Bonkers typography
131 Pins
Type Worship: Inspirational Typography & Lettering
Light TypeNice experimental alphabet by Aleksandr Prohorov in the UK. Nice that each of the letters are enclosed. Not your usual, writing with a torch:The idea of this piece is to capture full 26 character alphabet using sound and light through light sensors, some electronics and long exposure photography. Four light sensors were directed to the centre of the space between them in the X shape to ensure full area coverage. Small torch was used as the light source for sensors to respond to. Wh...
AIDES – La Grande Braderie de la Mode
查看此 @Behance 项目:“AIDES – La Grande Braderie de la Mode”https://www.behance.net/gallery/43558353/AIDES-La-Grande-Braderie-de-la-Mode