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665K views · 1.4K reactions | My husband loves this Mini Beef Wellington recipe | My husband loves this Mini Beef Wellington recipe 🎬 This video was produced by Network Media and Robin Q | By The Magic Show | Have two pieces of the fillet and we're going to make this serve eight people and we're going to use puff pastry for this so I'm just going to roll my puff pastry out just a bit that looks perfect I'm just going to cut each of these puff pastries into four squares I'm just going to separate them room here to build so I have my little pieces of my fillet and I'm going to add add a few pieces in the middle of each of these squares. Okay, that looks great. Next up, I sauteed some mushrooms just with salt and pepper and a little olive oil and I'm just going to add a little bit to each one of these. You can mix this up and add something else if you don't like mushrooms. My secret ingredient cheese. I love borgian cheese and I just get the regular, their garlic and herb and I like to add a little bit in my mini beef Wellingtons and people are always so surprised and the flavor is so good so you don't even have to worry about adding fresh herbs or anything I mean you can if you want to but there's herbs in this alright guys so I am going to do an egg wash so I've got one egg and I'm going to add that in and just a little bit of water perfect alright so I'm going to whisk that together so we're just going to brush our edges of each one of our puff pastries with our egg wash I'll just go down and brush them all real fast and then we'll fold them up perfect so super simple this is just so elegant this is so nice to make for holidays for birthdays or just to make I mean it's so easy you can make it just for an everyday dinner for sure and you can make this smaller if you like I just love the size of cutting each of these into fours but you definitely can do twelve I'm just going to pull my corners together seal these little mini beef Wellingtons up. Oh yeah how easy is this? So just pinch that together so it's all nice and sealed. Okay and I'm going to do that with all of the rest of them. That's it. How easy is this? Seal them up. Got a pocket of goodness here. I have my sheet pan lined with parchment paper. I'm just going to add these mini beef Wellington. 450 degrees, 10 minutes and this is done. Alright, our mini beef Wellingtons are done. How beautiful is this? And how easy was this? Alright, guys. Gotta put one on my plate. Oh yeah. That looks beautiful. Alright, let's cut into this. Oh my gosh. This looks so good. Oh, yeah. Perfectly cooked. Oh, I cannot wait to have a bite of this. Mmm mmm mmm. Okay, gotta have some mushrooms, some of that nice beef. Oh, yes. And the of course. It's kind of a big bite. Easiest, most delicious mini beef falling tins ever. Yum.
The 4-Ingredient One-Pan Dinner I Make on Nights When I Just Can’t
close up shot of cooked sauerkraut and sausage in a cast iron pan, with a wooden spoon resting in the bottom right part of the pan.
The Ultimate Meatloaf Recipe | egg, meat, dish | PRINT the recipe: While meatloaf has mixed reviews, this ultimate meatloaf recipe is a keeper! With a... | By Wyse Guide | For Ultimate Meatloaf, you need to have all delicious ingredients but also make sure it comes together to be that classic traditional flavor we all want. So, this is a meatloaf that has, of course, ground beef and my favorite ground pork mixed together. I think those two are important but more so it has all these vegetables that are going to be kind of ground up but then cooked in butter and put into it so it becomes this beautifully amptious, juicy, just like full of flavor meatloaf without realizing why it's full of flavor and that's the important part and that's what we're starting with is all these Now, I'm roughly chopping them like you can see this onion. It's massively just chopped in big pieces. That's because guess what? I am letting that food processor do the work. Why? Because trying to mince everything evenly and perfectly isn't as fun and also the whole point here is that we want these flavors to really cook down and just meld into this meatloaf and become one with the meat. So, that means we don't want to have massive pieces of vegetable. We want to actually have what end up being really small pieces. So, I'm chopping them in big pieces that then this food processor is just going to cook down and let everything just work together and that's kind of the important part is let something else do the work for you when you don't you know have to go as hard as you think you do now for the mushrooms the reason we're adding mushrooms it seems like an oddone celery carrot onion you can get behind and think yeah okay that kind of make sense mushrooms actually can add a really nice meaty flavor underneath especially when they're cooked down and I think we often forget that because we either them or whatever it is but in this case, we're going to let them just cook down and really take in that meatiness. Now, notice I'm also putting in the stems because well, one, we're just going to chop them up so why not and it looks like I'm filling this up and I am but that's because it's going to do all the work for us. Now, when it comes to carrots, you notice with me on other things. I scrubbed the carrots. I did not peel them. I don't see the