This article focuses on the challenge of managing the large amount of heterogeneous spatiotemporal mixed-reality data (such as audio/video files, GPS logs, and text messa...Show MoreMetadata
This article focuses on the challenge of managing the large amount of heterogeneous spatiotemporal mixed-reality data (such as audio/video files, GPS logs, and text messages) generated in a distributed asynchronous fashion that must be indexed, annotated, synchronized, and replayed in the postproduction phase. As mixed-reality technologies grow and mature, this process becomes increasingly difficult. We face a vast amount of mixed-reality data as well as a vast number and diversity of services and tools. Producing meaningful content requires a systematic and integrated approach to managing audio and video streams rather than sophisticated tools or large development teams. We need an infrastructure to support the provenance and context of (often) transient resources (for example, data or tools and services being changed and updated) that could support richer user interaction with the resources. More specifically, we identify key grid and peer-to-peer capabilities that can bring us closer to such a large-scale generic record-and-reuse infrastructure for mixed-reality experiences.
Published in: IEEE MultiMedia ( Volume: 12, Issue: 2, April-June 2005)
DOI: 10.1109/MMUL.2005.35