
37 Pins
How to Make an Americano
Here's how to make an Americano, aka Caffe Americano! This popular coffee drink smooths the bitterness of espresso with hot water. #howtomakeanamericano #americano #coffee #americanocoffee #espresso
Cafe con Leche
Cafe con leche is a delicious Spanish coffee drink that mixes equal parts strong coffee and milk! Here's how to make it at home. #cafeconleche #coffee #cafeconlecherecipe
Cafe Au Lait
What's better than a creamy, steaming cup of cafe au lait? Here's how to make it at home...the French way. #cafeaulait #coffee
Iced Vanilla Macchiato - The Healthy Epicurean
A coffeehouse-style iced macchiato made with ice, espresso, syrup and milk for a deliciously smooth taste.