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Learn about Fall plants with The Home Depot.
Make your outdoor space stand out this fall by adding colorful flowers and plants from The Home Depot. From mums to pansies, you can find all of the seasonal favorites for an unforgettable autumn display. Tap to learn more about autumnal gardening.
What to Plant in Front of Irises: Iris Companion Plants
Planting companions for irises can accentuate their beauty while providing mutual benefits. Consider pairing them with daylilies, peonies, salvias, catmints, coreopsis, or Russian sage for a stunning display. Have you evaluated the sunlight, soil, and water requirements of these companion plants? Delve deeper into our guide for expert tips on iris companion planting.
How to Grow Iris
Learning how to grow Iris was one of the easiest things when I first started gardening! This post is a great breakdown of just how easy Iris is to grow as a Spring perennial! #springflowers #growingflowers #perennials #growingiris #springgardening #gardeningforbeginners #achickandhergarden