43 Pins
And if we stop talking quickly it means we learned all we care too and we find you uninteresting.
I Prefer Not To Think Before Speaking Poster
I Prefer Not To Think Before Speaking Poster
NameBright - Domain Expired
Discover your career fit with EPIC Career. Dr. Steven Rodriguez, (832) 422-7337 www.epiccareer.net
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator ~ Soul Savvy! ~ Discover your personality!
MBTI description and how to determine function stack
ENTP Infographic
Her dominant function does involve brainstorming out loud...I don't know - were not even half a term through she was part of a group of three girls last year and they were separated this year so they would focus
Asamblea Escolar
ENFP Problems. it is so relieving to read these. I am not a freak of nature! LOL
Winds of (Career) Change
Is it time for a change?http://thelookgoodblog.blogspot.ru/2014/01/winds-of-career-change.html
I like all of this. Except the end. I'm still pretty happy, despite the struggles.