point of peeling off part of the carrot when it's in good shape. It's scrubbed. They're great. They're they're delicious I'm not going to worry about that I'm cutting up in big pieces that's all that matters we're going to throw them right in too see how easy this is I love this and then for the garlic I took off that stem or that little root end and now I'm just going to leave them like they are make sure I get the skins off if the skins don't come off easily just either the heel of your hand just go through and smash em then that skin is able just to much more come right off because it bruises them or you can take a knife and just give them a little whack and that too should bruise them just enough that that skin wants to come off see how easy that is and if they have a bad spot on them this one does I home grow this so if it does I don't feel that bad but I just slice it off no big deal and I'm going to throw those in so we're going to keep pulsing this might take a little bit since I I filled it up but then look it all ground down So you can see we want it finely ground but not a paste. We don't want it to be juicy or liquidy. It's just before it would become a paste. So it's nicely kind of evenly ground. The mushrooms make it somewhat brown and that's okay. So now we're going to take it over to some butter that I have melting. And the reason I'm doing butter is why. Flavor. We want to add flavor to this and make it really beautiful. So I have the butter going and I'm going to just put in all this mixture. Which is the beautiful part here because what this mixture's going to do is while it kind of sautes it's going to cook out even more of that liquid. So we're going to get some of the extra moisture content out of there which is important but it's also going to start taking on more flavor sauteing and cooking down and bringing all those flavors together now of course the important part here is once you have it cooking which you can hear a little bit of a sizzle there it's starting to cook we want to make sure we salt it too at this point this is a lot of vegetables and we're going to be using a lot of meat so it's really important to actually start adding the flavor at each level so I'm going to start cooking this sauteing it till it cooks down and we can keep going some chop up some thyme, fresh thyme with meatloaf in these vegetables just as the perfect to me accompaniment. So, these vegetables that we've minced in the food processor have really cooked down. That moisture is cooked off them and you can see how it's getting dry on the bottom of the pan. That's what you want and they're all softened and so we're going to add in that thyme and then a little bit of tomato paste. Now, remember this is the ultimate meatloaf. So, I want to make sure there are just beautiful flavors throughout. So, putting in some tomato paste right now and stirring it in and cooking it is really going to bring this beautiful richness to this whole mixture. And I want to make sure I cook it in so it becomes almost like a sweet caramelized flavor. So it's been cooking for just a couple of minutes. And it doesn't look too much different other than it gets more dry. It starts to almost want to stick to the bottom. That's when it's done. And you want to let this cool off now. You just don't want to add it steaming hot to the meat obviously. So now we can move on just to mixing everything together. We're going to start with some eggs. So eggs bind things together. They add a little bit of body and that's really important in something like this. You know you've a lot of kind of varying components and you want it to hold together somewhat cohesively. So eggs are actually important. And I like to mix them first. So I'm putting them into the bowl. Breaking them up and just whisking them because then they will more evenly mist whisk and mix in with everything else. And that's important. You don't want like pieces of egg white or yolk. Or just unmixed an egg. So it's important to just be able to whisk them. And now that will mix in really evenly. So for the meat obviously ground beef is more traditional. I like the mixture of ground pork and ground beef. One that's what I grew up with. But the pork actually lightens the beef. And I think that's really important here is to have it be a little bit lighter and I like that I like that component so we're going to put that right in there and set this behind me now we have everything else so I want to make sure we have a good array of flavors and textures to make this juicy not dry hold together have a lot of just like to it so what we have here is some Worcestershire sauce it's that secret sauce that really amps up a flavor especially meaty flavors so it is a super amazing job at out even more of those meat tones with the beef and with everything else breadcrumbs super important this is actually going to help it hold on to moisture and you want that because that moisture is really just going to like lock in with these breadcrumbs you're not going to notice they're there they're going to absorb it and kind of go away and that's the best part of it little bit of mustard you could do yellow I always do Dijon because flavor please of course little bit more salt and pepper we season the vegetables but we need to make sure we season in here too and the pepper is just going to add that beautiful peppery