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The "Podium of Black Magic" from the Ranger Slayer collection

Podiums are a cosmetic feature in Doom Eternal, serving as backdrop to your character between the rounds in multiplayer modes.

Name Unlock
Default Always available.
Cultist Complete Doom Hunter Base in the campaign.
Maykr Complete Urdak in the campaign.
Hell Complete all six Slayer Gates in one save.
Hell on Earth Complete any mission with the Famine mode cheat code (and no other cheats) on.
UAC Complete the campaign with only one suit perk and only one Sentinel crystal.
Dare to Dream Play the game with the Doomicorn skin.
Magic Meadow Play the game with the Doomicorn skin.
Sentinel Complete all milestones.
Altar of Glory Play at least 50 Battlemode matches with each character (300 matches total).
The Den Play the game with the Mullet Slayer skin.
Home Sweet Home Play the game with the Mullet Slayer skin.
Death's Entrance Play the game with the Funny Bone skin.
Gates of Doom Play the game with the Funny Bone skin.
Aggadon Hunter Play the game with the Cultist Marauder skin.
Doom Hunter Play the game with the Cultist Marauder skin.
Qcon Prep Play the game with the Cosplay Slayer skin.
Qcon Champion Play the game with the Cosplay Slayer skin.
Sublime Play the game with the Maykr Slayer skin.
Divinity Play the game with the Maykr Slayer skin.
Opening Soon Play the game with the Hipster skin.
Hell's Cup Coffee Play the game with the Hipster skin.
The Main Stage Play the game with the MC Pain skin.
The Pain Tour Play the game with the MC Pain skin.
Argenta Pedestal Complete Extra Life Mode in The Ancient Gods, Part One with 5 Extra Lives in your inventory.