Lemon Law

Each state has their own lemon law. There also is federal lemon law. Lemon laws provide frustrated and victimized drivers of cars, motorcycles, and trucks with relief if their vehicle has been repeatedly in the shop for the same repairs or for an extended period of time. In many states, the consumer is entitled to have their vehicle repurchased, which is a big help if you have been paying on a loan obtained from a bank or finance company for a vehicle that is not safe to drive. The consumer could also instead receive a new vehicle, significant compensation, or a partial refund or extended warranty combined with the vehicle’s continued ownership. Federal and state lemon laws exist to ensure that manufacturers and dealerships are held accountable. All vehicles sold should be fit for the purpose for which they were bought; for the driver of the car, motorcycle, or truck to be able to drive them safely. There should not be a substantial defect in any vehicle sold that would impair its use and/or safety, and that would require the vehicle to need repair for the same defect for an extended period of time. The federal Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act (15 U.S.C. § 2301 et seq.) can provide you with relief if your new vehicle has been back to the dealership for continued repetitive repairs. However, it can also provide you with relief if your used vehicle is covered under a manufacturer’s warranty – be it an extended warranty, original warranty, or powertrain warranty – and it has been back to the dealership for continued repetitive repairs. Please click here for a list of some of the requirements to be entitled to some of the lemon law relief in each state for new and used vehicles. If you believe that your car is a lemon, please contact us immediately, so that our Firm can see what it can do to help you. No one should be stuck with a lemon vehicle. Below is a list of some of the requirements to be entitled to some of the lemon law relief in each state for new and used vehicles. ALABAMA Vehicles Covered: Vehicles intended primarily for use and operation on public highways that are self-propelled. Excludes motor homes or vehicles having a GVW of more than 10,000 lbs. Repair Attempts/Days Out of Service: Three repair attempts – 30 calendar days out of service. Coverage Period: One year or 12,000 miles. ALASKA Vehicles Covered: Vehicles intended primarily for use and operation on public highways that are self-propelled. Excludes motor homes or vehicles having a GVW of more than 10,000 lbs. Repair Attempts/Days Out of Service: Three repair attempts – 30 calendar days out of service. Coverage Period: One year – 12,000 miles. ARIZONA Vehicles Covered: Four-wheel vehicles normally used for personal, family or household purposes, requiring registration. Excluding tractors, farm vehicles, motorcycles, or off-road vehicles. Repair Attempts/Days Out of Service: Three repair attempts – 30 business days out of service. Coverage Period: Express warranty period or one year, whichever occurs first.es. ARKANSAS Vehicles Covered: Vehicles under 10,000 lbs. GVW, used to transport persons or property over highways, also applies to the self propelled vehicle and chassis of a motor home. Repair Attempts/Days Out of Service: Four repair attempts or 30 calendar days out of service. Coverage Period: Express warranty period or two years or 24,000 miles, whichever occurs first. CALIFORNIA Vehicles Covered: Vehicle purchased or leased for transportation of persons or property, excluding living facilities of a mobile home or vehicles over 10,000 lbs.-but including motor homes. Excludes motorcycles and mopeds. Repair Attempts/Days Out of Service: One repair attempt for a defect that may cause death or serious injury or three repair attempts, 30 calendar days out of service, or five repair attempts on separate occasions to repair any non conformities that together impair the use and value of the vehicle. Coverage Period: Two years or 24,000 miles, whichever occurs last. COLORADO Vehicles Covered: Vehicles used primarily for personal, family, or household purposes, excluding motorcycles, portions of motor homes used primarily for habitation, or off-road vehicles. Includes the chassis, chassis cab and that portion of a motor home devoted to its population, includes a dealer-owned vehicle and a “demonstrator.” Repair Attempts/Days Out of Service: Two repair attempts for a defect that may cause death or serious injury or four repair attempts or 30 calendar days out of service. Coverage Period: 18 months – 18,000 miles which ever occurs first. CONNECTICUT Vehicles Covered: Private passenger motor vehicles, normally used for personal, family or household purposes, and used to carry not more than 10 persons, sold within the state, including pickups, vans; excluding motor homes and motorcycles. Repair Attempts/Days Out of Service: Four repair attempts – 30 business days out of