note that I think is just essential and then some beef stock. Now, you can do a chicken stock obviously but the beef stuff amps it up even more. It adds that beefiness and it really just will help bind it all together with those breadcrumbs. So, we're going to pour that in and just keep letting this mixture cool up just enough so we can add that now too. So, obviously, this looks like nothing special at the moment but we do have this beautiful flavor we're going to add too with the vegetables and that I think is really the secret component here. You don't see what they are but what you are going to notice is once they're in there is this beautiful flavor and the beef is just going to be amped up into an even more full flavor and that's what is important here is each item that we're putting into this some of them may seem like they're not important but they're playing a beautiful role in actually bringing all the flavor out in this so we're going to put it in there and I'm going to admit you can use a spoon to stir this you can you can try to start and just like slowly bring it together let's be honest the two hands are the end of your arms they're going to work best to actually form all this together so this is one where you do get usually messy but we're going to actually start getting messy we're going to go in there with our hands Mix it all together and then we'll put it out onto a baking sheet and really form that loaf. Another reason it's actually important to do this with your hands. You really want to make sure all that meat is incorporated evenly or you're going to have pockets of meat that you can tell wasn't mixed in with the the extras and that isn't good. So, once it's fully mixed, we can now just put it on to our, I'm doing a parchment lined baking sheet. Now, I know some people are very used to maybe putting it into a loaf pan. I'm one of those people that I'm doing it the way my mom always did it or the way my grandma did it and that's way where we form it free more on a baking sheet or put it into a smaller casserole I guess but I think that was because one then if there is any residual fat or liquid it kind of can drain away but also it gives you the ability just to kind of nicely form it so I'm going to just roughly form it and I'm going to be honest if you're not a meat person I get it this is weird so this doesn't have to be for you but this does create a meatloaf that I feel like everyone in the family is going to love and that to me is what's important here kids love this adult love this. Anyone who loves leftovers loves this because let me tell you something. Meatloaf sandwiches are where it's at. I will make meatloaf so I can have meatloaf sandwiches. That's it's one of the small joys in life. A meatloaf sandwich. So I'm just finishing smoothing this over. I'm going to wash my hands. We'll put together a quick you gotta have some ketchup on top. Um and we'll put that on and we'll bake it. Once the meatloaf is formed, I just put a little bit of prepared ketchup with a little bit of mustard. Yeah, you gotta have mustard. I know some of you like brown sugar. I don't know. I like it sometimes but the thing is, this one has so much flavor. I don't want to detract from that and sometimes, I don't want to just add a ton of sweetness when I just want the flavor to shine through of everything we just want to work for. So, instead, we're going to do the ketchup because that that's needed. That's not really a question here to me. You need to have some ketchup on there. So, we're going to spread this around. It's nothing special here other than just make sure that ketchup gets on it and once we have all spread around. I'm going to just evenly finish off and then we're going to put this right in the oven. We're going to let it bake. Now the important thing with meatloaf is is to bake all the way through. So take the temperature of it even because you want to make sure it's baked all the way in the middle. It's a lot of meat. But then we'll we'll enjoy it then too. So, the meatloaf is baked and I want to be really real and raw with you. I bake it on a sheet pan because some of the grease then is able to be, you know, go out of it and not just sit and kind of boil in it and so it looks ugly when it comes out but this is how we always did it and then, noone needs to know it 'cuz you can just remove it from this original platter or sheet pan and put it up onto just a fresh one and then, look, there we go. All easy peasy, fresh, beautiful. Let me wash my hand now as it has the ketchup on it but you know that's the thing I think sometimes we forget what things can actually look like when they come out because we're used to seeing them a certain way on something online whatever it is and I want you to know what it looks like and that's what it looks like and that's okay so here we have now beautiful meatloaf it's simple it's delectable it's just really it's homey and cozy honestly this is what we had so often growing up and that's what I think I love about it any meatloaf to me Look at that, how tender it is. Oh, it's so beautiful and that's, look at all that beauty. It holds together but you can tell it is just super tender. You see little pieces of the carrot but the carrot just will melt in your mouth and that's what's important here. You get just a hint of the glaze. Guys, I'm excited here. Nice. This is