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Why sun god never worship in konarak sun temple?
Indianhistory: The interesting fact about konark sun temple which shocks you
Draksharama Sri Bhimeswara Swamy Temple
Lamps of India ( భారతదేశ ము లో దీపములు) Lamps are playing vital part in our Sanatana Dharma. From the olden days since...
Why sun god never worship in konarak sun temple?
Why sun god never worship in konark sun temple?
Why sun god never worship in konarak sun temple?
Why sun god never worship in konark sun temple?
Why sun god never worship in konarak sun temple?
Why sun god never worship in konark sun temple?
Why sun god never worship in konarak sun temple?
Why sun god never worship in konark sun temple?
Why sun god never worship in konarak sun temple?
Why sun god never worship in konark sun temple?
Why sun god never worship in konarak sun temple?
So the dharmapada decided to sacrifice his life by kampung from the top of the temple in the chandrabhava river and save the 1200 workers from getting beheaded. Since that time the temple become unholy with the death of dharmapada. Sun god never worshipped there.