:
Standards insecurity. 21-25
- Alan H. Karp:
Enforce POLA on processes to control viruses. 27-29
- Andrew Urbaczewski, Joseph S. Valacich, Leonard M. Jessup:
Introduction. 30-32 - Thomas F. Stafford, Mark Lee Gillenson:
Mobile commerce: what it is and what it could be. 33-34 - Suprateek Sarker, John D. Wells:
Understanding mobile handheld device use and adoption. 35-40 - Sirkka L. Jarvenpaa, Karl Reiner Lang, Yoko Takeda, Virpi Kristiina Tuunainen:
Mobile commerce at crossroads. 41-44 - Jun Sun:
Information requirement elicitation in mobile commerce. 45-47 - Young Eun Lee, Izak Benbasat:
Interface design for mobile commerce. 48-52 - Viswanath Venkatesh, Venkataraman Ramesh, Anne P. Massey:
Understanding usability in mobile commerce. 53-56 - Peter Tarasewich:
Designing mobile commerce applications. 57-60 - Bharat Rao, Louis Minakakis:
Evolution of mobile location-based services. 61-65
- William E. Spangler, Mordechai Gal-Or, Jerrold H. May:
Using data mining to profile TV viewers. 66-72 - Jim Q. Chen, E. Ted Lee, Ruidong Zhang, Yue Jeff Zhang:
Systems requirements for organizational learning. 73-78 - Xu Yan:
Mobile data communications in China. 80-85 - Rajiv Kishore, H. Raghav Rao, Kichan Nam, S. Rajagopalan, Abhijit Chaudhury:
A relationship perspective on IT outsourcing. 86-92 - Tim Chenoweth, David Schuff, Robert D. St. Louis:
A method for developing dimensional data marts. 93-98 - Coskun Bayrak, Chad Davis:
The relationship between distributed systems and open software development. 99-102
- Lauren Weinstein:
The devil you know. 144
- Manju Ahuja, Babita Gupta, Pushkala Raman:
An empirical investigation of online consumer purchasing behavior. 145-151 - Ravi Bapna:
When snipers become predators: can mechanism design save online auctions? 152-158 - Amit Basu, Steve Muylle:
Authentication in e-commerce. 159-166 - Sidney A. Davis, Keng Siau, Kumar Dhenuvakonda:
A fit-gap analysis of e-business curricula vs. industry needs. 167-177 - Pattarawan Prasarnphanich, Mark Lee Gillenson:
The hybrid clicks and bricks business model. 178-185 - Sanjay Gosain, Arvind Malhotra, Omar El Sawy, Fadi Chehadé:
The impact of common e-business interfaces. 186-195 - Stefano Grazioli, Sirkka L. Jarvenpaa:
Deceived: under target online. 196-205 - Khawaja Asjad Saeed, Varun Grover, Yujong Hwang:
Creating synergy with a clicks and mortar approach. 206-212 - Andrew Holmes, John Ryan:
Viewpoint: the end of the long boom. 213-216 - Philip M. Johnson, Mette L. Moffett, Brian T. Pentland:
Lessons learned from VCommerce. 217-225 - Pairin Katerattanakul, Keng Siau:
Creating a virtual store image. 226-232 - Mohamed Khalifa, Moez Limayem:
Drivers of Internet shopping. 233-239 - Minhee Chae, Jinwoo Kim:
What's so different about the mobile Internet? 240-247 - Ziqi Liao, Michael Tow Cheung:
Challenges to Internet e-banking. 248-250 - Zakaria Maamar:
Commerce, e-commerce, and m-commerce: what comes next? 251-257 - David M. Martin Jr., Hailin Wu, Adil Alsaid:
Hidden surveillance by Web sites: Web bugs in contemporary use. 258-264 - Trevor T. Moores, Gurpreet Dhillon:
Do privacy seals in e-commerce really work? 265-271 - Kyle B. Murray, Gerald Häubl:
A human capital perspective of skill acquisition and interface loyalty. 272-278 - G. Premkumar:
Perspectives of the e-marketplace by multiple stakeholders. 279-288 - Robert W. Proctor, Kim-Phuong L. Vu, Lawrence J. Najjar, Misha W. Vaughan, Gavriel Salvendy:
Content preparation and management for e-commerce Web sites. 289-299 - Mani R. Subramani, Balaji Rajagopalan:
Knowledge-sharing and influence in online social networks via viral marketing. 300-307 - C. Ranganathan, Vern Goode, Arkalgud Ramaprasad:
Managing the transition to bricks and clicks. 308-316 - Dan Jong Kim, Manish Agrawal, Bharat Jayaraman, H. Raghav Rao:
A comparison of B2B e-service solutions. 317-324 - Al Farooq Salam, H. Raghav Rao, C. Carl Pegels:
Consumer-perceived risk in e-commerce transactions. 325-331 - Xiaowen Fang, Gavriel Salvendy:
Customer-centered rules for design of e-commerce Web sites. 332-336 - Fang-Fang Tang, Marcel G. Thom, Liang Toon Wang, Joai Ching Tan, Wai Yee Chow, Xiaoyun Tang:
Using insurance to create trust on the Internet. 337-344 - Amrit Tiwana, Ephraim R. McLean:
The tightrope to e-business project success. 345-350 - Anthony M. Townsend, James T. Bennett:
Viewpoint: living and bidding in an auction economy. 351-353 - Ganesh Vaidyanathan, Sarv Devaraj:
A five-factor framework for analyzing online risks in e-businesses. 354-361
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