service. Coverage Period: Express warranty period or one year, whichever occurs first. DELAWARE Vehicles Covered: Passenger and commercial motor vehicles sold or leased within the state. Excludes agricultural tractors. Repair Attempts/Days Out of Service: Four repair attempts or 30 calendar days out of service. Two repair attempts if serious safety hazard. Coverage Period: Two years or 24,000 miles, whichever period occurs first. FLORIDA Vehicles Covered: Passenger motor vehicles, except motorcycles and living facilities of motor homes, bought, leased or registered in the state. Repair Attempts/Days Out of Service: Four repair attempts or 30 business days out of service. Coverage Period: Express warranty period of one year, whichever occurs first. GEORGIA Vehicles Covered: Vehicles sold, transferred or leased , in the state, and used primarily for personal, family or household purposes, excluding off-road vehicles, mopeds, trucks over 10,000 lbs., the living facilities of recreation vehicles, and motorcycles. Repair Attempts/Days Out of Service: Three repair attempts – 30 calendar days out of service. Coverage Period: 18 months or 24,000 miles, whichever occurs first. HAWAII Vehicles Covered: Any self-propelled vehicles, primarily designed for the transportation of persons or property over the public highways, leased or purchased in this state, or registered by the original consumer to this state, and on which the original title was issued to the lessor or purchased without having been previously issued to any person other than the selling dealer. Exempts those portions of motor homes designated, used or maintained primarily as a mobile dwelling, office or commercial space, motorcycles or trucks with 10,000 lbs. or more GVWR. Repair Attempts/Days Out of Service: One repair attempt for a for a serious safety defect in the braking or steering system. Three repair attempts or 30 calendar days out of service. Coverage Period: One year or 12,000 miles, whichever occurs earlier. IDAHO Vehicles Covered: Self-propelled vehicles primarily designed for the transportation of persons or property over streets and highway which are used or bought for use primarily for personal, family, or household purposes. Includes dealer-owned vehicles and “demonstrators” or other motor vehicles sold with a manufacturers new warranty. Also includes certain vehicles used for business purposes. Excludes vehicles over 10,000 lbs., mopeds, motorcycles, motor scooters, mobile dwelling of motor homes. Repair Attempts/Days Out of Service: 1 repair attempt for a defect that may cause death or serious injury or three repair attempts – 30 business days out of service. Coverage Period: Express warranty period or two years or 24,000 miles. ILLINOIS Vehicles Covered: New motor vehicles normally used for personal, family or household purposes, sold or licensed in this state, excluding motorcycles, farm tractors, house trailers or any motor vehicle with a GVWR over 12,000 lbs. Repair Attempts/Days Out of Service: Four repair attempts – 30 business days out of service. Coverage Period: Two years or 24,000 miles. INDIANA Vehicles Covered: Passenger cars, vehicles under 8,000 lbs. and recreational vehicles, used primarily for personal, household, or family purposes, excluding camping trailers or travel trailers or motorcycles. Repair Attempts/Days Out of Service: Four repair attempts – 30 business days out of service. Coverage Period: One year or 12,000 miles, whichever occurs first. IOWA Vehicles Covered: Motor vehicles sold to a buyer in the state and registered in Indiana, vehicles purchased in the state by a nonresident, having a GVW of less than 10,000 lbs., intended primarily for use and operation on public highways, excluding conversion vans, motor homes, farm tractors, road building equipment, truck tractors, road tractors, motorcycles, mopeds, snowmobiles or vehicles designed primarily for off-road use. Repair Attempts/Days Out of Service: Four repair attempts – 30 business days out of service. Coverage Period: 18 months or 18,000 miles, whichever occurs first. KANSAS Vehicles Covered: Vehicle purchased or leased in the state and primarily designed for the transportation of persons or property, excluding mopeds, motorcycles, motor homes and vehicles over 10,000 lbs. GVW. Repair Attempts/Days Out of Service: One repair attempt for a defect that may cause death or serious injury or three repair attempts plus a final attempt or 30 calendar days out of service. Coverage Period: Two years or 24,000 miles, whichever occurs first. KENTUCKY Vehicles Covered: Vehicles sold in the state and registered for a gross weight of 12,000 lbs. or less. Repair Attempts/Days Out of Service: Four repair attempts or 10 repair attempts for different defects – 30 calendar days out of service. Coverage Period: Any warranty period or one year, whichever occurs first. LOUISIANA Vehicles Covered: Vehicles, owned by a Kentucky resident and purchased