The Gifted Workplace

How To Be Happy At Work Even If You Hate Your Job
How to find happiness in your career when you hate your job.
4 Workplace Behaviors that Hit Highly Sensitive People Hard
This Is the Kind of Work That Excites an INFJ Personality
As an INFJ career coach, I've identified five things this personality type needs to feel fulfilled with their work. When INFJs get these things on a consistent basis, they'll feel happy in their career, as their natural talents are being put to good use. #INFJ #INFJproblems #MBTI #Myers-Briggs #16personalities #personality #personalitytype
Psychologium - Everyday Psychology
You’re bored to snores, you’ve lost the passion along with the bad budget and bad vibes and you can no longer tolerate back-stabbing, two-faced, unappreciative, unsupportive fools, morons and idiots. 8 Signs Your IQ Is Too High For Your Job – Psychologium