Better Me

69 Pins
Cycle Syncing: What Foods To Eat During Your Menstrual Cycle - ILIK
Cycle syncing your food can be life changing. By following a hormone balancing diet during the different phases of menstrual cycle, you can minimize those annoying PMS symptoms you get before your period and balance hormones naturally. Healthy eating, cycle synching, cycle syncing diet, menstrual phase foods, period seasons | period cycle phases
Easy DIY Recipe To Make Magnesium Oil Spray At Home
Discover the magic of magnesium oil! Create your own soothing spray at home with this easy recipe. ✨ Embrace the many health benefits, from relieving stress and muscle discomfort to promoting relaxation and regulating hormones. #MagnesiumOil #DIYherbals #NaturalRemedies #herbalism #Magnesiumoilspray #Herbalremedies
Ways To Increase The SEROTONIN A In Your Brain- fl GET MORE TRYPTOPHAN Some of the best foods to eat include lean meats, eggs, and dairy foods. BOOK A MASSAGE A É Serotonin levels often peak after a session, most likely because of a 30% reduction in cortisol. BOOST YOUR B VITAMINS Most people benefit from a dose of about 50-100mg per day, but check with your doctor. ZY SOAK uP THE SUNSHINE Whenever you're outside in the sunlight, you kickstart your brain's serotonin production. 'ADD MORE MAGNESIUM TO YOUR DIET To add more to your diet, look to foods like dark leafy greens, fish, bananas and beans. a FIND WAYS TO BE MORE POSITIVE Figure out what makes you feel good about yourself and the world around you, and do more of that! REDUCE SUGAR INTAKE . Increased sugar consumption usually backfires, as it typially leads to a mood crash. E Yon . Serotonin levels increase in response to any form of meditation that raises 5-HIAA, an acid that the brain needs when making serotonin. E EXERCISE MORE OFTEN Anything that gets your heart pumping can elevate your serotonin levels. GET MORE VITAMIN C Some studies indicate vitamin C has natural antidepressant properties. PRACTICE SELF-CARE TO REDUCE STRESS Start looking at ways to prioritise self-care in your week and more serotonin will follow. - iFunny