My Art

New Zealand sculptor Sharon Earl creates precisely welded sculptures from steel rod. Created with great care in a rural workshop in Pyramid Valley, Canterbury, NZ.
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New Zealand Falcon aka Sparrow Hawk, sculptured in steel by Sharon Earl.
New Zealand Falcon on Chaise Lounge. Two steel sculptures by Sharon Earl. Twitter @weldagirl Instagram sculptor.sharonearl
'Broxton Road Sofa' steel sculptural furniture, allowed to rust, then sealed. Innersprung beauty on rolling caster wheels. Twitter @weldagirl Instagram sculptor.sharonearl #sculpture #steel #sofa
Hooded Falcon Falconary sculpture made with the bare minimum of steel rod - playing, without my normal intense build-style.
Kea gallery-dwelling, showing the wonderful shadowing lighting can produce. Twitter @weldagirl Instagram sculptor.sharonearl
Pukeko sculpture wandering around the artist's garden. Steel sculpture by NZ sculptor Sharon Earl. #NewZealandBirds
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Pukeko, Australasian Swamphen. Steel Sculpture. Model: Donkey, Edmund Blackadder.
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War Horse equine sculpture by Sharon Earl. Commemorating the immense efforts and sacrifice of those men and horses that served New Zealand during WWI. Especially dedicated her her Great Uncle J.R. Patterson who was buried at sea off the coast of Aden on his return home. #sculpture #horse
'Broxton Road Sofa'. Made by artist Sharon Earl for her own garden, depicting foliage from her beloved NZ native plantings. Twitter @weldagirl Instagram sculptor.sharonearl
Kiwi steel sculpture. Sculpture by Sharon Earl to celebrate Hurunui College's enormous efforts in restoring Nina Valley to become a safe predator-controlled forest area for New Zealand's Spotted Brown Kiwi to be reintroduced. Breeding pairs are now established.
Pukeko steel sculpture photoshoot with the glorious Edmund Blackadder, donkey of excellence. Twitter @weldagirl Pyramid Valley, New Zealand.
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Pukeko sculpture wandering across our orchard, mingling with the horses.
War Horse by New Zealand artist Sharon Earl. Photographed at sunset during the Sculpture OnShore exhibition Auckland, 2014. Sold to private collectors. Twitter @weldagirl Instagram sculptor.sharonearl