or leased new in Kentucky, and required to be registered or licensed in the state, except conversion vans, motor homes, mopeds, motorcycles, farm equipment and vehicles with more than two axles. Repair Attempts/Days Out of Service: Four repair attempts – 30 days out of service. Coverage Period: One year – 12,000 miles whichever occurs first. MARYLAND Vehicles Covered: Vehicles under 10,000 lbs., sold in this state and excluding motor homes, motorcycles, and vehicles used for commercial purposes only. Repair Attempts/Days Out of Service: Four repair attempts – 30 calendar days out of service. Coverage Period: Express warranty period or one year, whichever occurs first. MAINE Vehicles Covered: Purchased or leased passenger vehicles, trucks with a ton or less rated capacity, and multi-purpose vehicles registered in the state, excluding fleets of five or more motor vehicles and excluding motor homes as defined under the Motor Vehicle Administration Regulations. Repair Attempts/Days Out of Service: One unsuccessful repair of braking or steering system failure, four repair attempts or 30 days out of service. Coverage Period: 24 months or 18,000 miles, whichever occurs first. MICHIGAN Vehicles Covered: Vehicles sold or leased new in Maine except commercial vehicles over 8,000 lbs. or business or commercial enterprise registering 3 or more motor vehicles. Repair Attempts/Days Out of Service: 3 repair attempts – 15 business days out of service. Coverage Period: 2 years or 18,000 miles, whichever occurs first. MINNESOTA Vehicles Covered: Four-wheel vehicles used for personal, family or household use, or fleets of less than 10, including pick-ups and vans, excluding buses, trucks and motor homes. Repair Attempts/Days Out of Service: Four repair attempts – 30 business days out of service. Coverage Period: Express warranty period or 1 year, whichever is first. MISSISSIPPI Vehicles Covered: Passenger automobiles, pickup trucks, vans and recreational equipment, chassis, sold or leased to a consumer in this state, used at least 40% for personal, family or household purposes. Repair Attempts/Days Out of Service: One unsuccessful repair of a completely failed braking or steering system likely to cause death or substantial bodily injury, four attempts or 30 business days out of service for other defects. Coverage Period: Express warranty period or two years, whichever occurs first. MISSOURI Vehicles Covered: Vehicles sold in this state, used primarily for personal, family or household purposes excluding off-road vehicles, mopeds, motorcycles, and parts of a motor home added by the manufacturer of the motor home. Repair Attempts/Days Out of Service: Three repair attempts – 15 working days out of service. Coverage Period: Express warranty period or 1 year, whichever occurs earlier. MONTANA Vehicles Covered: Vehicles used primarily for personal, family or household purposes, excluding commercial vehicles, mopeds, motorcycles, and RVs except for the chassis, engine, powertrain and component parts of RV’s. Repair Attempts/Days Out of Service: Four repair attempts – 30 business days out of service. Coverage Period: Express warranty period or one year, whichever occurs earlier. NEBRASKA Vehicles Covered: Vehicles sold in this state, including the non-residential portion of a motor home and excluding trucks of 10,000 lbs. GVWR or more and motorcycles. Repair Attempts/Days Out of Service: Four repair attempts – 30 business days out of service. Coverage Period: Two years or 18,000 miles, whichever occurs first. NEVADA Vehicles Covered: Vehicles sold in this state, normally used for personal, family, household or business purposes, except self-propelled mobile homes. Repair Attempts/Days Out of Service: Four repair attempts or 40 days out of service. Coverage Period: Express warranty period or one year, whichever occurs first. NEW HAMPSHIRE Vehicles Covered: Motor vehicles normally used for personal, family or household purposes, except motor homes or off-road vehicles. Repair Attempts/Days Out of Service: Four repair attempts or 30 calendar days out of service. Coverage Period: Express warranty period or one year, whichever occurs first. NEW JERSEY Vehicles Covered: Purchased or leased vehicles with a gross weight under 9,000 lbs except tractors, off highway recreational vehicles, and mopeds. Repair Attempts/Days Out of Service: Three repair attempts – 30 business days out of service. Coverage Period: Within one year of expiration of express warranty period or final repair attempt. NEW MEXICO Vehicles Covered: Passenger automobiles or motorcycles leased, purchased or registered in the state, except the living facilities of motor homes. Repair Attempts/Days Out of Service: Three repair attempts or more than 20 calendar days out of service; or one repair attempt for a serious defect which could cause death or bodily harm. Coverage Period: Two years or 24,000 miles, whichever occurs first. NEW YORK