4 February 2013 A combined multidimensional scaling and hierarchical clustering view for the exploratory analysis of multidimensional data
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Proceedings Volume 8654, Visualization and Data Analysis 2013; 86540T (2013)
Event: IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging, 2013, Burlingame, California, United States
This paper describes a novel information visualization technique that combines multidimensional scaling and hierarchical clustering to support the exploratory analysis of multidimensional data. The technique displays the results of multidimensional scaling using a scatter plot where the proximity of any two items' representations is approximate to their similarity according to a Euclidean distance metric. The results of hierarchical clustering are overlaid onto this view by drawing smoothed outlines around each nested cluster. The difference in similarity between successive cluster combinations is used to colour code clusters and make stronger natural clusters more prominent in the display. When a cluster or group of items is selected, multidimensional scaling and hierarchical clustering are re-applied to a filtered subset of the data, and animation is used to smooth the transition between successive filtered views. As a case study we demonstrate the technique being used to analyse survey data relating to the appropriateness of different phrases to different emotionally charged situations.
© (2013) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Paul Craig and Néna Roa-Seïler "A combined multidimensional scaling and hierarchical clustering view for the exploratory analysis of multidimensional data", Proc. SPIE 8654, Visualization and Data Analysis 2013, 86540T (4 February 2013);
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Information visualization

Visual analytics

3D displays

Human-machine interfaces

Statistical analysis


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