Taken advantage of quotes

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All I want is respect. I shouldn't have to explain that. I want attention I shouldn't have to beg for that. I want someone not to notice my beauty but notice that it is made up of scars, pain and strength. I want someone who sees what a mess I am but can step back and see the beauty in my oceans fierce waves.
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Sometimes people repay your trust and kindness with lies and deceit. They take advantage of your goodness to satisfy their selfish need. Sometimes you want to give up being good and kind because they can easily take advantage of it. But at the end of the day it's between me and my Maker. Do I succumb to the evil ways of people around me? Or do I remain faithful and kind inspite of what they did. There is an Almighty God who sees everything. I choose to remain kind because that's always th
Stop shacking up with emotional con-artists. There will be more emotional turmoil in your life by having them remain in your life, compared to how bad you think it'll feel to break up with him. #MeredithMarple #belongtolove
Never take advantage of the person who does the most for you. Taking advantage quotes on PictureQuotes.com.
See, most people know exactly what they have... the problem is they take advantage, over and over again, and think they're never going to lose it... . #CiciB #thecrimsonkiss
Walk With Wings
Nothing trumps respect and common decency. Love should never be your excuse