Volume 30, Number 2: Journal of farm economics
- Elementary Models in Farm Production Economics Research
- Notes
- Ancient and Modern Swedish Land Tenure Policy
- Modifying the Federal Income Tax to Promote Greater Stability of Farm Income
- Using Agricultural Census Data in a Study of the Chicken Enterprise in Central Indiana
- Developing a Technique for Determining Types of Farming
- A Device for Analyzing Yields
- Comment on "How Efficient Is American Agriculture?"
- Book Reviews
- Publications Received
- News Notes
- American Sugar Policy--1948 Version
- Books Contributed to the Americna Farm Economic Association Library
- Minutes of Meeting of Executive Committee of American Farm Economic Association
- Farm Planning as a Basis for Extending Agricultural Credit
- The Heart of China's Problem, The Land Tenure System
- Data Needs for Agricultural Research and Marketing
- Agricultural Data Needs in Extension Work
- The Use of Agricultural Statistics in Schools
- Discussion
- The Plight of the Collective Farms