College Tour

81 Pins
Coca Cola Scholarship for College
Full-Tuition Academic Scholarships
You can afford to attend a top-ranked university with this list of full tuition academic scholarships and graduate debt-free. #college #budget #scholarships
How to Start the College Scholarship Process - Help is Here!
Essential Tasks to Complete the Summer Before College Begins: The Ultimate Freshman To Do List
The ultimate summer before college bucket list to get your ready for an awesome freshman year. Learn the best college life tips and start your college preparation today with this complete list of things to do before college. Everything from fun road trips with firends to shopping for your dorm room, this college prep checklist has it all! Pin now to read about the timeline after your high school senior year, and what to do the summer before college begins! #collegetips #collegepreparation
What is a Merit Scholarship (And How to Get One) - The Scholarship System
Merit scholarships are income-agnostic. Meaning even high income people can get them!
Tips for Planning a College Visit | College Essay Guy
Planning which college to attend is one of the most important decisions you will make as a young adult, and there is so much to consider. It can feel overwhelming narrowing down the search and deciding on which colleges to visit. This guide will help alleviate some of that stress and answer all your burning questions. #college #parenting #campusvisit #collegeadmissions #summer