Vehicles Covered: Passenger motor vehicles, pickups, motorcycles, and vans, under 10,000 lbs. GVW, sold and registered in New Mexico, normally used for personal, family or household purposes. Repair Attempts/Days Out of Service: Four repair attempts or 30 business days out of service. Coverage Period: Express warranty period or one year, whichever occurs first. NORTH CAROLINA Vehicles Covered: Passenger vehicles purchased, leased, transferred or registered in New York, including motorcycles and excluding off-road vehicles. Repair Attempts/Days Out of Service: Four repair attempts, 30 calendar days out of service, or for a substantial defect within 20 days of receipt of notice given by the consumer using certified mail. Coverage Period: Two years or 18,000 miles, whichever occurs first. NORTH DAKOTA Vehicles Covered: Motor vehicles sold or leased in North Carolina, under 10,000 lbs. GVW, excluding house trailers. Includes motorcycles. Repair Attempts/Days Out of Service: Four repair attempts or more than 20 days out of service during any 12 month period. Coverage Period: Two years or 24,000 miles or express warranty whichever is greater. OHIO Vehicles Covered: Passenger motor vehicles and trucks 10,000 lbs. GVW or less, normally used for personal, family or household purposes and sold in North Dakota, excluding house cars and motorcycles. Repair Attempts/Days Out of Service: Three repair attempts or 30 business days out of service during 1 year or express warranty term whichever is less. Coverage Period: Express warranty period or 1 year, whichever occurs first. OKLAHOMA Vehicles Covered: Passenger vehicles and non-commercial motor vehicles, motor homes (except cooking and sleeping facilities), manufactured homes, and recreational vehicles, but excluding vehicles of government entities and vehicles of business or commercial enterprises registering three or more motor vehicles. Repair Attempts/Days Out of Service: Three repair attempts for same defect. Eight total repair attempts, one attempt to repair condition likely to cause death or serious bodily injury, or out of service 30 or more calendar days. Coverage Period: One year or 18,000 miles, whichever occurs first. OREGON Vehicles Covered: Vehicles registered in the state and under 10,000 lbs. GVW, excluding the living facilities of motor homes. Repair Attempts/Days Out of Service: Four repair attempts or 45 days out of service. Coverage Period: Express warranty period or one year, whichever occurs first. PENNSYLVANIA Vehicles Covered: Passenger motor vehicles, normally used for personal, family or household purposes, sold in Oregon, including leased vehicles and motorcycles. Repair Attempts/Days Out of Service: Four repair attempts or 30 business days out of service. Coverage Period: One year or 12,000 miles, whichever occurs first. RHODE ISLAND Vehicles Covered: Vehicles purchased or leased in Pennsylvania, or registered for the first time in PA, used primarily for personal, family or household purposes. Repair Attempts/Days Out of Service: Three repair attempts – 30 calendar days out of service. Coverage Period: One year, 12,000 miles, or duration of warranty, whichever occurs first. SOUTH CAROLINA Vehicles Covered: Automobiles, trucks and vans under 10,000 lbs. GVW, sold, leased or replaced by a dealer or manufacturer, excluding motorized campers. Repair Attempts/Days Out of Service: Four repair attempts – 30 calendar days out of service. Coverage Period: One year or 15,000 miles, whichever occurs first. SOUTH DAKOTA Vehicles Covered: Passenger motor vehicles, trailer, semitrailer, sold and registered in the state which are designed, used and maintained for the transportation of persons but not operated for the transportation of persons for compensation, except to schools, religion affiliated programs or other prearranged excursions. Excludes motorcycles, living portions of recreational vehicles, trucks with a GVW over 5,000 lbs. and off-road vehicles. Repair Attempts/Days Out of Service: Three repair attempts – 30 calendar days out of service. Coverage Period: One year or 12,000 miles, whichever occurs first. TENNESSEE Vehicles Covered: New car, light pickup or motorcycle excluding vehicles of 10,000 lb GVW. or more. Repair Attempts/Days Out of Service: Four repair attempts plus a final repair attempt. Coverage Period: One year or 12,000 miles, whichever occurs first. TEXAS Vehicles Covered: Class “C” vehicles sold and required to be registered in the state, used for personal, family or household purposes, including leased vehicles, excluding motor homes, motor and garden tractors, RVs, off-road vehicles, motorized bicycles, and vehicles over 10,000 lbs. Repair Attempts/Days Out of Service: Four repair attempts – 30 calendar days out of service. Coverage Period: Express warranty period or 1 year, whichever occurs first. UTAH Vehicles Covered: Motor vehicles, two or more wheeled, used primarily for transporting persons