so good. It's good because it remembers like what you had maybe at grandma's growing up, whatever and if you used to think, I don't have good memories of it. This is what you want to remember. Full of flavor. You get a beautiful like meaty beefiness but not in a gross way. You get this rounded flavor from the vegetables we added in. You get just a hint of sweetness from that ketchup on top, not glowingly so that it takes away from the actual contents. This is This is delicious. This is homey. This is cozy. It's filling. It's nourishing. That's what's important here. So, what do I hope you do with this? I hope you make meatloaf. I hope you enjoy it at the time but also make delicious leftovers with it. Honestly, you can use it wherever you want to use ground meat too. Break it up. Use it in something else if you want to but I think you're going to love this and you're going to love it as sandwiches. Share the recipe around so everyone can see meatloaf deserves a spot in your rotation. Believe me, it does. Check my website, Wise Guy. com for this recipe on the other recipes. The on there and they're just as good. Enjoy.
Skillet Kielbasa and Sauerkraut | If you want a super easy dinner recipe, then this kielbasa and sauerkraut dish, all made in... | By Wyse Guide | Sausage and sauerkraut is a great weeknight meal. It's also a great comforting meal. It is hearty. It is delicious. We're going to up it with a couple potatoes too but to start, we're going to start with the sausage which I'm using a Polish-style kielbasa which to me is great because it is easy to find in the grocery store and I'm just going to cut it into pieces. Nothing perfect here. Just pieces that are manageable and can be kind of serving sizes. What's great about kielbasa, it has so much flavor in it. It's really economical to buy in the grocery store but I do think it can be enhanced a little bit by making sure we brown it first and that just starts the cooking process so I have my skillet heating on low and I'm going to add all the kielbasa pieces and what I want to do is just cook them on each side until they begin to brown. While we're browning the sausage, I just want to get ready our onion and our potato. So, this is kind of a base layer flavor but it also adds a little bit more heft to make it a weeknight meal. So, instead of just sauerkraut which hey, if you're not into sauerkraut, yes, you could do this with cabbage. The sauerkraut add something special and I think this is a great intro to sauerkraut if you're not used to it. We're going to grab a couple russet potatoes. I scrub them. I like to leave the skins on. You know, there's nutrients in the skin and we're going to actually roast these. So, I think they're going to even have better flavor than you're expecting and I want to give them about a half-inch dice. So, this is one of those things where when you are coming home from work and you're thinking, I am not in the mood to cook a lot. I'm not in the mood to be in the kitchen. This is a quick meal you can do that's going to give you that amount of time isn't that much but then going to give you a meal that is comforting and warm and perfect in the winter so I'm going to finish chopping this I'm going to turn the kielbasa and then soon enough we're going to have a meal ready to go kielbasa is fully cooked most commercial kielbasa that you're going to get in the grocery store but I do like to just brown it see how it just gets a little bit of color but I also think that adds a little bit of flavor and there's something to that so I'm just going to set it aside we're going to finish that in the end I'm going to turn the heat off the skillet is hot and what that means is we can just add some butter right to the skillet and it's going to start melting right here which is really nice. So, what I'm going to do is just swirl that around and let it just melt into the skillet with that residual heat because this is going to be the cooking fat for all of these now potatoes and onions I've ready. So, think of this as a pseudo kind of hash beginner. You want to give a really good hash and it has all that flavor. That's kind of what we're doing here. So, I'm going to add in these potatoes, all of them and the onion. So, we're going to roast these actually in the oven as opposed to cook them on the stove top. On the stove top, potatoes when they're cut into a like this are harder to cook evenly, right? It's hard to get them creamy in the center because you don't have that even cooking on the stove. Putting them in the oven at a nice, high temperature and letting them roast. It's going to brown the outsides of them. I'm tossing them with the butter and it's going to give them that caramelization and really be that perfect method and it only takes a few minutes which is what's really nice. So, you don't have to babysit on the stove. You can throw it in and then really everything comes together in the end perfectly but you see how now they're coated That's what we want. So now, we can really season this up with a little bit of paprika, a little bit of garlic powder, some black pepper, and then I'll add some salt too but this mixture is just kind of that great blend that works great on a roasted potatoes. We of course need salt. That's what's going to make sure we flavor this and we're just going to toss them again in that mixture and throw them right