
460 Pins
Got a super close to a hundo shadow Snorlax should I make it a hundo spark
submitted by /u/bookmaniac13 [link] [comments]
Can I still get the next Team Rocket Takeover special research? (Spark)
submitted by /u/Puzzled_Garlic_7306 [link] [comments]
John belssed me with my first ever shinundo today
submitted by /u/GladiatorGaming2003 [link] [comments]
Purify this john? Ot leave it cause it's still good?
submitted by /u/Beryll_Starlight [link] [comments]
Spark! Is it possibe to change it? My bag is constantly full, i soend all my coins on upgrades but…
submitted by /u/Owl799 [link] [comments]
Johnny Oliver blessed me with a third shiny Spinda. Pokedex Seen/Caught 71. How many do you have?
submitted by /u/HeathMeisterrr [link] [comments]
Caught my first shiny~spark
submitted by /u/3CarpetShark [link] [comments]
Should I evolve this cute little guy? John Oliver
submitted by /u/Mobrown18 [link] [comments]
For John's sake. When you finally catch a shiny in a long time but it's IV is terrible
submitted by /u/TransGirlJennifer [link] [comments]
I bought a global go fest ticket and I’m confused on how spawns will work. It says there’s…
submitted by /u/Youtube_Corbob [link] [comments]
John! They leaked Necrozma!
submitted by /u/-Cronic- [link] [comments]
This is starting to get insulting- John Oliver
submitted by /u/Danzzo36 [link] [comments]
FIRST EVER SHINY IV 4/7/2 rip team spark reppin
submitted by /u/ANCALAGON_THE_PINK [link] [comments]