

IT-Dienstleistungen und IT-Beratung

We secure trusted identities for everyone by delivering holistic solutions to governments and their citizens.


Veridos is the world’s leading provider of turnkey identity solutions. Governments and regional authorities worldwide trust the company’s uniquely comprehensive product portfolio, and today Veridos co

IT-Dienstleistungen und IT-Beratung
501–1.000 Beschäftigte
Government Solutions, Identification Solutions, Identity Documents, IT, Mobile IDs, ID factory, Software Platforms, Databank Infrastructure, Public Key Infrastructure, ID infrastructure, Passport & Border Control Solutions, Security Technologies, Biometrics, Authentication, Identity Management, Payment Solutions, Identity Registry, Civil Registry, eGovernment Services, Driver's Licenses und ID plan engineering


Beschäftigte von Veridos


  • Unternehmensseite von Veridos anzeigen, Grafik

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    Did you know that the photo on your ID is one of the most attractive things for forgers? Our window protection technology makes it tamper-proof. 🪪🔑 The methods for counterfeiting IDs are becoming more and more sophisticated. But so are our technologies to counter this threat. By developing cutting-edge security features, we not only stay one step ahead of forgers, but also revolutionize the way we secure and verify identity documents. With our window protection features Spectre ID, Amber ID and Diamond ID, the photograph on your ID card becomes tamper-proof. They are embedded in polycarbonate material and thus ensure the ID's durability throughout its lifetime. Additionally, their ghost images can also feature customized national symbols. 🔒 Spectre ID adds a dynamic motion effect to the ghost image, enhancing not only security but also aesthetic appeal. 🔒 Amber ID uses optically variable inks that change color and transparency depending on the viewing angle. 🔒 Diamond ID, in combination with Spectre ID, intensifies the motion effect under UV light, adding an extra layer of security. Besides their state-of-the-art security level, the window protection features also make verification outstandingly simple: The ID can be verified with a mere tilt or by being held up to light. Take a deep dive into our innovations and learn how they are shaping the future of identity security: #IdentitySecurity #Innovation #Tech #CounterfeitProtection #DigitalIdentity

  • Unternehmensseite von Veridos anzeigen, Grafik

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    We’re celebrating more than 50 years of Greek-German cooperation in Thessaloniki 🇬🇷 🤝 More than half a century ago, in 1973, the Giesecke+Devrient Group placed its first order with the Athens security printer Matsoukis: the production of machine-readable passports in Arabic. This order marked the beginning of decades of cooperation between G+D, Veridos, and the leading global manufacturer of identity documents, leading to the birth of Veridos Matsoukis S.A in 2016. That’s why we’re particularly excited to be part of the Thessaloniki Fair 2024 as a sponsor. With Germany being the honored country at this year’s fair, it is the perfect setting to celebrate our own partnership, with colleagues from Veridos and Veridos Matsoukis coming together. At our booth in the German Pavilion (Hall 13, C14), we’re showcasing our portfolio of identity documents that we’re supplying to more than 40 countries on four continents, reaching around eight million state-of-the-art electronic passports per year. If you are in Thessaloniki, don’t miss the chance to come by and learn more! 👋🏽 #Thessaloniki #Greece #IdentityDocuments #Cooperation #Fair

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  • Unternehmensseite von Veridos anzeigen, Grafik

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    What do you get when you combine the aesthetics of nature with security? The new Latvian passport! 🇱🇻 Latvia – that's crystal-clear lakes, vast forests and wild rivers … all of which Latvian citizens can now also find in their passport. The beautiful Latvian landscape is hidden behind UV features in the ID document. “Combining the design idea with the security concept of the passport is where Veridos plays a strong role”, explains Andreas Kuba, Global Vice President Sales. The new ePassport is thus not only aesthetically appealing, but also for the first time includes a combination of our innovative security features: 🔹 CLIP ID Echo: shows repeated portrait and biographical data, like birthdate or ID number, and is visible only from certain angles. 🔹 Amber ID: adds a metallic window with a photo of the document holder that changes with color, light, and angle. 🔹 Diamond ID: includes a horizontal transparent stripe that, when combined with Amber ID windows, provides a broad range of highly secure and dynamic visual elements. 🔹 Spectre ID: makes static images appear to move when tilted. Our goal was to make the Latvian passport not just a travel document, but also a piece of art and technology. 🙌 Check out the full video to see how we achieved this, and to discover the beauty of the Latvian ID document: #SecureIdentity #PassportInnovation #LatvianPassport #TravelSecurity #IdentitySolutions

  • Unternehmensseite von Veridos anzeigen, Grafik

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    What happens when you simplify border crossings between neighboring countries? The result is fast and safe travel, cultural exchange, and greater prosperity. 📈 Namibia and Botswana are a good example of this. The two countries have harmonized their border crossing procedures and documents, all with the help of Veridos. Citizens can now use their national identity cards as travel documents between the two countries. This was made possible by adding QR codes and machine-readable zones to ID cards and also adapting border control systems to read the cards. 🤝🏻 “By enabling smoother border crossings, both countries expect to boost their economies, while at the same time making life easier for many of their citizens,” says Thomas Morian, Vice President of International Relations. “It’s a first for southern Africa, and a catalyst for trade in the region.” 🌍 CEO Marc-Julian Siewert adds: “Modern border control systems are a key and strategic investment in the future of nations worldwide to ensure sovereignty, security and efficient exchange in the face of global challenges.” Read more about the new solution in southern Africa: #IDsolutions #BorderCrossing #Namibia #Botswana #SeamlessTravel