into the oven. You see how easy this is? This meal really is super easy, super economical. We are using russet potatoes here. We're using things that are so easy to have on hand and you're going to want to make this time and again because if nothing else you're going to want the leftovers I just pull this out of the oven they smell so good why would you do it on the stove look how perfectly this is they're getting brown they smell amazing now to check by the way when you're using an oven safe skillet doesn't have to be cast iron I love cast iron did you know it adds iron to your diet it's wonderful always keep something over the handle to remind you it's hot because otherwise you'll touch it accidentally and you will never get that skin back it will be on the skillet so always take a knife or something. I'm just checking the tenderness to see how that just goes in. No resistance. That's how you want to know. So now we're going to talk about sauerkraut. I love sauerkraut. Of course it's got healthy. You can use a fresh sauerkraut. I'm using a homemade sauerkraut. It's been in my fridge since I made this in the summer. Now the thing to remember is yes cooking it probably takes away some of that gut healthy thing. But it's just as good and it still has a lot of good nutrients. You can use canned sauerkraut. Anything. You can use you know grocery store sauerkraut. Don't feel bad about that. But I am my homemade sauerkraut because that is why I grow so much cabbage because I love sauerkraut. Now, to this, since it has kind of that beautiful flavor of the sour, kind of funky, delicious flavor. We want to kind of balance that and add some kind of unique texture to it. So, I'm going to add whole grain mustard. I love whole grain mustard because it has that texture. It has the little pops of flavor but it's not near as strong as just a dijon would be. We're also going to add some honey. Now, this is where if you want, you can add a little bit more. You can add a little bit I'm adding on the lower amount for what some people would like and that's because I don't want to be overly sweet. I just want that balance and that play. So, what I'm doing is mixing this all together and that residual heat from the skillet will slowly kind of melt that honey into it but do you notice, do you see the texture we're getting? It's beautiful. You're getting that pop of the whole grain mustard. Just stir it til it's evenly combined. Smooth it out into an even layer. Guys, it smells so good. I love sauerkraut. To me, it's very comforting. It's something my mom would make ever so often because we all loved it so I'm going to just place this back on top and really what we're doing at this point is making sure everything gets warm through so we're going to put it back into the oven because the oven is going the oven is hot and I just want to make sure everything is hot you know the kielbasa while it is precooked when you buy it you want it to be served hot and you want that sauerkraut now to be hot and so we're just going to put this back into the oven let it really warm through and then I'm going to chow down you can see I just brought that out of the oven and can I just tell you my moment here that you missed I brought it out I set it down and I thought looks wise we're just going to keep this hot pad over here not thinking and you know what I went and did I went and touched it and it hurt keep the hot pad on it or a towel I'm chopping up some parsley because we with our eyes first don't we and you know what look at this you add a little bit of green to something and I know it seems like Caleb I'm not going to buy parsley for this okay parsley is good it does have a fresh flavor and I just think it looks nice so yeah I am going to because it's pretty and it makes you feel good and it adds greens so you don't have to have a salad. Here it is. It's beautiful. What I like is the kielbasa plump slightly in that final roasting time in the oven. It just gets a little bit plumper. It looks beautiful and honestly, what I'm going in for, my favorite part, the sauerkraut with that potato, it's hot. I love sauerkraut. I could just eat it out of the jar obviously since I make it. What I love about it here is, it's tempered. We're not just getting sauerkraut. We're getting that mustard. We're getting the potato with it. We're getting those spices on the potatoes roasted in butter by the way and I know with that kielbasa, it has that great sausage flavor with not a lot of smoke but just a hint. This is a special dish. It's one that is both nostalgic. It is one that if you did not grow up with it or have it before, it's going to become nostalgic for you because it's just instantly comforting. It's instantly delicious and it's something you want to go back into and it warms you to the core. You don't just need soup. You can do it with something like this. So, what do I help you do with it? I hope you make it. I hope you become a fan of sauerkraut if you're not yet and I hope you make something that is both delicious, nutritious, and just warm and fuzzy. That's what it's all about. So, share this video around because yeah, that helps me but you know what else it helps? People to realize good food is possible to make at home. I'm here to cheer you on so you can do it just like this. Check my website. Why dot com for all my recipes including this one. Enjoy.
