
36 Pins
Looking for a fun holiday painting project? Try painting a branch of mistletoe, it’s easy and the design makes a great card. Give it a try, the link to this video and all my other holiday themed videos is in my bio. Happy Painting!
This may contain: someone is holding up a card with watercolor paint on it and christmas greenery
Dibujo de navidad
Ideas de tarjetas navideñas en acuarela, siga para ver más tutoriales y haga su propio arte único #dibujarfacil#neginz_art#acuarela#dibujos#watercolor#watercolorpainting#
This may contain: someone is painting an image with watercolors on paper
Wax paper and watercolour mountains
Difficulty: Easy Supplies: • Watercolour paint • Watercolour paper • Paintbrushes • Wax paper - crumpled up
Brush Drawing Quick Skill - A Twisty Curve
This may contain: an easel watercolor pen sitting on top of a white piece of paper with the words easiet watercolor peonies
Easiest way to paint watercolor Peonies
Peonies are having their moment✨. When I heard that they were among the hardest flowers to paint I wanted to try and see if I could come up with a way to teach anyone how to paint them. I tried every way possible and I think I came up with not only the easiest but quickest way to paint these beautiful blooms! 1. Start with an imperfect circle wet on wet technique -wet paint is applied to wet paper This creates a fluid, fun and unpredictable effect. 2. Roll up a paper towel into a ball. Find a side that resembles a “rose” and use that end to soak up some of the paint. - you can choose the center of the circle or even a little off to the side a bit. 3. Use a filbert brush or any oval paint brush to create loos petals around the circle. Depending on how “bloomed” you want your peo
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