Preprint / Versão 1

Clinical profile of Oropouche Fever in Bahia, Brazil: unexpected fatal cases


  • Antônio Carlos Bandeira Central Public Health Laboratory of Bahia - LACEN-BA
  • Ana Claudia Fernandes Nunes da Silva Barbosa Epidemiological Surveillance Board of Bahia - DIVEP
  • Marcia Souza Epidemiological Surveillance Board of Bahia - DIVEP
  • Ramon da Costa Saavedra Epidemiological Surveillance Board of Bahia - DIVEP
  • Felicidade Mota Pereira Central Public Health Laboratory of Bahia - LACEN-BA
  • Sara Patricia de Oliveira Santos Central Public Health Laboratory of Bahia - LACEN-BA
  • Arabela Leal e Silva de Mello Central Public Health Laboratory of Bahia - LACEN-BA
  • Sandra Maria Oliveira da Purificação Epidemiological Surveillance Board of Bahia - DIVEP
  • Daniele Ribeiro de Souza Epidemiological Surveillance Board of Bahia - DIVEP
  • André Alvares de Almeida Lessa Epidemiological Surveillance Board of Bahia - DIVEP
  • Natalia Rocha Guimarães Fundação Oswaldo Cruz image/svg+xml
  • Vagner Fonseca Universidade do Estado da Bahia image/svg+xml
  • Marta Giovanetti Fundação Oswaldo Cruz image/svg+xml
  • Luiz Carlos Junior Alcantara Fundação Oswaldo Cruz image/svg+xml
  • Luiz Marcelo Ribeiro Tome Fundação Oswaldo Cruz image/svg+xml
  • Felipe Campos de Melo Iani Central Laboratory of Public Health of the State of Minas Gerais (LACEN-MG)
  • Rivia Mary Barros Superintendence of Health Surveillance (SUVISA)
  • Ricardo Rosario Fonseca Valenca Holy House of Mercy Hospital
  • Jaciara Prado de Jesus Epidemiological Surveillance Board of Bahia - DIVEP
  • Marcio Luis Valença Araújo Instituto Federal da Bahia image/svg+xml



Oropouche Fever, Outbreak, Bahia


Oropouche virus (OROV) is an arbovirus transmitted to humans by mosquitoes, with the Culicoides paraensis mosquito species as its primary vector, causing Oropouche fever. Records of an outbreak in Brazil have so far been restricted to Central-North region of the country. However, an increase in the occurrence of cases of this disease has been observed in the state of Bahia, where the rapid spread of the OROV virus is configured as an outbreak in the South and East macro-regions of great concern for public health. This is a case-based study of acute OROV infection that led to the death of two young women without comorbidities amid an outbreak of the disease. The patient’s biological samples were subjected to routine real-time PCR assays for the diagnosis of Oropouche fever and other pathologies. In addition, serological tests and metagenomics were performed during the laboratory investigation. This study shows the need for an active and efficient surveillance system to control the spread of this virus, as well as the importance of carrying out prospective studies to better clarify the natural history of this disease.


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Como Citar

Bandeira, A. C., Barbosa, A. C. F. N. da S., Souza, M., Saavedra, R. da C., Pereira, F. M., Santos, S. P. de O., Mello, A. L. e S. de, Purificação, S. M. O. da, Souza, D. R. de, Lessa, A. A. de A., Guimarães, N. R., Fonseca, V., Giovanetti, M., Alcantara, L. C. J., Tome, L. M. R., Iani, F. C. de M., Barros, R. M., Fonseca, R. R., Jesus, J. P. de, & Araújo, M. L. V. (2024). Clinical profile of Oropouche Fever in Bahia, Brazil: unexpected fatal cases. In SciELO Preprints.


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