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18 Valuable Vines to Plant in Your Garden
Flowering Jasmine. From an HGTV article on fragrant climbing plants.
Rock Cress - Excellent evergreen ground cover, producing cushions of pretty purple-blue flowers. It can be planted along the edge of a bed or lawn, or in the rockery, but is also very effective in a hanging basket displaying a profusion of colour.
Buddleia (Butterfly Bush) - Mixed - Shrub Buddleja davidii - These fragrant butterfly bushes in 3 fabulous colours will attract plenty of butterflies to the garden. The varieties: Royal Red, White Profusion and Empire Blue.
Sweet Olive -- Heaven-Scent
Sweet smelling Tea Olive Shrub... best smell in the whole world. Everyone should have a Sweet Tea Olive Tree or Shrub in their yard.
Style & Fashion
Confederate Jasmine: this stuff smells nice and grows like crazy. My mother used it to cover bare fence.
Modern & Contemporary Garden Designer | Andy Sturgeon Garden Design
Trachelospermum jasminoides in full flower. One of my favourite evergreen and scented climbers which obligingly only protrudes about 30cm from its support.
9 Smells You Actually Want in Your Home
The smell of jasmine also lessens feelings of anxiety. No wonder it was so blissful to sit on Grandma’s jasmine-wrapped front porch
Jasmine: Long Flowering & Fragrant - Daylilies in Australia
Jasmine: Long Flowering Fragrant - How to Grow
How to Grow Jasmine: Planting, Care, & Harvesting
How to grow and train Jasmine to vine
Natives & Fragrant Bloomers That Work Well in the Florida Garden
Climbing Jasmine Fast growing, strong climbing, evergreen vine. Leaves are deep green, with 5-7 leaflets in a group. Profuse clusters of very fragrant, pink with white-centered tubular flowers, to 3/4 inches wide and 3 inches long. Quick covering for fences and trellises. Excellent container plant or trained around topiary form.
Gardening | ehow
Now begins our privacy hedge/fence: Evergreen, check. Grows fast, check. Grows tall, check. And produces fragrant flowers, check. Let the privacy fence begin!
Flowering Climbers: 8 Cures for the Common Garden
Pink Jasmine: A thirsty, speedy grower that displays fragrant, pink-white flowers, this evergreen does best in tropical areas (zones 8 through 10)