
 DH Amethyst in Tellus Museum in Georgia Trophies won at Grand Opening 2011 Skeletal Crystal Cluster from DH Smokey Crystal Cluster from DH Rare Yellow Phantom Quartz Large Double Terminated Amethyst rare Diamond Hill Amethyst Sceptor Large Amethyst HUGE point found by visitor 2011 OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA HUGE Amethyst found by visitor 2011 Great find from a visitor 2011 Facet Grade Amethyst found by visitor 2011 OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Chalcedony Microcrystalline Quartz after Dogtooth Calcite Epimorph (rare) Amethyst with A+ facet grade center OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAmethyst on Druse MatrixDIAMOND HILL MINE, SOUTH CAROLINA
These photos are not typical finds, these are some of the better pieces that have been found from Diamond Hill over the last few years.