17 July 1998 Body language user interface (BLUI)
Arthur William Brody, Coert Olmsted
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Proceedings Volume 3299, Human Vision and Electronic Imaging III; (1998)
Event: Photonics West '98 Electronic Imaging, 1998, San Jose, CA, United States
We analyze a 3D skeletal representation of the user in spatial and temporal domains as a tool necessary to recognizing the gestures of drawing, picking and grabbing. The mechanisms of visual perception that are called upon in the imaginative process of artistic creation use those same tactile and kinesthetic pathways and structures in the brain which are employed when we manipulate the 3D world. We see, in fact, with our sensual bodies as well as with our eyes. Our interface is built on an analysis of pointing and gesturing and how they related to the perception of form in space. We report on our progress in implementing a body language user interface for artistic computer interaction, i.e., an human/computer interaction based on an analysis of how an artist uses her body in the act of creation. Using two synchronous TV cameras, we have videotaped an environment into which an artist moves, assumes a canonical (Da Vinci) pose and subsequently makes a series of simple gestures. The video images are processed to generate an animated 3D skeleton that corresponds to the skeleton of the artist. The locus of the path taken by the drawing hand is the source of a trace of particles. Our presentation shows the two simultaneous videos, the associated animated 3D skeleton, that skeleton as an instance of motion capture for a constrained model of a human skeleton and the trace of the path taken by the drawing hand.
© (1998) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Arthur William Brody and Coert Olmsted "Body language user interface (BLUI)", Proc. SPIE 3299, Human Vision and Electronic Imaging III, (17 July 1998);
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Human-machine interfaces

3D modeling


3D image processing

Motion models

Video processing


Tools for compressed-domain video indexing and editing
Proceedings of SPIE (March 13 1996)
Immersive video
Proceedings of SPIE (March 08 1996)

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