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  • Unternehmensseite von Veridos anzeigen, Grafik

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    Our DNA, the core of our identity, doesn’t change throughout our lives. What will change, however, is the way we view identity in the future – driven by Self Sovereign Identities (SSI). 🧬🪪 In the digital age, new and completely digital ways of verifying our identities are emerging, changing the way we book a rental car, check in at hotels, and shop online. With digital credentials replacing their physical counterparts, new needs for secure verification and authentication emerge. At the same time, SSI have the potential to revolutionize the way personal data is managed between the issuer, the holder, and the verifier – the so-called triangle of trust. The core benefits of SSI: ➡️ High security: Issued credential is secured cryptographically ➡️ Decentralization: No immediate connection between issuer and verifier required ➡️ Speed: Real-time verification and validation ➡️ Privacy: Disclosure of personal data is minimized Although there are still some hurdles delaying adoption, we are convinced that SSI are here to stay. Why we think that, and how we are working towards it? Find out in this introduction to SSI: #SSI #SelfSovereignIdentities #IdentityManagement #ID

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  • Unternehmensseite von Veridos anzeigen, Grafik

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    Identity security in the fast lane: We are celebrating the inauguration of another landmark project in Iraq 🇮🇶 👏🏽 After just 6 months of planning and construction, the Iraqi Ministry of Interior inaugurated its new milestone project for secure identity solutions. The new facility at Baghdad International Airport will produce the new generation of colored eID cards for the country’s citizens. With this innovative project, the Iraqi government is further strengthening its pioneering position in providing sophisticated security identity solutions. We are very proud to support the country in establishing a safer and more secure future for its citizens. And we are, of course, particularly proud to see what we can achieve in such a short time – thanks to our outstanding, dedicated team and our trustworthy partnership with the government of Iraq. #Iraq #IdentitySecurity #IdentitySolutions #eID

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  • Unternehmensseite von Veridos anzeigen, Grafik

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    How do we want to work together? We addressed this question during a two-day workshop with the entire Veridos team across Germany. The hybrid event emphasized some key points within our organization: Our teams are the most important assets to #Veridos, which is why we want to invest and develop every single colleague. After celebrating our 10th anniversary, we see ourselves now at the base-camp of a mountain with the hilltop clearly in sight. Again here, our #teamspirit is the most valuable asset: We will make further progress if we continue to work closely together and utilize our potential for our customers. A big thank you to everyone who participated and to the team that organized this successful event. Let's move forward together, ready to implement what we've learned.

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  • Unternehmensseite von Veridos anzeigen, Grafik

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    How fair is AI? 🤖 The truth is: unfortunately, not fairer than us. Even though AI is obviously not human, it can still have human-like prejudices. In some cases, AI algorithms behave very negatively towards different ethnic groups and genders. Additionally, some companies also use AI unethically, for example when they process collected data without the knowledge of the people concerned. As a leading provider of identity solutions, it is crucial to us that the AI we work with is reliable and fair. "Trustworthy AI is a key focus of our work. We want to ensure that our AI systems act fairly and transparently and respect people's personal self-determination," says Letizia Bordoli, AI Lead and Senior AI Product Manager at Veridos. How do we achieve this at Veridos? Firstly, we continuously train our AI models with diversified training data. When doing this, we attach great importance to both protecting user data and guaranteeing data sovereignty: so-called federated learning allows an algorithm to be trained on several decentralized devices or servers without the data itself being exchanged. This minimizes the risk of data breaches. Secondly, rigorous testing methods help us to recognize and avoid distortions in the algorithm. 🔎 We also engage in intensive dialogue with partners from science and industry. With the AI act, the EU has also already reacted to the fairness problem: It bans, for instance, the monitoring or social scoring of individuals. But ethical AI is not the only important topic for us: The protection of privacy in AI solutions is equally significant. Want to know more about it? Read more in here: #AI #EthicalAI #DigitalEthics #AIForGood #BiasInAI

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  • Unternehmensseite von Veridos anzeigen, Grafik

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    This week, the Veridos, Bundesdruckerei-Gruppe and Giesecke+Devrient management team visited our Athens-based production site, Veridos Matsoukis S.A. Next to a site tour that showcased the various manufacturing steps and machinery operated by a highly committed and competent team, the team engaged in fruitful discussions, reaffirming Veridos' commitment to this location. Veridos Matsoukis is a vital part of our #identity solutions provision, contributing significantly to our global operations which supplies secure identity documents to over 40 countries across four continents. We are incredibly proud of what we have achieved together and excited about the future. A big thank you to the teams in Athens for their hospitality and continued excellence. #Innovation #SecurityPrinting #Sustainability #GlobalImpact

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  • Unternehmensseite von Veridos anzeigen, Grafik

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    Veridos is turning 10 years old! Let’s take a look at what happened these past few years 📈 Founded as a joint venture between Bundesdruckerei and Giesecke+Devrient, Veridos began its journey in Berlin, quickly expanding its influence worldwide – from the Americas to Asia and beyond. Over the years, we've introduced innovations such as highly secure driver's licenses in Ohio, streamlined eGate systems at Luxembourg Airport, and launched extensive secure document projects in countries like Uganda and Bangladesh. Each project underscored our commitment to enhancing security and efficiency on a global scale. Recent achievements include developing next-generation ePassports with enhanced biometric features for countries like Costa Rica and Latvia, demonstrating our ongoing leadership in the field. As we look to the future, Veridos remains dedicated to pushing the boundaries of technology to create a safer, more connected world. Discover more about our journey in the video below! #Veridos10Years #Innovation #SecureIdentification #GlobalImpact

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