Math center activities

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Math Made Fun: Place Value Games!
📣 If you're looking for some fun ways to teach place value in first grade, look no further! These hands-on activities are a great way for students to practice ones and tens!
Learning Addition Math Facts with a Checklist
Ready to learn addition facts? These math games for kindergarten and first grade are perfect for building fluency. Addition worksheets and printable play cards are ready to go. Try it with your kids today!
Quick and Easy Math Centers First Grade
Looking for some quick and easy math centers first grade? These math activities cover a wide range of first grade math skills like addition and subtraction.
Tips for Running 1st Grade Math Stations5 Tips for Running Effective Math Centers
These tips for running 1st grade math stations will help you make your math center time more effective. Use them in your first grade classroom to create a more engaging center time!
Creating & Planning Math Centers Ahead of Time - Simply Creative Teaching
Creating & Planning Math Centers Ahead of Time - Simply Creative Teaching
Teaching Addition Strategies in 1st Grade to Boost Fact Fluency