3 June 1997 Grouping in sparse random-dot patterns: linear and nonlinear mechanisms
Ramanujan S. Kashi, Thomas V. Papathomas, Andrei Gorea
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Proceedings Volume 3016, Human Vision and Electronic Imaging II; (1997)
Event: Electronic Imaging '97, 1997, San Jose, CA, United States
This study reports on experiments conducted with human observers to investigate the properties of linear and non- linear, perceptual grouping mechanisms by using reverse- polarity sparse random-dot patterns. The stimuli were generated by spatially superimposing a sparse set of randomly distributed square elements onto a copy of the original set that was expanded or rotated about the center of the screen. In the control experiment both the original and transformed sets contained elements of identical luminance contrast with the background. The main experiments involved a reverse- contrast random-dot pattern, in which the transformed set consisted of elements of equal contrast magnitude but opposite polarity to that of the original set. At least two competing global percepts are possible: 'forward grouping' in which perceived grouping agrees with the physical transformation; or 'reverse grouping' in a direction orthogonal to that of the 'forward grouping.' The two-alternative forced-choice (2AFC) task was to report the direction of the global grouping. For the control experiment, the observers reported forward grouping both at the fovea and eccentricities of up to 4 degrees; as expected, no reverse grouping was observed. With the reverse-polarity stimulus, reverse grouping was observed at high eccentricities and low contrasts, but forward grouping dominated under foveal viewing. In another experiment, the influence of chromatic mechanisms was studied by using opposite-contrast red elements on a yellow background. In this experiment reverse grouping was not observed, which indicates that color mechanisms veto reverse grouping. Reverse grouping can be hypothesized to be the result of processing by linear oriented spatial mechanisms, in analogy with reverse-phi motion. Forward grouping, on the other hand, can be explained by non-linear preprocessing (such s squaring or full-wave rectification).
© (1997) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Ramanujan S. Kashi, Thomas V. Papathomas, and Andrei Gorea "Grouping in sparse random-dot patterns: linear and nonlinear mechanisms", Proc. SPIE 3016, Human Vision and Electronic Imaging II, (3 June 1997); Logo
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