The problem of minimizing a nonlinear function with nonlinear constraints when the values of the objective, the constraints and their gradients have errors, is studied. This noise may be due to the stochastic nature of the problem or to numerical error.
Various previously proposed methods are reviewed. Generally, the minimization algorithms involve methods of subgradient optimization, with the constraints introduced through penalty, Lagrange, or extended Lagrange functions. Probabilistic convergence theorems are obtained. Finally, an algorithm to solve the general convex (nondifferentiable) programming problem with noise is proposed.
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Poljak, B.T. Nonlinear programming methods in the presence of noise. Mathematical Programming 14, 87–97 (1978). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01588952
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01588952