
18 Pins
Oedipus and the Sphinx _ Gustave Moreau, a virtually unknown artist at the age of thirty-eight,
triumphed at the Salon of 1864 with his interpretation of the myth of Oedipus and the Sphinx. This painting represents the moment when Oedipus confronts the winged monster outside Thebes and must solve her riddle to save his life as well as those of the besieged Thebans.
The Nine Muses of Greek Mythology and Their Powers -
Monte Helicón - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Monte Helicón - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
TARTARUS (Hell) in ancient Greek mythology, is the deep abyss that is used as a dungeon of torment and suffering for the wicked and as the prison for the Titans.
The Hecatoncheires in greek mythology (Greek: "Hundred-Handed Ones"), or Hundred-Handers, also...