17 July 1998 Computational color vision model
Ian R. Moorhead
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Proceedings Volume 3299, Human Vision and Electronic Imaging III; (1998)
Event: Photonics West '98 Electronic Imaging, 1998, San Jose, CA, United States
Previously a computational model of human color vision was described which simulates the main retinal and cortical processes involved in color perception and which makes predictions about responses to spatiochromatic stimuli. The emphasis from early on was on ensuring validation of the model as it developed, but its growing complexity combined with considerations of linking it to a multiscale contrast model made the development increasingly cumbersome. The model was therefore completely rewritten as a set of Khoros (Khoral Research Inc) utilities which provide user friendly access to the model and its components via the visual programming interface. This paper describes the details of Khoros implementation and presents examples of the quantitative predictions made by the model for different simulated psychophysical experiments including increment threshold, grating sensitivity and grating masking. Current areas of activity include examining different gain processes at different stages of the model and their implications as possible components of color constancy mechanisms, and the impact of different types of cortical demultiplexing processes on the predictions made by the model.
© (1998) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Ian R. Moorhead "Computational color vision model", Proc. SPIE 3299, Human Vision and Electronic Imaging III, (17 July 1998);
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Visual process modeling

Color vision


Image processing

Human vision and color perception

Computational color vision

Computer vision technology


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