This volume gathers chapters related to the condition of women in the ancient novel. To broaden the perspective, it integrates not only papers dealing with the Greek and Roman novel as a literary genre in its own right, but also as a historical document involving aspects as diverse as history, archaeology, sociology and the history of law. The twenty-six contributions in this volume have been divided into thematic blocks, based on the different approaches that the authors have adopted to tackle the subject. The first block is about realia – the reality in which the fiction has been conceived. The second block focuses on the legal problems that can be deduced from the plots of the novels. The third block encompasses deals with the Greek and Roman novel from the point of view of classical philology, literary criticism and literary theory, with chapters dedicated to the tradition of the ancient novel, both in our most immediate cultural area (Middle Ages, Spanish Golden Age) and in other contexts, whether Indo-European (India, Persia) or of a different origin.
págs. 1-15
págs. 16-41
págs. 42-53
págs. 54-83
págs. 84-98
Consent in Greek and Roman marriage: A comparative note on the Achilles Tatius’ novel Leucippe and Clitophon (8.18.3–4)
págs. 99-106
Legal reality or storytelling?: ᾿Εγγύησις in Heliodorus’ Aethiopica
págs. 107-126
Warrior women: Between reality and fiction in the papyri of Greek novels
págs. 127-148
Egyptian feminine anthroponyms in ancient Greek novels?: What onomastics may tell us about reality
págs. 149-158
págs. 159-172
The home life of a heroine: The winter of Chloe’s discontent in Longus
págs. 173-180
págs. 181-196
págs. 197-205
Le collane di Charicleia: Gioielli e identità nel romanzo greco-romano
págs. 206-229
The reality of women in ancient popular literature: The case of Alexander-Romance
págs. 230-243
págs. 244-259
Tarsia nel lupanare: Ruoli femminili, generi letterari e tecniche narrative
págs. 260-276
págs. 277-296
págs. 297-328
De opere illicito: Motivos novelescos en un milagro de San Andrés (LA, II §§ 58–75)
págs. 329-342
págs. 343-358
págs. 359-373
págs. 374-381
Queens, heroines and slaves: Women in two Persian Alexander romances (12th century)
págs. 382-395
págs. 396-406
Configuración neurocognitiva del ideal amoroso y castidad en las protagonistas de la novela griega: Una mirada comparatista
págs. 407-415
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