2.10. Retro

La experimentació tipogràfica i el disseny retro. El disseny retro: es basa en un interés eclèctic per el disseny modern europeu de la primera meitat del s. XX, en el despreci per les normes tipogràfiques i un interés per les tipografíes de l’art Deccó.
21 Pins
The Laws of Simplicity (Simplicity: Design, Technology, Business, Life)
The Laws of Simplicity (Simplicity: Design, Technology, Business, Life): John Maeda: 9780262134729: Amazon.com: Books
Paula Scher Speaking Via Skype
aNEW designs: Paula Scher Speaking Via Skype
New York City Ballet
New York City Ballet by Pentagram , via Behance
Pentagram — The world’s largest independent design consultancy
TYPO London 2012 speaker: http://typotalks.com/london/2012/speakers/ Paula Scher – Metropolitan Opera Programme
Pentagram — The world’s largest independent design consultancy
TYPO London 2012 speaker: http://typotalks.com/london/2012/speakers/ Paula Scher – Metropolitan Opera Logo
Pentagram — The world’s largest independent design consultancy
TYPO London 2012 speaker: http://typotalks.com/london/2012/speakers/ Paula Scher – Metropolitan Opera Poster
Paula Scher on Combinatorial Creativity
Paula Scher on Combinatorial Creativity: We can pick our teachers and we can pick our friends and we can pick the books we read and the music we listen to and the movies we see, etcetera. You are a mashup of what you let into your life.
the world’s largest independent design consultancy
"Open Public" print advertisement from Sunday's edition of The New York Times.
TYPO London 2012 speaker: Paula Scher (Photo by Christian Witkin) http://typotalks.com/london/2012-2/speakers/