14 February 2013 Light field image denoising using a linear 4D frequency-hyperfan all-in-focus filter
Donald G. Dansereau, Daniel L. Bongiorno, Oscar Pizarro, Stefan B. Williams
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Proceedings Volume 8657, Computational Imaging XI; 86570P (2013)
Event: IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging, 2013, Burlingame, California, United States
Imaging in low light is problematic as sensor noise can dominate imagery, and increasing illumination or aperture size is not always effective or practical. Computational photography offers a promising solution in the form of the light field camera, which by capturing redundant information offers an opportunity for elegant noise rejection. We show that the light field of a Lambertian scene has a 4D hyperfan-shaped frequency-domain region of support at the intersection of a dual-fan and a hypercone. By designing and implementing a filter with appropriately shaped passband we accomplish denoising with a single all-in-focus linear filter. Drawing examples from the Stanford Light Field Archive and images captured using a commercially available lenselet- based plenoptic camera, we demonstrate that the hyperfan outperforms competing methods including synthetic focus, fan-shaped antialiasing filters, and a range of modern nonlinear image and video denoising techniques. We show the hyperfan preserves depth of field, making it a single-step all-in-focus denoising filter suitable for general-purpose light field rendering. We include results for different noise types and levels, over a variety of metrics, and in real-world scenarios. Finally, we show that the hyperfan’s performance scales with aperture count.
© (2013) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Donald G. Dansereau, Daniel L. Bongiorno, Oscar Pizarro, and Stefan B. Williams "Light field image denoising using a linear 4D frequency-hyperfan all-in-focus filter", Proc. SPIE 8657, Computational Imaging XI, 86570P (14 February 2013); Logo
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Image filtering

Optical filters


Linear filtering

Electronic filtering

Fluctuations and noise

Gaussian filters

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