In any organization, the individual is considered an issuer of knowledge who can improve corporate knowledge, andlearning is considered to be a key factor in promoting the creation of knowledge. As the knowledge of the individualincreases, the organization’s knowledge also increases. The same happens in educational institutions, but there is atendencyin most educational methodologiesto considerthe student asa mererecipient ofknowledge. Thispaper presentsamodel where the student is shown as a knowledge issuer both for their own benefit and for their peers. The key idea is thetransfer of knowledge produced by students to organizational knowledge through the knowledge management system theCollaborative Academic Resources Finder (BRACO, for its acronym in Spanish). At the same time, certain quantitativemeasurement instruments provide insight into student perception of the use of this knowledge in a particular subject intheir engineering degree studies as well as the measure of BRACO impact on their learning outcomes. The results of thiswork show that an experimental group obtained higher scores in tests thana control group. Results also show that BRACOhad a significant impact on learning, and students promoted, organized and used the resources generated by fellowstudents.
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