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God Vs Deity Vs Entity: What’s The Difference?

It seems like there are a lot of different concepts floating around out there that people are trying to label as “God,” “deity,” and “entity.” But what’s the real difference between each one, and how do they relate to one another?

What is God?

The definition of God can be debated and has varied throughout different parts of the world. Generally speaking, though, it is someone or something that is omnipotent, omniscient, and eternal. Deity refers to a deity as being divine in nature. Entity is a term that is used to describe things or beings that are not considered to be God or deities.

There are many different types of gods, but most often they are considered to be creator deities who oversee the natural world. Deities can also be found in other realms such as the spiritual world or the afterlife. Entity refers to any being or thing apart from God or deities. In some cases these entities may have characteristics similar to those of deities, but they are not considered to be divine in their own right.

What is Deity?

A deity is a god or goddess. They are usually represented as an exalted being with superhuman powers and abilities. Deity can also refer to the divine nature of an object, place, or concept.

What is Entity?

Entity is a term that refers to something that has a certain existence apart from humans. For example, a rock, tree, or animal. Entity can also refer to things like religions and gods.

There are many different opinions on what entity actually is. Some people believe that entity is simply an object or thing that has a specific form or shape. Others believe that entity includes all of the aspects of a thing, including its personality and emotions. Still others believe that entity includes everything within the universe, including God and deities. There is no one right answer to this question. It is up to each individual to decide what they believe.

Definitions of God, Deity, and Entity

The article discusses the different definitions of God, Deity, and Entity. Each word has its own definition that can be found online. The article provides a few examples to help clarify the meanings of each word.


According to Merriam-Webster, the definition of God is “a being regarded as the creator and controller of the universe.” This definition suggests that God is an entity that exists outside of the universe.


Deity is a term that is used to describe a god or gods. The Oxford English Dictionary defines it as “a god or goddess, especially one worshipped as being superior to humans.” This definition suggests that Deity refers to a set of divine beings who are revered by humans.


Entity is a term that is used to describe an object, creature, or person. The Oxford English Dictionary defines it as “a being or thing, as distinguished from a substance or an attribute.” This definition suggests that Entity refers to an object, creature, or person that exists outside of the universe.

Examples of God, Deity, and Entity

Here are illustrations distinguishing between “God,” “Deity,” and “Entity”:


  • In monotheistic religions such as Christianity, Islam, and Judaism, “God” refers to the supreme being, creator, and ruler of the universe.
  • God is often described as omnipotent (all-powerful), omniscient (all-knowing), and omnipresent (present everywhere).
  • Examples of how God is depicted vary across religions: Christians may envision God as the Holy Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), Muslims perceive God as Allah, and Jews recognize God as Yahweh.
  • God is typically worshipped and revered as the ultimate authority and source of moral guidance.


  • “Deity” is a broader term that encompasses gods, goddesses, and divine beings worshipped in polytheistic religions.
  • Deities often embody specific aspects of nature, human experiences, or cultural values, and they may have distinct personalities, powers, and domains.
  • Examples of deities include Zeus in Greek mythology, Shiva in Hinduism, Thor in Norse mythology, and Amaterasu in Shintoism.
  • Deities are worshipped and revered for their influence over various aspects of life, such as fertility, war, wisdom, and love.


  • “Entity” is a more general term that can refer to any being, force, or consciousness, regardless of its nature or status as divine.
  • Entities may include spiritual beings, supernatural forces, or even abstract concepts that are perceived to have agency or influence.
  • Examples of entities can range from angels and demons in religious contexts to spirits, ghosts, and other paranormal phenomena in folklore and mythology.
  • Unlike gods and deities, entities may not necessarily be worshipped or considered divine, but they are often believed to interact with or affect the human world in some way.

In summary, while “God” typically refers to the supreme being in monotheistic religions, “Deity” encompasses various divine beings worshipped in polytheistic traditions, and “Entity” is a broader term that includes both divine and non-divine beings, forces, or entities perceived to have agency or influence.

Why are these terms important?

When discussing religion, it is important to be clear about the different terms used to refer to God. These terms can have a big impact on how people view and worship God.

Three main terms are used to refer to God in Christianity: deity, entity, and god. Each term has its own unique meaning and implications.

Deity refers to the divine nature of God. This means that God is infinite and eternal, with all power and authority. Deity is the highest form of respect an individual can give to another person or thing.

Entity refers to the physical manifestation of God on earth. This might be an actual building or statue, or it might be a concept like Jesus Christ. Entity represents the tangible reality of God for humans.

God refers to the essence of deity and entity combined. God is everything that is divine and everything that exists in the physical world. This makes GOD the most important term in Christian theology.

What implications does this have for our lives?

God is a concept that most people agree on. Many people believe that God is an entity that exists outside of the physical world. This entity can be seen as compassionate and loving, but also wrathful and vengeful.

Deities are similar to gods, but specific groups of people worship them. They may have different characteristics than gods, but they are generally seen as holders of power or wisdom.

Entity is a term that is less well-known than God or deity. It is not an official definition, but most people use it to refer to things that do not have a specific name (like objects or animals). Entities can be good or bad, depending on their use. For example, an entity could be seen as a monster if used to scare people.

The key difference between god, deity, and entity is that god is an entity that exists outside of the physical world, deity is a concept that most people agree on, and entity is a term that is less well-known than god or deity.


Many people seem to be confused about the difference between God, deity, and entity. In this article, I hope to help clear things up a bit. As you will see, while they may all refer to the same thing on the surface, there are actually some important distinctions that need to be made in order for us to understand them properly. So what is the difference? And why is it important? Read on and find out!