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The Journey Trilogy
The brilliance of Aaron Becker’s Journey trilogy (Journey, Quest, and Return) goes beyond the quiet beauty of the individual stories and the not-so-quiet beauty of the illustrations.
Douglas Fir
The Douglas Fir is a towering coniferous tree renowned for its impressive stature and stately appearance. Its branches bear dense clusters of needle-like leaves, which emit a distinctive fragrance when crushed. The bark of the Douglas Fir is characterized by deep furrows and a reddish-brown hue, providing both protection and visual appeal. This majestic tree is highly prized for its timber and is valued for its strength and versatility in construction and woodworking endeavors.
Unlike in Australia, #Casuarinaceae species in SE Asia grow in wet montane forests, they look elegant and mysterious, such as this Gymnostoma sumatranum which is my favourite. (OZ species are drought-tolerant and fire-resistant ) #floraofsumatra #苏门答腊植物 #方木麻黄 #Casuarinaceae #Gymnostoma