25 Low-Effort Winter Dinners for Nights It's Almost Too Blah to Cook
25 Low-Effort Winter Dinners for Nights It's Almost Too Blah to Cook
1.2M views · 1.9K reactions | My husband loves this Mini Beef Wellington recipe | My husband loves this Mini Beef Wellington recipe My grandmother taught me this recipe that is great for any time including the holidays. This original... | By My Life | Have two pieces of the fillet and we're going to make this serve 8 people. And we're going to use puff pastry for this. So I'm just going to roll my puff pastry out just a bit. That looks perfect. I'm just going to cut each of these puff pastries into four squares. I'm just going to separate them. Room here to build. So I have my little pieces of my fillet and I'm going to add add a few pieces in the middle of each of these squares. Okay, that looks great. Next up, I sauteed some mushrooms just with salt and pepper and a little olive oil and I'm just going to add a little bit to each one of these. You can mix this up and add something else if you don't like mushrooms. My secret ingredient cheese. I love borgian cheese and I just get their regular, their garlic and herb and I like to add a little bit in my Mini Beef Wellington and people are always so surprised and the flavor is so good. So, you don't even have to worry about adding fresh herbs or anything. I mean, you can if you want to but there's herbs in this. Alright, guys. So, I am going to do an egg wash. So, I've got one egg and I'm going to add that in and just a little bit of water. Perfect. Alright. So, I'm going to whisk that together. So, we're just going to brush our edges of each one of our puff pastries with our egg wash I'll just go down and brush them all real fast and then we'll fold them up perfect so super simple this is just so elegant this is so nice to make for holidays for birthdays or just to make I mean it's so easy can make it just for an everyday dinner for sure and you can make this smaller if you like I just love the size of cutting each of these into fours but you definitely can do twelve I'm just going to pull my corners together seal these mini beef Wellingtons up. Oh yeah how easy is this? So just pinch that together so it's all nice and sealed. Okay and I'm going to do that with all of the rest of them. That's it. How easy is this? Seal them up. Got a pocket of goodness here. I have my sheet pan lined with parchment paper. I'm just going to add these mini beef Wellington. 450 degrees, 10 minutes and this is done. Alright, our mini beef Wellingtons are done. How beautiful is this? And how easy was this? Alright, guys. Gotta put one on my plate. Oh yeah. That looks beautiful. Alright, let's cut into this. Oh my gosh. This looks so good. Oh, yeah. Perfectly cooked. Oh, I cannot wait to have a bite of this. Mmm mmm mmm. Okay. Gotta have some mushrooms. Some of that nice beef. Oh. Yes. And the cheese of course. It's kind of a big bite. Oh. Easiest, most delicious mini beef falling tints ever. Yum.
3.3M views · 42K reactions | Beef Broccoli | Yung Super Tender and Creamy na Sauce! 🤤 #beef #recipe #broccoli | Yummy Kitchen
423K views · 3.1K reactions | One-Pot Chicken Teriyaki Chicken And Rice | One-Pot Chicken Teriyaki Chicken And Rice | By Tasty | Oh, yes.