or property and engine transmissions or rear axles used for the same, having a GVW of 18,000 lbs. or more, whether or not attached to vehicle chassis. Repair Attempts/Days Out of Service: Four repair attempts or 30 days out of service. Two repair attempts for a serious safety hazard. Coverage Period: Express warranty period or one year, whichever occurs first. VERMONT Vehicles Covered: New vehicles sold, purchased, transferred, or leased in this state excluding motorcycles, truck tractors, farm tractors, road tractors, and those portions of a motor home designated, used or maintained primarily as a mobile dwelling, office or for commercial purposes, mobile homes or any motor vehicles with a GVWR of over 12,000 lbs. Repair Attempts/Days Out of Service: Four repair attempts or 30 days or more business days out of service. Coverage Period: Express warranty period or one year, whichever occurs first. VIRGINIA Vehicles Covered: Passenger motor vehicles purchased or registered in Vermont, excluding tractors, motorized highway building equipment, road-making appliances, snowmobiles, motorcycles, mopeds, trucks over 10,000 lbs. or the living portion of RVs. Repair Attempts/Days Out of Service: Three repair attempts or 30 calendar days out of service. Coverage Period: Express warranty period. WASHINGTON Vehicles Covered: Passenger cars, pickups, panel trucks, motorcycles, self-propelled motorized chassis of motor homes, mopeds, demonstrators and lease-purchased vehicles used in substantial part for personal, family or household purposes. Repair Attempts/Days Out of Service: Three repair attempts or 30 calendar days out of service, or one serious safety defect, one repair attempt. Coverage Period: 18 months. WASHINGTON DC Vehicles Covered: Vehicles, including new motorcycles, leased or purchased new and registered in the state, excluding buses, vehicles in fleets of 10 or more, living portions of motor homes, or trucks with GVW of 19,000 lbs. or more. Repair Attempts/Days Out of Service: Two attempts for same serious safety defect; or four attempts for same defect (at least one of which is during the period of the manufacturer’s warranty); or 30 calendar days (at least 15 of which occur during the manufacturer’s warranty). Coverage Period: Two years or 24,000 miles, whichever occurs first. WEST VIRGINIA Vehicles Covered: Vehicles sold or registered in D.C., and designed for transporting persons, except buses , motorcycles, motor homes and recreational vehicles. Repair Attempts/Days Out of Service: Four repair attempts or 30 days out of service. Coverage Period: Two years or 18,000 miles, whichever occurs first. WISCONSIN Vehicles Covered: Passenger motor vehicles, pickup trucks, vans and motor vehicle chassis of motor homes purchased in this state on or after 1/1/84 used primarily for personal, family, or household purposes. Repair Attempts/Days Out of Service: Three repair attempts or 30 calendar days out of service or one unsuccessful repair of condition likely to cause death or serious bodily injury. Coverage Period: Express warranty period or one year, whichever occurs first. WYOMING Vehicles Covered: Vehicles, registered (or transferred) in this state, including demonstrators, non-resident or foreign registered vehicles purchased, leased or transferred in this state, except mopeds, semi-trailers or trailers designed for use in combination with a truck or truck tractor. Repair Attempts/Days Out of Service: Four repair attempts – 30 days out of service. Coverage Period: Express warranty period or one year, whichever occurs first. FREE CONSULTATION Your Name (required) Your Email (required) Phone Number Comments CONTACT US RIGHTS PROTECTION LAW GROUP, PLLC CONSUMER PROTECTION LAWYERS 8 Faneuil Hall Marketplace 3rd Floor Boston, MA 02109 (844) 574-4487 GET YOUR FREE CONSULTATION! FREE CONSULTATION | AVAILABLE 24/7 CALL US: (844) 574-4487 (844-5-RIGHTS) Rights Protection Law Group, PLLC represents individuals and businesses in federal and state law matters in federal and state courts; only where the attorneys serving the law firm are licensed. 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If you have to take a vehicle back to a dealership multiple times and the problem persists, or if the vehicle fails inspection, it is possible to get a refund of your money.
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Lemon Law & Debt Collection Harassment Attorney | Inaccurate Credit Reporting Lawyer
If you have to take a vehicle back to a dealership multiple times and the problem persists, or if the vehicle fails inspection, it is possible to get a refund of your money.
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Unfair trade practice laws can help in ensuring that consumers are protected from being victimized by automobile dealer fraud, used vehicles with lemon or salvage titles, and odometer rollback. rightsprotect.com
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