Wish List for My Garden

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Foxgloves How many kinds of sweet flowers grow In an English country garden? We'll tell you now of some that we know Those we miss you'll surely pardon Daffodils, heart's ease and phlox Meadowsweet and lady smocks Gentian, lupin and tall hollyhocks Roses, foxgloves, ...
Basically, a good rule to remember is that if you grow a plant for the fruit or the root, it needs full sun. If you grow it for the leaves, stems, or buds, a little shade will be just fine.
Garden Ideas, Design and Inspiration | Ideal Home
Formal country garden Formal structures and soft planting are combined in this pretty, peaceful-looking garden. Box Hardy geranium Lupins Campanula lalitoba Salvia turkestania Delphinium Lilies Liguaria
How To Build a Gutter Garden: DIY Guide
Embrace Spring with major garden #DIY projects like these garden paths.
Learn How to Plant Hollyhock, the Flower of Cottage Garden Dreams
The ultimate cottage garden choice, hollyhock sends up tall spires that cover themselves in flowers in beautiful colors. They're easy to grow from seed -- in fact, that's usually the only way they are found in garden centers.